Wow, I just read that -- thank you, gsa.
This from the article:
Harris also said in the same source: "The earth is now home to about 1.4 billion Muslims, many of whom believe that one day you and I will either convert to Islam, live in subjugation to a Muslim caliphate, or be put to death for our unbelief." And to me, this is a warning that I hope many pay attention to, and not be swept in the tide of civil mentalities. If the West cares for its national security, it should deal with Islam in its own mentality. Not with soft politics, not with imposing democracy, democracy can only bring justice in a secular society, in an egalitarian society that believes in personal rights of its people, the one that respects the rights of the minorities as much as it does the majority. Democracy without secularism can only give birth to the likes of Hammas.
That just struck me as particularly interesting, because I never thought democracy would 'work' in a society that imposes Sharia Law. Her story is sad and inspiring all in one. I can only fathom what her life has been life, women are literally property in some parts of the world. That still astounds me.
I have wondered this all of my life since childhood...why are women looked as such in these religions? In the Abrahamic faiths, could it all stem from Genesis, and was that story entirely made up to support the misogyny of the time? (I don't believe the creation story of Genesis, or the 'fall,' or original sin, or any of that as literal truth) But, the story illustrates a divide between men and women, a woman (Eve) tempting a man (Adam) into sin...and women are punished for the leading of mankind astray. Adam is punished also, but because the creation story illustrates woman 'coming from' man...she has a lesser status.
Even if it makes some here uncomfortable to read the article from the above link, I encourage everyone to.