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Vaccination and Religious Beliefs


I think it would be much easier just to educate the public to be more healthy, I know that's hard, just take a look at how many people are so over weight these days, we will in the near future will be having our kids dying before us, these are the ones that are bringing diseases to us, again educate the public, the children in our schools.
Try and educate your way out of a case of tetanus, or measles, or pertussis, or diphtheria or polio, or small pox ... it's not the person that needs education, it is the person's T-cells. How do you educate a T-cell? Vaccines.


Veteran Member
Try and educate your way out of a case of tetanus, or measles, or pertussis, or diphtheria or polio, or small pox ... it's not the person that needs education, it is the person's T-cells. How do you educate a T-cell? Vaccines.
Healthy body, healthy T-Cells, the body is all one, if you do happen to pick up a virus, then the body will deal with it, gee when I was young, we all had the childhood so called diseases, and I don't ever remember anyone of my friends having problems, and I believe we all have grown up with no problems, except for me, because I was vaccinated, damn crap.


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
It will only truly happen in those who have the vaccine, it will make itself stronger in whatever way, so who is the ignorant one here ?.
Either you can't read or English is your third or fourth language.

The only part the vaccination plays in the virus changing is in regards to setting a bar for what the body will & will-not recognize. It must be X-amount different from the strain you were inoculated for, being different enough to not immediately invoke the response that the vaccination 'teaches' the body to do. The body then reacts in the usual way, a trial-and-error system until it stumbles upon the right way to kill the disease. Or it kills you.

Vaccinations work. Polio is entirely gone from the face of the earth except the places where vaccine distribution is hazardous. War-zones, the deep jungle, so on. Or is it just a coincidence that we annihilated a disease that used to claim hundreds of millions of lives at the exact same time the vaccine was introduced?


Veteran Member
Either you can't read or English is your third or fourth language.

The only part the vaccination plays in the virus changing is in regards to setting a bar for what the body will & will-not recognize. It must be X-amount different from the strain you were inoculated for, being different enough to not immediately invoke the response that the vaccination 'teaches' the body to do. The body then reacts in the usual way, a trial-and-error system until it stumbles upon the right way to kill the disease. Or it kills you.

Vaccinations work. Polio is entirely gone from the face of the earth except the places where vaccine distribution is hazardous. War-zones, the deep jungle, so on. Or is it just a coincidence that we annihilated a disease that used to claim hundreds of millions of lives at the exact same time the vaccine was introduced?
Vaccines seem to work, the polio was on its way out when the vaccine was introduced, and as usual the witch doctors take the credit.


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
Vaccines seem to work, the polio was on its way out when the vaccine was introduced, and as usual the witch doctors take the credit.
But it wasn't on the way out. Millions were still dying in Africa, Asia, South America & the Middle East. The deaths dropped off in South America, Asia & the ME when vaccines were introduced wide-scale.


Veteran Member
But it wasn't on the way out. Millions were still dying in Africa, Asia, South America & the Middle East. The deaths dropped off in South America, Asia & the ME when vaccines were introduced wide-scale.
Well of course it would take longer in areas of the world such as Africa where there was little hygiene, where there is no hygiene, there will always be found diseases.


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
Well of course it would take longer in areas of the world such as Africa where there was little hygiene, where there is no hygiene, there will always be found diseases.
South America isn't that much better than Africa in that regard. And that isn't how polio is spread. You can be as clean as you like and still get polio just by being around someone with it, because 95% of cases show no symptoms for the first week or two of infection. It's spread through saliva largely, and if you don't know you have it, you can kiss your girlfriend and transmit it to her. Without knowing. Until the symptoms start to kick in.

You keep claiming evidence, and yet you get the most obvious things wrong about how diseases work, and even worse you refuse to show any of this vaunted 'evidence', expecting us to do your digging for you. Put up or shut up, because I've linked 2 or 3 different papers from renown medical journals going into precise detail.


Veteran Member
South America isn't that much better than Africa in that regard. And that isn't how polio is spread. You can be as clean as you like and still get polio just by being around someone with it, because 95% of cases show no symptoms for the first week or two of infection. It's spread through saliva largely, and if you don't know you have it, you can kiss your girlfriend and transmit it to her. Without knowing. Until the symptoms start to kick in.

You keep claiming evidence, and yet you get the most obvious things wrong about how diseases work, and even worse you refuse to show any of this vaunted 'evidence', expecting us to do your digging for you. Put up or shut up, because I've linked 2 or 3 different papers from renown medical journals going into precise detail.
yes you would love me to shut wouldn't you, just to have your own way, we my friend it doesn't work like that. You seem to be ignorant about how disease can be transmitted, of course there is much more chance of it being transmitted when there is a environment that it can grow, such as a place without good sanitation, good water, sewage and all the rest, wake up and see what is written before you, you are blinded by false science.


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
yes you would love me to shut wouldn't you, just to have your own way, we my friend it doesn't work like that
No, no. I just expect more effort than pulling information out of your ***. If that's too much to ask, do tell me so, maybe I'll lower my standards for you.

You seem to be ignorant about how disease can be transmitted, of course there is much more chance of it being transmitted when there is a environment that it can grow, such as a place without good sanitation, good water, sewage and all the rest, wake up and see what is written before you, you are blinded by false science.
There are only 10 states on the planet, with known cases of polio today, for a total of 430 or so people. World-wide. That's all the people who have polio. What do these 10 countries have in common? Well, in Nigeria the Islamists claimed that the vaccine was a ploy by the West to sterilize faithful Muslims, even though the vax-program had been in effect for a few years. Niger also has the smallest number of victims. Imagine that. Almost like the vaccine, despite being rejected by the lethally stupid, preventing it from being as bad as it could've been.

A similar situation occurred in Pakistan & Afghanistan. Syria has a few cases, but it would appear that they are related to the Paki-Afghani strain, likely brought over in people who joined ISIS. Somalia has the largest single population, which makes sense, seeing as how there hasn't been a serious effort to vaccinate the population because they haven't had a government in decades.

However in India, Indonesia, China, Thailand, the Philippines, Burma...**** it, all of Asia & the subcontinent until you reach Pakistan? No polio. The only thing those places have in common? Vaccine. No polio in the Kongo, either. In fact, it's almost as if the only places with outbreaks were the ones who didn't vaccinate. And don't you dare tell me Indonesia or India are hygienic places to live.


Veteran Member
No, no. I just expect more effort than pulling information out of your ***. If that's too much to ask, do tell me so, maybe I'll lower my standards for you.

There are only 10 states on the planet, with known cases of polio today, for a total of 430 or so people. World-wide. That's all the people who have polio. What do these 10 countries have in common? Well, in Nigeria the Islamists claimed that the vaccine was a ploy by the West to sterilize faithful Muslims, even though the vax-program had been in effect for a few years. Niger also has the smallest number of victims. Imagine that. Almost like the vaccine, despite being rejected by the lethally stupid, preventing it from being as bad as it could've been.

A similar situation occurred in Pakistan & Afghanistan. Syria has a few cases, but it would appear that they are related to the Paki-Afghani strain, likely brought over in people who joined ISIS. Somalia has the largest single population, which makes sense, seeing as how there hasn't been a serious effort to vaccinate the population because they haven't had a government in decades.

However in India, Indonesia, China, Thailand, the Philippines, Burma...**** it, all of Asia & the subcontinent until you reach Pakistan? No polio. The only thing those places have in common? Vaccine. No polio in the Kongo, either. In fact, it's almost as if the only places with outbreaks were the ones who didn't vaccinate. And don't you dare tell me Indonesia or India are hygienic places to live.
Thanks for your effort of showing me what you feel to be true, but I cannot buy that, yes it all sounds wonderful. but again I cannot buy it. I respect your choice, all I am really saying is don't shove your choice onto me or anyone else. I have my choice, and you should respect mine as much as I respect yours, and that is all I am really saying.


Veteran Member
I just have to say that I understand your fear of not vaccinating your children, that is if you have children, I myself am blessed without children, so I don't have that fear factor. But that doesn't mean I don't have a say in vaccinating or not vaccinating, I respect your decision of whatever you do, and I expect your respect of my decision, and that's all it boils down to, but can you handle that ??.


Well-Known Member
We would be far better of, autism and many other disease would no longer be around, simple as that.

I agree and don't want to see any disease around and autism is not linked to the vaccines, because they have studied in in major depth now and the first doctor that did it was a fraud, but research itself on autism is making a lot of progress.

The most promising areas of autism research

The most promising areas of autism research - CBS News