No, they don't put thiomersal in vaccines any more. There is no mercury preservative any more - at least, there are no vaccines of which I am aware that use it, and plenty I know for a fact do not.
Oddly enough, I am awake (it's hard to type if you're not), and I can also use apostrophes in the right places.
Oh, FFS... As has been pointed out over and over, study after study shows that there is not even the tiniest trace of a link between autism and vaccines - a (slightly) higher proportion of unvaccinated children are diagnosed with autism - so how do you explain that? Your much-repeated "fact" simply is not true. It exists in your head but not in the real world.
To assert otherwise is not a matter of opinion, it's factually wrong.
But you're right in one respect: it's not just the death rate, it's the brain damage, the pneumonia, the other complications that diseases like measles, polio etc. cause.
Harm? What harm? Prove it.
From which portion of your anatomy did you pull that brainless nugget?