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Validity of Muhammad's message.


Active Member
I think the problem for reigions here is they are all open to interpretation,if only one of them is true ,which one is it.Most religions have more than one branch of their religion,IE christians have catholic,baptist ,evangilist etc,islam has shi'ite fundamentals etc(there may be some spelling mistakes)Judaism ,orthodox etc.Now if any were absolutely true there would only be one version that was not open to interpretaton at all.

Go to the source.... Where is the source?

because people always change things.

Shiite come after Mohammad's(PBUH) death....

and also in Christianity, there is a source... because Jesus(PBUH) came by one religion not divided religion.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Exactly people always change things to suit themselves and this is why most religions are based on what has come from a mans mouth,how can any religion be proven to be true.


Let go
According to my 50 years old hindu teacher, Hinduism is not a religion, and the world should feel ashamed for calling it so. It's merely a collection of philisophical thoughts.


This couldn't be in the least bit insulting, could it? Merely? Are the collections of philosophical thought by Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle merely collections of philosophical thought?

No, they aren't and the same can be said of giants among philosophers such as Adi Shankaracharya, but of random Hindus, I cannot place much trust in speaking for all of 4000 year old religion comprising thousands of different thoughts and rituals, and billions of people.


Immobile Wanderer
According to my 50 years old hindu teacher, Hinduism is not a religion, and the world should feel ashamed for calling it so. It's merely a collection of philisophical thoughts.

Could it be he meant that Hinduism is not just a single religion but a culture of many religions, as it believes that God can be approached in many ways? If to philosophize means to see the larger picture, then many Hindu scriptures are indeed philosophical.
Exactly people always change things to suit themselves and this is why most religions are based on what has come from a mans mouth,how can any religion be proven to be true.

Well sorry, you can't expect god to come down and write a book for us. Hinduism is based on the Vedas, which is written by god, Sage Ved Vyas.
You think your good enough to deserve the blissful company of god? You need to be a VERY good person to come near enough to that small few group of people

I say group, i can't think of antoehr wrods, y'all know what i mean, right?:D
why can we not have a direct line to God instead of a middle man ,like a priest or immam ,rabbi,pope etc

Well, in hinduism, you do talk directly to god all tiem time. Saints are there to guide you on the right path and help you get nearer to god. You should do some research on a lot of religions, because most dont need anyoen to deliver a message to god.


Active Member
why can we not have a direct line to God instead of a middle man ,like a priest or immam ,rabbi,pope etc


What is the best way do you think to deal with people?

10|2|Is it a wonder for mankind that We have inspired a man among them, saying: Warn mankind and bring unto those who believe the good tidings that they have a sure footing with their Lord? The disbelievers say: Lo! this is a mere wizard.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
OK ,so you pray to God and it makes you happy but why do you need the qur'an,long before it and the Bible people prayed and were content so really there is no need for organised religious movements as it is religion that is holding back the middle east and preventing advancement


Well-Known Member
Organised faith is not God. Merely look at where he is found. If all the churches and mosques of the world were destroyed. If every copy of the quran, torah and bible were destroyed would he still exist? The answer is yes without doubt. Since he exists outside of these it is entirely possible to connect and grow on a personal level without the use of a "median"!!!

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Then that is my point,there is no need for religions full stop,i believe in God but do not follow a religion even though i was baptised when a baby and sent to church school anthe more i learned about the different religions the less they interested me as most of the followers of some faiths are no better than sheep.