Segev Moran
Well-Known Member
Ok..When someone says, "God is extremely unlikely," I want to see the exact calculation used to arrive at the "extremely unlikely" probability. Otherwise, it's just someone saying what he or she feels.
I Think your missing out something here..
Your trying to find out how to calculate the absent of something rather the existence of something...
So you can ask what are the chances that GOD exists rather then what are the chances it doesn't...
We need to decide what is GOD, Lets use the standard religious (that is common to all religions) concepts:
1. GOD might have created Earth
2. GOD might have Created Life
3. GOD might have Created All animals and species
4. GOD might have Created man in its current form
5. GOD might govern the world and performs miracles
6. GOD might have govern life and death and raise people from the dead
7. GOD might have talk to you and answer you prayers
8. GOD might "bend" the physical rules we live in
Now, there are many more.. but lets give each the same weight in the odds..
So assuming that if all of the above is true, that means that GOD exists without a doubt.
So today for example... we know that god didn't create earth rather it was a process of billions of years..
thus the chances that GOD exists are now lower..
Cross Created all animals and species, this means odds are even less in GOD's favor...
So at the end of it... judging by our current understanding of the universe, and judging past events in our existence, there is no evidence what so ever about any of the above claims.
the only claim that can be possible, is that GOD created life. and this is only because we are yet to fully understand the process that actually created the actual living organism (Although there are some ideas about it).
So already the chances for GOD are very low.
Now, if we also consider the fact that there is no evidence that can prove that the existence of GOD is essential to life and the belief in GOD is not a necessity of survival, this means that the odds are now even lower...
If for example, we discovered that people who pray really have better life, then you could claim that the 7th claim is more likely.. and then you could say the chance of GOD existing is now higher..
But as you know, there is not even ONE claim, that can have any small tiny shred of grasp with reality.
Now, I'm not even talking about actual evidence. I'm talking about showing any deviation in standards that is caused due to religion or GOD...
If you could show that people who believe in GOD do better in life, live better life, are healthier or whatever.. you could start and claim that the chance of GOD is better.
Also, by the day, with each scientific understanding we learn, the already slim chances for GOD are getting even lower...
So you could say in somewhat confident that based on the evidence, and based on our current knowledge and based on our current understanding of the universe, GOD probably doesn't exist.
ANY Atheist, will tell you that the disbelief in GOD (Me included) is only due to the FACT that there is no evidence to suggest otherwise! and not just because he doesn't want to believe.
If you could even prove that one, Only one of the mythical stories in the bible are undeniably true, you'll surely change the world! so.. good luck i guess