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Verifiable evidence for creationism?

Is there any verifiable evidence for creationism?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 19.0%
  • No

    Votes: 85 81.0%

  • Total voters


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
Sorry, you are entitled to your own opinion but not to your own facts, The Earth is an almost perfect sphere, with the polar radius being some 20 odd miles less than the equatorial one. This makes it an oblate spheroid.:

An ostrich egg is the opposite, a prolate sphere:

Actually, an ostrich egg is an asymmetric tapered oval, even less like the Earth in shape, the egg's "southern" hemisphere being more rounded and the "northern" hemisphere more pointed. Sorry, at least with respect to this issue your God and your book are major failures.

So, just to sum things up i had the wrong translation. The Qur'an says the earth is expanded. So therefore there is no error in the Qur'an just on my part and i fixed myself. Anyhow, i would like you to tell me how Qur'an says universe is expanding:

And it is We Who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We Who are steadily expanding it. (Qur'an, 51:47)
When was this discovered? In 1929, Edwin Hubble, an astronomer at Caltech, made a critical discovery that soon led to scientific answers for these questions: he discovered that the universe is expanding.

Qur'an was revealed 1400 years ago. Qur'an says universe was expanding before the discovery was even made, it was made 1313 years before.

Bernard Palissy (1580 CE), Water cycle.
Quran says in these verses:
And We have sent down rain from the sky in a measured amount and settled it in the earth. And indeed, We are Able to take it away.

And We send the winds fertilising, and cause water to descend from the sky, and give it you to drink. It is not ye who are the holders of the store thereof.

Do you not see that Allah drives clouds? Then He brings them together, then He makes them into a mass, and you see the rain emerge from within it. And He sends down from the sky, mountains [of clouds] within which is hail, and He strikes with it whom He wills and averts it from whom He wills. The flash of its lightening almost takes away the eyesight.

It is Allah who sends the winds, and they stir the clouds and spread them in the sky however He wills, and He makes them fragments so you see the rain emerge from within them. And when He causes it to fall upon whom He wills of His servants, immediately they rejoice

By the sky which returns [rain]

And it is He who sends the winds as good tidings before His mercy until, when they have carried heavy rainclouds, We drive them to a dead land and We send down rain therein and bring forth thereby [some] of all the fruits. Thus will We bring forth the dead; perhaps you may be reminded.

He sends down from the sky, rain, and valleys flow according to their capacity, and the torrent carries a rising foam. And from that [ore] which they heat in the fire, desiring adornments and utensils, is a foam like it. Thus Allah presents [the example of] truth and falsehood. As for the foam, it vanishes, [being] cast off; but as for that which benefits the people, it remains on the earth. Thus does Allah present examples.

And it is He who sends the winds as good tidings before His mercy, and We send down from the sky pure water

That We may bring to life thereby a dead land and give it as drink to those We created of numerous livestock and men.

And it is Allah who sends the winds, and they stir the clouds, and We drive them to a dead land and give life thereby to the earth after its lifelessness. Thus is the resurrection.

And We placed therein gardens of palm trees and grapevines and caused to burst forth therefrom some springs -

And [in] the alternation of night and day and [in] what Allah sends down from the sky of provision and gives life thereby to the earth after its lifelessness and [in His] directing of the winds are signs for a people who reason.

Is it you who brought it down from the clouds, or is it We who bring it down?

Say, "Have you considered: if your water was to become sunken [into the earth], then who could bring you flowing water?"

I can list on and on about the water cycle in Qur'an. Keep in mind this is just one scientific evidence it contains.



Active Member

The Arabic expression translated above as "become rose red, like stained leather"is "verdeten ke eddihani." This term compares an image appearing in the sky to a red rose. This description bears a close similarity to red celestial bodies with a plicate appearance, especially the "Rosette Nebula."

Confirmation bias.


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
Confirmation bias.
How is that confirmation bias???? If it is the correct meaning in the Qur'an which is confirmed then it is. However, sometimes different translations gets me mixed up. Humans make mistakes, brother.


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
Confirmation bias.
Existence Of God:
If a new object or a machine, which no one in the world has ever seen or heard of before, is shown to an atheist or any person and then a question is asked, " Who is the first person who will be able to provide details of the mechanism of this unknown object? After little bit of thinking, he will reply, ‘the creator of that object.’ Some may say ‘the producer’ while others may say ‘the manufacturer.’ What ever answer the person gives, keep it in your mind, the answer will always be either the creator, the producer, the manufacturer or some what of the same meaning, i.e. the person who has made it or created it. Don’t grapple with words, whatever answer he gives, the meaning will be same.


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
Qur'an says in Surah Anbiya Ch. 21 V.33:
And it is He who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon; all [heavenly bodies] in an orbit are swimming.
"It is not permitted To the Sun to catch up The Moon, nor can The Night outstrip the Day: Each (just) swims along In (its own) orbit (According to Law)." [Al-Qur’aan 36:40]

Modern science approves of this. Qur'an talks about this 1400 years ago.

Atoms in Qur'an and talks about things smaller and greater particles:

But those who disbelieve say, "The Hour will not come to us." Say, "Yes, by my Lord, it will surely come to you. [ Allah is] the Knower of the unseen." Not absent from Him is an atom's weight within the heavens or within the earth or [what is] smaller than that or greater, except that it is in a clear register -


And, [O Muhammad], you are not [engaged] in any matter or recite any of the Qur'an and you [people] do not do any deed except that We are witness over you when you are involved in it. And not absent from your Lord is any [part] of an atom's weight within the earth or within the heaven or [anything] smaller than that or greater but that it is in a clear register.

"He has let free the two bodies Of flowing water, Meeting together: Between them is a Barrier Which they do not transgress." [Al-Qur’aan 55:19-20]
"It is He Who has Let free the two bodies Of flowing water: One palatable and sweet, And the other salty and bitter; Yet has He Made a barrier between them, And a partition that is forbidden To be passed." [Al-Qur’aan 25:53]

Modern science approves of this.

"And verily in cattle there is A lesson for you. We give you to drink Of what is inside their bodies, Coming from a conjunction Between the contents of the Intestine and the blood, A milk pure and pleasant for Those who drink it.
And in cattle (too) ye Have an instructive example: From within their bodies We produce (milk) for you To drink; there are, in them, (Besides), numerous (other) Benefits for you; And of their (meat) ye eat." [Al-Qur’aan23:21]

The Qur'anic description of production of milk is strikingly similar to what modern physiology have discovered.

"Now let man but think From what he is created! He is created from A drop emitted – Proceeding from between The back bone and the ribs."[Al-Qur’aan 86:5-7]
"And made his progeny From a quintessence Of the nature of A fluid despised." [Al-Qur’aan 32:8]
"Verily We created Man from adrop Of mingled sperm." [Al-Qur’aan 76:2]
"Man We did create From a quintessence (of clay); Then We placed him As (a drop of) sperm In a place of rest, firmly fixed; Then We made the sperm Into a clot of congealed blood; Then of that clot We made A (foetus) lump; then We Made out of that lump Bones and clothed the bones With flesh; then We developed Out of it another creature. So blessed be Allah, The Best to create!" [Al-Qur’aan 23:12-14]

Speaking of Embryology and shows accuracy.

There is much more i can say. Read more: http://www.everymuslim.co.za/index....n-science--dr-zakir-naik?showall=&limitstart=


Active Member
How is that confirmation bias???? If it is the correct meaning in the Qur'an which is confirmed then it is. However, sometimes different translations gets me mixed up. Humans make mistakes, brother.

How is it not confirmation bias? The Quran says some random thing about flowers in the sky, and you look for something in real life that can vaguely match the description. That's the very definition of confirmation bias. Why doesn't the Quran just straight up say it's a nebula?


Admiral Obvious
How is it not confirmation bias? The Quran says some random thing about flowers in the sky, and you look for something in real life that can vaguely match the description. That's the very definition of confirmation bias. Why doesn't the Quran just straight up say it's a nebula?


I even mentioned it pages ago.


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
How is it not confirmation bias? The Quran says some random thing about flowers in the sky, and you look for something in real life that can vaguely match the description. That's the very definition of confirmation bias. Why doesn't the Quran just straight up say it's a nebula?
Do you know how to comprehend? I said it was mistake by me. The funny thing is that you pick things i talked about in the past and try and find things that contradict. This all does not give an error in the Qur'an, it is the mistakes made by humans. I challenge you to pick out one error in Qur'an and one thing that contradicts established facts in science.


Active Member
Do you know how to comprehend? I said it was mistake by me. The funny thing is that you pick things i talked about in the past and try and find things that contradict. This all does not give an error in the Qur'an, it is the mistakes made by humans. I challenge you to pick out one error in Qur'an and one thing that contradicts established facts in science.

If the Quran is full of human errors then there's no point in trusting it at all.


Active Member
I challenge you to pick out one error in Qur'an and one thing that contradicts established facts in science.

The Quran says something about humans being made from clay. It also says that the bones are wrapped around with flesh as an embryo forms. Those are scientific errors.


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
The Quran says something about humans being made from clay. It also says that the bones are wrapped around with flesh as an embryo forms. Those are scientific errors.
These are not errors. These are contradistinction. Scientifically, humans have the same component of the clay and mud. We have the same component of Mud, that is why we are buried. These are not errors, this is a stage of how humans are created. I do not get you, these are not contradictions or errors in any way, but contradistinctions.


Active Member
These are not errors. These are contradistinction. Scientifically, humans have the same component of the clay and mud. We have the same component of Mud, that is why we are buried. These are not errors, this is a stage of how humans are created. I do not get you, these are not contradictions or errors in any way, but contradistinctions.

Bone does not form before flesh in embryology. We're still not mud nor are we made from it. Just because we share some of the same elements does not make us the same.

Water and hydrogen peroxide have the same elements, but they are still drastically different substances.


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
Bone does not form before flesh in embryology. We're still not mud nor are we made from it. Just because we share some of the same elements does not make us the same.

Water and hydrogen peroxide have the same elements, but they are still drastically different substances.
Exactly, the Qur'an says that human beings are created from an ESSENSE of clay. Therefore, this is no error.


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
If the Quran is full of human errors then there's no point in trusting it at all.
It is not filled with errors, the humans make the errors by causing misconceptions, mistranslations, and misinterpretations.


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
Which is utterly subjected to interpretation. Also, bones don't form before flesh.
Exactly brother. People's interpretation is not correct, we must look at the real meaning. Anyhow, it never said that bones form before flesh. Read it correctly, it is happening at the same time, Therefore, the problem that you cite stems from assumptions being made about the verse’s meaning and not from what the verse is actually saying.


Well-Known Member
@Jabar I apologize if you are taking offense to my posts. It's not my intention to be offensive. I simply find the statements in the Quran to be too vague to be connected with any extraordinary claims. If the Quran did contain scientific information which could not have been discerned by man at the time of its writing, then why didn't any Muslim scholars predict the existence of black holes or the Rosette Nebula or universal expansion or these other things in specific detail? That suggests to me that either (1) these verses were not actually references to special scientific knowledge or (2) for over a thousand years nobody knew the true meaning of these verses, not even Allah's dedicated followers. The first option makes more sense to me.


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
@Jabar I apologize if you are taking offense to my posts. It's not my intention to be offensive. I simply find the statements in the Quran to be too vague to be connected with any extraordinary claims. If the Quran did contain scientific information which could not have been discerned by man at the time of its writing, then why didn't any Muslim scholars predict the existence of black holes or the Rosette Nebula or universal expansion or these other things in specific detail? That suggests to me that either (1) these verses were not actually references to special scientific knowledge or (2) for over a thousand years nobody knew the true meaning of these verses, not even Allah's dedicated followers. The first option makes more sense to me.
Why are you stating these claims? Check my other evidences. Anyhow, i think it does portray the Rosetta Nebula. It looks just like a rose as described by scientists. Allah says: Not even the smallest speck eludes your Lord, either on earth or in heaven. Nor is there anything smaller than that, or larger, which is not in a Clear Book. (Surah Yunus, 61)
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Genetically Engineered
I guess from a Christian's perspective - yes, there is. The Bible is, to an extent, verifiable evidence. We can verify that The Bible is a real written text and that most of the places, some of the people, events, etc - probably did happen/are real.

BUT is there any proof? No.

Huge difference in evidence and proof.


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
I guess from a Christian's perspective - yes, there is. The Bible is, to an extent, verifiable evidence. We can verify that The Bible is a real written text and that most of the places, some of the people, events, etc - probably did happen/are real.

BUT is there any proof? No.

Huge difference in evidence and proof.
Yes but through evidence, we can prove things. Islam has things that have been approved by modern science. Bible contains many errors and i can pick them out.