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War Crimes? Hatred of Light? The Story Behind the Story!


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
"Failings are irrelevant" ? How utterly, callously dismissive of mass murder. Frankly your posts in this thread are disgusting to me.
Hope you feel just as disgusted about the mass-murder of Israelis.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Hope you feel just as disgusted about the mass-murder of Israelis.
Palestinian death toll today: 10,800+ & rising rapidly.
Israel death toll today: 1,400
To be "just as disgusted" would be that popularly said "false equivalency".


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Palestinian death toll today: 10,800+ & rising rapidly.
Israel death toll today: 1,400
To be "just as disgusted" would be that popularly said "false equivalency".
Wow... it started at 1400 and stayed there? Another false statement.

You are getting good at that.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Wow... it started at 1400 and stayed there? Another false statement.

You are getting good at that.
I post approximate figures for both.
It figures that without a moral basis for your
support for Israel's war crimes, you always
resort to the ad hominem.
Will you play the anti-semite card again?


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
I post approximate figures for both.
It figures that without a moral basis for your
support for Israel's war crimes, you always
resort to the ad hominem.
Will you play the anti-semite card again?
Give me something a little more substantial since you never really acknowledge any true points that I have given.


Well-Known Member

Why all the protests all over the world? Why aren’t there protests against Russia for Chetnya? Where are the world-wide protests when thousands upon thousands were killed by Muslims against Muslims? Or when China occupied Tibet? Or why Syria killed millions?

Is it anti-Semitism? Or hatred of light in a world of darkness?

I think this Rabbi has the finger on the pulse of truth!
My observation is this can be trace to WWII and the holocaust. Seven million Jews were rounded up and killed, along with millions of Catholics and clergy, Gypsies, and homosexuals, as part of the Nazi racial purification plan. In the end, after the war was done, the Jews got the lions share of deserved sympathy. The other groups, who had also been in the same boat, did not get the same recognition for suffering the same fate. This created a new divide among perceived victims. Even in schools you would learn about the Holocaust, which was necessary, but it took years to learn that there were others who were in the same boat, who were not recognized.

Based on that weighing the educational scales with a thumb, another trend began to happen, that is now used by Liberalism. This trend was to make the present, pay for a past, by compensating those, who where were not directly part of that past. If you were not a Jew you were guilty of the holocaust by association, and if you were a Jew, you were entitled by association, to use Holocaust psychological leverage.

For example, we have a specialty taboo called Anti-semitism that only applies to one culture, no matter what you do or did. It like a get out of jail free card, that other cultures do not get. It takes advantage of a perpetual debt myth affect, connected to the holocaust, that can implicate those who were not there. It did not matter if Catholics also had the same fate. Your were lumped with Hitler. There was a level of subtle injustice that created a new tension.

The Liberal idea of reparations for slavery is built on the same template, where the present is expected to pay the debt of the past, to those of the present, who did not directly suffer the injustice of the past, all via a money exchange. You are racist if this is seen as irrational and unjust to the present. The template is now turning into cottage industry for middleman shake down; DEI, that only shakes down for political left groups, and can even violate human rights; censorship, based on guilt association. People do not want to play the game, but rather want to treat the present, as its own entity, while still remembering those from the past, who suffered. We prefer personal accountability and not some abstract connection to perpetual group guilt, for excuses and shakedown profit.

The Old Testament is an eye for an eye. Beyond that it is not Old Testament but is leveraging the past; get out of jail free card.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Give me something a little more substantial since you never really acknowledge any true points that I have given.
I often ignore unsupported supremacist
views from those who demand support
from others. It would waste my time.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
I often ignore unsupported supremacist
views from those who demand support
from others. It would waste my time.
I often ignore biased and uncaring comments that ignore the willful, wicked and twisted murder of innocent people and then call it “justified” making the innocent be guilty.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I often ignore biased and uncaring comments that ignore the willful, wicked and twisted murder of innocent people and then call it “justified” making the innocent be guilty.
Ironic, given that I favor peace, while you
defend Israel's massacre of Palestinians.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
To defend Israel's latest military assault
on Gaza is to ensure unending conflict.
What one does means more than what
one claims.
To do nothing is to have another Holocaust.
The only way for evil men to triumph is for good men to do nothing
When one’s position is to utterly destroy the Jewish nation;
and when you are willing to brainwash your children to accomplish it throughout generations;
when hatred has so blinded you as to behead children and purposefully fill them with bullets;
Then those who are against such atrocities should not be silent or
be in a straight jacket under the guise of “I want peace"
Peace will come in Palestine when Hamas and people of like heart are not there

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner

Why all the protests all over the world? Why aren’t there protests against Russia for Chetnya? Where are the world-wide protests when thousands upon thousands were killed by Muslims against Muslims? Or when China occupied Tibet? Or why Syria killed millions?

Is it anti-Semitism? Or hatred of light in a world of darkness?

I think this Rabbi has the finger on the pulse of truth!
Selective blindness on your part.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
To defend Israel's latest military assault
on Gaza is to ensure unending conflict.
What one does means more than what
one claims.
Yup. Thousands and thousands od years of history, none of it suggesting what Israel is doing can end differently.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
That's not gonna happen. Lets be realistic. Hamas couldn't do that even if they wanted to.
And what do you think they were trying to do? Why all the armaments and tunnels? What is their goal? What has been the goal from the formation of Israel?

If they can’t, it is because Israel will not forget.


I'm a planet
To do nothing is to have another Holocaust.
The only way for evil men to triumph is for good men to do nothing
When one’s position is to utterly destroy the Jewish nation;
and when you are willing to brainwash your children to accomplish it throughout generations;
when hatred has so blinded you as to behead children and purposefully fill them with bullets;
Then those who are against such atrocities should not be silent or
be in a straight jacket under the guise of “I want peace"
Peace will come in Palestine when Hamas and people of like heart are not there

Have you looked into the facts of Israeli apartheid, settler violence, land-stealing, human rights violations, shooting children for throwing rocks, and purposeful crippling of Gaza's economic development? If that was done to you, don't you think that you would hate the perpetrators, too? Are you capable of seeing the bigger picture here?

You lament the Holocaust of the Jews and in the same breath call for the genocide of the Palestinians. What kind of morality is that?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
And what do you think they were trying to do? Why all the armaments and tunnels? What is their goal? What has been the goal from the formation of Israel?

If they can’t, it is because Israel will not forget.
It's not a Final Sollution.