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War Crimes? Hatred of Light? The Story Behind the Story!


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
To do nothing is to have another Holocaust.
That's why I propose doing something...something productive this time.
The only way for evil men to triumph is for good men to do nothing
The attitude of letting death reign, & that God will fix
everything is a good example of inspiring abstention.
When one’s position is to utterly destroy the Jewish nation;
and when you are willing to brainwash your children to accomplish it throughout generations;
when hatred has so blinded you as to behead children and purposefully fill them with bullets;
Then those who are against such atrocities should not be silent or
be in a straight jacket under the guise of “I want peace"
More specious propaganda.
Peace will come in Palestine when Hamas and people of like heart are not there
Their hearts suffer under Israeli oppression & war crimes.
Israel inspires conflict, not peace.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Claiming people hate the light is about all we actually need.
It's their way of claiming sole possession of THE TRUTH.
Hence their smug sense of superiority, & resorting to the ad hominem.
That one can never be anything but religious, personal preference, another way of saying holier than thou. Nothing like a spray of photon beams to crank up the hate.
95% of pro-Isreal anti-Palestinian screeds full of
self obsession & disregard for others reminds me
of a song on the TV show, "My Crazy Ex Girlfriend".
(BTW, Rachel Bloom, the star & creator, is Jewish.)


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Have you looked into the facts of Israeli apartheid,

Women can vote, Muslims can vote, anyone can hold office, anyone can be elected into office

In Palestine, all of these things are not possible.

I think you need to redress apartheid and its definition. It almost sounds like a soundbite.

settler violence,

Yes… not one side is a saint. I’ve also seen settlers killed and rocks, stones et al thrown at soldiers.

I’ve heard that before… need more details

human rights violations, shooting children for throwing rocks, and purposeful crippling of Gaza's economic development? I

I’m sure there are violations of rights on both side. But I also see exaggerations here.

f that was done to you, don't you think that you would hate the perpetrators, too? Are you capable of seeing the bigger picture here?

I would be among those who are permitted to work in Israel
You lament the Holocaust of the Jews and in the same breath call for the genocide of the Palestinians. What kind of morality is that?

Another soundbite - Never called for genocide. Genocide is when you come in and kill everyone you see… that would be Hamas and not Israelis


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Hamas well knew what it was doing when he slaughtered the Israelis, and they well knew that Israel would respond militarily, thus primary cause of this conflict is rather easy to establish. Hamas must be eradicated or Israel will just be going through this over and over and over again.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Hamas well knew what it was doing when he slaughtered the Israelis, and they well knew that Israel would respond militarily, thus primary cause of this conflict is rather easy to establish. Hamas must be eradicated or Israel will just be going through this over and over and over again.
That is the typical pro-Israel Christian view.
It ignores why Hamas exists, ie, in response to decades
of Israel's oppression of Palestinians, & now war crimes.
God's Chosen People are perpetrating evil, & it's time
to stop ignoring this by blaming the victims, some of
whom react badly to being treated badly.
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Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
That is the typical pro-Israel Christian view.
It ignores why Hamas exists, ie, in response to decades
of Israel's oppression of Palestinians, & now war crimes.
God's Chosen People are perpetrating evil, & it's time
to stop ignoring this by blaming the victims.
soundbites here


Well-Known Member
Why all the protests all over the world? Why aren’t there protests against Russia for Chetnya? Where are the world-wide protests when thousands upon thousands were killed by Muslims against Muslims? Or when China occupied Tibet? Or why Syria killed millions?
I'd suggest the key difference is that in this case, governments all around the world are given all but unconditional support for Israel when it is a much more complex and nuanced situation of which recent tragic events are just one small part.

I also don't know where you are, but here in the UK there have been campaigns and protests about some of the conflicts you mention, though also largely focused on protesting the policies and actions of the UK (or lack thereof) in relation to them.


Veteran Member
Well at this point enough people know the truth about Israels oppression of the Palestinians. Too bad it didn’t happen sooner, like 80 yrs ago. So change is inevitable. That’s a good thing. Nothing stays the same. Now all we can do is stop bickering and wait for the change.


Veteran Member

“Now in its 10th year, the Syrian conflict has led to more than 500,000 deaths and displaced an estimated 13 million—over half of Syria’s pre-war population. Over 6.2 million Syrians are internally displaced, and 5.6 million are refugees, predominantly in Lebanon, Jordan, and Turkey”

Hopefully the situation in Gaza doesn’t get this bad

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
Well at this point enough people know the truth about Israels oppression of the Palestinians. Too bad it didn’t happen sooner, like 80 yrs ago. So change is inevitable. That’s a good thing. Nothing stays the same. Now all we can do is stop bickering and wait for the change.
No it's not good, the consequences of Israel's aggression and extreme retaliation, will likely lead to all out war in the region, and possibly further afield.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
What do you propose?
I've told you before.
Some things Israel should do....
End the oppression of Palestinians.
End the war crimes.
End apartheid for Muslims in Israel.
Reparations for land theft.
Stop enabling settlers to kill Palestinians & stealing their land.
Give Palestinians justice.
Treat Muslims as well as Jews.