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Was Islam spread by the sword?

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Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
Math is an absract, logical way of thinking about things. As soon as you want to do something with engineering, or architecture or science and so on, you need math, and math absolutely needs zero :)

Egyptians did a lot of engineering. Apparently they got by without it.

Not trying to say it's not needed really, just interesting the Egyptians managed without the numerical concept.

No idea really what any of this has to do with the topic at hand though. :shrug:

Ancient Egyptian Mathematics Problems for 12 - 16 year olds
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Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Nepal:

Islam is a minor religion in Nepal. According to the 2011 Nepal census, 4.4% of the population are Muslim.[1]
Hari is thought to have been introduced by the Allah People and Indian Muslims settling in Nepal. The 4.2 % of the population being Muslim according to a 2006 Nepalese census.[2] However, more recent estimates indicate that Muslims constitute approximately 5-10% of the population.[3][4] Islam is generally thought to have been introduced by Indian Muslims that traveled to Nepal and then settled there.

Islam in Nepal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in Nepal.



Egyptians did a lot of engineering. Apparently they got by without it.
Yes and no. They had the concept we call an order of magnitude. We simply use 0 to indicate it. That is different from the concept of 0 as it appears on a number line. That one I doubt they had. Simple geometry and algebra used to build things only requires the former. However what they did with these simplistic things is a wonder for the ages.

Not trying to say it's not needed really, just interesting the Egyptians managed without the numerical concept.
I hope I explained that above.

No idea really what any of this has to do with the topic at hand though. :shrug:
They were discussing who invented the concept of zero (as opposed to a base ten order of magnitude 0). I showed that was not the most amazing thing as even those who knew both concepts have never built a pyramid that is so precise. It was another vain attempt to draw attention to Islam's one claim to fame as a period where they did not so much advance as their neighbors went backwards.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
The spread of Islam in Egypt-the number one
Islam began bloody migration of Muhammad to Medina, bloody continued after the death of Muhammad as seen in the wars of apostasy and the invasion of Iraq and the Levant *, and can't afford the nnteba blood line West to Egypt sweetie, how good Earth green turned into a base for the invasion of North Africa and Andalusia and Nubia
Although the historical sources of Islamic or non-Islamic lacks many details of battles and events of the invasion, but the available information is sufficient to awaken from still has had little conscience and honor, to understand how the idea of blood's transplant to yield Choucas wehska later, crash every virtue and morality and freedom in the Middle East and North Africa
I've insulted the Muslim voice of our ancestors and escape, and the disaster that contemporary Egyptians do not sympathizing with grandparents as much as sympathizes with their tormentors of expression and does not respect the Coptic or ancient civilization as it sees everything from the perspective of a black Muslim, clears all kinds of civilization and culture of the wings of flies and **** girls and boys trampling, and luces

Let us know if any real Copt to honor and dignity that they despise or ridicule yhana or them and they degrade, but can't actually guys lose them (1).


* Start the invasion-the year 638 ad (2)
After the surrender of Jerusalem to Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, are AMR Ibn al-' AAS in (Al jabiah) near Damascus, and in the invasion of Egypt, rich and easily capture it, saying it would force the Muslims as their volumes.

* The Caliph bin Al Khattab agreed invasion-December 639 m (3)
The Caliph agreed and is undecided on the AMR Ibn al-' AAS to Egypt, AMR marched on a small army of 4,000 (4,000) to Rafah and El-Arish single-phase in Egypt, missed the messengers of Caliph Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, the high-end AMR to what, it didn't take the message even across the border between Egypt and the land of Palestine, and the biography of El-Arish, and there came to him the book, read it and then asked those around him we're in Egypt or Syria? It was said to him in Egypt. People read the book the Caliph to move if he had entered Egypt or return if not income, it said: so we are going as we faithful.

* Tore down and burned and vandalized
Grab the Blues (pelusium) and the fall of the fortress of bilbeis-August 640 m (4)
The Arabs arrived to the city of Blues (the Coptic bermon pelusium in Arabic), at the end of the year 639, and the powerful city of fortresses and many monuments, churches and monasteries. And was considered a key Eastern Egypt. It has emerged the country's monks, namely Abu Mariam, Abu Mariam, and with them the leader famous Roman Commander who escaped from the Levant, and between the AMR Ibn al-' AAS and between monks dialogue further AMR ended five days of consultation, and consulted among themselves agreed to fight and refused the tribute or Islam, and broke their year Cyrus which left them and went to the Babylon fortress, and the leader and the monks and to fight Muslims at the fortress of Belbeis, after a month of siege, the Muslims defeated and killed the leader (5).
And has contributed to the resistance of the Arab daughter kirs (Cyrus) armanosh and what she wore that fell captive in the hands of AMR Ibn al-' AAS, then send it to a friend and her father sneak in.. It appeared that she was supervised by her father and more in Egypt (6)
Intermittent warfare continued between the Arabs and the Garrison City duration ranging from 1-3 months. The Arabs seized them after heavy fighting, and demolished the Fort and burned the ships and the remaining churches vandalized by.

* And killed their men and found women and children
The first RAID on the Fayoum walbhnsa-early January 640 m (7)
Then cross the Nile towards Arabs, Fayoum, Fayoum and gaps were the entrances were guarded Ward and established the Roman garrison in stone, the amended Arab Agon along the desert and made ystakon what were from the alaslab, it took a great number of them, and still even reached the city named albhensa, captured and killed the men and found women and children, could not invade Fayoum city for the Roman garrison force by then, and back down with the river.

* Great murder
Fortress or danin Ain Shams-position mid July 640 (8)
Muslims marching to Fort or danin North Babylon fortress, the large Roman garrison, they found it most Muslims them his name, Roman predicted that AMR Ibn al-' AAS will go directly towards the Babylon fortress, but ' AMR Ibn al-' AAS went westward, across the Nile, like he wants to delude the enemy was engaged to Nubia, and in maneuvering the Fayoum area, turn South and then ported to something on the Fort from the South, but it surprised that Roman had sent enormous supplies of Egypt, then necessary AMR desert Fayoum, did not leave her, and the rest a bit and sent to Caliph Omar asks for.

Supply arrived on June 6, 640 m (9) led al-Zubayr bin floater, a cousin of the Prophet and the one men Shura six, four thousand men with him, and the two battalions each hurdle four thousand men, all the supply of twelve thousand.

Arab armies gathered at Ain Shams (Heliopolis-the Coptic (en)), there was a battle in the place called today (Abbasid) in mid July 640. The Arabs took over after conquering the Fort or killed most of the adjustable saddles conforms danin, and fled from the Roman to the Babylon fortress, the fortress of nikios. Zubair had caused it to climb over the fence, and then reject AMR reply captive Abu Mariam, Abu Mariam despite reconciliation and the Omar Bin Al Khattab agreed many of the captive has been allocated already to the Muslims of Mecca and Medina and other countries (10)

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
number 2--
And her death made in great

Invade Fayoum: late July 640 m (11)
The Arab victory news reached Fayoum left from the Roman almassaleh, the output (domntias), Commander of the garrison of the city, at night and marched to the (aboit) and then fled to Niku., since news of his escape amounted to AMR Ibn El-AAS, he sent his battalion crossed the river and conquered the cities of Fayoum waboit rampage in her name, he died without defense, and survived the massacre only one soldier named Zachary, it was because it was a departure from Roman garrison led by domntias who escaped Leaving his army to slaughter, as well as for stupidity lionios the Commander of the Roman periods and the left half of his army lmsaah of Fayoum and returned to Alexandria rather than stay to fight

* Carnage *******
The siege of Babylon fortress for 7 months: from early January 640 m (12)
AMR then went to Babylon and share the great fortress, the wall about 60 feet high and 18 feet thick, with four towers and unequal distances between them, and the island of Roda behind fortress with bastions and stop him at that time, and increase the power of Babylon fortress and dangerous war, as in the middle of the River have led.
It appears from the words of Ben duqmaq Arabs invaded the island during the siege of Babylon fortress, the Roman they came out of a demolished some of its walls and forts of AMR. (13)
And not the fortress only trick according to John alnkusi, the Arab telling Roman withdrawal to get out of the fortress, and they apply to AMR from three sides (14), while returning Al-maqrizi and other fall of the fortress to Zubair (15)

* Killing them create many families from families
Delivery of the Fort (the first Treaty of Babylon): October 640 m. (16)
Since Pant signs of defeat came out kirs (Cyrus) the Roman Governor of Babylon fortress and secretly went to the island of Roda to negotiate the Arabs, and from there sent messengers to AMR Ibn El-AAS, the AMR to muqawqis by saying: it is not me and you but one of the three qualities or Islam or tribute with young or fighting and blood
The negotiator reiterated the cult of bin silent, which reiterated the three conditions for Cyrus, while trying to persuade the owners of muqawqis Roman and Coptic Christians to accept the tribute they rejected the humiliation and servitude and the Christian left

(They said, or accept a this humiliation! what they wanted from us to their religion, which is never, leave the religion of Jesus the son of Mary and enter into a religion they don't know what they want and that they capture us and make us slaves death Acer it; if we agree to dilute them what gave them repeatedly was the lesser of us and ordered to cut the bridge of Fustat and the island and Castle of gathered and collected many Copts Faleh Muslims then fighting from the Palace even won them and God whom Killing them create many families from families) – (17)

Cyrus sent back to AMR exhibitors accept tribute. When I got the news to Hercules was sent to muqawqis ordered him to come to him in a hurry.

* Folk death to ruin Earth
Since summoned Hercules muqawqis to Constantinople in mid November 640 m (18), Cyrus tries to defend himself before the Emperor's words did not convince the Hercules, and anger him, accusing him of Khan and abandoned by Arabs, and think of cheese and the Islamization of the ruler of the city, the month and the humiliation and killing of fugitives were denied. Cyrus was believed that Arabs are people dying. And that God had forced them to the ground. (19)

Fighting continued around Babylon fortress near the end of 640 after Hercules to muqawqis, the Babylon fortress, the news of the death of Hercules. On 11 February 641, and this had a bad effect on the soldiers led to display the Commander of Fort George surrender, Orban received the Babylon fortress in 641 CE. (20)

* You killed and devastated
On the way to nikios (Khirbet wardan):
On the way to the pass of Niku. Amr village of Khirbet wardan ' AMR while went to Alexandria devastated village known today as Khirbet wardan, and we disagree why devastated for him. They tell us Saeed Bin Omar to Ofir went to Niku. Edit wardan's washroom when waxing is kidnapped by the people devastated, they take away him, he lost his moratorium on AMR and its impact, they found some turn it is bakhrabha out of which, or Islamic sources justify the monstrosity of modernity that devastated all monks were folks!! The people of the companions of ghanawi AMR, drew them, kill them and devastated wardan, it ruined the day. (21), and then passed to an ancient city known as tarnoti, or altirana, also called Arabs and there site where Roman lost, AMR continued biography to nikios.

And neither a man nor a woman and child
Taking nikios Arabs and around May 13 641 m (22)
The city is located on the Rosetta branch of Niku. for Nile in North-West of minuf and famous bishops John alnkusi, who lived through the Arab conquest and the famous history books as a witness to the invasion
The Arabs were able to forcibly enter the fortress and city of Niku., after the Commander of its garrison Centurion (domntias) who fled from Fayum, and completed his escape by fleeing to Alexandria, entered the city and disrupted by her family name, signed

John alnikosi said: "killing all they found in the way of her family, was not spared of churches laeza and neither a man nor a woman and a child, and then spread around the country, looted of nikios and killed everyone they found out, when he entered the city (souna), they found it (askotaos) and grandchildren. He died of kinship to the Commander (Theodore) and was hiding in the wall of the vineyard with his family, he placed the sword it did not remain in them on one of them."
It was this evidence of the Arab, and inaugurate a Coptic Christians, and that the Arabs did not differentiate between Roman and Coptic Christians, were killed in both (23)

* Muslims murder killing them great
Com partner and Creon massacre:
After the massacre of nikios and seizure of Arab curricula vitae, and continued on the outskirts of Alexandria reached AMR mariout, killing its range of rum, then their assassin fighting light, despoiled, the AMR of even one Roman collection in com

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
number 2--
And her death made in great

Invade Fayoum: late July 640 m (11)
The Arab victory news reached Fayoum left from the Roman almassaleh, the output (domntias), Commander of the garrison of the city, at night and marched to the (aboit) and then fled to Niku., since news of his escape amounted to AMR Ibn El-AAS, he sent his battalion crossed the river and conquered the cities of Fayoum waboit rampage in her name, he died without defense, and survived the massacre only one soldier named Zachary, it was because it was a departure from Roman garrison led by domntias who escaped Leaving his army to slaughter, as well as for stupidity lionios the Commander of the Roman periods and the left half of his army lmsaah of Fayoum and returned to Alexandria rather than stay to fight

* Carnage *******
The siege of Babylon fortress for 7 months: from early January 640 m (12)
AMR then went to Babylon and share the great fortress, the wall about 60 feet high and 18 feet thick, with four towers and unequal distances between them, and the island of Roda behind fortress with bastions and stop him at that time, and increase the power of Babylon fortress and dangerous war, as in the middle of the River have led.
It appears from the words of Ben duqmaq Arabs invaded the island during the siege of Babylon fortress, the Roman they came out of a demolished some of its walls and forts of AMR. (13)
And not the fortress only trick according to John alnkusi, the Arab telling Roman withdrawal to get out of the fortress, and they apply to AMR from three sides (14), while returning Al-maqrizi and other fall of the fortress to Zubair (15)

* Killing them create many families from families
Delivery of the Fort (the first Treaty of Babylon): October 640 m. (16)
Since Pant signs of defeat came out kirs (Cyrus) the Roman Governor of Babylon fortress and secretly went to the island of Roda to negotiate the Arabs, and from there sent messengers to AMR Ibn El-AAS, the AMR to muqawqis by saying: it is not me and you but one of the three qualities or Islam or tribute with young or fighting and blood
The negotiator reiterated the cult of bin silent, which reiterated the three conditions for Cyrus, while trying to persuade the owners of muqawqis Roman and Coptic Christians to accept the tribute they rejected the humiliation and servitude and the Christian left

(They said, or accept a this humiliation! what they wanted from us to their religion, which is never, leave the religion of Jesus the son of Mary and enter into a religion they don't know what they want and that they capture us and make us slaves death Acer it; if we agree to dilute them what gave them repeatedly was the lesser of us and ordered to cut the bridge of Fustat and the island and Castle of gathered and collected many Copts Faleh Muslims then fighting from the Palace even won them and God whom Killing them create many families from families) – (17)

Cyrus sent back to AMR exhibitors accept tribute. When I got the news to Hercules was sent to muqawqis ordered him to come to him in a hurry.

* Folk death to ruin Earth
Since summoned Hercules muqawqis to Constantinople in mid November 640 m (18), Cyrus tries to defend himself before the Emperor's words did not convince the Hercules, and anger him, accusing him of Khan and abandoned by Arabs, and think of cheese and the Islamization of the ruler of the city, the month and the humiliation and killing of fugitives were denied. Cyrus was believed that Arabs are people dying. And that God had forced them to the ground. (19)

Fighting continued around Babylon fortress near the end of 640 after Hercules to muqawqis, the Babylon fortress, the news of the death of Hercules. On 11 February 641, and this had a bad effect on the soldiers led to display the Commander of Fort George surrender, Orban received the Babylon fortress in 641 CE. (20)

* You killed and devastated
On the way to nikios (Khirbet wardan):
On the way to the pass of Niku. Amr village of Khirbet wardan ' AMR while went to Alexandria devastated village known today as Khirbet wardan, and we disagree why devastated for him. They tell us Saeed Bin Omar to Ofir went to Niku. Edit wardan's washroom when waxing is kidnapped by the people devastated, they take away him, he lost his moratorium on AMR and its impact, they found some turn it is bakhrabha out of which, or Islamic sources justify the monstrosity of modernity that devastated all monks were folks!! The people of the companions of ghanawi AMR, drew them, kill them and devastated wardan, it ruined the day. (21), and then passed to an ancient city known as tarnoti, or altirana, also called Arabs and there site where Roman lost, AMR continued biography to nikios.

And neither a man nor a woman and child
Taking nikios Arabs and around May 13 641 m (22)
The city is located on the Rosetta branch of Niku. for Nile in North-West of minuf and famous bishops John alnkusi, who lived through the Arab conquest and the famous history books as a witness to the invasion
The Arabs were able to forcibly enter the fortress and city of Niku., after the Commander of its garrison Centurion (domntias) who fled from Fayum, and completed his escape by fleeing to Alexandria, entered the city and disrupted by her family name, signed

John alnikosi said: "killing all they found in the way of her family, was not spared of churches laeza and neither a man nor a woman and a child, and then spread around the country, looted of nikios and killed everyone they found out, when he entered the city (souna), they found it (askotaos) and grandchildren. He died of kinship to the Commander (Theodore) and was hiding in the wall of the vineyard with his family, he placed the sword it did not remain in them on one of them."
It was this evidence of the Arab, and inaugurate a Coptic Christians, and that the Arabs did not differentiate between Roman and Coptic Christians, were killed in both (23)

* Muslims murder killing them great
Com partner and Creon massacre:
After the massacre of nikios and seizure of Arab curricula vitae, and continued on the outskirts of Alexandria reached AMR mariout, killing its range of rum, then their assassin fighting light, despoiled, the AMR of even one Roman collection in com

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
The Islamic invasion of Egypt No.
* Since held an extradition treaty of Alexandria between Cyrus and Arabs, were Roman soldiers and the conditions of the Alexandria of the Romans have the option if they like it they polished the sea and land, and the Copts did not mention a thing, seeing the refugees in Alexandria that ships carry every day communities of people to Cyprus, Rhodes, Byzantium, klkwa and bowed to return to their villages, they went to Cyrus and asked him to speak to them at that age, and they know it relates to Arab Commander, but apparently the youngest did not permit them to evacuate, While the war was still a rebel in some villages in the Delta, had more fleeing to Alexandria from these cities, if allowed to return to their villages for the security of Muslim soldiers to fight for themselves, or to help the cities that were still bent on fighting the Muslims did not invade her after.
However, PALME kirs (Cyrus) only answers AMR to his request, and was therefore very distressed, he coveted that beckons some Copts, it was designed to to make forget them something of their grudge, it was this rejection, which rejects AMR for the students, a severe blow hit its policy in this regard. And that was before his death directly

* Nearly 170,000 people dead and 600,000 prisoners during and after the siege
Clearly the first Alexandria Roman on September 17, 642 m (45)
It was based on the Roman soldiers posting of Alexandria and of the Delta, two of the leaders, namely (Theodore), who became ruler of Egypt after the death of Cyrus and (Constantine) who became the Supreme Commander of the Roman army after (Theodore).
The approximate number of Roman Alexandria 200,000 men, and on 17 September 642 m, about 100 ships of the fleet of the Roman castles and resolved their anchorage and moving to Cyprus from the remnants of a Roman who was nearly thirty thousand (30,000) soldier, carrying with them their belongings, and darn them sorrow. He left alasari examiners then six hundred thousand, only women and boys. Any of the 200,000 did not survive only 30 a, exceeded the number of victims during the siege and evacuate 170,000 prisoners 600,000 men, apart from women and children

Then the Arab armies entered the first Alexandria after the Armistice ended the Romans clearly (11 months) on 29 September 642, the Arabs, the same night the AMR, escaped from seventy thousand Jews (46) of ... Perhaps because of their knowledge of the extent of their previous inaugurate.

After entering Arab Alexandria in two years, and in the autumn of the year 644 ad, the Coptic Patriarch, Pope Benjamin returned after the flight lasted 13 years (47). Ten years in the Roman rule of Cyrus, and three years in the period of rule of the Arabs. (48)
Pope bniamben no longer directly after the stability of large parts of Egypt by Orban but waited almost three years after the Arab conquest, and two years after the fall of Alexandria appears again (49), which emphasizes a Coptic Arabs as occupiers gasses spread terror and destruction is security and peace.

* The dispute about tribute... But Muslim groups
The relationship between Caliph Umar Ibn Al-Khattab and AMR Ibn al-' AAS, a tense relationship, but nice, and repeated Ibn Al-Khattab sent strongly worded letters and unfriendly to Ibn El-AAS, which strongly taking kaafirs ' wealth, the delay in sending the abscess, money and goods to the succession in Mecca.
Ibn Khattab in one of his speeches: "after I I am astonished many of my books to you in your slowdown with abscess etc.No academic Russian to Egypt make it you taste and not to bring, but the destination I requested you provisioned the abscess and good your politics, if they have written ATAC abscess, but Muslim and my class has learned people trapped and peace. "
FLAC soon send Caliph Omar Ibn Al-Khattab (Muhammad ibn Salamah) to Egypt and ordered him to collect what could of money above the tribute sent by AMR Ibn al-' as before. And then then sent Abdullah bin Saad bin Abi discharged in November 644, and the Governors of the ruling level and Fayoum, and collection of abscess and left AMR for the army. (50)

Then kill the Caliph Omar Bin Al-Khattab and the buried (November 7, 644 m), and later of Uthman Ibn affan during three days (10 October 644 m) (51).

He recalls when Osman succession, the AMR Ibn al-' AAS from Egypt and gather all of the mandate, Abdullah bin Abi discharged, and was staying in the city (shtanoh) in Fayoum. Differed in that the new Governor of Egypt, they dub the DSI that wasn't the worst of agents Osman Abdullah and Egypt. Caliph Uthman was given intentionally, in order to increase the collection of tribute, has made Abdullah bin Abi discharged, first actively increasing taxes on the people of Alexandria.

And AMR Ibn al-' AAS from Egypt after isolation, marched to the city the indescribably indignant towards Osman. (52)

* Then there was Alexandria the Arab tyranny at the end of the year 645 m
Then it happened that the akhna to AMR Ibn al-' AAS said to him: tell us what each of the tribute, Nasir said. AMR said, referring to the corner of the Church: If you gave me the ceiling as I told you what you need but you are a closet we we we increased a lot to you, and that tempered us alleviate you, the reason for denunciation of Alexandria and its revolution (53)

Then he sent the Emperor in Constantinople, the kostanz fleet consists of about 300 great ship loaded with soldiers led by Manuel to capture Alexandria, the city had about 1,000 soldiers of the Arabs to defend it, the Roman they make triumph over them all but some a little of them have been able to survive, and returned to Alexandria to Usman, Amer was when in Mecca isolated from governance. (54)

The return of ' AMR Ibn al-' AAS and Niku. second (last spring 644 m)
For the news of the revolution, Alexandria, Mecca, the Caliph Othman, the AMR Ibn al-' AAS to lead the army of Arabs in Egypt, the Niku., Babylon fortress, and others, still in the hands of the Arabs.

Roman marched leisurely up deceived to Niku., and found them the first Arabs, perhaps their army was then fifteen thousand, and the battle between the two parties, ended with the defeat of the Roman army, which retreated to Alexandria.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
he Islamic invasion of Egypt No. 4Then after Osman's death, the Caliphate, Ali Ibn Abi Talib, but pledge allegiance to the Caliphate were not unanimous, the long, bloody conflict erupted between the TIF, ended up dead on, and his son Hassan waived for succession to mu'awiya.
AMR Ibn al-' AAS loyal mu'awiya in its dispute with over, and came to Egypt as an advocate, the sample then Muawiya, and automatically on Egypt to help reward him, and his defense against Ali Ibn Abi Talib.

* And from their words to pronounce truth in the invasion of Egypt:

* Ibn al-' AAS kills Peter and grabs his money
About Hisham bin Abu rkiya allkhmi: AMR Ibn al-' as to what conquered Egypt, told Egypt that uptake of hid me treasure has estimated it killed him, and that the Copts from the ground level is said to him: Peter, according to AMR: that he has a treasure sent him asked him, denied, and denying it detained in jail, and AMR asking: are you asking about the one hear? They said: no, but we heard asking about monk in the phase, send AMR to Peter, the disarmament of the conclusion, and then wrote the monk: send to your own, and seal in the finale, the Apostle with few shamiyeh sealed shot, then open AMR, it found written newspaper: what you under the fountain large sent AMR to the fountain, the incarceration of her water, then gouge the tile underneath, and found two fifty ardeb gold Egyptian times, and hit his head at the door of the mosque of AMR, the Copts their treasures out twilight that wants one of them, It kills also killed Peter. (60)

* If you have given me the floor-to-ceiling:
Then it happened that the akhna to AMR Ibn al-' AAS said to him: tell us what each of the tribute, Nasir said. AMR said, referring to the corner of the Church: If you gave me the ceiling as I told you what you need but you are a closet we we we increased a lot to you, and that tempered us alleviate your (53)

* Ibn al-' AAS impossible money Coptic:
About yazeed Ibn ABI Habib said: AMR Ibn al-' AAS, commits bloodsheds against Syrian Coptic Egypt uptake of money because he settled it shows Roman on Muslim's sins, write them could face up, then it extracted a few fifty ardeb dinars. (61)

* Seal control dhimmis shot
Ibn Abdul-Hakam said: AMR Ibn El-AAS may Allah be pleased with him, was to ' Umar Ibn Al-khattaab to the tribute after locking up what was needed, and the obligatory Egypt to dig khlgha, building bridges, building her arches, cut gzaerha 100,000 and 20,000 with the phase, area, and therefore do not claim yatkobon tool this summer and not winter, then wrote to ' Umar Ibn Al-khattaab : Round in the throats of dhimmis and demonstrate their areas, they replace their forelocks and boarding the ungual phalanges, and a set of Jizya on the razor, and hit on women, and babies, and don't let them "imitate the Muslims in melboshm. (62)

* Tribute to the dead
Yahya said: we say: tributes: tribute a tribute on the heads of men, and tribute, among the villagers for the villagers, it is perishing from villagers that they named the village tribute is not on the heads of men, I believe that many of the villagers who were not born and heir to his return to his village in their tribute, and perished who demanded his tribute on the heads of men, and left no heir, the land of the Muslims. (63)
And Omar Bin Abdul Aziz wrote to Hayyan bin strips: to make tribute dead Copts on their resurrection (64)

* That you have killed, and you will khmst and you will sell
I heard Amr bin AAS on the minbar says: this has set back my chair and one of Egypt's reign and uptake is not held. That you killed, and that you will khmst and you will sell, but people antabels they have recently carried out them. (65)

* Take the tribute to those who gave
And the first to take the Jizya from dhimmis sound: Hajjaj bin Yousef and Abd al Malek bin Marwan wrote to Abdul Aziz ibn Marwan: the tribute on of the safest of the dhimmi, the word Ibn cubby that said: I charm you with Allaah, o Prince to be the first age in Egypt, I swear that dhimmis to pay tribute of terrorizing them, how do we place on of the safest of them, leave them there. (66)

Either John the alnkusi the witness only on atrocities of the Coptic visible Arab-Muslim conquest of Egypt describes events (67):
Chapter 112: while talking about the Arab takeover of the province of Fayoum, weboit, says: "the Arabs seized the province of Fayoum weboit, causing them immense massacre, where many creation of died children, women and the grey hair"

Little John alnkusi in chapter (113) Arab occupation not curdle wemnov: "the Romanian judges arrested AMR and their hands and feet chained and wooden hoops, looting money and compounded tax money to peasants and forced them to feed the horses, and many awful business..."

And describes in chapter (118) proceedings taking nikios (after the Roman army of the city) it says:
"The Muslims came to the city and captured nikios did find one soldier counters them, killing everyone they encountered on the streets and in the churches, and then went to other countries and raided it, killing all they found, and found themselves in the city of tega baskotars and his men, who were from the family of Commander Theodore inside the fence Karam, killed them, and here let us shut up because it is difficult to mention the atrocities committed by the invaders when they occupied the island of nikios on Sunday May 25 year 642 in the fifth year of the cycle."

Then he says in chapter (121) of the manuscript: "it is impossible to describe the sorrow and pain the entire city, it was the people who provide their children the Arabs instead of the huge sums required to pay monthly, and there is no one to help them, God has left them and pushing them into the hands of their enemies."

How many crimes committed by followers of Mohammad?
How many deaths under the feet of the horse in the five years between 20-25 e? Hundreds of thousands or millions?
How many women spite and raped and sold their booty for Muslims to not let the tribute?
But how many women and children killed by AMR and his world

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Are you saying that Islam spread peacefully
This Egypt
To date, the Copts are paying for their acceptance and approval of Islamic invasion to pharaonic Egypt
In the date after this date and until today plagued Copts
From oppression and abuse of Islamic
From the mistakes of Eastern Christians that they collaborated with the Muslim invaders
Wetrorba know this lesson for this were expelled from Spain

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
The Islamic invasion to Iraq and Persia number one
Islamic terrorism in history [3-2]... The invasion of Iraq

Ibrahim Coptic
[email protected]
Not wars of apostasy * exception in the bloody history of Islam is just beginning and the rule for more devastation, the remains of other civilizations, Islam and still exists, and if not the invention of the concept of religious wars Mohammadi only the seed of the Islamic Empire which exceeded all previous Empires in cruelty and bloody and the law of war, and became the inspiration for the later Empires.
Analyst of history finds that the God of Islam is not only the greatest Idol workmanship Muhammad, making him for this battleship utien Idol either publish or worship him and them, while asserting the Jewish faith, for example, that the machine is defended and their silent dwell (exodus 14: 14), the Islamic legislation ordering Muslims to defend the machine silent silent graves not like something that stands in front of Muslims as protectors of packed architecture winds of reason and freedom with the power of the sword (1). It is sheltering behind his followers, as has been the idolaters likening protects.

But after the wars of apostasy and subdue Arabs, Islamic war machine moved to the invasion of Iraq and Persia by Khalid Ibn Al-Walid and his likes of Saad bin Abi waqas, Muthanna Ibn haarithah (year 12 e/633-634 m to 17 e/638 CE)

Mohammed: «...»» Nasrat terrified a month ...And I referred to the rewards and not resolved for one before me. ... » . (Al-Bukhari-tayammum using fall-335-438, 3122-masterpiece 3139-92/1)
«Nasrat terrified the enemy ... And while I'm asleep I came to Earth, cabinets put keys in my hand. ''(Muslim-mosque-1199)

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
iraq and farise-number2
People love death:
Muthanna Ibn haarithah was sheibani had asked Abu Bakr to conquer by Iraq, authorized, began conquering by the arrival of Khalid Ibn Al-Walid, Khalid started as ordered Abu Bakr idiot city in southern Iraq (battle of chains), while Abu Bakr was sent to "Ayaz bin sheep" that means city almasikh North Iraq and even cast an eternal southward, in the place of all Islamic pliers forced religion mohammedi, the town idiot of the greatest gaps of Persia, and was The fortified named Hormuz.
When he heard of Hormuz by the armies of destruction of Mohammedia (about 12,000) wrote to the Persian King ardashir and expedite his companions to have eternal, they heard they promise one another to alhofer, then their predecessors and hostels and make the introduction wanoshgan, and kavadh amiren boys larger Persian King ardashir, and the linking of Hormuz categories of his chains so no escape for this named after meal with strings.
Khaled wrote to Hormuz: either, the safest delivery, or think for yourself, and decide to bring the Jizya; otherwise not tlomn only yourself, I have people who love death as you love life. And honestly where Khalid said. They love death to others before themselves before life, the two armies clashed when he defeated the people of Persia, and the Muslims their shoulders rode to night (2)

Mysterious woman that she fears
Muthanna came out so I ended up to the River, and ended up to the fortress in which women, behind on bin Haritha, and encircled in the limited, the Muthanna killing answering funds; as was the woman tries to reconcile with Muthanna, she, she married Al Muthanna, and enchant kids and made them immortal of dhimmi (3)

More than 30,000 people dead, and a great booty
After the invasion was Khalid River Bend (zero 12 e/April 633 CE): the Islamic sources tell that the book of Hormuz into the Persian King ardashir of Khalid Bin Walid came running with Commander compare Ben koreans, since the Commander to almazar received the defeated in chains it met and returned with kavadh took near wanoshgan and bending River, and marched them Khaled, found them and the Romans occupied Damascus, killing 30,000 of the Mustang only the sinking of water prevented the Muslims from the request, and without the water came on last And was not spared of them escaped but naked and semi naked. Section and the Penumbra and honoured and quintiles I alaslab of robbery and a great booty, and enchant aialat combatants of the Persians from the women and children, taking tribute from peasants, become edema (4)

Killed were created so much ...: to kill or banish them or cut off their hands and legs of the dispute (table 33)
Then al-Walaja against the Persians and post Christians of Bakr Ibn Wa'il (zero 12 of may 633 CE): when completed, Khaled of the lap and the news sent Knight alandrzas, ardashir and also Commander Bahman gazaueh sent in his army and met to alandrzas among the cities puzzling as sugar and Arab suburbs and Bakr bin Wael and cadastral aldhakin and camped balolgh. It found them Khaled balolgh as from them their assassin, heavy fighting is worse than the first killing them a lot, and he created alandrzas withdrawn, and he died of thirst, and injured Khalid son of Jaber bin with lime and the son of a black slave of Bakr bin Wael, and making peasants edema, and enchant the fighter and strains provided improved assistance.

Khaled eats dead people
It is strange that al-Tabari mentions that Khalid Al-Walaja had a day of man modifies a Knight a man, killing him, when he completed it, recline and called his lunch, and eat the food up dead was Khaled (5)

70,000 dead Christians. ...Ask their blood as a river:
Then Khalid fought the Christians hastened the LAT wedabiah Tim and Jaber bin with lime and Arab suburbs of uncertainty in position right on the Euphrates: and when they tried to take revenge for the Christians of Bakr Ibn Wa'il, under the leadership of Abdul black ejli, Khalid Bin Walid, reality and ask their blood as a river and took them and their Muslim prisoners from hitting their necks day and night. And the death toll of 70,000. When completed, Khaled from Alice walked to amghishia (suggested name mnishia), wounding them unless they get like him because her family, taken aback by the Muslims before they pass their money and their furniture and other wekraahm, and sent to Abu Bakr booty and end and pass amghishia. When he reached that Abu Bakr said: the inability of women to give birth like Khalid. Ratified it in him which finds him brutally to spread religion Mohammadi at gunpoint, killed 70,000 prisoners Iraq's Christians overnight (6)

Indecent assault, murder and the tribute to the people puzzled Christians
And then DART website badkoli and after the invasion of mass confusion: (7) after Alice, Khalid marched from amghishshia to confusion in horses towards the Persian Commander Ibn alazazabh then found him on the ULI badkoli, blow and kill him and killed his companions, and then marched towards the bewilderment many of its population of Christians in.. The ABI people puzzled to the banner of Islam and the Muslims their assassin, holed up and stormed the walderat role and be murdered, so that was the first of the seleh Amr bin Abd al-Christ, and they make peace with Khalid on one hundred and ninety thousand annual tribute. And Abu Khalid to make peace with them only after one of the women, a dignity Bint Abdul Christ to shawil (8).

Eye-gouging on the Prophet
But after puzzling, it has conquered the Khalid Al Anbar in position (eyes) (9), Khaled has been puzzling to Anbar, when reached by ataf and stick fighting, and had little patience for them, and commanded them to its Sharpshooters and that meant their eyes then they threw threw one and then followed, hitting a set, it was named after the town of Laayoune. It remained alive then left one-eyed and witness to the brutality of Khaled Mohamed said the companion of Galilee who walked along the Argus which Samar eyes expression by (10)

Then kill them all even surrendered: to find in you harshness (repentance 123)
Since Khalid of Anbar, shirkuh split his army completed the alsbrkan bin Badr and marched to the city into dates and by Mehran Ibn Bahram Juppin ruler in the collection of a great horse, and ungratefuled him ungratefuled him in the bin Abi-great collection of Arabs from Tiger Beat and Iyad, as its


Muslims used swords, Christians used fire, Jews used stones and crosses(supplied by the Romans), ultimately their armies used whatever supplies they had to kill their unholy/gentile/savage enemies. What else is new.
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mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
iraq and farise number 3
Revolution of the people and location of namaraq Iraq...And more captive and sabotage (year 13 h/634 m)
He carried the banner of Jihad and sacrifice after Khalid Ibn Al-Walid, several commanders including Abu Obeida Al-Thaqafi, Saad bin Obeid and saleet bin qais the helper, Muthanna Ibn haarithah Shibani, the delightful Muthanna, the puzzling, the Persians she pretend to be busy about Muslims changed rulers, Governors, and the King by Rostam, Rostam wrote to aldhakin (from Iraq) revolt by Muslim and he sent in rustaq, a man is with his family.
The Persian Commander, Japan sent to ULI badkoli.
Lay leader sent to as sugar.
Then the Muthanna bin Haritha to puzzling and after the month of Abu Obeida. It sent Rostam to gratify a clash the two armies met Muthanna, the Persian army of Japan and the gshans mAh wemrdanshah and Muthana army he joined the Abu Obeid in namaraq,, the Romans occupied Damascus balnmark heavy fighting. The lost people of Persia and the families of Japan by Matar bin taymi, silver and mrdanshah families, by Actel bin Hussain alakli, murder of ...Then sent Abu ' Ubayd Al-Muthanna to barosma and walka to zouabi and ruling the Goobers; then they defeated the Persians wakhrbwa, Lisboa, Muthanna was the pass enchant the people wezndord websosia (16)

Much of the booty:
And then fled the defeated in namaraq towards as sugar (17) and the lay (cousin Persian King), he marched them from Abu Obeida Al namariq descended on the place bkskr, the two armies met at the bottom of a sugar with a place called alskatet, the Romans occupied Damascus heavy fighting and then defeated Persia, fled the Muslim dominated by lay and militarization, and collected much booty.

Then post algalinos (18), where he defeated Abu Obeida algalinos Persian lay and escaped algalinos.

Kill 6,000 Persians, Abu Obeida and 4,000 die from the Muslims at the battle of the bridge
When he returned to Rustam algalinos withdrawn and his he he sent Rostam with Bahman gazaueh to stop the Arabs accept Bahman gazaueh, download the NATEF. priest. There was caught and killed Abu Obeida was an obstacle in the path of the Islamic army but killed nearly 6,000 Mustang fighter named the bridge site or fan on July 13 of September 634 CE, the Persian victory did not last due to the struggle between Rostam and alvirzan of power and governance (19)

If you found who disbelieved, hit control (m. 4)
Then there were the people right to rule Muslims, led by Japan and Murad established, and succeeded the Muslim Commander of Muthana families, it blow their necks, striking the necks of ISRA Alice (20)

The bodies of 100 000 dead and more booty in the location alboib:
And not satisfied only by Muslims to avenge the killing of Abu Obeida and defeat inflicted on them and this website alboib near kufa (July 13 h/August 634 CE), where he met the Muslim army led by Muthanna bin Haritha and Persian Mehran kitœb-Al-led killing Muslim Persians and made them the bodies. What was between Muslims and Persians kept the inviolability and signed more bodies, leaving the bones of the dead, Dehra Dun, and the toll was 100,000, that was called the tithes. ... Muslims also hit some sheep, and slaughtering cows (21)
Then send Muthanna armies and conquered beetles again, and launch more raids on black, Muthanna, Anbar, and among the bottom as sugar and down the Euphrates and cultured to bridges dates and supported her in the land of alflalage and. When Muthanna returned to Anbar email ULI Ibn Hayyan weatibh bin elnahas and ordered them to RAID the revival of beat the Tiger with two rows, then went, two people fled and crossed the Euphrates to the island, and holed up in.. Even if Al-ASHI Sally people, killing the fighter, and called atomic wastakwa money (22)
As the people of Persia and black hair (Iraq) with the growing strength of the Muslims wanted to stop the bloody tide over their country and sent to Rustam walvirzan and asked them to end the conflict and prepare for the confrontation with the Islamic armies (23) and this led to the battle of qadisiyya

The tribute, young said. Or sword loss of ... Or Islam
«Al qadsia (14-15 e/636-637 m) (24) during the reign of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab collection yazdegerd Persian energies against Muslims, bringing the Muthanna bin Haritha shaibani wrote to Omar, Omar Bin Al-Khattab sent armies led by Sa'd Ibn Abi Waqqas war Persian (eight thousand troops + 8,000 with Muthanna + more supply), it was all seen a few and thirty Al Qadisiya alpha, all of it her shade around thirty thousand.
Since its establishment, Saad Al-Qadisiya hostel months did not require from the Persian one ... It began broadcast the raids and looting of towns such as sugar, Anbar, the sheep Muslim foods as they be content with time
The folks that have appealed to black to yazdegerd III of Persia and informed him that the Arabs had pitched Qadisiyah, he sent Commander Rostam to lead the Persians against Arabs campaign (Rustam and marched in his introduction (algalinos) at 40,000, and it came out in sixty thousand, and twenty thousand, and reasoning to make in his right (hormuzan) and soft (Mehran Ibn Bahram), and thus brings to Rustam approximately 120 thousand, Saad sent a delegation of advocates to yazdegerd call saying : Choose if you want the tribute on the hand you're slavishly and that you want the sword or recognizes, protects yourself. ..." He refused not war

Fighting in the Al-Anfal (spoils): eat it ghanmtm a good Solver (Al-Anfal 69)
When the two armies arrived Rustam docked three days, on the first day (day rafts) before the beginning of the battle, ordered Saad people read Surat Al-Anfal, the Jihad said. Then the large three times and started fighting
And the guidance of the Qur'an, وباغراءات Al-Anfal moved swords Muhammadiyah brainstormed the Persians
On the second day (aguath day): the duration of the Cham armies led by Hashim bin threshold bin Abi waqas walkakaa Ben AMR Tamimi, then helm changed the fight for the Muslims, and made the horses Gallop fleeing Muslim beauty and ablhm.
As the third day (day aamess): the two teams became their positions and 2,000 Muslims dead, ten thousand of the Persians a..
Since c

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
It was the entry of Muslim Iraq and Persia in advocacy and peace and olive branches?
... Not without blood, murder and robbery of captive and raping women, enslaving free people
Do you have an example of compassion? ...
But they was some blood-drinkers and Khalid Ibn Walid, the Roman Commander in Yarmouk (41)
Do you have pity on prisoners? ...
It killed many as killed 70,000 Arab Christians of Alice Euphrates
Are you natives welcomed them?
But often they were asking for help and relief from the armies of Persia.
And a quick look at the numbers of dead found approaching a million people in the five-year period, this disagreement with HJ and died after fighting injuries waltaan of ... And unlike unless ticket Islamic sources in many locations and battles, unlike Matt from Muslims themselves
As for the family, women and children who were sold in slave markets, there is nothing wrong with
As for the inspiration Qur'anic Surat Al-Anfal incitement to fight and kill, high zoom ... And eat up the dead of ... It is of Sharia law and the jurisprudence of war (42)
Albert Einstein confirms that you can prepare for war and calling for peace at the same time (43) of ...
This is what many defenders of Islam to convince us, it. .. Islam is a religion of peace while innocent blood drips from the swords of Muslims ... In millions
An old and nearly 1,400 of the fertile Crescent and she quench one's thirst territory of Persia with the blood of millions of Iraqis and Iranian contemporary ancestors, so swords follow Mohammed a..
And now unfortunately forgotten the people of Babylon and Persia blood of their ancestors, and their parents, and are expected to fight today among themselves to defend their ancestral beliefs and ideas of the murderers of Mohammed the Prophet of the Arabs ... But tens of thousands of deaths in Iraq has not developed weapons of American Harvester them as Muslim gangs claimed the lives of bomb or suicide bombings

It has succeeded in turn to dogs to protect the workman who made Muhammad 1400 years

And sell liberty to purchase safety, security, and integrity of liberty will lose both (44) of ... Ancestral liberty has sold cheaply, and here! they children and grandchildren pay no freedom or security or dignity at home

iraq and faries number 4
Following the invasion of the Levant
Margins and references
* See previous wars of apostasy

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
These facts about the spread of Islam by the sword
In countries where the oldest civilizations
And destroyed by Islam
And those civilizations suffer today from the injustice of those colonists
Do you pay attention to the meaning of Islam colonial

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Muslims used swords, Christians used fire, Jews used stones and crosses(supplied by the Romans), ultimately their armies used whatever supplies they had to kill their unholy/gentile/savage enemies. What else is new.
This is a dialogue
Do Christians came to your country and to become a Christian or a Jew or a Buddhist
Have you heard of the Christian says that God is directing the fighting
Use the force and Walken for things that God did not say in this fight
Buddha machine
And the god Krishna
Layamron fighting
Therefore we are here
Only Islam as a colonial intellectual ideology
The world should know these facts


Freedom Of Mind
Is this a joke? Did I show that your questions were unjustified so you changed subjects. I have no idea what answer an Egyptian would give. I am not Egyptian and I live 5000 years and 4000 miles from them. What is the point?

No it isn't a joke, but it is serious.

You believe that the Egyptians invented Algebra and i gave you a very simple equation and asked you how the Egyptians used Algebra to solve the equation and what kind of numbers they used, so you only believe anything against Islam not because you're stupid but because you only hate Islam and you accept anything that goes against it, history sucks.

You failed 1robin.


No it isn't a joke, but it is serious.
It can be a joke even if you didn't mean it as one.

You believe that the Egyptians invented Algebra
I never said that. I did not even hint at that. Their having algebra is a fact. I have no idea if they invented it or just used it. They probably did invent it but I never claimed it.

and i gave you a very simple equation and asked you how the Egyptians used Algebra to solve the equation and what kind of numbers they used,
No, what you did was ask a question. I answered it with quite a few examples. Apparently that was just to inconvenient for you and so you invented an arbitrary equation which actually answered your question it's self. An equation is the how do you solve an algebraic problem. An algebra problem is solved by setting up an equation. Unless you want me to show you how to resolve tat simplistic equation you have answered your self.

so you only believe anything against Islam not because you're stupid but because you only hate Islam and you accept anything that goes against it, history sucks.
Are you nuts? Algebra pre-existing Islam by several thousands is a historical fact. My not liking Islam did not put those equations into Egyptian history, Greek history, and Roman history. Despite not liking Islam I give it at least as much credit as it deserves. For some reasons the Arabic name 'algebra" was adopted for the type of math that long proceeded Islam. Islam made some advances in Algebra. However my degree is in math. I have had at least 30 classes in math and not a single Muslim is ever mentioned for any level of those classes. Islam could have never existed and math today would not be all that much different.

I have no idea what you arguing, why your asking ridiculous questions, answering them your self, then asking them again. An equation is how you solve a problem. What would my solving the equation prove? What are you talking about.

You failed 1robin.
Anyone who claims victory in a battle that never occurred is proving their desperation.

The only point your equation has anything to do with is zero. However it was Islam's claim that zero was invented by Islam not mine. Do you understand that 0 used as a symbol for an order of magnitude and Zero as a concept of negation are two different things entirely? The Egyptians had a symbol that indicated an order of magnitude, but I was going to grant they did not have the concept of zero based on what the Muslims claimed.

I have no idea what your talking about.
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