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Was Islam spread by the sword?

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Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
How their numerals looked like and how they made the calculations without 0, that is impossible.

Why Algebra improved only during the Golden age of Islam, why it have to stay primitive for thousands of years till the Muslims scientists made the modern Algebra,why the Egyptians didn't it, why the Europeans didn't it than taking it from the Muslims.

I didn't need the number 0 to solve the equation you provided.

People get so conditioned to think in absolute terms. To decide what is and is not possible for you. People are taught there is only one correct way and never think to question the fundamentals.

It doesn't even matter who came up with algebra, it wasn't you. Even if your daddy created algebra, so what. You could still be a looser.

What is important is what you bring to the table, what you contribute. The history of Islam or any other religion has no importance. No value. The only thing that has value is what you do today.


Freedom Of Mind
I didn't need the number 0 to solve the equation you provided.

People get so conditioned to think in absolute terms. To decide what is and is not possible for you. People are taught there is only one correct way and never think to question the fundamentals.

It doesn't even matter who came up with algebra, it wasn't you. Even if your daddy created algebra, so what. You could still be a looser.

What is important is what you bring to the table, what you contribute. The history of Islam or any other religion has no importance. No value. The only thing that has value is what you do today.

What is important to me that the prophet foretold that Muslims will be the weakest among the nations near the end of times, it proves his prophecy.


Active Member
What is important to me that the prophet foretold that Muslims will be the weakest among the nations near the end of times, it proves his prophecy.

Odd, I thought the prophet was criticized for not offering prophesies or performing any miracles. The weakness of Muslims as a whole might be a result of following a false prophet or poor leadership.


The Lost One
I think you are the 1robin's missing points.

There is no doubt, that Muslim mathematicians were the first to invent symbolic algebra, using the algebraic or symbolic notations to formulate equations. And there is no doubt that the coined the word "algebra", BUT there were other ways - older ways to solving equations that didn't required symbolic notations, and algebra is older than when the word was first coined.

1robin was correct in saying that algebra is older than first Muslim mathematician to come up with symbolic algebra.

You are stuck on up with the word itself invented, and when symbolic algebra was invented and used, but algebra was far more ancient than symbolic algebra, because there were other to express algebraic equations.

Muslims didn't create algebra itself, but they did innovate on how algebra was used in mathematics.

Before the Persian mathematician Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī had published his book in 820 (The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing), in which his title provided how the word algebra was coined "al-jabr", it is known that he had relied on earlier Greek and Indian sources, before coming up innovative way of solving algebraic problems. And one of the Greek sources was most likely Diophantus of Alexandria, a 3rd century mathematician, who wrote Arithmetica.

Diophantus provided his own innovating way of solving algebraic equations or algebraic problems, known as syncopated algebra.

But even Diophantus didn't invent algebra. Before Diophantus, the Greeks had used geometry to solve their algebraic equations, known as geometric constructive algebra.

I think the earliest algebra, had come from the Babylonian mathematics, somewhere between 1900 and 1600 BCE, the approximate date for the Plimpton 322 tablet. Algebra may not have been expressed like symbolic algebra that we commonly used today, but the tablet does give us the indication that the quadratic equations was known to the Babylonians.

And it is clear that the Egyptian have known a version of algebra as it can be seen by the Rhind Papyrus, written by Ahmes around 1650 BCE. The papyrus showed the earliest form to the linear equation.

Algebra had far more ancient history than Muslim invention of symbolic algebra, but Mūsā al-Khwārizmī's innovation is an important stage of mathematical history. Algebra did have long history even the earlier stages of its history wasn't called "algebra" at those times.

The Babylonians, Egyptians and Greeks have all contributed to algebra, even though it may not have expressed their equations in the same manner in which have done so by Muslim Arabs or Persians, or how we used it today. The Persian and Arab mathematicians may have surpassed their earlier counterparts, but by the Renaissance, the Muslim mathematicians were surpassed by European mathematicians.

Do you understand what I am saying?

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
I didn't need the number 0 to solve the equation you provided.

People get so conditioned to think in absolute terms. To decide what is and is not possible for you. People are taught there is only one correct way and never think to question the fundamentals.

It doesn't even matter who came up with algebra, it wasn't you. Even if your daddy created algebra, so what. You could still be a looser.

What is important is what you bring to the table, what you contribute. The history of Islam or any other religion has no importance. No value. The only thing that has value is what you do today.
Islam was introduced to the world of a terrorist ideology
And aiom
In the past, the history of Islam and fighting injustice and blood and suicide day
Or was it the algorithm given
Islam destroyed three civilizations
Islam came from the desert
And thoughts are the thoughts of the desert
Didn't come out thinking of Islam from the desert

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Removed the Sheikh I doubt that Islam is the rubbish of inherited Orban recomposed from the heritage of the people around them such as Jews and Persians.
Who is the genius who came up with the term "Islamic civilization"?
But the moment ...!
Where they come from, the concept of civilization and how Muslim civilization and where the effects of civilization today?
In the directory? Especially if we know that this civilization did not exceed seven centuries old and is in full swing at best, it has to transfer five centuries ago when the region was dominated by the Turks (Turkish identity, Yes! and Islam tautological and that its capture as large I snipe him). Mean civilization still fresh date criteria, so where their effects? The Pharaohs Vanua by tens of centuries but the pyramids still exist as a witness, and the same goes for the Roman and Greeks and Chinese and Mayan, where are the Muslims?
Muslim mtvzelk jump here refers to the Umayyad mosque in Damascus, pink would be that this mosque is an old Orthodox Church seized by the Muslims and turned it into a mosque have on Christians. Then there is another ancient civilizations are usually the most important effects in the place of origin or very close to it, which in our case Mecca, the city where the effects of Islamic civilization there? Is it the black stone cube that embraced? In the lobby this cube mud amounts to represent something called civilization? Objects in the Cretaceous had more advanced effects of it! And to answer any mtvzelk most refers to the Alhambra Palace in Spain, sagibh: everything in Spanish is purely Spanish industry blended with the culture of the Moriscos, the people of North Africa, Berbers and others, and has nothing to do with Muhammad at all. What do Muslims is that they have taken significant unwelcome for centuries, And expelled later expel evil by indigenous people, well they did because otherwise he would have said Kandahar instead of Marbella wozirstan instead of Mallorca wemkadicio instead of Barcelona.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member

The Islamization of scientists by force
Muslims boast Razi (Persian) and Ibn Sina (Persian), Al-biruni (Persian), Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (Persian) and Al-Farabi (what is now Kazakhstan) and Al-Khwarizmi (what is now Uzbekistan), and Bukhari and tirmidhi, walsgstani, waltghraei, and Ibn Al-muqaffa, and Bashar, and Abu Nawas Street, Abu Hanifa, and Taftazani, Abu Faraj Al asfahani, and Rumi and Ibn bukhtishu Ibn Ishaq, the nostalgia. ..Etc..Etc.. They were cousins of Apostle or that they are descended from quraish or were descendants of the first tier of the Muslims. Let me repeat myself. Muslims when they enter the land what gasses are two things, one: destroy all alien to indigenous culture and cannot serve as a trophy, and the second: the Islamization of what can be changed and benefit from this applies to humans, turns Jacob atarian Armenian Jacob Ibn ABI Al-Attar and so on ... And Jacob was working with ancestral medicine before the arrival of the Muslims, when they forced him to shift his Jacob Ibn ABI Attar ancestral Muslim doctor. With me in the picture? That's what happened to the likes of Al-Razi, Ibn Sina, where they were abducted and their professions and ascribed to Islam. But they find strange that not one of the scholars almslmben Arabic origin? I think Muslims have kidnapped civilizations existed originally and they dyed the color of their character and the remainder destroyed. In short, these scientists were not present because of Islam they were so before Islam by their love of reading and thinking derived from cultures of the mother. All he had done the Caliph is not harassment or maybe their kavahm and easy when they said a well which


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Oman:
The majority of Omanis are Ibadi Muslims, followers of Abd Allah ibn Ibad. This next biggest group are Sunni Muslims. The Shi'a minority live along Al Batinah and Muscat coasts. This minority includes the Al-Lawatis, the Bahranis of Bahraini descent, and the Ajam, who are of unclear origins but whose putative point of origin is Iran.


Islam spread to Oman early. The Ibadite denomination established itself in the region after fleeing from Basra in modern-day Iraq.[1][2]

Christians and Jews have historically been able to practice their own religions openly in Oman. The society is tolerant, though social hierarchies do exist. In Ibadi communities, the traditional Arab coffee is served to Muslims first, with Christians being served after the poor Muslims; in Sunni communities, Christian guests may actually be served even before the respected Muslim leaders and clerics.[1]



Many people[who?] believe that Ibadism is an outgrowth of the Kharijites movement, a variant form of Islam practiced by descendants of a sect that seceded from the principal Muslim body after the death of the prophet Muhammad in 632.

Ibadies, however, deny this notion considering themselves an outgrowth [lead by?] the follower (tabe'e) Jābir ibn Zayd. Ibadies reject primogeniture succession of the Quraysh, the tribe of Muhammad, and assert that leadership of Islam, the caliphate, should be designated by an imam elected by the community from candidates who possess spiritual and personal qualities.

Ibadhi leadership is vested in an imam, who is regarded as the sole legitimate leader and combines religious and political authority. The imam is elected by a council of prominent laymen or shaykhs. Adherence to Ibadism accounts in part for Oman's historical isolation. Ibadis were not inclined to integrate with their neighbours, as the majority of Sunni Muslims regard Ibadism as a heretical form of Islam.

The austere, puritanical nature of Ibadism has affected the practice of Islam in the country. Omani mosques are very simple, with almost no decoration expect around the windows and often lack the minarets common in other Muslim countries.[1][3]

Moroccan explorer Ibn Battuta described the cleanliness of Omani mosques, despite the fact that the entire community would congregate to eat inside, each person bringing their own food.[3] The denomination frowns upon singing and dancing.[1][3]

Sharia law is strictly enforced in public and private, and Oman's adherence to conservative Ibadism led to its historical isolation from the rest of the Middle East.[3]


In the 1800s, the Banu Bu Ali tribe of Jalan converted to Wahhabism, an austere form of Sunnism. They sporadically fought Ibadi communities but otherwise did not affect the overall religious demographics of Oman.[3]

Islam in Oman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in Oman.

Please correct me if I am wrong.


mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
.. Islamic conscience remains sedated, not Intuit horrors of history committed by Muhammad and his followers, it is condemned by his apology or a prophet of the Arabs, but on the contrary warranted in defense of Muhammad Quran machine fetish even falsely.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
As she be clear facts of Islamic history books about the hundreds of thousands and even millions of deaths between the wars of apostasy and the invasion of Iraq *, do not complete the writing chapters of the tragedy only drops of blood falling from the bodies of the people of Sham, and with it the smell of fear and submission and young ... And surrender.
It is noteworthy that the Muslim invasions of Iraq dead and over a million at least – as mentioned in the previous article in the 7th century, the primitive weapons, excels by 20: 1 over the number of victims of Iraqi invasion with modern weapons and approaching 50,000, but that most of the people of Iraq to talk with going down the traps of jihadist groups according to more precise statistics (1)
Once again we see the Islamic legends don't find her bond of history about compassion and peace, we find only giving no peace, and plea for mercy-no mercy
Really, death may be the lesser of tyranny (2), but what about religion, many of his followers still wanted death and tyranny are both, then thereby concealing sin by hills of lies, it reads such dark pages of history should remember the words of Voltaire "that rubbish and lies by thoughtfully, can lead to acts of cruelty and savagery roundups," (3)

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Starts the third chapter of the Islamic alkomedia black ...

+ Between calculated wants Al-Hoor and greedy in the Roman women kawa'ib:
As completed, Abubakar ordered the people of apostasy, the guide of the Islamic armies, Syria. He wrote to the people of Mecca and Taif and Yemen, all Arabs, and Hijaz alert them to Jihad and desire them and spoils of rum, he hurried people between calculated and greedy, and brought the city from all sides. It was the first armies of Islam into the Cham army of Yazid Ibn ABI sufyan (23/6/12 h). Then the durations of three brigades of three men: Khalid ibn Sa'id ibn al-' as Ibn umayyah and shurahbeel Ibn Hasan and Umar Ibn Al-AAS bin wail equity. These brigades were held in (zero year 13 h), then Abu Bakr said of Princes: that you come together to combat your Abu Obeida Fihri, and Yazid Ibn ABI sufyan. The AMR Ibn El-AAS was extended to Muslims and Prince to join it. ..

Then Abdel Abu Bakr later Khalid Bin Saeed Abu Arwa **** (4). When the Muslim Cham was all Amir were meant to hand to being invaded b and its RAID there. It was AMR Ibn al-' AAS conquered Palestine and Jordan and had graduated to invade more than Ibn ABI Sufyaan invades the land of Damascus. (5) the contract of every Prince in the start command to the 3,000 it was Abu Bakr followed even now supply each with Prince seven thousand five hundred, and then subsequently rounded up complementarity and twenty-four thousand of ...

+ Invasion and credit cart airflow (the first incursions and skirmishes): (6)
The first was signed between the Muslims and the people of the villages in Gaza told a creditor of dathin was between them and the Gaza Strip. The Romans occupied Damascus where heavy fighting. The village fell before the arrival of Khalid Bin Walid extended to Syria. He defeated Abu albahli to him, kill them penguins.
Draws more than Ibn ABI Sufyaan requested that Penguin. The language that the coach of the land of Palestine to Greek, he drew them echo bin ajlan, father of him, killing them and albahli killed their Commander and then went out.
Narrated Abu mikhnaf on cart that six leaders of the Roman commanders took the cart in the 3,000, then marched them Abu in intensified the Muslims, defeated and killed one of the pimp, and I am following it became to descending, defeated and captured Muslims sheep well


Freedom Of Mind
I think you are the 1robin's missing points.

There is no doubt, that Muslim mathematicians were the first to invent symbolic algebra, using the algebraic or symbolic notations to formulate equations. And there is no doubt that the coined the word "algebra", BUT there were other ways - older ways to solving equations that didn't required symbolic notations, and algebra is older than when the word was first coined.

1robin was correct in saying that algebra is older than first Muslim mathematician to come up with symbolic algebra.

You are stuck on up with the word itself invented, and when symbolic algebra was invented and used, but algebra was far more ancient than symbolic algebra, because there were other to express algebraic equations.

Muslims didn't create algebra itself, but they did innovate on how algebra was used in mathematics.

Before the Persian mathematician Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī had published his book in 820 (The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing), in which his title provided how the word algebra was coined "al-jabr", it is known that he had relied on earlier Greek and Indian sources, before coming up innovative way of solving algebraic problems. And one of the Greek sources was most likely Diophantus of Alexandria, a 3rd century mathematician, who wrote Arithmetica.

Diophantus provided his own innovating way of solving algebraic equations or algebraic problems, known as syncopated algebra.

But even Diophantus didn't invent algebra. Before Diophantus, the Greeks had used geometry to solve their algebraic equations, known as geometric constructive algebra.

I think the earliest algebra, had come from the Babylonian mathematics, somewhere between 1900 and 1600 BCE, the approximate date for the Plimpton 322 tablet. Algebra may not have been expressed like symbolic algebra that we commonly used today, but the tablet does give us the indication that the quadratic equations was known to the Babylonians.

And it is clear that the Egyptian have known a version of algebra as it can be seen by the Rhind Papyrus, written by Ahmes around 1650 BCE. The papyrus showed the earliest form to the linear equation.

Algebra had far more ancient history than Muslim invention of symbolic algebra, but Mūsā al-Khwārizmī's innovation is an important stage of mathematical history. Algebra did have long history even the earlier stages of its history wasn't called "algebra" at those times.

The Babylonians, Egyptians and Greeks have all contributed to algebra, even though it may not have expressed their equations in the same manner in which have done so by Muslim Arabs or Persians, or how we used it today. The Persian and Arab mathematicians may have surpassed their earlier counterparts, but by the Renaissance, the Muslim mathematicians were surpassed by European mathematicians.

Do you understand what I am saying?

Yes, i don't understand the nonsense.

Any moron can believe that math and calculations can work without using number 0.

I gave 1robin a simple equation to show us what kind of numbers the Egyptians used and he didn't know how their numbers were used to solve Algebraic equations.

Why Europe have to wait for the Muslims to teach them math, why they didn't discover 0 by themselves, why the Egyptians didn't do it.

Yes i know that you hate to believe that Muslims did it, but they did it whether you like it or not.



......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Hey FearGod,

I don't have a stake in this side discussion about the origins of algebra... how does this relate to the OP?


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Pakistan: [1]

Islam is the largest and the state religion of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, which has a population of about 190,291,129.[1] The majority (95–97%) of the Pakistani people are Muslim while the remaining 3–5% are Christian,Hindu, and others.[2][3] Sunnis are the majority while the Shias make up between 5-20%[2][3][4][5][6] of the total Muslim population of the country, whereas the Ahmadi Muslims make up approximately 2.2% of the total Muslim population of the country.[7]

Pakistan has the second largest number of Shias after Iran, which numbers between 16.5 million to as high as 30 million according to Vali Nasr.[8]

Arrival of Islam in modern Pakistan

The arrival of the Muslims to the areas of modern day Pakistan, along with subsequent Muslim dynasties, set the stage for the religious boundaries of South Asia that would lead to the development of the modern state of Pakistan as well as forming the foundation for Islamic rule which quickly spread across much of South Asia.

Following the rule of various Islamic empires, including the Ghaznavid Empire, the Ghorid kingdom, and the Delhi Sultanate, the Mughals controlled the region from 1526 until 1739. Many Sufi missionaries from Middle East and Central Asia migrated and settled in South Asia. Many natives converted to Islam due to the missionary Sufi saints whose dargahs dot the landscape of South Asia. Sufism in Pakistan is plays important role in the country.

The Delhi Sultanate and later Mughal Empire ruled the northern India region. During the Delhi Sultanate and later Mughal Empire attracted Muslim refugees,nobles, technocrats, bureaucrats, soldiers, traders, scientists, architects, artisans,teachers, poets, artists, theologians and Sufis from the rest of the Muslim world and they migrated and settled in the South Asia.

During the reign of Sultan Ghyasuddin Balban(1266-1286) thousands of Central Asian Muslims sought asylum including more than of 15 sovereigns and their nobles due to the Mongol invasion of Khwarezmia and Eastern Iran.
At the court of Sultan Iltemish in Delhi the first wave of these Muslim refugees escaping from the Central Asian genocide perpetrated by the hordes of Genghis Khan, brought administrators from Iran, painters from China, theologians from Samarkand, Nishapurand Bukhara, nobles from Khwarezm, divines and saints from all Muslim lands, craftsmen and men and maidens from every region, doctors adept in Greek medicine, philosophers from everywhere.

After the Battle of Panipat (1526) Mughal Emperor Babur defeated the Lodi dynasty with a diverse array of Muslim soldiers and nobles who were awarded estates and they settled with their families in modern Pakistan

Islam in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in Pakistan.

Please correct me if I am wrong.



Active Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


Open your eyes and look into Syria. Islamic militants Ravage a non Muslim village, tortures, do all unethical practices and asks the remaining people (if any) to convert to Muslims.

Do you see any blood shed in this case? This was the case everywhere.

I am sure one of your future post will start like this

Was Islam spread by the sword?

For example:

Spread of Islam in Syria

********************Bla Bla Bla ******

********Bla Bla Bla ********************

some holy men came and just by seeing him itself, every people in that village opted to be a Muslims.

****************Bla Bla Bla ***************

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in Syria .

Try to make people believe this - that No blood was shed during the World Wars I and II. This too makes similar sense.

Remember, Almost every Religion spread by sword, not just Islam.
Last edited:


Active Member
I have gone through a few of the posts of gnostic and 1robin
and those post makes sense to me.

Any moron can believe that math and calculations can work without using number 0.

I gave 1robin a simple equation to show us what kind of numbers the Egyptians used and he didn't know how their numbers were used to solve Algebraic equations.

I don't know what the Egyptians used. but do you know Roman numerals

I = 1 , V = 5, X = 10, L= 50 , C= 100 , D = 500 , M = 1000

That system doesn't have zero, but calculations can be done with it too even though it is often very hard .

what about computers - it uses only 2 digits, 0 and 1. Here, there is no 3, 4 or 5's. but it still can do various kind of calculations.

Remember Algebra is a huge subject. thousands of people contributed to its development from almost all part of the world. At this point I have searched wikipedia and has gone through Babylonian Algebra that existed 1900 years before christ.

Greek Algebra, Egyptian Algebra (2000) years before christ.

(these civilizations never called it Algebra though)

Yes i know that you hate to believe that Muslims did it, but they did it whether you like it or not.

I don't think so it is the case with 1robin and gnostic. From my part, I have no hatred towards Muslims as common man. But as a religion, i Hate every religion. I believe one is closer to god without religion than with religion.

As far as algebra is concerned, Muslims did play a very big role in contributing to the development of Algebra and I am sure, me myself would have got its fruits (even without my knowledge). For example :- Algebra would have played a big role in designing medical equipment or even in making a medicine that had helped me in some way.

But I cant give credit to Muslims alone for the whole of Algebra.

you hate to believe that Muslims did it, .

No, You (and me) can do more. We are Gods equal creations. It is religion that is keeping us apart. it is religion that is pushing us down.

Thank you.
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Freedom Of Mind
Hey FearGod,

I don't have a stake in this side discussion about the origins of algebra... how does this relate to the OP?

Just to show how haters support whatever stories that attack Islam and reject any stories that support it even the golden age of Islam to them is nonsense and the real heroes were the Indians, Greece, Chinese, Egyptians ..etc but not the Muslims.


The Lost One
icehorse said:
I don't have a stake in this side discussion about the origins of algebra... how does this relate to the OP?
We are getting side-tracked by the history of algebra, and I don know started it.

But I preferred the distractions than put up more of paarsurrey's useless and biased prattles (meaning his selective copy-and-paste) on wiki articles about Islam.

Perhaps someone can start a new thread on the history of algebra, in the science vs religion debates forum.


Veteran Member

Open your eyes and look into Syria. Islamic militants Ravage a non Muslim village, tortures, do all unethical practices and asks the remaining people (if any) to convert to Muslims.

Do you see any blood shed in this case? This was the case everywhere.

I am sure one of your future post will start like this

Try to make people believe this - that No blood was shed during the World Wars I and II. This too makes similar sense.

Remember, Almost every Religion spread by sword, not just Islam.

In fact the terrorists with using force have hindered spread of Islam.
It actually proves my point that Islam flourishes and spreads most in peace time.

Thanks for highlighting my point of view.



Veteran Member
Hey FearGod,

I don't have a stake in this side discussion about the origins of algebra... how does this relate to the OP?

I agree with you that the discussion should focus on the title of the thread:

Was Islam spread by the sword?

No, it is wrong.

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