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Was Islam spread by the sword?

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I guess many forget about the French and British African and Middle-Eastern troops which were Muslims. They were part of the colonial units which fought in both theaters of war. Let not undermine their efforts nor sacrifice.
I did not forget, I had no reason to remember. I can't possibly see the relevance here. Did you mean Muslims that fought for the British and French? Sounded the other way around. I have never met anyone that suggests Muslims are all bad or even close to it. It is just that they are so often tangled up with bad things it starts to look linked. Not to mention the apparent evil inherent in the doctrines themselves. I would not wish to have to defend Islam, Christianity has done enough wrong for me but Islam IMO exceeds them in every category at almost every turn in history. From Muhammad to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with nary a Christ anywhere to break the monotony of tyranny and blood. Regardless, got to go, have a good one.

mahasn ebn sawresho

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#1109 Add to FearGod's Frubals Report Post
Old Today, 03:42 PM
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Originally Posted by 1robin View Post
Islam thinks they are chosen for EXTERMINATION by Allah. What is the difference besides the evidence? If my culture defeated an enemy that outnumbered mine by 80 - 1 in war after war and my society had made a patch of desert 1/6th of 1% the size of the Arab section and devoid of the oil, yet in countless ways out produced them all I might be inclined to feel special as well. Claiming to be chosen by God is a lot more excusable than claiming God demanded they be exterminated.
What about the Holocaust ?
Want a comparison between Muhammad and Hitler
Very good
Hitler was a man carries the idea of nationalism
And Hitler did not declare that he fought with words of God
Or that God ordered him to fight
There are some secret documents which finally published
Relationship between the Muslim Arab and Hitler
And from the possible to be Hitler's anti-Jewish behavior because of this relationship that Islam hates Jews and presenting them in the strongest possible words in the Quran
But Muhamad said to people that fought on the orders of God
And he fights for God
Azenhnakfrk between Hitler and Muhammad
Hitler did not marry a woman killing her husband
Hitler married in another melody of life
He married Eva
Hitler's sexual side better than Mohamed, who married a girl and he married the adopted daughter's husband and wife murdered is murdering
I wish I could of Penguin Mohammed Hitler because the equation is for Hitle


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in South Sudan:

Islam is a minority religion in South Sudan. Most Muslims welcomed secession in the South Sudanese independence referendum.[1] The last census to mention the religion of southerners dates back to 1956 where a majority were classified as following traditional beliefs or were Christian while 18% were Muslim.[2]

Islam in South Sudan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in South Sudan.



Veteran Member
I did not forget, I had no reason to remember. I can't possibly see the relevance here. Did you mean Muslims that fought for the British and French? Sounded the other way around. I have never met anyone that suggests Muslims are all bad or even close to it. It is just that they are so often tangled up with bad things it starts to look linked. Not to mention the apparent evil inherent in the doctrines themselves. I would not wish to have to defend Islam, Christianity has done enough wrong for me but Islam IMO exceeds them in every category at almost every turn in history. From Muhammad to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with nary a Christ anywhere to break the monotony of tyranny and blood. Regardless, got to go, have a good one.

I was trying to shoot down Godwin's law by at least pointing out that many fought for the Allies. Political ideologies easily abuse religious ideologies and use it dope the masses.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
I was trying to shoot down Godwin's law by at least pointing out that many fought for the Allies. Political ideologies easily abuse religious ideologies and use it dope the masses.

Religion is the opium of the people
This was announced by Lenin
But you must examine every religion and opium in it
Islam where opium-type terrorism
Christianity where opium-type peace to surrender
And who wants to make the world better could make Christian type opium opium peace of equal
With this stand the Islamic evil
We understand the argument better
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in South Sudan:

Islam is a minority religion in South Sudan. Most Muslims welcomed secession in the South Sudanese independence referendum.[1] The last census to mention the religion of southerners dates back to 1956 where a majority were classified as following traditional beliefs or were Christian while 18% were Muslim.[2]

Islam in South Sudan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in South Sudan.


Another quite disturbing comment which shows a scant regard for history - I still can't believe the bare faced cheek of this chaps inversion of reality. The creation of South Sudan just a few years ago was to save the Non Moslems from genocide at the hands of the homicidal Moslem Arab North - we have seen this time and time again and still do in Nigeria, Somalia, Chad, Mali and the Central African Republic. The entire North of Africa has seen Islam spread by the sword and continues to this very day - why is no-one taking this liar to task??

Over 2.5 million Christians were killed by Moslems in Sudan alone and we saw many forced conversions - the ethnic cleansing which occured in Sudan largely as a result of Islamic intolerance to religion and non Arabs in general is one of the most harrowing episodes of recent human history.


Veteran Member
I was trying to shoot down Godwin's law by at least pointing out that many fought for the Allies. Political ideologies easily abuse religious ideologies and use it dope the masses.

I agree with what I have colored in magenta.

I agree with what I have colored in magenta.


Yes - but you see, in Islam there is no seperating of the religious and the political as we have discussed. So whilst it is nice that you agree it tells us nothing about the scriptual basis for all the Islamic militia terrorising people the world over. Now - would you like to debate the history of Islam in Sudan on a purely factual basis with me?


I was trying to shoot down Godwin's law by at least pointing out that many fought for the Allies. Political ideologies easily abuse religious ideologies and use it dope the masses.
Praising anyone for fighting for freedom is like getting a medal for not robbing a bank. It is less remarkable for a person to do as they should than it is when they ally themselves with one of the most evil empires in human history. There is no problem reminding people that Islam at times chose correctly but it does not really counter their pathetically poor choices. No matter what horrible act occurred there is always well at least there was no more than that. It is not really a defense but I have no problem with you pointing out good points.


Veteran Member
If we agree with the premise of one poster that Islam in South Sudan spread there with sword; now that they have separated from Sudan they should have reversed their faith.

They have not done so. What compels them from not reversing?



Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Sudan: [1]

Islam is the largest religion in Sudan, and Muslims have dominated national government institutions since independence in 1956. According to UNDP Sudan, the Muslim population is 97%,[1] including numerous Arab and non-Arab groups. The remaining 3% ascribe to either Christianity or traditional animist religions. Muslims predominate in all but Nuba Mountains region.

The vast majority of Muslims in Sudan adhere to Sunni Islam of Maliki school of jurisprudence, deeply influenced with Sufism, making Sudan one of the most tolerant Muslim majority countries in the world.[2][3] There are also some Shiacommunities in Khartoum, the capital.[3] The most significant divisions occur along the lines of the Sufi brotherhoods. Two popular brotherhoods, the Ansar and the Khatmia, are associated with the opposition Umma and Democratic Unionist Parties respectively.

Shari'a law has been installed by various military regimes, and its application to non-Muslims in the capital was a contentious issue during the negotiations, but it and the other major issues underlying the north/south conflict have been largely resolved in the agreements. Shari'a generally is to continue to be the basis of the national legal system as it applies in the north; national legislation applicable to the south is to be based on "popular consensus, the values, and the customs of the people."

In states or regions where a majority hold different religious or customary beliefs than those on which the legal system is based, the national laws may be amended to accord better with such beliefs. Throughout the country, the application of Shari'a to non-Muslims is to be limited, and courts may not exercise their discretion to impose the harsher physical forms of Shari'a penalties on non-Muslims. Sudan has had three democratic governments since 1956, all of which abolished Shari'a law.

Islam in Sudan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in Sudan.

If we agree with the premise of one poster that Islam in South Sudan spread there with sword; now that they have separated from Sudan they should have reversed their faith.

They have not done so. What compels them from not reversing?


I am assume you are referring to me? Regardless - this comment makes no sense (who should have reversed their faith?) and completely misinterpreted what I said. But then as seen with many of your previous posts, logic (and facts) are something you appear to be ill-aquainted with.

I said Islam was spread by the sword in Sudan - South Sudan came into existance largely as a result of Moslem persecution of non Moslems and non Arabs - it was to save them from the sword being waged in the name of Islam (as always). The result of this seperation meant that the South never became fully Islamised as the Northern area of the original state of Sudan did.

The sword of Islam was most definitely unsheathed in Sudan and as I said - if you want to debate me on the dispicable violence of Islam in Sudan I gladly will. That you continue to say Islam was not spread by the sword in South Sudan, which is barely 3 years old, is another act of complete deception by yourself.


If we agree with the premise of one poster that Islam in South Sudan spread there with sword; now that they have separated from Sudan they should have reversed their faith.

They have not done so. What compels them from not reversing?

Something entrenched by force is many times retained without it. Democracy usually is the result of force but is retained in peace.
However Islam it's self many times is a force. From etiquette police on the streets of Tehran, to the death penalty for leaving the faith, to turning babies into Muslim's at birth. Something with merit should not require these things.


Veteran Member
Something entrenched by force is many times retained without it. Democracy usually is the result of force but is retained in peace.
However Islam it's self many times is a force. From etiquette police on the streets of Tehran, to the death penalty for leaving the faith, to turning babies into Muslim's at birth. Something with merit should not require these things.

These could be atrocities being committed by the political government of that country; there is no such teaching in Quran/Islam/Muhammad.



These could be atrocities being committed by the political government of that country; there is no such teaching in Quran/Islam/Muhammad.

It is present in the most Islamic of nations. You may be right but the wealth of evidence persuades me you are not.


It was spread by the sword.

The only question is why its followers cannot admit it, and why they try and hide the their violence when its obvious.

It is worse to hide a lie, then admit to it, and man up and accept what you cannot change.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I am impressed by your knowing his name. I can't remember most western names, and Islam, forget it. However I have heard of up to 9 divisions of Islamic soldiers. That may be high but I think more than one is certain. I also have read of the many atrocities they alone were responsible for.

He was an ally of nazi Germany and head of those SS divisions,he stayed in Beriin during the war and was the main instigator of what we have in Palestine now,assassinations of respected Muslims and Jews with a British Diplomat thrown in for good measure and Britain let him escape to Germany.

The Muslim Brotherhood and Arab league which he had strong influence are all part of an ideal of Islam for all, like it or not.


He was an ally of nazi Germany and head of those SS divisions,he stayed in Beriin during the war and was the main instigator of what we have in Palestine now,assassinations of respected Muslims and Jews with a British Diplomat thrown in for good measure and Britain let him escape to Germany.

The Muslim Brotherhood and Arab league which he had strong influence are all part of an ideal of Islam for all, like it or not.
Good gracious. I thought my claim was damning but that guy appears to have been the anti-Christ or worse. Imagine how much would have been avoided if Churchill had actually assassinated Hitler in 37 like he wanted to.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I guess many forget about the French and British African and Middle-Eastern troops which were Muslims. They were part of the colonial units which fought in both theaters of war. Let not undermine their efforts nor sacrifice.

Certainly not,if over the 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide were of the same mind as Hamas Fatah Hezbollah and were united we would surely be in deep do do,they aren't and I doubt they ever will be but just like the other proselytising religion it's a great catalyst for violence and forcing it on others.
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