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Was Islam spread by the sword?

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Veteran Member
I did not said all christians , i said most most are christians .

so show us credibal statics about the victimes . (the number and nation ...etc)

You are asserting a religion of people which you have no idea if they hold the religion or not and using causalities to make a point. Yet if you breakdown these figures you can not validate these claims. The USSR in WW2 at the start had an anti-religious policy which was dropped in 43. How many Russians were Christian? How many were atheists? How many hid their religious views due to fear from the government? You can not even assume that the 20 million Russian killed in the war were religious not let alone if they were Christian or not. 20 million Chinese were killed in WW2 but Christianity was not the majority. Heck no one can say if 5 of these 20 million were Buddhists or Taoists. Your argument is speculation and assertion, nothing more

This is your argument, do your own research...


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Burma: [5]

Islam is a minority religion in Burma,[1] practiced by 4% of the population, according to the Myanmar official statistics.[2]


Prisoners of war[edit]

Burma has a long history of settlements by Muslim prisoners of war. In 1613, King Anaukpetlun captured Thanlyin or Syriam. Indian Muslim mercenaries were captured, and later settled in Myedu, Sagaing, Yamethin and Kyaukse, areas north of Shwebo.[71] King Sane (Sa Nay Min Gyi)[citation needed] brought several thousand Muslim prisoners of war from Sandoway and settled in Myedu in 1707 AD. Three thousand Muslims from Arakan took refuge under King Ssane in 1698-1714.

They were divided and settled in Taungoo, Yamethin, Nyaung Yan, Yin Taw, Meiktila, Pin Tale, Tabet Swe, Bawdi, Syi Tha, Syi Puttra, Myae du and Depayin.[72] In the mid-18th century, King Alaungpaya attacked Assam and Manipur of India, then bringing more Muslims to settle in Burma. These Muslims later assimilated to form the core of Burmese Muslims.[3] During the rule of King Bagyidaw (1819–37), Maha Bandula conquered Assam and brought back 40,000 prisoners of war, many of whom were Muslims.[73]

When Tabinshwehti, TaungooKing 1530-50 AD attacked Hanthawaddy, Muslim soldiers were helping Mons with artillery.[74][75][76]

Nat Shin Naung, Toungoo king (1605–82), rebelled against Anaukpetlun, who had founded a new dynasty at Ava in 1613. He retreated to Thanlyin or Syriam, under the rule of Portuguese mercenary Philip de Brito, Anaukpetlun captured the city in 1613 following a long siege where he crucified Nat Shin Naung and de Brito. He enslaved the Indian mercenaries including the Muslims and five battle ships. The Muslim prisoners of wars were settled at the north of Shwebo.[77]

King Thalun (1629–1648), the successor of Anaukpetlun settled those Muslims at Shwebo, Sagaing and Kyaukse.[78] Muslim prisoners of war were settled in upper Myanmar by successive Burmese kings. Myae Du near Shwebo was one of the sites. Muslim prisoners from Bago during 1539-1599 AD were the first settlers.Tabinshwehti brought back the Muslim prisoners, after attacking Arakan in 1546 and 1549 AD.King Anaukpetlun conquered Syriam in 1613 AD and brought back Muslim soldiers and sailors as prisoners of war. They were settled in Myedu, Sagaing, Yamethin and Kyaukse. King Sane brought back several thousand Muslim prisoners of war from Sandoway and settled in Myedu in 1707 AD. Next year few thousands more were settled in those places and Taungoo.

King Alaungpaya attacked Assam and Manipur of India and brought back more Muslims to settle in Burma.These Muslims later assimilated to form core of Burmese Muslims.[51] Earlier they were called Myedu Kala or Kala Pyo. (Kala = foreigner; Pyo = young.) During King Bagyidaw 1819-37 rule, Maha Bandula conquered Assam and brought back 40,000 prisoners of war. About half of them were likely to be Muslims.[79] Maha Bandula and Burmese Army's war at Ramu and Pan War were famous. Burmese captured one big cannon, 200 firearms, mixed Sepoy Indian 200. Muslims amongst them were relocated at the south of Amarapura that is Myittha river's south.[80]

Islam in Burma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in Burma.



the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
You are asserting a religion of people which you have no idea if they hold the religion or not and using causalities to make a point. Yet if you breakdown these figures you can not validate these claims. The USSR in WW2 at the start had an anti-religious policy which was dropped in 43. How many Russians were Christian? How many were atheists? How many hid their religious views due to fear from the government? You can not even assume that the 20 million Russian killed in the war were religious not let alone if they were Christian or not. 20 million Chinese were killed in WW2 but Christianity was not the majority. Heck no one can say if 5 of these 20 million were Buddhists or Taoists. Your argument is speculation and assertion, nothing more

This is your argument, do your own research...

at your order

Total War Deaths by Nation: (in some cases, numbers are averaged from multiple sources due to discrepancies).
Soviet Union: 25,000,000
China: 15,000,000
Germany: 8,000,000
Poland: 5,720,000
Dutch East Indies: 3,500,000
Japan: 2,870,000
British India: 2,087,000
French Indochina: 1,600,000
Yugoslavia: 1,363,500
Philippines: 807,000
Romania: 800,000
Hungary: 580,000
France: 550,000
Italy: 454,600
United Kingdom: 450,900
United States: 418,500
Korea: 430,500
Lithuania: 350,000
Czechoslovakia: 325,000
Greece: 563,500
Netherlands: 301,000
British Burma: 272,000
Latvia: 230,000
Austria: 120,000
Ethiopia: 100,000
British Malaya: 100,000
Finland: 97,000
Belgium: 88,000
Estonia: 50,000
Singapore: 50,000
Canada: 45,400
Australia: 40,400
Albania: 30,000
Bulgaria: 25,000
New Zealand: 11,900
South Africa: 11,900
Norway: 9,500
Thailand: 7,600
Denmark: 3,200
Brazil: 2,000
Luxembourg: 2,000
Iraq: 500
Ireland: 200
Iran: 200
Turkey: 200
Iceland: 200
Mexico: 100
Switzerland: 100
Total: 72,468,900

from this link :
WW2 Statistics

btw I just count the top liste 10 western countries , it's about 46 millions victimes .




Veteran Member
Great another person with basic reading comprehension issues. Now please produce evidence in which each of these people were asked to tick off their religion.... Your citation is making the same mistake you did which I pointed out so your response is moot. Your source is a non-expert and an anti-Semite to boot.
Last edited:


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Great another person with basic reading comprehension issues. Now please produce evidence in which each of these people were asked to tick off their religion.... Your citation is making the same mistake you did which I pointed out so your response is moot. Your source is a non-expert and an anti-Semite to boot.
I except this from you

so make your own search , and post it , from your farvorite source .


Veteran Member
It is your argument which you can not validate. I need not do your work for you as I am not making a claim I am criticizing your lack of sources which validate your claims


at your order

Total War Deaths by Nation: (in some cases, numbers are averaged from multiple sources due to discrepancies).

Do you not have the intellect to understand the USA did not start the war?

And they went out and sacrificed lives to stop barbarians murdering millions???

Do you understand this???


Freedom Of Mind
Do you not have the intellect to understand the USA did not start the war?

And they went out and sacrificed lives to stop barbarians murdering millions???

Do you understand this???

Hope the American heroes will fight Russia and stop them from killing the Ukrainians.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
It is your argument which you can not validate. I need not do your work for you as I am not making a claim I am criticizing your lack of sources which validate your claims

I post three links , you don't post any link .

btw , It's western sources made by historians , if they not valid , that the problem not mine , it's yours historians lacked in it .

they are valid and credibal for now , since you did not post other sources denied them.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Do you not have the intellect to understand the USA did not start the war?

And they went out and sacrificed lives to stop barbarians murdering millions???

Do you understand this???

We know that smart man

USA did not start the war against Nazi or Japan .

could you be smart enough to undestand that :
i was talking about the casualty , about 45 million christians killed , and estimated more than 60 million dead in that war .


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Its not provoking, you have admitted such.

You admit historians are wrong and provide no evidence they are not.

Credible historians, all of education posits Abraham did not exist. But you refuse this education and knowledge.

That is fanaticism.

You follow a literal translation of a book that factually contains mythology as real history.

And you fight this fact, tooth and nail! that is fanaticism.

Anyone who is against education and knowledge due to religious beliefs follows fanaticism.

NO, your closed mind bothers me more. You lack of reason due to religious belief is also an issue.
since my credibal historians did not prove that Abraham (pbuh) was not exist.

don't realise the real fanaticism person here :

sorry to tell you this , the real fanaticism is you , you always called me "fanaticsm" because , i denied your history claim about Abraham (pbuh),which i don't considere your historians as credibal .

The reason you don't understand the USA did a good thing for the world in WW1 and 2 which we did not start, is because your religion clouds reality [fanaticism.]
who said USA did not good thing in WW2 , me ?

except hitting Japan civilians by two nuclear Bomb .


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Burma: [6]

Islam is a minority religion in Burma,[1] practiced by 4% of the population, according to the Myanmar official statistics.[2]


Royal Muslim soldiers[edit]

When the famous Razadarit attacked and conquered Dagon (Yangon), Muslim soldiers defended from the Burmese side.

Muslim artillerymen and riflemen served regularly in Burmese army and sometimes even as royal bodyguards because the Burmese kings never trust their own race. This is understandable because there was the custom that time that he who kills the king becomes a king. And in Burmese history sometimes the son killed his own father and brothers killed each other to become a king.

Even the first Burmese King, Anawrahta had killed his half-brother, King Sokkate. Sokkate had also forced and dethroned his own father King Kunhsaw.[81] The army of King Anawratha (11th century) already boasted Indian units and bodyguards, Muslims apparently among them.[82] When Tabinshwehti attacked Martaban in 1541 AD, many Muslims resisted strongly. When Bayintnaung successfully conquered Ayuthaya (Thailand) in 1568-1569 AD he use the help of Muslim artillerymen. King Alaungpaya 1752-1760 AD conquered Syrim. Muslim prisoners of war were forced to serve in his army.[83]

Pagan Min 1846-1853 AD appointed U Shwe Oh, a Burmese Muslim, as the Governor of the Capital city, Amarapura. His Grand Vizier, U Paing (also a Burmese Muslim) who is noted for his efforts in building a two-mile long bridge, made of teakwood across the Taung Tha Man Lake. It is still useful and now became a scenic area attracting picnickers and tourists. In 1850, the Governor of Bagan was also said to be a Muslim.[84] Burmese kings employed a lot of Muslims in his inner circle: Royal bodyguards, eunuchs, couriers, interpreters and advisers.[85]

Konbaung Dynasty[edit]

At the beginning of the Konbaung dynasty, King Alaungpaya attacked Mon peoples near Pyay. The Mon warrior Talapan was assisted in the defense by Muslim soldiers. In 1755 Alaungpaya conquered Dagon and renamed it Yangon, meaning 'The End of Strife'. The Mon soldiers surrendered, along with four Muslim rich men who surrendered with expensive presents, munitions and four warships.[86] Following this, Alaungpaya attacked Thanlyin and captured many Muslim artillery men,[87]who were later allowed to serve in his army.Alaungpaya captured four warships and Muslim soldiers. \[88] After Alaungpayacaptured Bago, a parade was held in which Pathi Muslim soldiers were allowed to march in their traditional uniforms.[89]

King Bodawpaya Bodaw U Wine (Padon Mayor, Padon Min) (1781–1819) of the Konbaung Dynasty founded Amarapura as his new capital in 1783. He was the first Burmese King who recognized his Muslim subjects officially by Royal decree, appointing specific ministers to give judgment regarding conflicts amongst his Burmese Muslim subjects.[90]

Sir Henry Yule saw many Muslims serving as eunuchs in the Burmese court while on a diplomatic mission there.[91][92][93][94]These Muslim eunuchs came from Arakan.[95][96]

After deposing his brother following the Second Anglo-Burmese War, King Mindon Min showed favor to the Burmese Muslims. Several Muslims were giving rank in the military and civil administrations. In 1853 King Mindon held a donation ceremony in which he ordered the preparation of halal food for his 700 Muslim horse cavalry soldiers. Upon the founding of Mandalay, several quarters were granted to Muslims for settlement. Also at this time, Mindon Min allocated space for several mosques, including the Kone Yoe mosque. He also donated teak pillars from his palace for the construction of a mosque in the North Obo district of Mandalay, and began constructing of a mosque in his own palace to accommodate the Muslim members of his bodyguards. Finally, he assisted in building a rest house in Mecca for Burmese subjects performing Hajj.[97]

Following the defeat of King Thibaw Min by the British in 1885, Burmese Muslims formed many groups organizations for Burmese social welfare and religious affairs. The total population of Muslims increased sharply during the British rule in Burma, as a result of the Indian diaspora

Islam in Burma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in Burma.



Veteran Member
I post three links , you don't post any link .

btw , It's western sources made by historians , if they not valid , that the problem not mine , it's yours historians lacked in it .

they are valid and credibal for now , since you did not post other sources denied them.

Again you have reading comprehension issue. I said link evidence of the religion of these people which you did not. why does it take me telling you 3 times for you to understand something?
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