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Was Islam spread by the sword?

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mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
All of the major religions have been spread with violence. History is quite simple. No need for Muslims, or anyone else, to be confused about it.
No this is not true
Christianity was spreading violence and did not exercise the violence to spread the Christian religion
Jesus Christ did not lift the sword declares war
Christ did not announce that the booty is the laws of God
And the disciples did not lift sword to spread the Christian religion
St. Peter webols presented themselves to death with atbagham in azothad Nero in Rome
Mar Thoma died in India
Other pupils
Therefore, this is not true
The following communities have embraced the Christian East
The Chaldeans, Assyrians and Syriacs, Pharaohs and Aramean
To date, no raise the sword of yzothdhm of Muslims and others
As for Judaism
Religion is for the sons of Israel did not declare that they want to publish the Jewish faith by the sword
But Islam spread by the sword
Mohammed lifted the sword
Mohammed said that the booty is the laws of God on Earth
Muhammad declared war on people
When I have the orders of God to fight with the people
Mohammed wrote the Quran its wars and conquests
We want equality between Islam and other
Therefore, you do not talk about right and confuse the concepts

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
really? where exactly does it say that?
Refer to pages dialog
Otherwise the freq???!?
The written history of Muslims
The history of the peoples of the island Arabic
Conquests of Muhammad
The spoils of Muhammad
Acts of Muslims today
The verses of the Qur'an
All facts says that Islam was spread by the sword
And with the sword also
Other methods
Owning of slaves for sex
Spoils of war
Sexual pleasures in heaven after the reliable
Ask Christians in Najran
Why expelled Muhammad of Arabia
Ethnic cleansing
You deny the facts of history


Says your plagiarizing, pedophile, raping, warrior, used a sword to spread his mythological religious beliefs.

colourful use of language - nice display of frustration at being unable to provide any proof - except your empty claims of hatred induced slander.

Very transparent.


colourful use of language - nice display of frustration at being unable to provide any proof - except your empty claims of hatred induced slander.

Very transparent.

I think most people call every one of those facts or I would not use them

took a 6 year old wife, at at the latest took her at 9 playing with dolls. PEDOPHILE

Killed a wifes family and took her what that night. RAPE

copied the bibles mythology not knowing it was not real history. MYTHOLOGY PLAGIARISM

and used a sword to spread his message. WARRIOR

So which is true and which is not true again?

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
It is true.

But unlike islam, christianities origins were peaceful, but in later times it was spread violently.
A beautiful mind debate
Christianity in its inception did not use violence in their
This was agreed
But we disagree on other stages
You believe that Christianity used violence
Where is the proof
Or directory
Is it the Bible
If religion by force, written in the Gospel
Here are your words are true
But if violence is contrary to the teachings of the Gospel
Here the application is not valid for original Christian concepts
Because the concepts and teachings of Christianity to guide us to peace
Then there was ahataa in the application
And errors are not Gospel
But in Islam, this inverse
The concepts of the Qur'an and the teachings of Islam
The command to spread the religion to violence
And other means
For example, encouragement of polygamy
This ancient pagan religions do not interfere with
For example, marriage
Do not interfere with the human desire for sex
The fighting verses
And deeds of Muhammad
When we put the acts altabait to Christ
With acts of Muhammad
NRH difference
Many guides
Including Mohammed was involved in more than one battle
Mohammed share spoils
He was one of the wives of the spoils of battle with the Jews
And Safiya Bint huyai
Follow Mohammed
Killing apostates of Islam
Fought the Persians, spreading Islam in Persia
Aaraf was fought in people because they have given up their swords and accepted the word of Christ
In Egypt the Coptic Pharaohs did not fight the invading Muslims
In Turkey the fighting between Roman and Muslim
Because the Roman Empire were
The Empire did not abandon its magnificence
Even if converted to Christianity
There is criticism to kstamtin
Where yghabr his conversion to Christianity
No means commensurate with the greatness of Rome
The religion of Christ to the Romans had them you contrived humility pride
More mcalah human and his book hidden
I own a copy of the Arabic translation
Either Hindus I I don't know much about them
But I think they are a religion tend to peace
I hope this is true
Greetings to you


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Lebanon: [1]

Lebanon has several different main religions. The country has the most religiously diverse society in the Middle East, comprising 18 recognized religious sects.[1] The main two religions are Christianity (the Maronite Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Melkite Catholic Church, theArmenian Apostolic Church) and Islam (Shia and Sunni). There is also theDruze minority religion.

No official census has been taken since 1932, reflecting the political sensitivity in Lebanon over confessional (i.e. religious) balance.[2]

The most recent study conducted by Statistics Lebanon, a Beirut-based research firm, found that approximately Lebanon's population is estimated to be 54% Muslim (27% Shia; 27% Sunni), 5.6% Druze, who do not consider themselves to be Muslims, 40.4%Christian (21% Maronite, 8% Greek Orthodox, 5% Melkite Catholic, and 6.4% other Christian denominations like Armenian Orthodox, Syriac Catholic, Armenian Catholic, Syriac Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Chaldean, Assyrian, Copt, Protestant).[3]

The CIA World Factbook estimates the following: Muslim 54% (27% Shia, 27% Sunni), Christian 40.5% (includes 21% Maronite Catholic, 8% Greek Orthodox, 5% Greek Catholic, 1% Protestantism in Lebanon, 5.5% other Christian), Druze 5.6%, very small numbers of Jews, Baha'is, Buddhists, Hindus, and Mormons.[4]

Lebanon has a population of Mhallamis also known as Mardinli, most of whom migrated from northeast Syria and southeastTurkey are estimated to be between 75,000 and 100,000 and considered to be part of the Sunni population. These have in recent years been granted Lebanese citizenship and, coupled with several civil wars between Islamic extremists and theLebanese military that have caused many Christians to flee the country, have re-tipped the demographic balance in favour of the Muslims and the Sunnis in particular.[5]

In addition, many thousands of Arab Bedouins in the Bekaa and in the Wadi Khaled region, who are entirely Sunnis, were granted Lebanese citizenship. Lebanon also has a Jewish population, estimated at less than 100.

Religion in Lebanon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in Lebanon.


mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
That peaceful orientation in Christianity
Made her vulnerable to criticisms of thinkers who aspire to greatness
A British writer Bernard Shaw
In his book Jesus was not a Christian
This writer believes that the peaceful Christian was not commensurate with the Rukh tradition Roman known coarsely foul known as combat balrokh
The most important thing I did Christianity is refining this great spirit
And it uplifts
But here is the lack of understanding of this movement
I am laatklm from space
From ykraa to ykraa between the lines also
If the Christian third of hostility on Islam
The world was different today
The spread of Islam
A peaceful spirit States that embrace Christianity
Islam was faced with a real force
Islam knew the power of the West in Spain
The lorba felt the gravity of Islam
Also today on Europe and the world to know the gravity of Islam
Who uses the pious and misinformation and cheap methods of publication
Because Islam obscurantist ideology
Not commensurate with human free and rational Rukh greetings

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
You just don't think about mobility
And not sure Ka type
Only the hollow of initiating a
Lebanon, you know the history of the country and know no geographic also
Islam in Lebanon has not spread over 1400 years enable the Lebanese to maintain their majority
Lebanon was a Christian privilege
Lebanon was a center of culture in Arabic
But with the beginnings of the 19th century the Islamic tide Lebanon collapsed before the population
And also the intervention of Saudi Arabia, Iran and the Palestinians where
For this population emigrated and left Earth for these Muslims
The Lebanon situation because
And you know a good geographical
There are vast areas of the Christian-majority Syria
When the Arabic countries have been divided on Sykes Piqua
It was a disaster for Eastern Christians
In Iraq has not recognized the whereabouts
Therefore, during the 100 years since the 19th century Islamic invasion completed the Satanic way
And me through conversion to Islam
In Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt Islam spread
An eviction
The unknown information you
It's Masai history
This speech is a very big topic
Just tell you
Think of you at Típico
Then you will know the truth
The reality of belief in the man killed my weight
And Christ
This is the essence of the subject


Veteran Member
You just don't think about mobility
And not sure Ka type
Only the hollow of initiating a
Lebanon, you know the history of the country and know no geographic also
Islam in Lebanon has not spread over 1400 years enable the Lebanese to maintain their majority
Lebanon was a Christian privilege
Lebanon was a center of culture in Arabic
But with the beginnings of the 19th century the Islamic tide Lebanon collapsed before the population
And also the intervention of Saudi Arabia, Iran and the Palestinians where
For this population emigrated and left Earth for these Muslims
The Lebanon situation because
And you know a good geographical
There are vast areas of the Christian-majority Syria
When the Arabic countries have been divided on Sykes Piqua
It was a disaster for Eastern Christians
In Iraq has not recognized the whereabouts
Therefore, during the 100 years since the 19th century Islamic invasion completed the Satanic way
And me through conversion to Islam
In Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt Islam spread
An eviction
The unknown information you
It's Masai history
This speech is a very big topic
Just tell you
Think of you at Típico
Then you will know the truth
The reality of belief in the man killed my weight
And Christ
This is the essence of the subject

I don't agree with you.



Well-Known Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in Lebanon: [1]

Lebanon has several different main religions. The country has the most religiously diverse society in the Middle East, comprising 18 recognized religious sects.[1] The main two religions are Christianity (the Maronite Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Melkite Catholic Church, theArmenian Apostolic Church) and Islam (Shia and Sunni). There is also theDruze minority religion.

No official census has been taken since 1932, reflecting the political sensitivity in Lebanon over confessional (i.e. religious) balance.[2]

The most recent study conducted by Statistics Lebanon, a Beirut-based research firm, found that approximately Lebanon's population is estimated to be 54% Muslim (27% Shia; 27% Sunni), 5.6% Druze, who do not consider themselves to be Muslims, 40.4%Christian (21% Maronite, 8% Greek Orthodox, 5% Melkite Catholic, and 6.4% other Christian denominations like Armenian Orthodox, Syriac Catholic, Armenian Catholic, Syriac Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Chaldean, Assyrian, Copt, Protestant).[3]

The CIA World Factbook estimates the following: Muslim 54% (27% Shia, 27% Sunni), Christian 40.5% (includes 21% Maronite Catholic, 8% Greek Orthodox, 5% Greek Catholic, 1% Protestantism in Lebanon, 5.5% other Christian), Druze 5.6%, very small numbers of Jews, Baha'is, Buddhists, Hindus, and Mormons.[4]

Lebanon has a population of Mhallamis also known as Mardinli, most of whom migrated from northeast Syria and southeastTurkey are estimated to be between 75,000 and 100,000 and considered to be part of the Sunni population. These have in recent years been granted Lebanese citizenship and, coupled with several civil wars between Islamic extremists and theLebanese military that have caused many Christians to flee the country, have re-tipped the demographic balance in favour of the Muslims and the Sunnis in particular.[5]

In addition, many thousands of Arab Bedouins in the Bekaa and in the Wadi Khaled region, who are entirely Sunnis, were granted Lebanese citizenship. Lebanon also has a Jewish population, estimated at less than 100.

Religion in Lebanon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in Lebanon.


"What is the Rashidun Caliphate and their conquests of Eastern Roman Empire territory?" "Islam means peace"
Because Lebanon was always Muslim. Its common knowledge.


Veteran Member
"What is the Rashidun Caliphate and their conquests of Eastern Roman Empire territory?" "Islam means peace"
Because Lebanon was always Muslim. Its common knowledge.

The states make wars for many reasons.
They did not need to make wars for conversion to Islam. People had already converted to Islam in Muhammad's time in large numbers due to the peaceful, reasonable and rational teachings of Islam and all persecution of Muslims at hands of the Meccans, the aggressive wars of Meccans and all impediments in the way of Islam had ended.

Islam flourishes most in peace and peace had been established.



Well-Known Member
The states make wars for many reasons.
They did not need to make wars for conversion to Islam. People had already converted to Islam in Muhammad's time in large numbers due to the peaceful, reasonable and rational teachings of Islam and all persecution of Muslims at hands of the Meccans, the aggressive wars of Meccans and all impediments in the way of Islam had ended.

Islam flourishes most in peace and peace had been established.


If Islam flourishes most in peace why were there no large scale conversions prior to Muslim conquests in the Eastern Roman Empire or Sassanid Empire?

Why became the conquered Regions only Muslim after they were subjugated by Muslim overlords?

I know! Because Islam mean Peace.


Veteran Member
If Islam flourishes most in peace why were there no large scale conversions prior to Muslim conquests in the Eastern Roman Empire or Sassanid Empire?

Why became the conquered Regions only Muslim after they were subjugated by Muslim overlords?

I know! Because Islam mean Peace.

Had the Meccans not got engaged Muhammad in aggressive wars being made by Meccans and Medina, this might have happened?
They continuously got engaged Muhammad on defensive endevours. No peace time was afforded to Muhammad to send missionaries to the entire world including Eastern Rome or Sassanid Iran.



Well-Known Member
Yes of course. The ERE and Sassanid Empire OBVIOUSLY were the aggressive ones. They obviously wanted to rule the... desert with its high quality sand.


Active Member
Mohammad was a warring prophet. He attacked all those that opposed him. You can see the same thing being repeated by all those Islamists wanting to assert themselves. They are also illiterate and attack all those that oppose them. What place in the modern world is there for 800 million illiterate Muslims in the 21st century? What has their religion done to them to reduce them to their current miserable existence?
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