Jehovah our God is One
If fizzling out means Gods Spirit wasn't upon them, then how can you say Christians who've proclaimed Jesus as God and a Trinity don't have God with them and there message if they haven't fizzled out for over 1,900 years?
That is a pretty long time and it doesn't look like that message of truth is stopping anytime soon. Remember the Pharisee told the others about Peter and the apostles teaching in Acts 5:38-39:
"Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God."
The Truth that Jesus is God and there is a Trinity hasn't stopped for 1,900 years and has continued to grow for millennia because it's found throughout scripture. You'd think if the Watchtower has the truth that God wouldn't allow a false gospel to be preached sending people to hell for 1,900 years. So why didnt the so called discreet slave come earlier instead of 1,900 later where God Supposedly didn't have a witness for 2 millennia?
Which is more plausible, that God let a false gospel bd the main gospel preached around the world for thousands of years and didn't have a witness for 1,900 years. Or that it was the Truth and a sect that came 1,900 years later distorted the gospel to bake it say something it doesn't?
C'mon, the catholic church is in decline... so many catholics yet so few practicing ones. How many catholic or roman catholic or greek orthordox or any other of the major denominations have active preachers? And how many of those churchs are united? When a war occurs in one country, the church in that country support it, and the same church in the opposing country support it too. How much corruption is in those churches...the vatican itself is accused of being a mafia run organisation for goodness sake. Poisoned popes and conspiriacies, pregnant nuns... its not a place that we could even conceive Gods spirit would be.
Did you never read the parable of the sower and the weeds? It was a prophecy about what would happen to the christian congregation.
Matt13: 24 He presented another illustration to them, saying: “The Kingdom of the heavens may be likened to a man who sowed fine seed in his field. 25 While men were sleeping, his enemy came and oversowed weeds in among the wheat and left. 26 When the stalk sprouted and produced fruit, then the weeds also appeared. 27 So the slaves of the master of the house came and said to him, ‘Master, did you not sow fine seed in your field? How, then, does it have weeds?’28 He said to them, ‘An enemy, a man, did this.’+ The slaves said to him, ‘Do you want us, then, to go out and collect them?’ 29 He said, ‘No, for fear that while collecting the weeds, you uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and in the harvest season, I will tell the reapers: First collect the weeds and bind them in bundles to burn them up; then gather the wheat into my storehouse.’”