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What about the 7-day creation story?


Active Member
How long was the 7th day?_____ Was the 7th day a 24-hour day?
YES according to God's word in Ex 20:11 God told Moses that God RESTED [pastence] at the end of creation. When you put all the scriptures together God said each day was 24 hours long just like the week today if you belieive the biblical story of creation.:D


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
What is the theme of Jesus teaching? Isn't it the good news of God's kingdom?
Didn't Jesus ask us to pray for God's kingdom to come? Jesus wouldn't ask us to pray for something for thousands of years and never have it come.

Yes, I agree with you that the good news is Gods mercy granted us.

God's Kingdom did come:

Luk 17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. When Jesus was here the kingdom of God recognized Jesus in the believer, yet only while Jesus was here, one on one.

Pray then, was the request. that the kingdom of God should come and dwell not on one on one as Jesus was in the physical, but that the time would come when He in spirit would be in the hears of all believers at the same time.

Only taught to be a future event for yet Jesus had not yet gone to the cross.

Psalm (103:19) mentions that God prepared his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all. He laid the foundations of the earth that the earth should not be removed forever -Psalm 104:5; Ecc 1:4 B.

Recall the words of Jesus:

Jhn 18:36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
"Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven"...Is Gods backing His word from heaven as if He were here with us in power, that we would participate in all the heavenly blessings, as "God with us".

That is the good news of the "Kingdom come".

hat would be removed according to Daniel (2:44; 7:13,14) would be any kingdoms or governments in opposition to God's kingdom. Jesus being the crowned King of God's kingdom government (Isa 9:7) will become King of Kings over all earthly kings -Rev 19:11,15,16; Isa 11:4 -and Jesus as Prince of Peace is the only one that will rid the earth of the wicked (Psalm 92:7; Proverbs 2:21,22) and then usher in Peace on earth toward men of goodwill.

What is a person considered before make a king? A prince?

Was not Jesus a prince before His inauguration to Kingship at the cross?

Was Jesus not first judged, in our behalf, condemned and put to death not as aq prince, but as a declared King?

The great white throne judgment was Christ's judgment as representative of all humanity, both great and small, as a King over all?

The wicked remain and will continue to do so as long as there are free will individuals on earth, yet peace and good will towards all mankind has been granted in spirit, enabling mankind to make peace with God.

That can only happen first, if there is not first mercy granted mankind,by which mankind can find forgiveness and a change of heart, making heaven on earth possible for the believer.

There will be deliverance or eternal salvation (Rev 7:9,10,14) starting with Jesus millennial rule or his 1000-year rulership over earth. From Jesus being the 'seed' of Genesis 3:15 the theme of the Bible has been how God's kingdom will be the instrument that will accomplish God's purpose through Christ Jesus.

The day commencing on the eve of the 6th day, at the last super and ending on the eve of the Sabbath, is "a day as a thousand years" reign of Christ.

2Pe 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day [is] with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
The judgment of all mankind's sins was on that day on Jesus, as Jesus was made king over it, conquering as in the book of Revelation in the first verse:

Rev 1:1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified [it] by his angel unto his servant John:

Notice the word "of" and when these things should happen? "Shortly come to pass" as at the cross?

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Sure, I suppose, but I don't see how this can be reconciled with look3467's two claims:

- "not being a robot" means living with suffering
- in Heaven, people aren't robots

Individuality is what separates us from God, as in being a god, thus the suffering.

Only in suffering, can we recognize our dependence on and in God, and not in ourselves, which draws us to God to become one with Him by spiritual bird.

Once born of the spirit of God, there shall be no more tears, sadness or suffering as a metaphor in words of our spiritual new condition in the hope of eternal life.

Yes, tears and sufferings remain, as fleshly creatures, yet our hearts are filled with joy with no more tears of eternal loss, and no more suffering when at last we leave this place behind us and are translated to a better place.

Blessings, AJ


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Individuality is what separates us from God, as in being a god, thus the suffering.
Without individuality, we would be robots. Do people have individuality in Heaven?

It seems like you're arguing several claims that can't all be simultaneously true:

- "not being a robot" means living with suffering
- in Heaven, people aren't robots
- in Heaven, there is no suffering

These claims contradict each other. This means that at least one of them is false.


Well-Known Member
Why is it that there are so many 7's in the bible?
If you have a bible software, search out the number 7 and see just how many times it is found in the bible.

I have my thoughts on them but would like to hears yours.


It's because 7 like other numbers is considered a "magic" number by many cultures and religions. For example, in Mayan culture, a temple dedicated to a male deity or a king usually has 7 rooms. I don't know why 7 is considered such a lucky number but is it anyways.

dan b

It has always been known, since the days of old that there were but 6 directions in the world. East, West, North, South, Up, Down. This is the reason that God created this world in just 6 days and not 7. We as human beings cannot concieve of the 7 dimension which ever way we look at it. Thats why mankind in many cultures has counted 7 as a lucky number. It's Gods. It's out of this world. Here's another example.
There are 6 dimensions to physical matter. 1. a point 2. a line 3. a shape 4, a shape with width, 5 a shape with hight 6. a shape with depth This is the description of another 6 perspective past which we as humans cannot pass. The 7 is in this case again, God's. dan b


Veteran Member
How long was the 7th day?_____ Was the 7th day a 24-hour day?
YES according to God's word in Ex 20:11 God told Moses that God RESTED [pastence] at the end of creation. When you put all the scriptures together God said each day was 24 hours long just like the week today if you belieive the biblical story of creation.:D

Doesn't Genesis 2:4 sum up all of the creative days as a 'day' ?_________
Day in Scripture has various shades of meaning.
A thousand years is as a day.....2nd Peter 3:8


Veteran Member
Yes, I agree with you that the good news is Gods mercy granted us.
God's Kingdom did come:

Luk 17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. When Jesus was here the kingdom of God recognized Jesus in the believer, yet only while Jesus was here, one on one.
Pray then, was the request. that the kingdom of God should come and dwell not on one on one as Jesus was in the physical, but that the time would come when He in spirit would be in the hears of all believers at the same time.
Only taught to be a future event for yet Jesus had not yet gone to the cross.
Recall the words of Jesus:

Jhn 18:36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
"Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven"...Is Gods backing His word from heaven as if He were here with us in power, that we would participate in all the heavenly blessings, as "God with us".
That is the good news of the "Kingdom come".
What is a person considered before make a king? A prince?
Was not Jesus a prince before His inauguration to Kingship at the cross?
Was Jesus not first judged, in our behalf, condemned and put to death not as aq prince, but as a declared King?
The great white throne judgment was Christ's judgment as representative of all humanity, both great and small, as a King over all?
The wicked remain and will continue to do so as long as there are free will individuals on earth, yet peace and good will towards all mankind has been granted in spirit, enabling mankind to make peace with God.
That can only happen first, if there is not first mercy granted mankind,by which mankind can find forgiveness and a change of heart, making heaven on earth possible for the believer.
The day commencing on the eve of the 6th day, at the last super and ending on the eve of the Sabbath, is "a day as a thousand years" reign of Christ.

2Pe 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day [is] with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
The judgment of all mankind's sins was on that day on Jesus, as Jesus was made king over it, conquering as in the book of Revelation in the first verse:
Rev 1:1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified [it] by his angel unto his servant John:
Notice the word "of" and when these things should happen? "Shortly come to pass" as at the cross?
Blessings, AJ

Shortly or immediately in Scripture is not always in the order of time but in the order of importance.
Matthew chapter 24 has both a minor and an major fulfillment .
Please notice the word 'immediately' in verse 29. Immediately or right after the destruction in the year 70 we did not immediately see the fulfillment of verses 29-39.

Luke 17:20,21 The setting is that Jesus is talking to the Pharisees, his enemies.
Why would Jesus be saying the kingdom of God would be within the Pharisees?

Jesus is a king not a kingdom or government (Daniel 2:44; 7:13,14)

It isn't until Luke 17:22 that Jesus addresses his disciples.

In the Greek 'within' can carry the meaning of among you.
As king designate of God's kingdom Jesus was among the Pharisees but they would not accept him. Compare KJV with Revised Standard

Jesus helped his followers to see in the Illustration of Luke (19:11-15) that the kingdom (government) would Not 'immediately' appear. Like a noblemen (Jesus) would be gone for a while before he would return in kingly power, not til after he received the kingdom at that time.

Isaiah called Jesus by many titles, and Jesus will come as 'Prince of Peace' when he ushers in Peace on Earth toward men of goodwill.

Matthew (25:31,32; 16:27) says Jesus will come in glory with all the angels.
Revelation 19:14 shows it is at that time of glory the angelic armies will be with Jesus because he is KING OF KINGS over all earthly kings, and as Rev (19:11,15; Isaiah 11:4) says the words from Jesus mouth will be as sharp as an executioner's sword against those that are against him.

According to Proverbs 2:21,22 it is Not the wicked, but who will 'remain' ?
Psalm 92:7 also shows it is Not the wicked that will remain.

When Jesus promised us that the humble meek would inherit the earth he was referring to Psalm 37:11, 29, 38. Who stays and who does not?


Veteran Member
Sure, I suppose, but I don't see how this can be reconciled with look3467's two claims:

- "not being a robot" means living with suffering
- in Heaven, people aren't robots

According to Rev 5:9,10 those redeemed or bought from earth have two jobs in heaven to do. They will serve as kings and priests. Kings take care of governmental responsibilities, and Priests take care of spiritual needs of their subjects. They are not robots but they do have assigned jobs to do.

Men or mankind is addressed at Rev 21:3. In verse 4 there is no suffering.
The people, during Jesus 1000-year reign over earth, have their tears wiped away. (Isaiah 25:8) No sorrow. No crying. No pain. No more death.
Rev 22:2 mentions healing or curing for the nations.
This is in fulfillment to the promise to Abraham (Gen 12:3; 22:17,18) that all the families of the earth will be blessed, and all the nations of the earth will be blessed.

There will be no suffering (Isaiah 33:24) in either heaven or earth.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member

Shortly or immediately in Scripture is not always in the order of time but in the order of importance.
Matthew chapter 24 has both a minor and an major fulfillment .
Please notice the word 'immediately' in verse 29. Immediately or right after the destruction in the year 70 we did not immediately see the fulfillment of verses 29-39.
Mat 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

Meaning of that verse in light of the Crucifixion:
The sun representative of God the Father is darkened, as in the earth not having the presence of God, or the light of God shining down on it.

The moon is representative of the Son, Jesus, as God shines not, so does Jesus whose presence was extinguished.

So neither were present at that moment in time. The earth was left for the first time without God's representation, in darkness spiritually.

The stars, well guess who they are if not the nation of Israel who were esteemed of God as the vehicle by which God could only be reached, which at the Crucifixion were cut off (Fallen from that favorable place) or as fallen stars from a heavenly favor.

The powers of heaven are shaken, as a major change has taken place, the gates of heaven opened as well as the gates of hell.

That is the power of God's grace, that is the peace that God made with mankind, and that is what you read, but not necessarily understand it as such.

Yet peace shall not be found in the earth, for as long as there is mankind with the god like ability to choose between good and evil, the situation remains.

The only thing that has changed, is the renewing of our dead spirits, which was lost when we became in the image of God.

Blessings, AJ

dan b

The Stars are the twinklings of light given us by the Prophets.

The Moon is the "Law of Justice" brought to Israel by Moses(1st. covenant)

The Sun is Christianity brought to us by Jesus Christ our saviour

Whenever we don't recognize these intentions in a Biblical description mentioning Stars, Moon or Sun, we may err in our conclusions. There are many examples of this throughout the Holy Bible.

After each of the six days creations the conclusion of the day is described as "the evening and the morning were the first day." This is because, as Jesus told us, the Law(moon) will remain with us even to the very end. So therefore for people who can't understand and heed the call of Christianity they take the night for day. For 6000 years some have lived in the daytime but taken the light of the night for their vision. But Christians live under the bright enlightening vision of the Sun.

So when Revelations tells us that at the very end of the 6thday(6th millennium) the Sun shall darken(conscience shall darken in people), The moon shall turn to blood(The Beast-bad law will cause wars to blood) and the stars will fall.(they will fall indeed) Rev.6;12


Veteran Member
King Solomon, known for his God-given wisdom, wrote at Ecclesiastes (1:4 B) that the earth abides forever.

The prophet Isaiah wrote (45:18) that God established the earth not in vain but to be inhabited.

Jeremiah wrote (10:11,12) God established the earth.

The Psalmist (104:5, 35) the foundations of the earth will not be removed forever.
Sinners be consumed out of the earth and let the wicked be no more.

Psalm (78:69) God established the earth forever.

1st Chronicles (16:30) The earth will not totter. It will be stable and not moved.

What will be moved according to Proverbs (2:21, 22; 10:30) will be the wicked removed and the upright remain. Psalm (92:7) the wicked gone forever.

So it is not the earth that is at fault. Wickedness is at fault. Jesus promised the earth to the meek and the wicked gone. -Psalm 37:11,29,38.

Revelation as we know is highly symbolic with its very vivid word pictures. In a spiritual sense darkness was prophesied by Jeremiah (4:27,28) that prophesy was fulfilled when the capital city, Jerusalem, 'fell' captive to the Babylonians. (Lam 3:43,44).
Similar celestial darkness signified disaster then too for Babylon. -Isaiah (13:9-11).


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
The Stars are the twinklings of light given us by the Prophets.

The Moon is the "Law of Justice" brought to Israel by Moses(1st. covenant)

The Sun is Christianity brought to us by Jesus Christ our saviour

Whenever we don't recognize these intentions in a Biblical description mentioning Stars, Moon or Sun, we may err in our conclusions. There are many examples of this throughout the Holy Bible.

After each of the six days creations the conclusion of the day is described as "the evening and the morning were the first day." This is because, as Jesus told us, the Law(moon) will remain with us even to the very end. So therefore for people who can't understand and heed the call of Christianity they take the night for day. For 6000 years some have lived in the daytime but taken the light of the night for their vision. But Christians live under the bright enlightening vision of the Sun.

So when Revelations tells us that at the very end of the 6thday(6th millennium) the Sun shall darken(conscience shall darken in people), The moon shall turn to blood(The Beast-bad law will cause wars to blood) and the stars will fall.(they will fall indeed) Rev.6;12

Still, the same view with a slight different twist. Don't get me wrong, I see no harm in any interpretation that gives some hope of a peaceful world.

My view simply settles the problem of trying to secure a sure end time scenario of which has been the case since before Jesus came.

Jesus comes to us individually as we give way to Him, and when He does, there is a life changing experience with a desire for the spiritual good.

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
King Solomon, known for his God-given wisdom, wrote at Ecclesiastes (1:4 B) that the earth abides forever.

The prophet Isaiah wrote (45:18) that God established the earth not in vain but to be inhabited.

Jeremiah wrote (10:11,12) God established the earth.

The Psalmist (104:5, 35) the foundations of the earth will not be removed forever.
Sinners be consumed out of the earth and let the wicked be no more.

Psalm (78:69) God established the earth forever.

1st Chronicles (16:30) The earth will not totter. It will be stable and not moved.

What will be moved according to Proverbs (2:21, 22; 10:30) will be the wicked removed and the upright remain. Psalm (92:7) the wicked gone forever.

So it is not the earth that is at fault. Wickedness is at fault. Jesus promised the earth to the meek and the wicked gone. -Psalm 37:11,29,38.

Revelation as we know is highly symbolic with its very vivid word pictures. In a spiritual sense darkness was prophesied by Jeremiah (4:27,28) that prophesy was fulfilled when the capital city, Jerusalem, 'fell' captive to the Babylonians. (Lam 3:43,44).
Similar celestial darkness signified disaster then too for Babylon. -Isaiah (13:9-11).

I am of the same view as your supporting verses above, and as spiritual darkness been the calm before the storm, sort of speak.

But the world remains as Gods vineyard.

Blessings, AJ

dan b

There is an abundance of numeric symbology espousing the number "12." Twelve tribes of Israel led to the twelve apostles of Christ. Twelve signs of the Zodiac led to the twelve months in a year. Twelve hours in a day comlement twelve hours in a night. The twelve gates of Jerusalem and the twelve entrances to the physical human body.

Jesus has told us that "the kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17;21. The first historical instance of this was when the tribes of Israel put up their tents with God's temple in their center. Num.2 Consider the arrangement of the numbers one through twelve.

........1...2...3...4...5...6....God's place...7...8...9...10...11...12

Counting up to six from either side we arrive at the center. The center of twelve is the space between the numbers six and seven from whichever side you approach the twelve. God's number is seven because mankind cannot conceive beyond the sixth numerical dimension.(thats another story of 6)

..........1.......2.......3......." 4 ".......5.......6.......7

In a similar way Jesus is the center of God. The number four is the center of seven. Although God's number seven is the center of twelve cut stands in an empty space, Jesus came to the earth physically as a man. That may be why Jesus does not inhabit a center space between the seven numbers but stands as a man and as the number 4. Jesus arrived on the fourth millennium after Adam and Eve which was symbolically the Genesis 4th day with the creation of the SUN.(SON) The fourth element of FIRE represents illumination as Jesus brought. dan b


Veteran Member
'8' symbolic numbers in Revelation with symbolic meaning:

#2 signifies solidly confirming a matter. compare Rev 11:3,4; Deut 17:6

#3 denotes emphasis or indicates intensity. Rev 4:8; 8:13; 16:13,19

#4 signifies universal or foursquareness in symmetry. Rev 4:6; 7:1,2; 9:14; 20:8; 21:16

#6 signifies imperfection, something not normal, monstrous. Rev 13:18 ;2nd Sam 21:20

#7 signifies divinely determined completeness as to God's purpose or to Satan's.
_____ Rev 1:4, 12, 16; 4:5; 5:1, 6; 10:3, 4; 12:3

#10 signifies allness or completeness in a physical or material way as to things on earth.
_____ Rev 2:10; 12:3; 13:1; 17:3, 12, 16

#12 signifies a divinely constituted organization either in he heavens or on the earth.
_____ Rev 7:5-8; 12:1; 21:12, 16; 22:2

#24 signifies God's abundant (doubled) organizational arrangement. Rev 4:4

Some numbers of Revelation by context show they can be understood as literal.
_____ Rev 7:4, 9; 11:2, 3; 12:6, 14; 17:3, 9-11; 20:3-5.


Veteran Member
I am of the same view as your supporting verses above, and as spiritual darkness been the calm before the storm, sort of speak.

But the world remains as Gods vineyard.

Blessings, AJ

Prophetically at Rev (14:15,18,19) is the mention of the harvest of the earth when the angel commands the gathering of the clusters of the world's vine that is then hurled into the great winepress of God's anger.

This vine of course is different from the true vine (Jesus) which produced fruit to God's glory. The vine of the world evidently produces hurtful fruitage for it is destroyed at God's command.

Jesus spoke a number of times about vineyards such as: Matt 20:1-16, and shortly before his death- Mark 12:1-9; Luke 20:9-16.

Jesus spoke of himself as the 'true vine', his Father as 'Cultivator' and his disciples Jesus likened to 'branches' that either are pruned to bear more fruit or lopped off completely. -Mt 26:27-29; Mr 14:24,25; Lk 22:18; Jn 15:1-10.

While Jesus did not tie the colt to a literal vine, Jesus did bind his kingly claims to a symbolic vine namely: God's kingdom. -Mt 21:41-43; Jn 15:1-5; Dan 2:44.

Any vineyard that produced an abundance of fruitage reflected God's blessing or reward upon it. So the expression in Micah (4:3,4) of sitting under one's own vine and fig tree denotes the benefit of the coming earth-wide peace and security under Jesus millennial reign as acting king of God's kingdom.

Bobby Rich

New Member
This is a simple but grossly misunderstood topic.

The seven days of Gen 1 & 2 symbolize 7000 years for man on earth(2 Pet 3:8).

We should realize there are six thousand years of man rule(6=number of man).

And that one thousand years of God rule is ahead(as in Rev 1:6 & 20:4).

I do not doubt that scientists are basically correct that the universe is some

fourteen billion years old.

This 7000 years is also connected with the Pesach(Passover-7 days of unleavened-sin free) and even the single week of Dan 9.

And with the two 3 1/2 years ministries of Christ.

Bless you for being interested in God and His plan for humanity.
So very many have no clue as to human purpose.



Veteran Member
In God's eyes a thousand years is as a day. Showing how God views time. Num 14:34.
He is not limited by time as we are. So if a thousand years is a day, then the 'day' of Genesis 2:4 is only one thousand years for all six creative days ?

Genesis is showing God's purpose for the earth being readied for mankind to inhabit.
There is no actual mention even if all of the creative days are of the same length.

Didn't Jesus ministry begin with his baptism and end at his death?
Doesn't that makes Jesus having one 3 1/2 year ministry not two?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
All you guys theories are noble views in that by me, there are no real contradictions.

Here is the reason why: what I see is God creating something that only He Himself can save.
In the case of mankind, the consequence of creating a god like (In the image of God human being, resulted in separation from God which is death.

So, the whole theme of the bible is God's redeeming love towards His own creation lost in the creative process.

I know, the come back on that is that God made everything perfect, which to that I agree.

The design of the "lost condition" of mankind could only be if mankind became as like god, to know good and evil, otherwise, there would be no human with intelligence.

The 7-day story is the process by which God gave us to understand His works of creation and for us to see the need for redemption by His own hand.

Jesus then, by symbolism, by visions, by numbers multiplied gives us the works of the 7-day creation story redone in one day.,

What that means is that Jesus has to cover the whole of creation, which is to us given as done in 7 days, and do it again in one single day.

That single day is divided by seven equal parts in three separate pictures of the same day.
The first picture is divided into four 6 hour periods equal to days 1-4 of the creation story.(The four beasts with six wings= 4-6 hour periods of the day.)

The second picture is divided into two 12 hour periods= (two witnesses) 3-1/2 + 3-1/2 years equal 7. Days represented are the 5th and sixth day of the creation story.

Te third picture is not divided but as a whole. (24 Elders=24hour day) and numbered as the 7th day. The number 7 is the number of completion as the 24 Elders cast their crowns at the feet of Jesus as the work of Jesus was completed.

What we than have is God redeeming mankind in the works of Jesus and making Jesus the redeemer of the ending of the beginning, and the beginning without end.

Thus can be said, Jesus was from the beginning, as if He were from the beginning since He became responsible to carry the whole from the beginning, present and all future souls, as in a new creation, this time with life instead of death.

The words consume with fire, or a consuming fire with the anger of His wrath, and in the wine press, are words to indicate the eradication of all sins by death,(physical death)or ascribing sins to the penalty of death only, and not to the eternal soul.

That is what I read into it with the hope only, that we may educate mankind in the works of Christ in our behalf, and that the Holy Spirit do His work of redemption.

Blessings, AJ