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What about the 7-day creation story?


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Premium Member
Yes, it was not the ingesting of knowledge of good and evil but 'disobedience' that brought separation. Satan lied to Eve- Gen 3:4,5. Instead of having their eyes opened to see things better and continue to live they made poor choices and mistakes. Genesis 3:24 God made sure they could not return to the tree of life and continue to live everlastingly.

Let me ask you this question in light of your response above: When a child is born, is disobedience notable in that state? Or, is it notable when the child has grown to be its own owner of its decision making?

The story in Genesis of disobedience is only as a result of knowledge gained due to the fact that we become as like gods, to know good and evil.

God said it Himself: In Gen 3:22.

Do we not have the choice to believe in God if we want or not?

Rebellion starts the day we make a choice between what is good and what is evil.

The story then is one where even a child can understand; for a child begins to exert its own will when the child comes into knowledge of what is good and what is not good. (Evil)

If the parent does not step in to enforce parental laws, the child will, by nature, tend to rebel.

Yes, this world is a lie if you stop to think about it.

Tell me, what good is this world to our spirits save the flesh?

We are in this world of the flesh and one in which we are handicapped by it.

If God Himself does not make a move to save us, we can't of our own will save ourselves.

Blessings, AJ


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Premium Member
The last Adam, Jesus, became a life giving spirit. Greek: spirit making alive.
Why would one tree be a metaphor and not the other- Gen 3:24?

Just the word "tree" is a metaphor in both cases.

They are not actual literal trees but representative of a concept, meaning something other then what the word represents.

Such is the bible filled with like words.

Wasn't Genesis 3:4,5 Satan's lie to Eve ? _____ 1 Tim 2:14.

Not to get to deep, I will just say that the lure of the flesh to the lusts of the flesh towards the world, is the lie. (The lie is, that it is good for you)

The serpent, a cunning, subtle and like a spineless snake, is representative of the worlds lure, it hisses, calls and tries to entrap you.

Yes, Gen 3:22 to know good and evil shows they were now going to choose for themselves what they would set up as good or what they set up as evil.
Instead of God Rule, Adam set up People Rule. Independence from God's guidance, to now choose for himself what is right or wrong in his own eyes.

Yes, your are exactly right and you said the Key word in all of it, and that is "Independence"

When we become independent from God, we die spiritually, necessitating a rebirth.

Adam and Eve did not become god-like after eating, but they set up Satan as the god of this world of badness- 2Cor 4:4. Satan would now be god over them.

You were right at the first, but then you went 180 degrees with that next sentence.

To become a god is to become independent from God, for then you are on your own.

The disobedient fallen angels of Genesis 6:2,4 are: sons of God.

Again, as not to get to deep I will explain the above verse this way:

The word fallen means falling from a certain position coupled with the word angels, meaning the position fallen from was lost, as sons of God.

Now I want you to think for a moment about the position the nation of Israel was prior to the coming of Christ.

Were they not the chosen people to be a witness to God in the world?

That position technically, is as sons of God.

But when Jesus came, they lost that position as fallen sons of God.

The reason is because God wanted to include all of humanity and just a selected few.

One verses that gives credence to that is: 1Jo 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Gal 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Col 3:11 Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.

There had to be a fallen state in order to include the others.

Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
Let me ask you this question in light of your response above: When a child is born, is disobedience notable in that state? Or, is it notable when the child has grown to be its own owner of its decision making?

RE: ^ Every parent knows at birth their child's leanings will be toward imperfection. They can not prevent imperfection. Whereas Jesus being born humanly perfect did not have imperfect leanings toward wrongdoing.

The story in Genesis of disobedience is only as a result of knowledge gained due to the fact that we become as like gods, to know good and evil.
God said it Himself: In Gen 3:22.

RE: ^ Were is the word 'gods' at Gen 3:22?_________
Satan lied to Eve at Gen 3:4,5. What Satan said was not true. 1 Tim 2:14.

Do we not have the choice to believe in God if we want or not?
Rebellion starts the day we make a choice between what is good and what is evil.
The story then is one where even a child can understand; for a child begins to exert its own will when the child comes into knowledge of what is good and what is not good. (Evil)
If the parent does not step in to enforce parental laws, the child will, by nature, tend to rebel.
Yes, this world is a lie if you stop to think about it.
Tell me, what good is this world to our spirits save the flesh?

RE: ^ Since Adam chose independence from God, and Satan is the god of this world of badness 2 Cor 4:4, and Satan brings 'woe' to earth Rev 12:12,
then, for now is the time for spiritual salvation, and during Jesus 1000-year rule over earth is the time for both spiritual and physical salvation.
The sheep-like ones of Matt 25:32 are alive at Jesus taking action, and they remain alive right into Jesus Millennial reign over earth to grow to both spiritual and physical health of mind and body to everlasting life. -Psalm 37:11,29.

We are in this world of the flesh and one in which we are handicapped by it.
If God Himself does not make a move to save us, we can't of our own will save ourselves.

RE:^ exactly, only God having Jesus act in our behalf can we be saved alive after the end of this world of badness comes. Isaiah 11:4; Rev. 19:11,15.

Blessings, AJ

Blessings ^in return. Please note above replies.


Veteran Member
One verses that gives credence to that is: 1Jo 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Gal 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Col 3:11 Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.

There had to be a fallen state in order to include the others.

Blessings, AJ

Is the tree also a metaphor at Rev 22:2?

1Jn1:9 is the word 'if' If we confess. 'If' shows choice. Choice is presented at 2Pt3:9B; Ez33:11.

Gal 3:28 yes, in context 'all that go to heaven' are one in Christ Rev 5:9,10.

Before Col 3:11 in verse 10 the context is in putting on the new Christ-like personality. In Christ there is no partiality all are welcome to come.
What is the conclusion at Colossians 3:25 ?________________


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
RE: ^ Every parent knows at birth their child's leanings will be toward imperfection. They can not prevent imperfection. Whereas Jesus being born humanly perfect did not have imperfect leanings toward wrongdoing.

No argument there.

RE: ^ Were is the word 'gods' at Gen 3:22?_________
Satan lied to Eve at Gen 3:4,5. What Satan said was not true. 1 Tim 2:14.

"gods" Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us,

Does not the words "one of us" imply as gods?

The lure of knowledge due to the ability given to reason intelligently, is the lie.

Satan is the world as a lie that implies, eat, for your eyes will be opened, and you will see that you are as gods, independent of God. (Rebellion?)

A baby knows nothing because a lack of knowledge, thus is totally dependent on the parents.
But the day, knowledge is digested and the grown child exerts its independence, a condition exists as a form of rebellion.

RE: ^ Since Adam chose independence from God, and Satan is the god of this world of badness 2 Cor 4:4, and Satan brings 'woe' to earth Rev 12:12,
then, for now is the time for spiritual salvation, and during Jesus 1000-year rule over earth is the time for both spiritual and physical salvation.
The sheep-like ones of Matt 25:32 are alive at Jesus taking action, and they remain alive right into Jesus Millennial reign over earth to grow to both spiritual and physical health of mind and body to everlasting life. -Psalm 37:11,29.

Your current understanding of those verses is sufficient.
However, there is a deeper meaning to them that requires some study and prayer to gain understanding.

RE:^ exactly, only God having Jesus act in our behalf can we be saved alive after the end of this world of badness comes. Isaiah 11:4; Rev. 19:11,15.

Let me add "now" verses "after the end".

Now is the time!

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Is the tree also a metaphor at Rev 22:2?

Looking at that in time when Jesus was here we see: Jesus being in the midst (Center) with the world represented as in the number 12 apostles, in whose leaves (fruits) are the words needed for the healing of the nations.
On both sides of the river of life, meaning Jesus, are the two, the Jewish nation and the gentile nation.

Jesus is the center of both, (Jew and gentile)the apostles representative of the world and to the world, their leaves, are the spreading of the gospel.

What is the conclusion at Colossians 3:25 ?________________

Col 3:25 But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.

First, is it not God that does the saving? What did we have to do with it except to accept it?
But if we don't, does not make Jesus' sacrifice in vain does it?

Our works are tried here and now whether they be good or evil, and we must own up to the consequences.

But for salvation, being a free gift, needs no work on our part, but acceptance.

"if" we accept, we are the more blessed!

If not, then we remain as we are.

Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
"gods" Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us,
Does not the words "one of us" imply as gods?

The lure of knowledge due to the ability given to reason intelligently, is the lie.
Satan is the world as a lie that implies, eat, for your eyes will be opened, and you will see that you are as gods, independent of God. (Rebellion?)
A baby knows nothing because a lack of knowledge, thus is totally dependent on the parents.
But the day, knowledge is digested and the grown child exerts its independence, a condition exists as a form of rebellion.
Blessings, AJ

Why would the words "one of us" imply "as gods"? 'God' is always in Uppercase not all lowercase letters.

The 'us' at Gen 3:22 is God and his firstborn Son in the heavens.
Satan is telling lies to Eve at Gen 3:4,5. as 1st Tim 2:14 shows.

Jesus by age 12 had a lot of Bible knowledge to the point he impressed his elders. It was not the lure of knowledge, but as the world values a well-balanced secular education, Jesus and his culture valued a well-balanced Scriptural knowledge or education.

Absolutely Adam's rebellion or disobedience made him independent from God (Uppercase) and by obeying Satan, then Satan could be called the god (lowercase) of this world of badness as 2nd Cor 4:4 calls Satan.

Yes, as the baby or child grows it 'ingests' knowledge like the old adage that says: as the twig is bent so the tree will grow. If the baby/child is fed spiritual or biblical knowledge as Jesus was, then its leanings will be toward being upright as an oak. Isn't it the 'upright' that will remain according to Proverbs 2:21,22?

None of us, child or adult, can reach human perfection of mind and body in our imperfect state. However, during Jesus Millennial Rule over earth there will be healing or curing of the nations (Rev 2:22), and Jesus will fulfill the promise to Abraham (Gen 12:3; 22:17,18) that all families of the earth will be blessed and all nations of the earth will be blessed. Blessed as Adam originally was blessed with human perfection of mind and body leading to everlasting life if obedient.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Why would the words "one of us" imply "as gods"? 'God' is always in Uppercase not all lowercase letters.
There is only one God, and no other.
That in itself tells us that if there were another god (lower case g, that god could no live, but must die.
"as gods, is what is meant to say to indicate by the words after, that "lest he take hold of the tree of life and live forever, to mean that gods (lower case g) must die.

The 'us' at Gen 3:22 is God and his firstborn Son in the heavens.

If we are to say that Immanuel means God with us, and that there is no other name under heaven by which mankind can be saved. makes Jesus God!

If we are to say, that at Jesus' resurrection, Jesus is the Alfa and Omega, the beginning and the end, we can only conclude that Jesus is God.

Now, the "us" is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

All three serve a different function, but are the same God.

Jesus by age 12 had a lot of Bible knowledge to the point he impressed his elders. It was not the lure of knowledge, but as the world values a well-balanced secular education, Jesus and his culture valued a well-balanced Scriptural knowledge or education.

I agree with your underlined words above, because Jesus was God in human form and needed not the lure of human knowledge.

Jesus by age 12
Look into how long a period the requirement was for non Jewish born to be acceptable into the congregation, and get back to me.
Yes, as the baby or child grows it 'ingests' knowledge like the old adage that says: as the twig is bent so the tree will grow. If the baby/child is fed spiritual or biblical knowledge as Jesus was, then its leanings will be toward being upright as an oak. Isn't it the 'upright' that will remain according to Proverbs 2:21,22?

That verse is the only upright as an oak Jesus, who in Him are we all made righteous for the purposes of salvation.

It has to be God whose righteousness saves us and not ours.

So, it matters not whether we are upright or not, only as a matter of cvonsequence.
If we are upright with God we are in His favor, if not, then we are on our own.

Blessings, AJ
Last edited:


Active Member
There is only one God, and no other.
That in itself tells us that if there were another god (lower case g, that god could no live, but must die.
"as gods, is what is meant to say to indicate by the words after, that "lest he take hold of the tree of life and live forever, to mean that gods (lower case g) must die.

The 'us' at Gen 3:22 is God and his firstborn Son in the heavens.

If we are to say that Immanuel means God with us, and that there is no other name under heaven by which mankind can be saved. makes Jesus God!

If we are to say, that at Jesus' resurrection, Jesus is the Alfa and Omega, the beginning and the end, we can only conclude that Jesus is God.

Now, the "us" is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

All three serve a different function, but are the same God.

I agree with your underlined words above, because Jesus was God in human form and needed not the lure of human knowledge.

Look into how long a period the requirement was for non Jewish born to be acceptable into the congregation, and get back to me.

That verse is the only upright as an oak Jesus, who in Him are we all made righteous for the purposes of salvation.

It has to be God whose righteousness saves us and not ours.

So, it matters not whether we are upright or not, only as a matter of cvonsequence.
If we are upright with God we are in His favor, if not, then we are on our own.

Blessings, AJ

Ok God is not a name but a title. Like KING is a title. that is what God is. It is actually what it means. The King of the system or the King of this universe.

Jesus was not God and is not God in human form. Or atleast hte God you mena. He is always referred to in the scriptures as Gods Son. He is the son of Jehovah God. First-born of ALL creation. Also the reason why he is implied as being "God with us" means that he is the PERFECT Image fo God. Everything he stood for Jehovah stands for. Look at him and you see his father.

You have to hold on tight to God and his provision through Jesus' ransom sacrifice, by remaining close to Jehovah do we have a hope of the new system of things.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Ok God is not a name but a title. Like KING is a title. that is what God is. It is actually what it means. The King of the system or the King of this universe.

Jesus was not God and is not God in human form. Or atleast hte God you mena. He is always referred to in the scriptures as Gods Son. He is the son of Jehovah God. First-born of ALL creation. Also the reason why he is implied as being "God with us" means that he is the PERFECT Image fo God. Everything he stood for Jehovah stands for. Look at him and you see his father.

You have to hold on tight to God and his provision through Jesus' ransom sacrifice, by remaining close to Jehovah do we have a hope of the new system of things.

Answer me one question, who but God can save the world?

If your answer is "only God" then you are absolutely correct.

Now if God places all His authority, power and might on an individual for the purpose of saving the world, would it not be that Jesus?

Ref: Col 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Jesus is God in body form, for only God can save His own creation.

Now, if Jesus is God saving His own creation, this next verse confirms it: Act 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Under heaven? Meaning here on earth? Not God who is in heaven, but Jesus who was here on earth?

Not only does that verse confirm it but the theme of the whole bible does as well.

Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
1st Corinthians 11:3 B the head of Christ is God.
1st Corinthians 3:23 You are Christ's; and Christ is God's.
1st Corinthians 2:16 who has the mind of God........but we have the mind of Christ.

Who appointed Jesus to be the crowned acting king of God's Messianic kingdom?
Daniel 7:13,14; 2:44.

Who is the God of the heavenly Jesus at Revelation 3:12?

Die Hammern

New Member
Very nice cartoon it was from the mail news papers was it not, mm kind of goes with the shallow thought.
The number seven there are quite a few theories as to why the number seven is used in Biblical text and related writings and it is not actually termed as crap, we see in the Bible the Seven Churches which are in Euphrates and Asia, the reference of the seven firmaments of Heaven, at some stage used to symbolise the name of God, still there is no complete understanding what the full significance is, it is theorised by theologian scholars that it is some how part of explanation of a numerical scale to help solve the many riddles set to man by God, Christian and Muslims are familiar with this numerical scale, for the Muslim the number is applied as 786 at the Beginning of their religious book the Quran, from what I had discussed with them in the past it is used also as a mathematical scale in relation to the big bang though they are not sure to what full extent, no don’t loose your rag we are not secondary to this we also have a understanding of a similar teaching in Christian Science so s2A it would be foolhardy to and presumptuous to term a theory as crap (your own word) about something you have not even talked of or have any real knowledge of, were I to mention the number of the devil to you’ I bet it would spark quite a different response which you would readily accept? Even though the source of that same knowledge came from the Holy Bible, New Testament no less.



Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Very nice cartoon it was from the mail news papers was it not, mm kind of goes with the shallow thought.
The number seven there are quite a few theories as to why the number seven is used in Biblical text and related writings and it is not actually termed as crap, we see in the Bible the Seven Churches which are in Euphrates and Asia, the reference of the seven firmaments of Heaven, at some stage used to symbolise the name of God, still there is no complete understanding what the full significance is, it is theorised by theologian scholars that it is some how part of explanation of a numerical scale to help solve the many riddles set to man by God, Christian and Muslims are familiar with this numerical scale, for the Muslim the number is applied as 786 at the Beginning of their religious book the Quran, from what I had discussed with them in the past it is used also as a mathematical scale in relation to the big bang though they are not sure to what full extent, no don’t loose your rag we are not secondary to this we also have a understanding of a similar teaching in Christian Science so s2A it would be foolhardy to and presumptuous to term a theory as crap (your own word) about something you have not even talked of or have any real knowledge of, were I to mention the number of the devil to you’ I bet it would spark quite a different response which you would readily accept? Even though the source of that same knowledge came from the Holy Bible, New Testament no less.


Yes, the number seven is, if understood how it is applied in scripture, will reveal how God worked in the creation of mankind, and the new creation, the new creature.

If we took all of humanity who lived and died to the time Jesus came, we would find millions of souls departed except for those living at the time of Jesus.

Now, all those were there (as well as all of us) because of the first creation as detailed by the story in Genesis.

And God chose to tell us about in in a story, of 7 days creation, that a child could understand.

But you see, the first creation became "lost" in the making, also detailed in the book of Genesis.

God then proceeded to recreate the same but in one 24 hour day, this time in the spiritual realm, addressing the spiritual deadness of the human soul. (That which was lost)

So, God must include as the beginning of the end, the death sentence with a new creation, one with an everlasting life with no end, spiritual condition.

Therefore, Jesus is the beginning as is also the end of the first death existence at the cross by nailing it to the cross, and resurrecting, the new beginning to everlasting life.

How does God do it? By using the same 7 days creation story divided into one 24 hour day.

The day starts at the eve of the 6th day, Friday and rests at the eve of the 7th day.

If Jesus rested at the eve of the 7th day Sabbath, it only means that the first six days had to be covered.

That day is divided into 7 parts in 3 ways, or seen as 3 pictures of the same day.
1. The first picture is the day divided into 4 parts each, 6 hours, or quarters.
That equals to days 1 thru 4 of creation.

2. Second picture is divided by 2-12 hour periods as days 5 and 6 of creation.

3. Third picture is the whole of the 34 hour day as the 7th day.

The first picture we see Jesus going through each period which are, if you follow His path,
1. Instructions to His Apostles of things which must shortly come to pass
Eve to midnight

2. The fall, or Jesus taking on the sins of the world at the garden as He prayed.
And is arrested.
Midnight to sunrise

3.Judgment period is the third period sunrise to noon day, Jesus is taken through four courts, judged and condemned.

4.Punishment is the fourth time period, noon to sundown, Jesus is punished and nailed to the cross.

That was the first picture of that 24 hour day divided into four equal parts, as the 4 beasts with six wings represent.

The second picture is of the same day but dividing the day by 2, as the two witnesses in Revelation representing the first half and the second half of the seven days.
Those days are the 5th and 6th days.

The third picture is of the whole 24 hour day as the 24 Elders in Revelation as they cast their crowns, meaning, rest, or completion as the 7th day.

You can follow that sequence through the bible, but must look for it in that order.

Everybody has their own views, and certainly, mine is of the many.

Take what you want of it, if not at all, and continue the quest for truth.

Blessings, AJ


Active Member
Yes, the number seven is, if understood how it is applied in scripture, will reveal how God worked in the creation of mankind, and the new creation, the new creature.

If we took all of humanity who lived and died to the time Jesus came, we would find millions of souls departed except for those living at the time of Jesus.

Now, all those were there (as well as all of us) because of the first creation as detailed by the story in Genesis.

And God chose to tell us about in in a story, of 7 days creation, that a child could understand.

But you see, the first creation became "lost" in the making, also detailed in the book of Genesis.

God then proceeded to recreate the same but in one 24 hour day, this time in the spiritual realm, addressing the spiritual deadness of the human soul. (That which was lost)

So, God must include as the beginning of the end, the death sentence with a new creation, one with an everlasting life with no end, spiritual condition.

Therefore, Jesus is the beginning as is also the end of the first death existence at the cross by nailing it to the cross, and resurrecting, the new beginning to everlasting life.

How does God do it? By using the same 7 days creation story divided into one 24 hour day.

The day starts at the eve of the 6th day, Friday and rests at the eve of the 7th day.

If Jesus rested at the eve of the 7th day Sabbath, it only means that the first six days had to be covered.

That day is divided into 7 parts in 3 ways, or seen as 3 pictures of the same day.
1. The first picture is the day divided into 4 parts each, 6 hours, or quarters.
That equals to days 1 thru 4 of creation.

2. Second picture is divided by 2-12 hour periods as days 5 and 6 of creation.

3. Third picture is the whole of the 34 hour day as the 7th day.

The first picture we see Jesus going through each period which are, if you follow His path,
1. Instructions to His Apostles of things which must shortly come to pass
Eve to midnight

2. The fall, or Jesus taking on the sins of the world at the garden as He prayed.
And is arrested.
Midnight to sunrise

3.Judgment period is the third period sunrise to noon day, Jesus is taken through four courts, judged and condemned.

4.Punishment is the fourth time period, noon to sundown, Jesus is punished and nailed to the cross.

That was the first picture of that 24 hour day divided into four equal parts, as the 4 beasts with six wings represent.

The second picture is of the same day but dividing the day by 2, as the two witnesses in Revelation representing the first half and the second half of the seven days.
Those days are the 5th and 6th days.

The third picture is of the whole 24 hour day as the 24 Elders in Revelation as they cast their crowns, meaning, rest, or completion as the 7th day.

You can follow that sequence through the bible, but must look for it in that order.

Everybody has their own views, and certainly, mine is of the many.

Take what you want of it, if not at all, and continue the quest for truth.

Blessings, AJ


How confusing!


Well-Known Member
Premium Member

How confusing!

At first it is because this information is not understood by the main stream religions.

But it does fit all that God in Jesus came to do as God's work.

If you want, to converse on it more feel free to email me.

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Jhn 6:60Many therefore of his disciples, when they had heard [this], said, This is an hard saying; who can hear it?

Please note the one six is missing in John 6:6? Not that it makes a bases for forming a religion based on numbers, but he who had no understanding is the third 6 man, the new creature.

If there is a zero there, the old man has not yet being renewed.

God doubles twice the thing before He brings it to pass.

Gen 41:32And for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice; [it is] because the thing [is] established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass.

These are just some things that are missed in the main stream beliefs.

Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
Yes, the number seven is, if understood how it is applied in scripture, will reveal how God worked in the creation of mankind, and the new creation, the new creature.
If we took all of humanity who lived and died to the time Jesus came, we would find millions of souls departed except for those living at the time of Jesus
Now, all those were there (as well as all of us) because of the first creation as detailed by the story in Genesis.
And God chose to tell us about in in a story, of 7 days creation, that a child could understand.
But you see, the first creation became "lost" in the making, also detailed in the book of Genesis.
God then proceeded to recreate the same but in one 24 hour day, this time in the spiritual realm, addressing the spiritual deadness of the human soul. (That which was lost)
So, God must include as the beginning of the end, the death sentence with a new creation, one with an everlasting life with no end, spiritual condition.
Therefore, Jesus is the beginning as is also the end of the first death existence at the cross by nailing it to the cross, and resurrecting, the new beginning to everlasting life.
How does God do it? By using the same 7 days creation story divided into one 24 hour day.
The day starts at the eve of the 6th day, Friday and rests at the eve of the 7th day.
If Jesus rested at the eve of the 7th day Sabbath, it only means that the first six days had to be covered.
That day is divided into 7 parts in 3 ways, or seen as 3 pictures of the same day.
1. The first picture is the day divided into 4 parts each, 6 hours, or quarters.
That equals to days 1 thru 4 of creation.
2. Second picture is divided by 2-12 hour periods as days 5 and 6 of creation.
3. Third picture is the whole of the 34 hour day as the 7th day.
The first picture we see Jesus going through each period which are, if you follow His path,
1. Instructions to His Apostles of things which must shortly come to pass
Eve to midnight
2. The fall, or Jesus taking on the sins of the world at the garden as He prayed.
And is arrested.
Midnight to sunrise
3.Judgment period is the third period sunrise to noon day, Jesus is taken through four courts, judged and condemned.
4.Punishment is the fourth time period, noon to sundown, Jesus is punished and nailed to the cross.
That was the first picture of that 24 hour day divided into four equal parts, as the 4 beasts with six wings represent.
The second picture is of the same day but dividing the day by 2, as the two witnesses in Revelation representing the first half and the second half of the seven days.
Those days are the 5th and 6th days.
The third picture is of the whole 24 hour day as the 24 Elders in Revelation as they cast their crowns, meaning, rest, or completion as the 7th day.
You can follow that sequence through the bible, but must look for it in that order.
Everybody has their own views, and certainly, mine is of the many.
Take what you want of it, if not at all, and continue the quest for truth.
Blessings, AJ

First, the number seven [7] in Scripture signifies divinely determined completeness as to: God's purpose or >Satan's purpose.
See: Revelation 1:4, 12,16; 4:5; 5:1,6; 10:3,4; 12:3.

If the word 'day' is taken literally as a 24-hour day then how does one explain that all of the 6 creative days are summed up as 'a day' at Genesis 2:4?

Even 'daylight' is referred to as "Day" at Genesis 1:5.
We do not have 24 hours of daylight hours.

In order to be consistent then the 7th day would have to be 24 hours long, and yet the 7th day was still on going in the apostle Paul's day.- Hebrews 4:4-10.

No where in Genesis does it say how long each creative day was or even if they were of the same length.



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Premium Member
First, the number seven [7] in Scripture signifies divinely determined completeness as to: God's purpose or >Satan's purpose.
See: Revelation 1:4, 12,16; 4:5; 5:1,6; 10:3,4; 12:3.

If the word 'day' is taken literally as a 24-hour day then how does one explain that all of the 6 creative days are summed up as 'a day' at Genesis 2:4?

My understanding that a day is as a thousand years, or a 24 hour day, which tells me that the day is the object and not the duration, therefore can not be taken literally, in tis case.

"The day", the day Jesus was crucified is a literal 24 hour day, which if a day is as a thousand years as yesterday when it is past and as a watch in the night.

Psa 90:4For a thousand years in thy sight [are but] as yesterday when it is past, and [as] a watch in the night.

So, the day Jesus was crucified is divided into seven days of which is seen as three pictures of the same day.

The amount of time it took the Father to create, in time, may be billions of time years, but for the Father, as a nano second.

Here Jesus is as a second Adam type recreating the new heavens and the new earth (Not a literal creation but a spiritual recreation) opening up the heavens and emptying the prisons holding the souls awaiting redemption all in one 24 hour period.

Even 'daylight' is referred to as "Day" at Genesis 1:5.
We do not have 24 hours of daylight hours.

Clearly states, the evening and the morning makes the day.

In order to be consistent then the 7th day would have to be 24 hours long, and yet the 7th day was still on going in the apostle Paul's day.- Hebrews 4:4-10.

Again, the day is as needed for the purpose of explanation of the works of God.

No where in Genesis does it say how long each creative day was or even if they were of the same length.

Agreed, but God did give us the stars for signs, thus determining for our selves a time period for the day.

The message is what is to be understood nd not so much the words used.

Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member

Gen 1:5 clearly says God called the light >Day. The daylight hours are not 24 hours long.

Not sure what you mean by emptying the prisons in 24 hours.....?

There are three [3] heavens and earth mentioned at 2nd Peter 3:

1) verse 5 the 'old' or heavens and earth of Noah's day.
2) verse 7 the 'now' or present heavens and earth of our day since Noah
3) verse 13 the 'new' heavens and earth were righteousness dwells.

So the 'new' would be occurring during Jesus peaceful 1000-year rule over earth.