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What about the 7-day creation story?


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John 5:17; 14:10 B -15 Jesus says his Father works and so does Jesus.

Jesus is speaking because His works have not yet ceased, as would at His death.
In which Jesus said "It is finished".

The eve of the Sabbath was Jesus' rest from all His works as did the Father.

So we have here two works of creation, the Father's as you pointed out, Genesis creation, and what was the Son's creation.

2Sa 7:13 He (Meaning Jesus)shall build an house for my name, and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever. (Meaning one not destroyed)
Job 39:6 Whose house I have made the wilderness, and the barren land his dwellings.
Psa 78:19 Yea, they spake against God; they said, Can God furnish a table in the wilderness. (Meaning, can God inhabit the souls of mankind in this world...wilderness?)

Suppose wilderness must mean something other that wilderness as view by mankind in the physical? Perhaps a spiritual wilderness, or house of God?

So after Jesus' resurrection the Spirit of God then can dwell in His house, spiritual wilderness, the souls of mankind?

Isa 32:15 Until the spirit be poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness be a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest.

Isa 41:19 I will plant in the wilderness the (1) cedar, the (2)****tah tree, and the (3)myrtle, and the (4)oil tree; I will set in the desert the (5)fir tree, and the (6)pine, and the (7)box tree together: (Metaphor of trees for each day of creation)

"I will plant" as in build my house upon the 7 day creation, the Father's creation, a house unto the Father of which there is no end, the Son's, while yet the Fathers creation remains as we live and die in it still.

But of the Son's, we will never die!

Doing the will of God is not in keeping the Sabbath, but in resting in the Son as our Sabbath rest.

Does it not say: Heb 4:10 For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.

Our works in salvation are in Jesus, as His works, not ours, that saves us.

Therefore if we are in Him, we can cease (Rest) from our works of trying to meet the righteouness required for salvation.

Blessings, AJ


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PSA 68:18 Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the Lord God might dwell among them.

The end result of the new week's creation, the new week without end!

Blessings, AJ


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ISA 13:12 I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir.
"The golden wedge of ophir" spoken of nowhere else in scripture; although ophir is often seen as where gold is coming from.

1CH 29:4 Even three thousand talents of gold, of the gold of Ophir, and seven thousand talents of refined silver, to overlay the walls of the houses withal:

As: the day of the cross is seen as the seven sons and the 3 daughters of job. Here the gold of ophir is 3,000 and the silver is 7,000 likened to seeing the three pictures of the day as gold, and the day as 7 days as silver. So the silver is tried in the furnace 7 times. A thousand times more then they are.

Jesus is as silver tried seven times, “A thousand times more then they are”, as in 7 x 1,000 equals the seven day creation story period.

Jesus is also the “marked” man, tried seven-fold a similitude of Cain

Gen 4:15 And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.

Pro 6:31 But if he be found, he shall restore sevenfold; he shall give all the substance of his house.

All the blessings of the house of God are restored to us.

Isa 30:26 Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.

Jesus is judged for all 7 days of creation, owning them all as one, the day He paid the price.

Psa 2:8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.

Blessings, AJ


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ISA 13:12 I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir.

"The golden wedge of Ophir" spoken of nowhere else in scripture; Although Ophir is often seen as where gold is coming from.

1CH 29:4 Even three thousand talents of gold, of the gold of Ophir, and seven thousand talents of refined silver, to overlay the walls of the houses withal:

As: the day of the cross is seen as the seven sons and the 3 daughters of job. Here the gold of Ophir is 3,000 and the silver is 7,000 likened to seeing the three pictures of the day as gold, and the day as 7 days as silver. So the silver is tried in the furnace 7 times. A thousand times more then they are.

PSA 45:9 Kings' daughters were among thy honourable women: upon thy right hand did stand the queen in gold of Ophir.

The bear in Daniel has three ribs in his mouth, this is Jesus or the word of god and the words of god show the day of the cross as 3 ribs or pictures. Now the day seen 3 ways is as the gold of ophir.

The queen is seeing Jesus married unto god as he is likened to a woman, or one of the three ribs.

So god's word forms the woman out of a rib.

Jesus is likened to a woman when seen as married to the church and to god.

We then become one as they are one, in a marriage.

ISA 62:5 For as a young man marrieth a virgin, so shall thy sons marry thee: and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee.

Think on that for a while.

Blessings, AJ


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JOB 28:9 He putteth forth his hand upon the rock; he overturneth the mountains by the roots.

The rock = Peter
The Mountains = priests
Roots = the covenant by which they exist

Jesus fulfills the prophecy for peter as he denied him the third time. Putting forth the hand is seen against someone. The mountains are the chief priests, the priesthood ends the day of the cross, the roots is the covenant by which they exist, Jesus overturned the covenant.

The day of the cross is the day of the birth of the body of Christ seen in psalms 2:6/7, the day of his birth is cursed and taken out of time by job 3:3. This makes the day of the cross a space between two worlds: And breaks the covenant with the Levites as he overturns the mountains.

It should be noted that "the day" was taken out of time, meaning that that day could represent any time, for that day is now infinite and not part of time, but rather includes all time.

You see, salvation is upon all mankind, from the beginning of time to time immortal.

That is the only way God could save mankind without any time limit, as that day, applies to all time.

This may be a hard concept for some to see, but clearly, the 7-days is incomplete with the one day taken out of time.

That day is the 6th day, breaking the week up. Therefore, God slides the 7th for the 6th, and the new weeks day the eight, into the 7th slot completing the week.
A new week as all the previous days are tied together, as in "seven fold" or 7 x 7 = 49, with the new week being the week of jubilee. (Freedom, salvation) The 50th.

Lev 25:10 And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubile unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family.

Jesus acquired liberty; liberty for all of us on the 50th weeks of years, as 7 x 7 is seven fold, as forgiveness spans the entire time span of mankind.

God also doubles twice the thing before He brings it to pass. 7 represents the week of creation, the other seven represents a new creation by cancelling out the first, and the third seven, is God bringing it to pass, and of which now, we are under grace, and by rebirth unto everlasting life.

Don't let all this be complicated, for it only takes simple faith in Jesus.

This is for those who enjoy venturing into the depths of Gods wisdom and finding out nuggets of gold.

There is no attempt to create a religion or a religious belief here, just some interesting views that add a new dimension to the wonderful works of God.

Blessings, AJ


feral satyr
a few esoteric factoids concerning. "days" is a mistranslation. Hebrew only had a few hundred words. It was the same word that meant "day" but in a different context more literally meaning "period of light."

In fact, you would think that those slightly deranged intelligent design folks would bother to do themselves the favor of reading the qaballah. Not that i'd write them that textbook,
for fear of what they would do with it...

No, see, what everyone misses is that this is all in code. Hebrew used numbers to represent meanings the same way we use only letters; they had a numerology based symbol system.

They had only 500 -5000 words but they distributed meaning into even the numbers.

so 7 actually refers in most senses to the adam kadmon fractal and 7th chakra.

Your seven days are an adam kadmon fractal unfolding but only as low as tiferet.

getting kicked out of the garden is being booted from tiferet.

malkut is how god pushes off from us for being too much trouble in order to go back to sleep.

the hebrews numbered everything ... absolutely everything..

Anyhow, if one cross compares functions for an inflation event and then allow "day" to simply equal a vast amount of time which was a flurry of activity, one can integrate genesis into big bang theory and have no conflict.

As long as a person stays attached to the ignorant literal translation, thats impossible.


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Well, the good thing, that is, if its good, is that we all have individuality as gods to believe whatever we want.
Now, you mentioned light, numbers and the quaballah, all of which are used by mankind in defining who, what God is.

As for me, at this pint in time of human history and knowledge evolution, I am privileged to have a tried and tested sound doctrine recorded with the book, the bible.

From it I gather a complete works of God in behalf of mankind and a wonderful ending to all of it, yet given the opportunity to experience life in the flesh as a god without the eternal extermination.

That is the great hope that God offers me via the bible.

Apart from that, I see no hope in any other thought, for all others are not complete as from the beginning to the end, and then with life after.

But then again, that is a God given privilege to believe what we want.

Of all of it, I choose to place my life bet on the God of the bible.

As for the light, Yes, God is light, as in life, and not necessarily as physical light.

In numbers, Yes, God is a great mathematician, after all, is all there is not calculable?

As for the quaballah, well, I found it to confusing to understand, so I will leave up to those who can understand it.


Blessings, AJ


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This verse is a clue giver that helps unlock some of the things, words, numbers written with words that mean something other than what the definition of the word is.

Hos 12:10 I have also spoken by the prophets, and I have multiplied visions, and used similitudes, by the ministry of the prophets.

Multiplication and similitude's:

Mountains for example, mean people in authority.
Waters means people, as like a flood, of people.
Dust, stars meaning the offspring of Abraham.
The number of Jobs sons and daughters as like three pictures of the same picture divided into seven days.
The 4 beasts with six wings of Revelation is the first picture divided by 4-6 hour periods.
The two witnesses of Revelation is the second picture divided by 2- 12 hour periods.
The 24 Elders in Revelation is the third picture as a whole 24 hour period.
Add them all up and you have 7 periods, as the 7 day creation story.

The week, the 7 day week is what Jesus worked in, as He did His work in the 4th day.
Look: DAN 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

The first picture of the day divided by 4-6 hour periods, the 4th period is the time of Jesus' death on the cross.
It is divided as such:

1st period is sunset 6pm to 12pm midnight as the introduction: meaning where Jesus is at the Last Supper giving out instructions of things which must shortly come to pass.

During this same period and close to midnight, Jesus also is at the Garden praying taking the cup: Mat 26:39 And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt
Jesus at that point takes on the sin of the world,
and at that point, Jesus is separated from God. (Jesus has become as like one of us because of our sins)

2nd time period is 12 midnight to 6am in the morning. Jesus laden-ed with the sin of the world is arrested, the disciples scattered, Peters denial, and Jesus carried to prison.

3rd time period 6am to 12 noonday, is the time of Judgment, the great white throne judgment, meaning Jesus is judged with the sins of the world, and found wanting.
Jesus is judged in 4 separate courts.
Here the world is judged as Jesus and not us, and Jesus alone must bare the price of our sins, as He does the will of the Father. Sentenced to death.

4th Time period is 12 noonday to 6pm sunset. During this time Jesus is beaten, a crown of thorns placed on His head, driven to carry His own cross and finally, nailed to the cross.

This 4th time period is what that verse speaks about DAN 9:27, when at the death of Jesus, the onces and for all sacriffice is made, stopping "the sacrifice and the oblation to cease".

Is it not a coincidence the numbering of that verse? The number nine representing judgment?

As if God and Jesus were both judged? 9 = God and Jesus 2+7= 9.
I mean who else but the creator could save His own creation?

Would that not indicate that maybe Jesus is God? Hmmmmm........

Anyways, that is all very interesting for some of you who would like to dig deeper into the word of God and find some pearls.

If any of you have any specific question concerning any of this, please ask, I'd be happy to explain.

Blessings, AJ


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JOB 1:3 His substance also was seven thousand sheep, and three thousand camels, and five hundred yoke of oxen, and five hundred she *****, and a very great household; so that this man was the greatest of all the men of the east.

If Job is a similitude of Christ, then does any of this fit Jesus?
-seven thousand sheep = is the day seen as 7 days
-three thousand camels = is same day seen in 3 different ways
-five hundred yoke of oxen = the first five of the Ten Commandments = five are wise = spiritual
-five hundred she ***** = the second five of the Ten Commandments = five are foolish = natural
-so that this man was the greatest of all the men of the east = like none other.

Jesus was like none other, the Son of the living God. A son of the natural and a Son of the spiritual.

Notice how the numbers surround Him.
The day seen as 7 days is Jesus as the creator of a new Kingdom
The day seen 3 ways is adding up to 10 which is the law of Moses that Jesus must fulfill.

Perhaps you have never seen it portrayed this way, but Job is really the story of Jesus, as Jesus' is challenged, that if He should loose the whole world, that He would curse God?

Well, it turns out, Jesus gained the whole world and lost His soul over it.

Had it not been that way, He would have never been sent to hell.

There in hell, He visited to souls that were in prison because as of yet, there was no Savior, save now that Jesus was there.

Isa 24:22 And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited.

The Father promised Him: Psa 16:10 For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.

Jesus went to receive those in hell: ref:JOH 10:16 And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.

Joh 4:32 But he said unto them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of.

From there, Jesus receives His kingdom: LUK 19:12 He said therefore, A certain nobleman (Jesus)went into a far country (Hell) to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return.

ZEC 9:11 As for thee also, by the blood of thy covenant I have sent forth thy prisoners out of the pit wherein is no water.

HOS 6:2 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.
The rest of the deadin Rev.20:5 "lived not again" until after the second day, but on the third day were resurrected.

ISA 26:19 Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise.and the earth shall cast out the dead. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs,

Is the prison now empty?

Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
REPLY: Is the prison now empty?

It is during Jesus peaceful 1000-year reign over earth that the 'prison' will be empty.

Acts [24v15] there is going to be a resurrection of the righteous and unrighteous.

According to Revelation [20vs13,14] all imprisoned in hell will be delivered up.
Then, vacant, void of people, emptied-out hell will be destroyed in second death.

Daniel also looked forward to the time when those sleeping in the dust of the earth will be awakened from death's deep sleep on resurrection morning or Christ's millennial-long day with the prospect of everlasting life in view.
Daniel 12vs 2,13; John 11vs11-14.


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It is during Jesus peaceful 1000-year reign over earth that the 'prison' will be empty.

I want to introduce to you a view way different than what you are used to seeing.

You are familiar with how God uses multiplication?

Let me quote you some verses: Deu 1:11 (The LORD God of your fathers make you a thousand times so many more as ye are, and bless you, as he hath promised you!)

One can mean 1,000 as in this verse:2Pe 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

In other words, for God there is no time, so reference to that, indication is given as one day equals a thousand years.

So now, Christ's reign is one day, as a thousand years or a thousand years of Christ’s reign is as one day.

What day is that?

And those thousand years is as yesterday past: Psa 90:4 For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.

What thousand years past?

The promise to David is that God would raise his physical son to be the son of god. God also swore in his holiness not to alter these words or lie unto David

JER 14:8 O the hope of Israel, the saviour thereof in time of trouble, why shouldest thou be as a stranger in the land, and as a wayfaring man that turneth aside to tarry for a night?

2SA 12:4 And there came a traveller unto the rich man, and he spared to take of his own flock and of his own herd, to dress for the wayfaring man that was come unto him; but took the poor man's lamb, and dressed it for the man that was come to him.

EZE 16:3 And say, Thus saith the Lord God unto Jerusalem; Thy birth and thy nativity is of the land of Canaan; thy father was an Amorite, and thy mother an Hittite.

Note: That Refers To Jesus Being The Son Of God, And The Son Of David Born Unto Bathsheba The Wife Or Uriah The Hittite. This Child Is The One Born Outside Wedlock.

This Is The First Child Seen In Scripture Born Unto David After The Promise.

2SA 7:12 And when thy days be fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom. (After David had died, was God going to set up a kingdom which proceeded from David’s bowels: literally a son who was born unto him of Bathsheba)

Salomon, though he build a house, yet not so for ever, for that house was destroyed.

But the kingdom that (house) that God was going to set up shall be forever.

2SA 7:13 He shall build an house for my name, and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever.

2SA 7:14 I will be his father, and he shall be my son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men:

Does Jesus fit that description?

Note: The Child Dies The 7th Day As God Smote The Child And He Was Sick. A Sick Child Is Laid On The Belly Because Of Vomit. So The Curse In The Garden Is Fulfilled Here. = Thou Shall Crawl Upon Thy Belly All The Days Of Thy Life And Eat Dust.
This Child Is Born In 1004 Bc. The Child Is Born outside Wedlock. This Is The Reason In Psalm 90:4 The 1,000 Years Are As Yesterday When It Is Pass = To Bring This 1,000 Years Into The Day Of The Cross When All The Prophecies Are Fulfilled.
God's Law Did Not Permit For A Child To Be Put To Death For A Parent's Deeds So Original Sin Is Not True. And This Is Not Why The Child Dies. Jesus Must Be The First Begotten Of The Dead, So Death Must Come On Him.

ISA 60:22 A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the Lord will hasten it in his time.
= 1004 BC Till 4BC, 1,000 Years. Also Seen As 10- 100 Year Generations.

DEU 23:2 A ******* shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord. = 1,000 YEARS.

Note: Jesus was about His Fathers business at what age?

ISA 60:5 Then thou shalt see, and flow together, and thine heart shall fear, and be enlarged; because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee.

PSA 69:1 Save me, O God; for the waters are come in unto my soul.

JOB 7:12 Am I a sea, or a whale, that thou settest a watch over me?

I could go on, but suffice it to say, word pictures, God uses allot.

Blessings, AJ


New Member
In Christianity it is believed that everything is created by the Almighty One.God on the other hand created the world in the period of seven day.Well,why did God take a long time to finish it and why don't he create it just in a moment.It is obvious that there are many species that are not still explored or discovered by the scientists.why didn'tGod inform that the world is in progress.


New Member
:areyoucraIn Christianity it is believed that everything is created by the Almighty One.God on the other hand created the world in the period of seven day.Well,why did God take a long time to finish it and why don't he create it just in a moment.It is obvious that there are many species that are not still explored or discovered by the scientists.why didn'tGod inform that the world is in progress.


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It is my belief that God created and that the created pro-created after its own kind.

Ref: Gen 1:11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

The seed was in itself.

The story of Creation is God's explanation in terms we could understand.

Any deeper meaning, we should investigate. Your option.

Blessings, AJ

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
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:areyoucraIn Christianity it is believed that everything is created by the Almighty One.God on the other hand created the world in the period of seven day.Well,why did God take a long time to finish it and why don't he create it just in a moment.It is obvious that there are many species that are not still explored or discovered by the scientists.why didn't God inform that the world is in progress.

..."in the period of seven day."
is a time reference only, one that we can understand as children, but as maturing spiritual adults, the object is not the length of time, but rather that God is the creator.

The 7 day reference is then used by God through out the whole bible to give us clues to deeper meanings.

One of the things we see in the creation story is the tree of life which was held away from mankind until such a time that God saw fit to re-introduce it, the tree of life, as Him, in the person of Jesus Christ.

What God did then when He introduced Jesus into the world, Jesus was a type of Adam, meaning a beginning, as in a new creation, not of mankind but of Godkind.

Sons of God!

Wait! How is that possible? Were we or are we not the children of God?

The truth is, Adam and Eve had the breath of life that started the whole offspring thing, which we are.......sons of man/duaghters of man, meaning earthly creatures separated from God spiritually by the very nature of our individuality.

Well,why did God take a long time to finish it and why don't he create it just in a moment.
A moment to God is as like a thousand years to us, for we are in time.

First, God has no time. He is infinite! He gave us a hint: 2Pe 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Now, the bible states that in the midst of the week (Notice week here, 7 days?), and the midst of that week is Wednesday, mid-week, that the oblation would cease.

Ref: Dan 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

If we look at a point in human history, say a literal 7,000 years (Creation story value of time) and cut it in half, then we would have two equal parts, each 3-1/2 years each.

If we took the first half and call it darkness, and the second half call it light, we can see a definite deference between the time that human history was in the dark about spiritual matters until, the light came in, as the second half and with it revelation.

OK, so what we know is that in the first half (Darkness) we were born in the flesh.
Were we not in our mothers womb in darkne3ss until our birth into the day light?

So the analogy here is that spiritually speaking, we were in the dark as dead spiritually, yet alive in the flesh and without hope of life after, for what information did we have of anything as pertaining to the God of the universe?

But in the midst of the week Jesus came as the light of the world spiritually, and physically to defeat the power of this world in our place.

He defined the true nature of the creator of the universe at that point.

But then, the question arises as to what happened to all those souls who lived and died in the darkness of knowledge before the light of knowledge came into the world?

The answer is seen as a day, a whole day.

Look at a 24 hour clock and divide it by 2. You have half in darkness and the other half in the light.

That is the whole picture as seen in the whole of the bible.......the day....as 7 days.

The 24 hour day is a literal 24 hour day, and that day begun at sunset Friday eve and ended sunset Saturday eve.

This is the day the lord has made! Why, what happened on that day?

In that day, Jesus the light of the world ended the darkness (Spiritual darkness) of the first half of the 7 day creation story, and begun a new creation,(Not story but literal)using the self same 7 day creation story, in the second half of that day and rested on the 7th as in the first creation story.

By rebirth of our separated souls (Dead spiritually) we now have life via the second type of Adam (Jesus) in the new creation, in one day.

If Jesus then uses "the day" to recreate a new heavens and a new earth spiritually, means only that God in Jesus broke open the gates both of heaven and hell wide open.

Also meaning that all those souls I mentioned earlier were visited by Jesus and liberated from their prison state and sent to heaven, just as if Jesus were ther from the beginning when Adam and Eve first lived.

So then that makes Jesus the beginning of the end, and the beginning of no end, as in new life.

Rightly referenced: Rev 21:6 And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

Now that..........is where life really begins! For after the first dies, the second lives unto be with the Lord forever!

Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
In Christianity it is believed that everything is created by the Almighty One.God on the other hand created the world in the period of seven day.Well,why did God take a long time to finish it and why don't he create it just in a moment.It is obvious that there are many species that are not still explored or discovered by the scientists.why didn'tGod inform that the world is in progress.

First, there is no time frame given for the 'six' [6] creative days.
All of the creative days are summed up as 'a day' at Gen 2v4.

The 7th day was still on going in Paul day. Hebrews 4vs4-10.

God has put eternity into our hearts. Since Adam was created to live forever if obedient, then the world and perfectly healthy humans of mind and body would be here forever. Ecclesiastes 3v11 mentions that no man can find out God's work from start to finish. So we are informed that in a sense creation is a work in progress.

Those that are alive, living on earth at the time of divine intervention into mankind's affairs, [Matt 25vs31,32], and the ones placed at Jesus right hand of favor, so to speak, will continue to remain alive and keep living right into the start of Jesus peaceful 1000-year reign over earth when Jesus ushers in Peace on Earth toward men of goodwill.

The ' world in progress' will be free from all wickedness, and people living on earth will have the same healthy human perfection of mind and body that Adam originally had and will fulfill God's purpose for the earth to become a beautiful blooming paradisaic earth filled with progress.
Isaiah 54vs12,18


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When Jesus came and said: Joh 18:36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.

Our expectation should be in Christ's Kingdom which is NOT of this world.

Therefore, upon being born again, we become citizens of His kingdom yet, while still living in the flesh.

Now, let me give to understand that this world was originally designed to be our adversary for the sole purpose of being born again, this time of God.

So, I don't see this world as becoming a utopia of righteousness, because if it did, then there would be no need for the next.

As long as there is this physical world, the Adversary will continue to exist.

What Jesus defeated at the cross was the power of this world, the adversary from holding us hostage to eternal death, of which proof of that was in those who were held in hell's prison.

Jesus did visit them there, as you know, Jesus had the worlds sins on Him which sent Him to hell.

There in hell Jesus presented Himself on the second day, and on the third day liberated all that where there held in prison. (Prison is empty)

Isa 28:15 Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:

Isa 28:18 And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.

"the overflowing scourge shall pass through" is what Jesus had to go through on His way to the cross and to hell, for surely, He was trodden down by it.

So, here's the scope, in my opinion, is that Jesus is not coming back to rule the world as like in the physical, but He has come back in the form of the Holy Spirit to rests in the hearts of mankind, as in who house He has built, and He will rest in it.

Your hope now is that many more will and could enjoy the joys of salvation by their rebirth, and having entrance into the kingdom of God in Christ, and obtaining the power of God to overcome the adversary. (The world)
Joh 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: (This world)I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Tell me, apart from God, what hope is there in this world? Everything decays here, everything dies and is returned to it's original matter.

So, by being a child of God, though we are decaying physically, we can have life more abundantly.

Blessings, AJ


President of Chindia
Why do you think that quoting from the Bible proves anything? That's like quoting from Harry Potter to prove that magic is real. Have you any solid evidence that a literal Creation took place; that humanity, homo sapiens, was actually created separate of other species and came into this world fully-formed?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Why do you think that quoting from the Bible proves anything? That's like quoting from Harry Potter to prove that magic is real. Have you any solid evidence that a literal Creation took place; that humanity, homo sapiens, was actually created separate of other species and came into this world fully-formed?

Without faith in God, it is as you say!

Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
First, there is no time frame given for the 'six' [6] creative days.
All of the creative days are summed up as 'a day' at Gen 2v4.
The 7th day was still on going in Paul day. Hebrews 4vs4-10.
God has put eternity into our hearts. Since Adam was created to live forever if obedient, then the world and perfectly healthy humans of mind and body would be here forever. Ecclesiastes 3v11 mentions that no man can find out God's work from start to finish. So we are informed that in a sense creation is a work in progress.
Those that are alive, living on earth at the time of divine intervention into mankind's affairs, [Matt 25vs31,32], and the ones placed at Jesus right hand of favor, so to speak, will continue to remain alive and keep living right into the start of Jesus peaceful 1000-year reign over earth when Jesus ushers in Peace on Earth toward men of goodwill.
The ' world in progress' will be free from all wickedness, and people living on earth will have the same healthy human perfection of mind and body that Adam originally had and will fulfill God's purpose for the earth to become a beautiful blooming paradisaic earth filled with progress.
Isaiah 54vs12,18

Oops,^ dyslexic typing. Above verses should be Isaiah 45 vs 12,18.