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What about the 7-day creation story?


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Oops,^ dyslexic typing. Above verses should be Isaiah 45 vs 12,18.

Work in progress? Like as in working out your salvation maybe?

The work of salvation was out of our hands and in God's hands only.

Were it not so, why Jesus?

This thread is about the seven day creation of which Jesus uses it to fulfill all of it in one day.
The Father created the first Adam and gave us the story of how He did it and why Adam became fallen.

He also gave us a span of time of a week to show forth His works, then He rested from those works.

The same Jesus did!

Check this verse out: ISA 66:1 Thus saith the Lord, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest?

What house?
Surely not one that can be destroyed.

2SA 7:13 He shall build an house for my name, and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever.

I see two key words: for ever

Surely that does not sound like temporary as like on earth?

Having said all that then, Jesus builds the house that will last for ever, in one day.

Jesus takes what the Father has created, and from it re-creates a new house, a kingdom that is NOT of this world that has no end.

But why use the seven day creation story?

The reason is that Jesus has to be from the beginning, meaning, Jesus has to include in His salvation of mankind all souls born as from the beginning, the present and all future souls not yet born.

Look: ISA 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:

Declaring the end from the beginning? As in bringing to an end something that was already begun?

What was begun in the Potters hand was a vessel marred.
Jer 18:4 And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it

What have we here? One vessel marred, and then AGAIN, He makes another vessel, but this time as it seemed good to the Potter to make it.

What we are not seeing here, that should be seen is, the marred vessel was intentional, meaning that in order for Adam to have a soul with the ability to reason intelligently, Adam becomes marred.

Now, again the Potter makes another vessel, of the same lump of clay as the first, but this time it seems good to the Potter to sacrifice the second vessel in place of the first.

Ref: Isa 41:25 I have raised up one from the north, and he shall come: from the rising of the sun shall he call upon my name: and he shall come upon princes as upon morter, and as the potter treadeth clay.

Rom 9:21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?

Guess who was the dishonored one? Would you say......Jesus? Yes!

OK then.......we are traded for Jesus, Jesus uses the same mortar (Us) and the Fathers creation (Seven day creation) and recreates a new house (Kingdom) for the Father, as the Father in one day, then Jesus declares: It is finished and rests.

The Fathers kingdom is brought to an end at the cross where it is nailed, and at the resurrection, life begins, as it were from the beginning, this time forever.

Blessings, AJ


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The first of 3 pictures seen of the same day
1st picture
ISA 41:19 I will plant in the wilderness the (1)cedar, the (2)****tah tree, and the (3) myrtle, and the (4)oil tree; I will set in the desert the (5)fir tree, and the (6)pine, and the (7)box tree together:
This Is The Day Of The Cross Seen As The 7 Time Periods.

Each Likened To A Different Type Of Tree.

These Will Be Used Throughout Scriptures As Hints As To What Time Period God Is Showing In The Verse.

The Day As The First Picture Is Divided In 4 6-Hour Periods.

(1) Sunset To Midnight Is The Cedar Tree, Also As Lebanon.

(2)The Second Is The ****tah Tree From Midnight To Sunrise.

(3)The Third Is The Myrtle Tree From Sunrise To Noon.

(4)The Fourth The Oil Tree (Olive) From Noon To Sunset. Now

________________Second Picture_______________________________​

Looking At The Second Picture Of The Day Of The Cross As 2 12-Hour Periods,

(5)The Fifth Tree Is The Fir From Sunset To Sunrise,

(6)The Sixth Is The Pine Tree From Sunrise To Sunset.

________________________Third picture_______________________

Then The Third Picture Of The Day Of The Cross Seen As The Full 24 Hours, which Is The 7th Time Period Is As:

(7) The Box Tree. (Together Because They Are All One Day And They Are All Put Back Together And Made AS ONE DAY OR TREE, WHICH IS THE TREE OF LIFE,

ISA 41:20 That they may see, and know, and consider, and understand together, that the hand of the LORD hath done this, and the Holy One of Israel hath created it.
The Trees Are Hints To The Workings Of God.

Similar To The Concept Of The Bible Codes.

Finding In The Middle Of God's Words A Form Of Codes That Brings Things Together, That Did Not Make Sense Or Seemed To Contradict Each Other Because Of Not Realizing What Was Being Looked At…….. Or When It Was Happening.

As The Day Seen As 7 Days Is Subdivided Into 7 Days Each, So Also Must The Day be Seen As 3 Pictures….. Then Be Applied To Each Day Separately.

So The 1st=Wisdom. Subdivide Into 3 Pictures. 1=See, 2=Know, 3=Consider.

Now That Is The Subdivision Of The 1st Picture.

Understanding Is The Second Picture So This Is Seeing The First Picture Subdivided And The Second Picture Together With It.

Blessings, AJ


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..."In the light of seven days"...

Words in parenthesis are mine.

* DANIEL 11:3 And a mighty king shall stand up, (Lifted up as a standard, the cross) that shall rule with great dominion, (Become King as God at the cross, as labeled) and do according to his will. (Not my will but thine)

This Is Jesus During The First Time Period, Sunset To Midnight.

According To His Will Is Jesus Saying "Thy Will Be Done" On The Mount Of Olives.
The Great Dominion Is Jesus Is About To Become As God.

When He Takes The Sin Of The World During This Time, God Will Have To Leave As He Can Not Look Upon Sin.

Prior To This Day All The Prophecies Are Lies So God Does Not Have To Go By The Prophecy "Thine Eyes Are Too Pure To Look Upon Sin".

The Day Of The Cross, As All The Prophecies Are Being Fulfilled And The Spirit Of Truth Is Coming Into This World, God Then Can Not Look Upon Sin, But Turns His Back From Sin Or From Jesus.

Jesus When Taking The Sins Of The World, Becomes Everything That Is Cursed Because Of Sin; The Earth Also.

God's Word Is Like As A Fire In Jeremiah 23:29 So The Earth Or Jesus Will Be Destroyed By Fire At The Cross.

The Earth Will Also Be Void And Without Form When The Body Of Jesus Dies On The Cross.

The Creation Story Is A Similitude, Looking At The Day Of The Cross, Seen As 7 Days:

ISAIAH 30:26 Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.
The Beginning Or The Day Of The Cross Is Seen With The Earth Void And Without Form In Jeremiah.
This Is Showing The Concept Which The Church Calls The Rapture, Or The Uplifting Of The People. The Dead Were Uplifted With Christ On The 3rd Day. Mankind On Earth Was Uplifted By Having

Sin Removed And Everlasting Righteousness Poured Upon Mankind When Jesus Renders Unto Man His Righteousness.
Job 33:26 He Shall Pray Unto God, And He Will Be Favourable Unto Him: And He Shall See His Face With Joy: For He Will Render Unto Man His Righteousness.

* Ken1burton
Blessings, AJ


Active Member
Why is it that there are so many 7's in the bible?
Because the word 'seven' meant 'complete' as well as 'rest' in Hebrew. So it was a parable that God created for six days and rested on the seventh. (It's probable that there was an existing seven-day week, based on lunar month division, in the experience of the Israelites, so this parable made sense to them.) The creation stories (two quite separate ones) are not meant to be taken literally.


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Because the word 'seven' meant 'complete' as well as 'rest' in Hebrew. So it was a parable that God created for six days and rested on the seventh. (It's probable that there was an existing seven-day week, based on lunar month division, in the experience of the Israelites, so this parable made sense to them.) The creation stories (two quite separate ones) are not meant to be taken literally.

The point is what I believe is what makes the whole plan of God work.

Meaning, that God gave us a picture of His creative work, the fall of mankind, the judgment and the consequence of that judgment.

By the same, God also gave us the reality picture of the 7-day creative process in Jesus, as one day, as Jesus also rested on the 7th day.

The images, the visions detailed in the books of Revelation, Daniel, are given support as to their meanings in other books of the bible to form a picture, spiritually speaking, of the works of God in Christ in the redemption of the world.

Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
By the same, God also gave us the reality picture of the 7-day creative process in Jesus, as one day, as Jesus also rested on the 7th day.

The images, the visions detailed in the books of Revelation, Daniel, are given support as to their meanings in other books of the bible to form a picture, spiritually speaking, of the works of God in Christ in the redemption of the world.
Blessings, AJ

Wasn't it a six [6] day creative process? God rested on the 7th day from his creative works. The 7th day was still on going in Paul's day [Hebrews 4vs4-10]
Whereas all of the other days had a closing.

Jesus stressed in the sixth chapter of John that Jesus works [labors] .
Doesn't John [5v17] say Jesus Father works, and so does Jesus?


Active Member
Wasn't it a six [6] day creative process? God rested on the 7th day from his creative works. The 7th day was still on going in Paul's day [Hebrews 4vs4-10]
Whereas all of the other days had a closing.

Jesus stressed in the sixth chapter of John that Jesus works [labors] .
Doesn't John [5v17] say Jesus Father works, and so does Jesus?
But not the work of creation- rather, the work of sustaining the saints, of convicting of sin, righteousness and judgement, etc.


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Wasn't it a six [6] day creative process? God rested on the 7th day from his creative works. The 7th day was still on going in Paul's day [Hebrews 4vs4-10]
Whereas all of the other days had a closing.

Jesus stressed in the sixth chapter of John that Jesus works [labors] .
Doesn't John [5v17] say Jesus Father works, and so does Jesus?

Six days is a figurative number as is the 7th day.
God rested/completed that portion of creation which was the flesh and all there is.

What was needed was redemption for the created, for the created had no power of it's own to redeem it's self.

Except God Himself take steps to redeem His own creation, no one created being could.

Therefore, God in Jesus fulfills both the requirements for the redemption of the first creation, but also provides the means by which mankind can be redeemed as a son of man, yet a son of God, in the span of 1-24 hour day.

That is the day Jesus worked to pay the price for the redemption for the soul of mankind, and like the Father, rested/completed the redemption process form His works.

At His resurrection life began. Prior to that, there was no life. There was life in the flesh but not life everlasting.

So what we have now is the ever workings of the Holy Spirit in the daily redemptive work of salvation both in the flesh and then right at death, when the soul meets Christ and is immediately changed.

Paul's work was to introduce this new life path and to work out the kinks, as God only wants us to live just and right because it should be within us to do so, rather than to have some rule or law demanding that we do so.

If we are ruled and love the two commandments given to us by Jesus, we have nothing else to be ruled by to enslave us to this world, being set free.

So salvation is on-going to where the power of sin has no hold to the eternal annihilation of the soul, setting us free, yet the consequences of our own actions are still accountable and payable in the flesh if not death.

Jesus said,"It is finished"meaning the work of redemption which was the only thing keeping mankind from entering heaven.

Blessings, AJ


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But not the work of creation- rather, the work of sustaining the saints, of convicting of sin, righteousness and judgement, etc.

If you look at Christ as the first new creation, then you must look at Him as the beginning of all creation, since without the redemptive work of Christ, mankind would still be without hope of ever being redeemed.

Rev 22:13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

Meaning Jesus covers the whole of the Father's seven day creation, from the beginning, as is were from the beginning, in a day for all time.

Meaning the day taken out of time was for all time, not just for that one day.

Isa 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:

The end....... of the beginning..... was nailed to the cross, and the new creation, the new beginning was begun at the cross with the resurrection of Jesus.

Therefore, Jesus was as from the beginning, ending it, and commencing a new beginning, this time one without end, all in one day.

Blessings, AJ


Active Member
If you look at Christ as the first new creation, then you must look at Him as the beginning of all creation, since without the redemptive work of Christ, mankind would still be without hope of ever being redeemed.

Rev 22:13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
Meaning Jesus covers the whole of the Father's seven day creation, from the beginning, as is were from the beginning, in a day for all time.

Meaning the day taken out of time was for all time, not just for that one day.

Isa 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:

The end....... of the beginning..... was nailed to the cross, and the new creation, the new beginning was begun at the cross with the resurrection of Jesus.

Therefore, Jesus was as from the beginning, ending it, and commencing a new beginning, this time one without end, all in one day.

Blessings, AJ

If you read it properly, Jesus the quotation marks close before Jesus speaks again. At that stage Jehovah is speaking so he is the 1st and the Last. Jesus is not. Jesus was born and is the Firstfruits from mankind.

It is all not in one physical day either.

The creation took place in seven periods of time called days

example, when you say "back in Grandmas day" it does not mean that grandma had one day, but a period of time that was "her day" The creation story means the same thing

It is seven periods of time each are referred to as a day.


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If you read it properly, Jesus the quotation marks close before Jesus speaks again. At that stage Jehovah is speaking so he is the 1st and the Last. Jesus is not. Jesus was born and is the Firstfruits from mankind.

The end result: God saves mankind by Jesus, thus Jesus is mankind's Savior.

Who but God can forgive sins, the question was asked, as if Jesus was demonstrating that He and the Father were one and the same.

God came down to us in the physical, by the name Jesus.

It is all not in one physical day either.

You would have to understand the magnitude of "that day", the day in question was a 24 hour day where Jesus did the work of redemption as if it were the 7-days of creation.

It is seven periods of time each are referred to as a day.

The Father's creation is the Physical. (Adams)

Jesus' creation is the spiritual of which both are used as the same day.

Jesus had to include all, from the beginning, as in the 7 day creation beginning in order to completely redeem that which was lost.

Blessings, AJ


Active Member
lol you still have not read your bible properly. If you had you would realise Jesus was the FIRSTBORN OF ALL CREATION thus created by God and then HELPED Jehovah to created ALL OTHER THINGS

John 6:38
because I have come down from heaven to do, not my will, but the will of him that sent me.
John 6:62
What, therefore, if YOU should behold the Son of man ascending to where he was before?
John 17:4-5
I have glorified you on the earth, having finished the work you have given me to do. So now you, Father, glorify me alongside yourself with the glory that I had alongside you before the world was.

Colossians 1:15-18

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; because by means of him all [other] things were created in the heavens and upon the earth, the things visible and the things invisible, no matter whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All [other] things have been created through him and for him. Also, he is before all [other] things and by means of him all [other] things were made to exist, and he is the head of the body, the congregation. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that he might become the one who is first in all things;

He is Not THE invisible God but the IMAGE of Him

He was the FIRSTBORN of all creation

The was the FIRSTBORN of all the DEAD so therefore no one who was dead before him was alive in heaven as he was the first one resurrected.
He Created all things and Through him all things were created (physically) FOR him As a gift from Jehovah to his Son Jesus, because they are so close to each other.


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I understand that! Jesus is the first in a new creation such as Adam was.

You see, the first creation became flawed in the making, and the second creation was perfect.

The second was sacrificed for the first to save the first at the expense of the second.

Why then would Jesus even suffer?

The works of God are given to us in many different details, in the events of human history, symbolism's, visions, numbers, similitude's, multiplications and repeatedly repeated.

If we can not see the works of God for mankind,s, then we still are blind.

We are the first born, you and I in the body of the first born, that being the body of Jesus.

Life for us began, not with Adam, but with Christ, for in Adam all die, but in Jesus all live.

Blessings, AJ
(((( It is seven periods of time each are referred to as a day. ))))

Yes and the bible tells us how long each day was.............

Psalms 90:4,KJV,
4 For a thousand years in thy sight [are but] as yesterday when it is past, and [as] a watch in the night.

2 Peter 3:8,KJV,
8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day [is] with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Since at the brginning of the construction of the earth, the earth was not revolving and it was dark (no sun) then there was no such thing as a 24 hour day until life appeared on the earth. So the above seems reasonable.


Well-Known Member
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(((( It is seven periods of time each are referred to as a day. ))))

Yes and the bible tells us how long each day was.............

Psalms 90:4,KJV,
4 For a thousand years in thy sight [are but] as yesterday when it is past, and [as] a watch in the night.

2 Peter 3:8,KJV,
8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day [is] with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Accept it as quoted.

Since at the beginning of the construction of the earth, the earth was not revolving and it was dark (no sun) then there was no such thing as a 24 hour day until life appeared on the earth. So the above seems reasonable.

You think that the process of the earth being prepared did not take billions of years?

And God wanted you to know the story on just what He did to bring all this about and how you got here in a simple child like story that even a child could understand.

Now, I would like to present a different view about the void-ness of the earth.

Without the appearing of Jesus, there was no light in the world save only that information given to Abraham as a prophecy towards that light.

There was darkness on the earth concerning God's character.

Jesus came: Joh 8:12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

Joh 9:5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.

The light was cut off at the cross, but should now live in the temple of your heart permanently.

The scriptural quotes lead us to understand that in one day, as a day, a week or a thousand years, are all the same time when referenced to the day Jesus done His work of redemption.

Look at the following verse: Dan 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week (Middle of the week, as the fourth day)he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,(End of the earthly priesthood) and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

That is Jesus coming in on the fourth day of the week,as 1 thru 4th days of creation story) and as the week split into two halfs, and than as one whole day, as in the day He was crucified.

So what you have is three pictures of the same day utilizing all 7 days of creation into one whole day, broken down like this:

1 thru 4 days of creation story is as the day divided by four six hour periods.
5 and 6th day is as the same picture day divided by two.
And the 7th day is the same day picture as a whole day, as the day completed, fulfilled or Jesus resting from all His works.

Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
All of the six [6] creative days are summed up as a 'day' at Genesis 2v4

The seventh [7th] day was still on going in Paul's day. Hebrews 4vs4-10
How long is the 7th day?

There is no mention in Genesis if the six [6] creative days were even of equal length.

So like today, the word 'day' in Scripture has various shades of meaning.
'Day' does not have to be talking about a 24-hr day or a 1000-year day but a period of time such as in using the expression 'in Noah's day'.


Question Everything
7 is god because 3 is earth and 4 is heaven and 4 + 3 = 7, and 6 is the devil because couldn't get to be 7, or some other odd equations; read about it long ago and can't remember very well, but is numerology.

3 represents the trinity - God, Jesus, Spirit
4 represents the actual Godhead - Father, Mother, Son, Spirit.
Mother is the hidden member.

3*4 = 12
12 shows up quite a lot too...
12 tribes
12 apostles
12 days of Christmas ;) J/K


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All of the six [6] creative days are summed up as a 'day' at Genesis 2v4

I don't have any problem with any interpretation of what a day is, because of what I understand to what Jesus' work was on the day He was crucified.

You see, the world that then was, was in a lost condition, meaning without a Savior.

Which means that unless God does something to change it all and save mankind, the world as per the creation 7 day story is, remains just a story.

But when God moved to re-create again for the purposes of saving that which was lost, did it in one day with the body of Christ.

So that makes Jesus visit everyday of the creation story as if it were the 7 day creation story, but this time makes it anew.

The definition of the day to God can mean any time frame.

In order for Jesus to save "that which was lost" which includes all of mankind from Adam to today, tomorrow and until the end of time, there must be a day of re-creation to establish it for all time in the saving of that which was lost.

That day is the day Jesus went to the cross, which was taken out of time, for....all time. One sacrifice for all time.

Jesus recreated the spiritual end of the new creation leading us from a dead state to a live state in Him.

He is the tree of life withheld from Adam in the book of Genesis and then reappeared at the appointed time by where now we can reach out and eat of that tree of life and live for ever.

That is the basic work of Jesus which is very simple to understand.

We can get caught up in definitions of words or anything else which will lead us to lengthy discussions about them.

But when we cut to the chase to the exact work of Jesus, we find it quite simple and not clouded up by all other conceived possibilities.

Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
Today as in the first century, the basic work of Jesus simple to understand is the same commission that Jesus gave his followers to do at Matthew 29vs18,19 and Matthew 24v14 to let the whole world know that God's kingdom in the hands of Christ Jesus is the only solution to mankind's problems. Only Jesus, as Prince of Peace, can usher in Peace on Earth toward men of goodwill.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
3 represents the trinity - God, Jesus, Spirit
4 represents the actual Godhead - Father, Mother, Son, Spirit.
Mother is the hidden member.

3*4 = 12
12 shows up quite a lot too...
12 tribes
12 apostles
12 days of Christmas ;) J/K

I like numbers in the scriptures.

I won't argue anybody's view on what they believe what each number represent.

I do know that the number 7 is quite extensively repeated, giving reason to research it out.

1 = Father
2. Son
3. Holy Spirit
4. the number of the earth
5. Grace
6. The number of a man
7. Completeness
8. A new beginning as in the first day of a new week
9. The number for Judgment
10. Heaven ordinal number
11. Number between heaven and earth as in believers
12. The earthly organizational number.

Most of them fit, but are not necessarily things to place complete confidence in.

Jesus yes, full confidence.

Blessings, AJ