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What about the 7-day creation story?


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Gen 1:5 clearly says God called the light >Day. The daylight hours are not 24 hours long.

So the 'new' would be occurring during Jesus peaceful 1000-year rule over earth.

If the world didn't spin, there would be, as the moon, day light 24/7.

What is significant here is not how long the day is, for it is a combined time, darkness (Evening) and day light (Morning) equals a day.

What the physical is, is the spiritual represented as. Example: spiritually speaking, darkness represents the lack of knowledge as the time prior to Jesus' coming, the world was in darkness concerning the real character of God.
The day is representative of the light (Jesus) coming into the darkness of knowledge to define the character of God.

Both darkness and light work together for our good.
A verse here may shed some light on this issue: Psa 18:11 He made darkness his secret place; his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies.

God was hid from us (As darkness) until the light (Jesus) shines in our souls, where we are no longer in darkness, but abide continuously in the light.

There are three [3] heavens and earth mentioned at 2nd Peter 3:

1) verse 5 the 'old' or heavens and earth of Noah's day.
2) verse 7 the 'now' or present heavens and earth of our day since Noah
3) verse 13 the 'new' heavens and earth were righteousness dwells.

The physical heavens and the physical earth have always been and continue to be.
What is meant by a new heaven and a new earth is a spiritual condition.

Jesus is a similitude of Noah saving humanity via the ark(Cross).

The new heavens and the new earth, being a spiritual condition changed from the gates of heaven being opened, and the gates of hell opened.

Righteousness now dwells as the light of this world has come, and all who enter into that light are covered in the righteousness of God, and not of our own.

Not sure what you mean by emptying the prisons in 24 hours.....?

What is meant, is again, a spiritual/physical combination using the physical day to effect the spiritual condition covering the length of all time.

What that means is that all those who lived and died before Jesus were held captive because heaven was shut out to humanity, and the prisons full, holding all those souls.

Jesus had to become sin, the sins of the world and purposely sent to hell (Prison) to redeem those who lived and died before us not having seen or known anything about the true character of God as revealed by Jesus.

Thus Jesus becomes the beginning of the end of the first (Darkness) and the beginnings without end of the new, without end (Light).

Can you see the beauty of the works of God as His unconditional mercy rests on all of us?

Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
Thank you Look3467 for your reply.

Why would the 'unconscious Jesus' -
[John 11:11-14; Ecc 9:5; Psalm 6:5; 13:3; 115:17; 146:4]
-be sent to hell to redeem anyone when his shed blood according to 1 John 5:7 covers all?_____ According to Romans 6:7 isn't dying paying the price for sins - [except Matt 12:32; Heb 6:4-6]?
Romans 6:7 says he that died is [not maybe] is acquitted or freed from sins.
So 'death' stamps the price tag of sin as: Paid In Full.
This does not mean innocent of course, but like when a governor frees or acquits a person meaning the charges against that person will no longer stick.

Those of 2 Peter 2:4 are not dead people, but fallen angles from Noah's day.
Compare Jude verse 6. They will have the same ending as Satan - Heb 2:14 B -destruction or annihilation, not redemption.

Can't disagree about a new spiritual condition.
Isaiah 35:9 has been taken to mean not a literal lion, but no one there that acts like a lion.

Spiritual improvement does always comes first.

At 2Peter3:5,7,13 the literal or physical heavens were not destroyed, but the wicked ruling heavens, so to speak, were removed.

We know the earth abides forever.- Ecc 1:4 B. but it is the wicked that will not abide forever.-Psalm 92:7; Proverbs 2:21,22; 10:30.

So, it is Not the 'now' earth that is to be destroyed, but wicked earthly society.
Not the literal heavens that is 'now', but wicked forces [Eph 6:12}in high [heavenly] places.

The living people of Matthew 25:32 are alive on earth, or living on earth at the time of Jesus 'glory' [Matt 25:31; 16:27], and those at Jesus right hand of favor, so to speak, remain alive, or keep on living right into Jesus peaceful 1000-year rule over earth with the prospect of always being alive or having everlasting life without ever dying.

So, since the heavens and earth of Noah's day was real and literal, and the heavens and earth of 'now' are real and literal, is there any reason that the future 'new' heavens and earth would not also be real and literal for those living under God's heavenly kingdom or his royal government under Christ as crowned King of God's kingdom government over earth?

Isaiah 9:7; Daniel 7:13,14; 2:44.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Why would the 'unconscious Jesus' -
[John 11:11-14; Ecc 9:5; Psalm 6:5; 13:3; 115:17; 146:4]
-be sent to hell to redeem anyone when his shed blood according to 1 John 5:7 covers all?__

The creation of the first man Adam is the creation of the physical, mind, body and soul.

In the process of this perfect creation, the vessel Adam, became flawed because of the ability given Adam to reason, to become like as God, meaning becoming a god, lower case g.

Because Adam was created, Adam on its own power could not change the fact that he became separated from God as a god, and resulted in his death spiritually.

Even though Adam still lived in the physical, he was spiritually separated from God, meaning dead spiritually.

In order for God to again bring Adam back in union with God, God Himself had to make another vessel, like the first Adam, this time an Adam that God Himself could posses as His own self, with the power and might of God Himself, suffer the consequences that was meant for us and remove them from us for all peoples, for all time.

But prior to the coming of the second type Adam, Jesus, all peoples of all races, and religious beliefs could not go to be with God because the penality of righteouness could not be net by mankind.

So, God prepared a place to hold the departed spirits until which time He would redeem them.

That place is considered a prison, and or otherwise, referred to as hell.

Now, Jesus had within Him the righteousness of God to fulfill all of Gods requirements for all mankind, thus had to suffer the pains of the penalty, considered a sacrifice of God in our behalf, the lamb of God, and sent to prison/hell to introduce and announce to those souls the awaited redemption from God in their behalf.

When that was accomplished, Jesus opened the prisons gates, the gates of Heaven and sent them all to the Father, emptying the prison and ending its existence.

Now all of that is a complete story, and a reality when believed with faith in God that His word is true, honorable and worth of trust.

Jesus, then becomes the central figure who as God, brings about the salvation of all mankind and a name given to mankind by which we can trust, believe and gain salvation despite our beliefs, and righteous acts.

Read the story of the Potter in the book of Romans 8th chapter.
You will see a similitude.
Romans 6:7 says he that died is [not maybe] is acquitted or freed from sins.
So 'death' stamps the price tag of sin as: Paid In Full.
This does not mean innocent of course, but like when a governor frees or acquits a person meaning the charges against that person will no longer stick.

That is true but what you need to understand, is that what was accomplished was spiritual and not physical, simply because Jesus still had to die as you and I do.

Those of 2 Peter 2:4 are not dead people, but fallen angles from Noah's day.
Compare Jude verse 6. They will have the same ending as Satan - Heb 2:14 B -destruction or annihilation, not redemption.

Fallen angels means this in the scheme of things spiritually, the Jewish people are a similitude of a virgin whose son is considered a *******, thus rejected, and both of which are considered fallen angels, for both had lost their first estate.

What that all means is that because God chose a race of peoples to present Himself to the world, the Jew had the first estate position to God.

But because God wanted to save the world, He had to reject both the Jewish estate, and Jesus' estate as fallen angels, to reach out to the rest of humanity.

Notice this verse: Isa 9:14 Therefore the LORD will cut off from Israel head and tail, branch and rush, in one day.

You have to look into that verse and get an understanding to see what I mean.

At 2Peter3:5,7,13 the literal or physical heavens were not destroyed, but the wicked ruling heavens, so to speak, were removed.

Remember to think spiritually in all your understandings.

We know the earth abides forever.- Ecc 1:4 B. but it is the wicked that will not abide forever.-Psalm 92:7; Proverbs 2:21,22; 10:30.

Wickedness remains here on the earth as an adversary, and has no place in heaven, thus ends at our death.
So, it is Not the 'now' earth that is to be destroyed, but wicked earthly society.
Not the literal heavens that is 'now', but wicked forces [Eph 6:12}in high [heavenly] places.

There is absolutely no evil in heavenly places, but evil is conceived in the heart and minds, thus, considered a spiritual......high places.

The living people of Matthew 25:32 are alive on earth, or living on earth at the time of Jesus 'glory' [Matt 25:31; 16:27], and those at Jesus right hand of favor, so to speak, remain alive, or keep on living right into Jesus peaceful 1000-year rule over earth with the prospect of always being alive or having everlasting life without ever dying.

The resurrection of Jesus is the beginning, thus those living at the time of His resurrection spiritually, shall never die.

And for us today, our belief and trust in Jesus does the same thing. We are born again, a new creature, and one in which we will never die again.

So, since the heavens and earth of Noah's day was real and literal, and the heavens and earth of 'now' are real and literal, is there any reason that the future 'new' heavens and earth would not also be real and literal for those living under God's heavenly kingdom or his royal government under Christ as crowned King of God's kingdom government over earth?

Consider this earth and the heavens, meaning the stars plannets etc, as the garden of God.

He has established them to plan His seeds and reap the harvest, with the established garden remaining as ever His garden.

If you think spiritual, then you must think to leave this earth as just a journey and a place where you, the person you are was born and now have an inheritance with God, and truly, not here on this earth again.

So, iof you are to do the greatest good, do it here while you are still alive and able to spread the love of God to your neighbor as instructed.

Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
Where does it say heaven was a stepping stone for Adam and Eve?
They had the free will to obey or not. Disobedience meant loss of eternal life aka death.

Yes, while alive we can do the greatest good as Jesus commanded at Matthew 24:14 that the good news of God's kingdom government, or royal government in the hands of Christ as king, will be proclaimed world wide before the end of all badness on earth comes.
As Psalm 92:7 says the wicked will be destroyed or annihilated forever.
What does Daniel 2:44; 7:13,14 say God's kingdom will do?

Those already dead like Daniel [12:2,13] await a resurrection, because they are freed from inherited sin [Romans 6:7], during Jesus 1000-year rule over earth.- Acts 24:15.

No one that died before Jesus died [Acts 2:34; Matt 11:11b] was given an opportunity for heavenly life [Rev 5:9,10]. Jesus will fulfill the promise to Abraham that all families of the earth would be blessed, and all nations of the earth will be blessed.
Gen 12:3; 22:17,18; Rev 22:2. Location of Micah 4:3,4 is on earth.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Where does it say heaven was a stepping stone for Adam and Eve?
They had the free will to obey or not. Disobedience meant loss of eternal life aka death.

One can not make a decision without first having two opposing side to choose from.
Therefore, Adam and Eve were innocent as a baby born until the baby grew to a point where knowledge of good and evil forced them to make a judgment call.

On that day, as the bible speaks, their eyes were opened, thus becoming gods, lower case g, causing a separation from God, meaning death.

In that state of being, as gods, is in the natural flesh, self, which is in a rebellious nature against God.

That is seen, for simplicity of understanding, so as even a child can understand, as disobedience.

Likewise, again so that a child can understand, Jesus willed His will to the Father, is seen as obedience.

You see the contrast between seeing as a child and as a mature spiritual adult?

As Psalm 92:7 says the wicked will be destroyed or annihilated forever.

What is destroyed is the power of wickedness over the sons of God in Jesus, but not the ability of people to become wicked.

Those already dead like Daniel [12:2,13] await a resurrection, because they are freed from inherited sin [Romans 6:7], during Jesus 1000-year rule over earth.- Acts 24:15.

One day is as a 1,000 years. Jesus ruled the day of His sacrifice by conquering all at the cross.

No one that died before Jesus died [Acts 2:34; Matt 11:11b] was given an opportunity for heavenly life [Rev 5:9,10]. Jesus will fulfill the promise to Abraham that all families of the earth would be blessed, and all nations of the earth will be blessed.
Gen 12:3; 22:17,18; Rev 22:2. Location of Micah 4:3,4 is on earth.

Jesus fulfilled that promise by His resurrection, and the blessings realized in the flesh, as heaven on earth.

Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
Jesus fulfilled that promise by His resurrection, and the blessings realized in the flesh, as heaven on earth.
Blessings, AJ

Didn't Jesus instruct to pray God's will be done on earth 'as' it is in heaven?

What is God's will for heaven? Isn't it peace and security?
No one goes to heaven to engage in war there, or pollute there, or be sick there, or go to heaven to die there. So since all of that is God's will for heaven, then for his will to be the same here on earth as it is in heaven would mean the same good conditions here on earth as up there.

God fulfills that promise first by resurrecting Jesus. Jesus did not resurrect himself. Hebrews 9:24,25. Jesus was resurrected in the spirit realm because he came from the spirit realm. God crowns Jesus as king of God's kingdom or his royal government. - Isaiah 9:7; Daniel 7:13,14; 2:44.
Isn't it when Jesus takes action at the time of his 'glory' -Matthew 25:31; 16:27, before the start of his 1000-year rule over earth, that there will be paradise on earth and not before then? Micah 4:3,4 takes place on earth as part of God's will being done on earth during Jesus millennial rule over earth.

Matthew 25:32,37,46 is ahead of us. Those righteous alive at that time have the prospect of remaining alive right into Jesus millennial-long day when the whole globe will blossom, even the deserts blossom as the rose in paradisaic conditions.
-Isaiah chapter 35.


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http://www.blueletterbible.org/Bible.cfm?b=Mat&c=18&t=KJV#18Mat 18:18Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

That is heaven on earth!

What is God's will for heaven? Isn't it peace and security?
No one goes to heaven to engage in war there, or pollute there, or be sick there, or go to heaven to die there. So since all of that is God's will for heaven, then for his will to be the same here on earth as it is in heaven would mean the same good conditions here on earth as up there.

If the conditions on earth were like heaven, then what would be the point of earth?
The earth is Gods testing ground, or better said, God's garden where His seed is planted, and earth's elements strive against it.

God fulfills that promise first by resurrecting Jesus. Jesus did not resurrect himself. Hebrews 9:24,25. Jesus was resurrected in the spirit realm because he came from the spirit realm. God crowns Jesus as king of God's kingdom or his royal government. - Isaiah 9:7; Daniel 7:13,14; 2:44.
Isn't it when Jesus takes action at the time of his 'glory' -Matthew 25:31; 16:27, before the start of his 1000-year rule over earth, that there will be paradise on earth and not before then? Micah 4:3,4 takes place on earth as part of God's will being done on earth during Jesus millennial rule over earth.

Earth is not a place for paradise since earth was designed for the flesh as noted by the reacher:
http://www.blueletterbible.org/Bible.cfm?b=Ecc&c=1&t=KJV#2Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all [is] vanity. Ecc 1:2

Matthew 25:32,37,46 is ahead of us. Those righteous alive at that time have the prospect of remaining alive right into Jesus millennial-long day when the whole globe will blossom, even the deserts blossom as the rose in paradisaic conditions.
-Isaiah chapter 35.

The desert is in reference to Israel, which was in full blossom before Jesus cut them off, but, will again be brought to a blossom when their eyes shall be opened to see Jesus as their Lord.

Is it not your belief that when you accept Jesus as your Savior you are alive in Him? Therefore, those trusting in Jesus then,were also made alive and never die.

Read this verse and consider it: Hosea 12:10.

Blessing's, AJ


Well-Known Member
Why is it that there are so many 7's in the bible?
If you have a bible software, search out the number 7 and see just how many times it is found in the bible.

I have my thoughts on them but would like to hears yours.


Without having read the other 30 odd pages of this, I just wanted to say something quickly.

It's not just in Christianity. The number 7 has been a symbolic number since antiquity. The Sumerians used it often as well: 7 gates to pass through in the underworld, 7 guardians of Erishkigal, 7 Me, 7 tablets of Destiny...


Well-Known Member
Without having read the other 30 odd pages of this, I just wanted to say something quickly.

It's not just in Christianity. The number 7 has been a symbolic number since antiquity. The Sumerians used it often as well: 7 gates to pass through in the underworld, 7 guardians of Erishkigal, 7 Me, 7 tablets of Destiny...

Oh, and the Sumerian flood lasted for 7 days and 7 nights as well.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Without having read the other 30 odd pages of this, I just wanted to say something quickly.

It's not just in Christianity. The number 7 has been a symbolic number since antiquity. The Sumerians used it often as well: 7 gates to pass through in the underworld, 7 guardians of Erishkigal, 7 Me, 7 tablets of Destiny...


But if I am talking about te bible, the significance of the number is key in understanding of it.

Blessigs, AJ


Well-Known Member

But if I am talking about te bible, the significance of the number is key in understanding of it.

Blessigs, AJ

I was just pointing out that the significance to the number in the bible doesn't have to do with the bible or Christianity, but with the significance of that number itself. Perhaps in order to understand the significance it had in the bible, we have to look to antiquity to find out where the significance of the number 7 began.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I was just pointing out that the significance to the number in the bible doesn't have to do with the bible or Christianity, but with the significance of that number itself. Perhaps in order to understand the significance it had in the bible, we have to look to antiquity to find out where the significance of the number 7 began.

We could do a study perhaps outside the bounds of the bible, which could have some interesting facts, but in order to maintain a theme as used in the bible, the number seven is key.

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
We could do a study perhaps outside the bounds of the bible, which could have some interesting facts, but in order to maintain a theme as used in the bible, the number seven is key.

Blessings, AJ

Yes, I don't disagree with you, but what I'm saying is that I don't think you'll find a reason for the significance of the number seven within the bounds of the bible itself, since the bible is not an original creation, but rather a collection of myths and stories carried down from other religions from antiquity and beyond, and compiled into one book under the guise of Christianity. So to find the significance of the number seven with regards to the stories in the bible and to Christianity as a whole, you would need to research back to the original stories from whence the bible's stories came.


Veteran Member
But if I am talking about te bible, the significance of the number is key in understanding of it.
Blessigs, AJ

Doesn't seven in Scripture frequently signify completeness ?
Complete cycle of things as established or allowed by God.

Anyone killing Cain must suffer 7 times. Gen 4:15, 23,24.
Resting on the 7th day set the pattern foe the whole Sabbath arrangement from the 7-day week to the Jubilee year that followed the 7X7-year cycle.
Ex 20:10; Lev 25:2,6,8.
Festivals of Booths and unleavened bread each 7 days long
Ex 34:18; Lev 23:34
Seven appears in connection with the Levitical rules for offerings
Lev 4:6; 16:14,19; Num 28:11
and includes cleansings
Lev 14:7,8,16,27,51; 2Kings 5:10
The 7 cong. of Rev because of their characteristics give a complete picture of the cong. of God on earth. Rev 1:20-3:22.
The 7 heads of Rev 13:1 show the limit the beast would be allowed to develop.
8th king springs from the 7-headed beast. -Rev 17:3,9-11
Symbolic number 7 of Rev. also includes things of Satan:
Rev. 1:4,12,16; 4:5; 5:1,6; 8:2; 10:3; 12:3; 13:1; 15:1,7; 17:3,10
Israel was warned if they ignored God he would chastise them 7 times or throughly for sins. Lev 26:18,21,28
Jericho was encompassed 7 times on the 7th day, Joshua 6:2-4,15
Elijah looked up at the sky 7 times before the rain came. 1Kings 18:42-44
Naaman bathed 7 times- 2 Kings 5:10,12
Refined 7 times as to be clarified Psalm 12:6
Righteous may fall 7 times Prov. 24:16
God praised 7 times a day Psalm 119:164
Multiples of 7 such as 10X7 prophetically in 70 weeks Daniel 9:24-27
Jerusalem and Judah laid desolate for 70 years
77 [repetition of 7] equals indefinitely or without limit. Matt 18:21,22

None of the above numbers, literal or symbolic, have anything to do with the occult mysticism attached to numbers such as originated in ancient pagan Babylon. - Deut 18:1-12


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Yes, I don't disagree with you, but what I'm saying is that I don't think you'll find a reason for the significance of the number seven within the bounds of the bible itself, since the bible is not an original creation, but rather a collection of myths and stories carried down from other religions from antiquity and beyond, and compiled into one book under the guise of Christianity. So to find the significance of the number seven with regards to the stories in the bible and to Christianity as a whole, you would need to research back to the original stories from whence the bible's stories came.

The bible is a description of the works of God in which God uses those things we humans can relate with.

The number seven is key in that work of God, for He uses the number seven to describe who He is, what He did, and how He went about to create what there is.

Mankind is left for the 6th day as His crowning glory, and the 7th day as the day of completion, meaning the day that concludes all of the other days as one day.

Having created the world, mankind and all there is, set in motion the self reproductive feature, or the procreation, described in the bible "as after its own kind".

Having completed all those works as the Father God figure, the stage was set for the Son God figure to make His appearance at a predetermined date in human history for the purpose of rescuing the "lost" human soul from the first Father's creation into a new creation similar to the first by using the same 7-day creation story.

Jesus is the "tree of Life" that was with held from Adam in the creation story to be revealed, again at the predetermined time.

The day, the new creation day, equals the 1-7th day, is an 8th day.

To accomplish that God divided the week by three sets, 1/3+1/3+1/3 =7.

The first 1/3 is a picture of the day divided into four periods, each period 6 hours long. Equals to 1 thru 4th day of creation.

The four beasts with six wings n the book of Revelation gives us that clue.

The second 1/3 is a second picture of the same day divided by two 12 hour periods as the two witnesses in the book of Revelation. Equals to the 5th and 6th days.

The last 1/3 is a third picture of same day this time as a 2 hour day.
The 24 Elders of Revelation cast their crowns as the mission is completed. Equals the seventh day.

Jesus visits all seven days, or tied to all seven days of the Father's creation in order for Jesus to redeem all of mankind kind.

That make Jesus sacrifice "as from" the foundation of the world, the end of the beginning, and the beginning with no end.

Hence, that makes Jesus the central figure of all humanity and as God of the whole world and Human race.

The bible states: Act 4:12Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Side note. Think it not odd that the number verse 4:12 added together equal 7? Hmmmm.

My explanation also falls with URAVIP2ME last post in the Scriptures he quotes.

Blessings, AJ


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Premium Member
7 is the Sabbath Day. The Day he rested the holy day that we are supposed 2 keep.

If it is your desire to keep the 7th day holy, it is good

There are those who observe their rest daily in the Lord, if you can understand the spiritual maning of that.

Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
7 is the Sabbath Day. The Day he rested the holy day that we are supposed 2 keep.

Wasn't the Mosaic law covenant or contract taken away with Jesus death?
see Colossians 2:13,14; Matthew 5:17.
Once Jesus fulfilled the law it was no longer binding. Since Christ fulfilled the law Christians were not under obligation to keep the weekly Sabbath. Colossians 2:16,17.

Christians are under a new law called: the Law of Christ- Galatians 6:2.
The former law ended. Romans 10:4; Ephesians 2:15.
Discharged from the old law. Romans 7:6,7

Constantine set up Sunday [worship of sun not Son] not Saturday as the Sabbath was but Sunday as a day of rest for all but farmers.

The old law was given to one nation- ancient Israel.
If the whole earth was to keep that old Saturday Sabbath how would that be possible at the International Date Line to have the same day everywhere?
West of the line is one day ahead of the East. So people of the same faith just 500 miles apart would end up resting on two different days.

There was a change from the Israelite system to the Christian system in the same way a country might change or amend its Constitution. In like manner the over 600 laws at Pentecost became two. The new Constitution [Matthew 22:36-40] includes the Christ-like love of John 13:34,35 not a ritual Saturday Sabbath keeping.


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There is a reason for the 7th day rest as can be seen in to distinct creations.
There is the creation of the Father with Adam and Eve as the first parents, and there is the recreation of the Fathers creation spiritually.

You have to think of the first creation as ushering in of the flesh and death. Death to both physically and spiritually.

Therefore, by the same accounting 7 days, meaning the span of time it took God in creating, was again used by the Son of God all in one day.

So here is the "rest" part of the Sabbath.

In the first creation the Father rested from all His works and as a requirement in the law, required the sabbath day be kept.

You and I know, that breaking one commandment is equal to breaking them all?

Even a lustful thought would condemn us of all 10.

So what hope then would we have if God made it so difficult and impossible to be obedient?

That being the case then, mankind had no rest! Even, if mankind rested on the Sabbath, still, there was no rest for his soul.

Rest of the body yes, but of the soul, no!

God in Jesus therefore had to recreate the spiritual end of His old creation by sending Jesus as Himself and fulfilling all of His own requirements via His own righteousness in a new creation.

Jesus having done that also rested on the 7th day, the eve of the Sabbath, when He said, "It is finished".

Wherefore, then is the day of our rest? The 1st, the 2nd, or maybe the 3rd, 4th,5th or 6th?

How about the 8th?

Did you know, that God took a day out of time? Saaaaaaaaaay what?

Yes, God took one awful day out of time, look here: Job 3:4 Let that day be darkness; let not God regard it from above, neither let the light shine upon it.
Job 3:5 Let darkness and the shadow of death stain it; let a cloud dwell upon it; let the blackness of the day terrify it.

And here: Job 3:6 As for that night, let darkness seize upon it; let it not be joined unto the days of the year, let it not come into the number of the months.

That day, was the 6th day of the week, the day Jesus died on the cross.

So, if you take the sixth day out of the number sequence, the 7th and eight day fall to fill it's place.

The seventh becomes the sixth, the 8th becomes the seventh.

So you have a new week where any day is a day of rest when Jesus becomes your rest.

Jesus is our spiritual rest and not the day.

Hope that helps.

Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
John 5:17; 14:10 B -15 Jesus says his Father works and so does Jesus.

The apostle Paul shows God's 7th day was still on going in his day.
So the resting referred to at Hebrews 4:3-10 is that God rested not from working altogether, but God rested from his creative Genesis works, and the rest [vs9] of God's people is from ceasing or stopping from their own works to taking up the doing of God's will as Jesus took up the work of doing God's will.

Matt 26:39; Luke 22:42; John 5:30; 6:38