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What about the 7-day creation story?


Active Member
Seven. Seven is used frequently in the Scriptures to signify completeness. At times it has reference to bringing a work toward completion. Or it can refer to the complete cycle of things as established or allowed by God. By completing his work toward the earth in six creative days and resting on the seventh day, Jehovah set the pattern for the whole Sabbath arrangement, from the seven-day week to the Jubilee year that followed the seven-times-seven–year cycle. The Festival of Unleavened Bread and the Festival of Booths were each seven days long. Seven appears often in connection with the Levitical rules for offerings and for cleansings

A Truth

The universe was created though not by any known God, nor by chance. The seven days is translated from old texts and means "eras".

Hail Father Lucifer.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
7 is spiritual completeness. If there is a such thing as a holy number 7 would have to be considered the front runner. God likes to do almost everything in 7's.
It's my understanding that the number 7 represents when we return into the Holiness of the Lord.

I've been studying Emanuel Swedenborg, the genius scientist/seer who claimed to have been called by the Lord to reveal the internal meaning of the Bible. (I'll be starting a thread on it). But as for the number 7, he tells this.....

"..The number seven brings a quite different thought. It suggests the Sabbath, the day of rest after the labors of the week. Six is associated with states of labor and effort in living a heavenly life, and seven with the state of peace, when to do right is easy and delightful. Seven, from its meaning of finished labor, conveys an idea of completeness similar to that expressed by three, but it has also as its most characteristic quality a sense of the holiness of the Sabbath and heaven. (AC 716, 2044, 1036o; AE 20, 257; AR 505 end)

The six days of creation are a grand picture of the steps by which the Lord forms a heavenly spirit in men, and the seventh day represents the attainment of the holy heavenly state. (AC 85, 87) The command to remember the Sabbath day shows our duty to keep sacred not only the seventh day, but all things which lead onward to the Lord and heaven. (AC 8495; TCR 302)

The message in the Revelation is sent to the seven churches (Rev. i. 11 ) because it is for all who are advancing towards the heavenly life, and who are therefore of the Lord's church. (AR 10; AE 2o) Peter asked the Lord: "Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven." (Matt. xviii. 21, 22)

Forgive always; forgive till the desire to be unforgiving is gone, and the heavenly spirit of perfect forgiveness is gained. (AE 257; AC 433) "The days of our years are seventy years; and if by reason of strength they be eighty years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away." (Ps. xc. 10, compare ver. 12) Life on earth, whether long or short, if faithfully lived, is seventy years, for it leads to the peace of heaven.

The eighty years to which it may extend, suggests the greater opportunities with their accompanying temptations, which come to some men but not to all. Many other beautiful examples will come to mind, and some, perhaps, where seven means the completeness of an evil state..."
yes and also in 12's which is heavenly completeness thus the eason for 12 apostles 12 tribes of israel etc

Hi lockyfan...I agree....as Swedenborg told this of the number 12...

".. Twelve therefore means goodness and truth of every kind and degree. (AE 430; AR 348; AC 7973) First of all we remember the twelve tribes of Israel, which represent all forms of goodness and truth which compose the Lord's church. (AC 3858) The Lord also chose twelve apostles, to represent all elements of His church. (AC 3858; AE 430) The twelve foundations of the holy city represent all particulars of doctrine from the Word, on which the church rests. (AE 1324; AR 915)

The twelve gates of the city show that the Lord's church and heaven are open to people in every degree of love of good, and in every degree of wisdom. (AE 1310; AR 901) "And I heard the number of them that were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty-four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel." (Rev. vii. 4) It means all in whom are heavenly love and faith. (AE 430; AR 348)

The Lord said in that night in the garden of Gethsemane, "Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?" (Matt. xxvi. 53) "By the twelve legions of angels here mentioned, is understood the universal heaven, and by more than twelve, is signified the Divine omnipotence." (AE 430).."
Why is it that there are so many 7's in the bible?
If you have a bible software, search out the number 7 and see just how many times it is found in the bible.

I have my thoughts on them but would like to hears yours.


This is how I understand the 7 days of creation...as explained by seer/scientist Emanuel Swedenborg. It is a story of man's spiritual beginning, not a literal creation story of the world.

It takes on a new way to understanding the Story of Creation, which the theory of evolution can never disturb since it transcends worldly science.

Swedenborg began to see that the story in Genesis was not really a story about the natural creation of the world at all; but as he ultimately came to understand it, it is the story of the creation of the human being, who is born into the world, loving himself (dark and without form and void) and needs to become a living garden—to love others and to love God. The seven days of creation detail the process through which this transformation takes place.

It is said that most people only reach the third/fourth state, and can live fairly sufficient spiritual lives. It's more difficult to reach the 5th/6th/7th state. But if one does, they are much more in direct contact with the Lord, and a more blessed life abounds. JMHO

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
7 represents creation...

7 directions.... up down left right foward back and "within"
7 days.....
there are 7 stages of alchemy...


In Kabbalah we see 7 stages that represent all that is "man", also known as the larger face

After 7 we reach completion
thus children are circumcised on the 8th day
Buddhism has an 8 fold path
Gnostics believe there are 7 false heavens...and an 8th real one
Beyond the lower 7 kabblaistic emanations are the supernal triangle which we reach through the abyss....

Thus 7 is completeness....but 8 is what you "do" once you are complete...
essentially like finding the pot of gold is 7, actually using it, is 8

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
I don't think that it has anything to do with nuerology. For whatever reason, some numbers have special significance in the cultures that produced the Bible: 7 and 40 are the most important, and also 3.

There is no rational explanation for it.

40 represents maturity....

after 40 years a man is mature enough for kabbalah
the jews wondered the desert for 40 years
Jesus wondered the desert for fourty days and nights........

all symbolic.


I am sure it all has to do with gematria

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Ancient peoples were intimidated, intrigued, and inspired by 'the heavens', populated as they were by gods, spirits, and omens. With the evolution of the nascent priesthood astrology inspired mythology which, in recipricol fashion, informed mythology.

Chief among these objects of intimidation, intrigue, and inspiration were the great luminaries: the sun, moon, and the 5 visible planets.


As I've noted before, Yi-Fu Tuan elegantly defines religion as "the impulse for coherence and meaning." We are a pattern-matching organism, and the god-of-the-gaps is little more than an anthropomorphic and anthropopathic evolution of a primitive mysticism-of-the-gaps. That our early ancestors in Mesopotamia and the Levant would imbue the number 7 with "coherence and meaning" is not at all surprising. It was, in fact, deeply and wonderfully human.

For us to do so now is simply ignorant.

yes the 7 classical "planets"

also representing the 7 days, and 7 stages of alchemy..

sun being gold
moon silver
mercury mercury obviously


sun moon mercury venus mars jupiter and saturn. Note the 8th, earth is not mentioned.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
I have never understand why people keep talking about the 7 days of creation when in my bible it says that creation took only 6 days to make this world Gen. 1:1-31 There was nothing done on the 7 day.

well some Jews actually interpret this as the day God had sex....

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
It is fairly well accepted that the "jews" stole their numerical association of their letters (hebrew) from the Greeks...

Gematria, which is similar to numerology can indeed be applied to the english language but there is no set pattern of numerical attributions to the english language. Although several versions do exist. As there is not a standard attribution for the english language it is far moe common to use other languages for gematria calculations.

Gematria: The study or science and art of number and letter manipulation. This would include geometric forms such as the Tetraktys of the Decad. ”I {Jesus} have turned their (periods of) influence and their quadrangles and their triangles and their figures of eight , since their (periods of) influence remained turned to the left from the beginning, together with their quadrangles and their triangles and their figures of eight.” (”Pistis Sophia,” See also; Tetraktys of the Decad.” See also; ”Marsenes.” )
Jewish Perspective:

Gematria is one of a number of methods which Kabbalists, and others I might add, employ to uncover “hidden meanings” in Hebrew words and expressions. Simply Gematria is the art of calculating the numerical value of a word by adding together the value of each letter. Once the numerical value of the word is known, words or combinations of words having the same value can be carefully scrutinized and compared. In this manner one number can become representative of several ideas, all of which are understood to be intrinsically related.

A famous example often quoted by commentators and authors addressing this specific topic is Genesis 49:10 which reads “The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh, and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.”

By Gematria the words “until Shiloh” – y’voh Shiloh (Yod [10] + Bet [2] + Alef [1] + Shin [300] + Yod [10] + Lamed [30] + Heh [5] = 358),

align with the Hebrew word for Messiah – Mashiach (Mem [40] + Shin [300] + Yod [10] + Chet [8] = 358]).

Hence, according to Kabbalah, there is a direct connection between the terms “until Shiloh” and “Messiah.” Associated here is the Gematria of Numbers 21:9 which reads “And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the Serpent of brass, he lived.”

The serpent of brass is called Nachash (Nun [50] + Chet [8] + Shin [300] = 358). So there is a connection between “Messiah,” “until Shiloh,” and the “Serpent of brass.”

Using this set of Gematria associations, Christian Kabbalists later assumed that the brazen serpent raised by Moses in the desert was a prefiguration of the Christian Saviour on the Cross. There are however other meanings such as the Nachash.
Using Gematria, Kabbalists arrive at many remarkable Holy Names or the names of Angels, revealing the mysteries of the world of the Merkavah (the fiery Chariot Throne and the Angels).

An example is that the Gematria of the entire verse of Song of Songs 6:16: “I have gone down into the nut garden,” is equivalent to a verse in the Midrash (a Sacred Biblical Commentary) which reads “That is the depth of the chariot (Merkavah).”
There is really no limit to what can be yielded by employing this simple Gematria method explained above, but over the years the application of this system became more and more complex, and many more ways of practising this art were devised. I certainly cannot go into all of them in this short missive, but I should mention that there are two schools of thought in Kabbalah regarding the use of Gematria. One favours it, the other uses it very rarely, however both of them used it, hence Gematria is a key system in the “Letter-number Mysticism” of Kabbalah.

As said, Gematria became more and more complicated over the centuries. However, generally the most important types of Gematriot are:
1. The numerical value of one wore is equal to another word. This is the method explained above.

Another example is the word Gevurah [Severity] (Gimel [3] + Bet [2] + Vav [6] + Resh [200] + Heh [5] = 216). The Gematria of this word is equal to the word Aryeh [Lion] (Alef [1] + Resh [200] + Yod [10] + Heh [5] = 216). A connection is therefore recognized between the ideas of “Severity” and “Lion” in Hebrew.

2. The reduction of numbers to single units. For example the value of Shin (300) is reduced to 3 or Kaf (20) to 2.

3. The squared number is calculated by squaring the numerical values of each letter in a word. for example the Tetragrammaton YHVH squared equals (Yod) 102 ( Heh) 52 (Vav) 62 (Heh ) 52 which equals 186. This is in turn equated with the word Makom [Place] (Mem [40] + Kof [100] + Vav [6] + Mem [40] = 186). Makom is also a Divine Name.

4. Adding up the value of all letters preceding a letter in an alphabetical numerical series. For example, the letter Dalet is the fourth letter of the Hebrew letter-numbers (alphabet), and the use of this type of Gematria in this case, requires one to add the values of the letters preceding Dalet, thus 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10.

5. Then there is the method of Gematria termed Millui meaning “filling” or “spellings.” In this method the values of the letters comprising the names of the individual letters are calculated. In Hebrew each letter is a word, and is spelled as follows:

Alef— Alef-Lamed- Peh [Feh]
Bet— Bet-Yod- Tav
Gimel— Gimel-Mem- Lamed)
Dalet— Dalet-Lamed- Tav
Heh can be spelled:
Vav can be spelled:
Samech—Samech-Mem-Kaf [ Chaf]
Kof—Kof-Vav-Peh [ Feh]

Using this type of Gematria the value of Alef (Alef [1] + Lamed [30] + Feh [80]) = 111; Bet (Bet [2] + Yod [10] + Tav [400]) = 412, etcetera.

These Millui or fillings are very important in the construction and permutation of Divine Names. Take for example the earlier mentioned YHVH, in which the letter-numbers Heh and Vav have different fillings, that is different spellings. As indicated already, the letter Heh can be spelled Heh-Alef, Heh-Heh or Heh-Yod, and Vav can be spelled Vav-Alef-Vav, Vav-Yod-Vav or Vav-Vav. So with these letters one can use three different kinds of fillings, traditionally called:

Millui de-Alfin (Alef filling);
Millui de-He’in (Heh filling); and
Millui de-Yodin (Yod filling).
Applying these to the Ineffable Name, YHVH, the Sacred Tetragrammaton can be varied accordingly to give the so-called “Forty-Five Letter Name of God,” “Fifty-Two Letter Name of God,” “Sixty-Three Letter Name of God,” and “Seventy-Two Letter Name of God.”

In fact each of these names correspond to one of the Four Worlds of Kabbalah, respectively the worlds of Assiah, Yetzirah, Briah and Atzilut. This is done in the following manner:

Yod-Vav-Dalet Heh-heh Vav-vav Heh-heh comprises the “Fifty-Two Letter Name of God,” and in Gematria the word Ben (Bet [2] + Nun [50] = 52).

The word Ben (son) is thus representative of the “Fifty-Two Letter Name of God.”

Yod-Vav-Dalet Heh-Alef Vav-Alef-Vav Heh-Alef comprises the “Forty-Five Letter Name of God,” which corresponds in Gematria to the word Adam (Alef [1] + Dalet [4] + Mem [40] = 45).

The word Adam (man) therefore symbolizes the “Forty-Five Letter Name of God.”
Yod-Vav-Dalet Heh-Yod Vav-Alef-Vav Heh-Yod comprises the “Sixty-Three Letter Name of God.”

Yod-Vav-Dalet Heh-Yod Vav-Yod-Vav Heh-Yod comprises the “Seventy-Two Letter Name of God,” which according to some is related to what is called the “Name of Seventy-Two Names.”

Of course I have barely touched on this topic, and there are still a few Gematria techniques which I have not listed at all. This is purely because I am address more extensive details in this short message, but I hope I have been able to shed some light on this intriguing topic.


The Creator
sun was created on 4th day, just wondering how god was able to count days before the creation of sun, and why did not he create this universe some 2 or 3 months earlier than that?
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Well-Known Member
Why is it that there are so many 7's in the bible?
If you have a bible software, search out the number 7 and see just how many times it is found in the bible.

I have my thoughts on them but would like to hears yours.


That time, number 7 is perfect.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
7- is spiritual completeness God likes to do almost everything in sevens or multiples of 7.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
7- is spiritual completeness God likes to do almost everything in sevens or multiples of 7.

yes the twelve tribes of the Jews, a multiple of 7..... uh NOT
yes the 40 days, 40 years..... a multiple of 7..... uh NOT

please name 3 or more examples of multiples of 7 in this context
Thank you


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
yes the twelve tribes of the Jews, a multiple of 7..... uh NOT
yes the 40 days, 40 years..... a multiple of 7..... uh NOT

please name 3 or more examples of multiples of 7 in this context
Thank you

Btw its 12 Tribes of Israel instead of Jews.

haha I did not say He liked to do everything in 7's, but it is a number He likes to use a lot.

Seven "day" creation story.

Mathew 18:22 Jesus said unto them "I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.

Genesis 8:4 and the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day, of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat.

Exodus 12:15 Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread ; even the first day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses : for whosoever eateth leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel.

Exodus 23:11 But the seventh year thou shalt let it rest and lie still; that the poor of thy people may eat : and what they leave the beasts of the field shall eat. In like manner thou shalt deal with thy vineyard, and with thy olive grove.

Revelations is full of sevens. Rev 8:1 When He opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. (would not surprise me if it was for 28 minutes ;))

Revelations 8:2 And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets.

And so on, and so on. Could go on all day long but I think my point is proven.:woohoo:
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Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Btw its 12 Tribes of Israel instead of Jews.

haha I did not say He liked to do everything in 7's, but it is a number He likes to use a lot.

Seven "day" creation story.

Mathew 18:22 Jesus said unto them "I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.

Genesis 8:4 and the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day, of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat.

Exodus 12:15 Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread ; even the first day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses : for whosoever eateth leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel.

Exodus 23:11 But the seventh year thou shalt let it rest and lie still; that the poor of thy people may eat : and what they leave the beasts of the field shall eat. In like manner thou shalt deal with thy vineyard, and with thy olive grove.

Revelations is full of sevens. Rev 8:1 When He opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. (would not surprise me if it was for 28 minutes ;))

Revelations 8:2 And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets.

And so on, and so on. Could go on all day long but I think my point is proven.:woohoo:
are there any instances of 8?