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What about the 7-day creation story?


Active Member
Brother, dont worry i am not saying that you trying to baptise me, i just like to understand your views as well.

God has always done works for Mankind, thats why i suggest you to read the 55 chapter of the quran which is Surah ar Rahman (the chapter of the most Gracious) english translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. The chapter talks about how mankind denys the favors of God almighty. If you are a knowledge seeker and a student of Religion. You ought to read it. You can see how much i know about the bible. It is also fair on your side to read this chapter at least.


I am not saying that the Jews were enemies of Jesus, I am saying they conspired against him didnt they, they were always looking for trouble, always trying to catch the words of Jesus. didnt they.
when they conspired against Jesus surely they were not his friends.

I dont think this was instructions to the Jews, to kill Jesus. It sounds like a Mastermind plan from God to kill Jesus and then blame the Jews. Even when the Jews accuse him for claiming being equal with God, he never accepted and always tried to clarify that he is not saying what you mean.

In John 10:33, Jesus clarifies himself that if you call yourself God, whats wrong if i call myself the son of God which is a lesser title.

1Co 3:16 - it is talking about our soul is made of spirit of God, we all have spirit of God, that is our souls element

In the begining there was a contract between Father and son that he will be sacrificed for the whole mankind, then why did he cried on the cross, Elah, Elah, Lema sabaktani, Alla, Alla why have thou forsaken me. it seems like Jesus knew nothing about it.

in spite of that, I meant then if the Jews were not suppose to enter the Promised Land why are they there, it proved the prophecy wrong.


I think the numbers are important but they are symbolic and must be added properly. For example, in many parts of the scriptures, when days are mentioned, each day is actually 1,000 years. 7,000 years just for creating the earth alone.

Was eve really formed from Adam's rib? I don't think so. I think parts of this story are just to ake a point. Just like the serpant deceiving Eve. God would know it wasn't really the snake's fault. But this is how they told stories back then. It is very similar to the story telling in the mid east today.


Active Member
May i ask, how do you know that the days are actually a thousand years when clearly it is mentioned in the book of Genisis 1:5

And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

And the evening and the morning were the third day.

Forget the whole bible there are so many mistakes only in the first 20 verses of the first book of Genisis

I think the numbers are important but they are symbolic and must be added properly. For example, in many parts of the scriptures, when days are mentioned, each day is actually 1,000 years. 7,000 years just for creating the earth alone.

Was eve really formed from Adam's rib? I don't think so. I think parts of this story are just to ake a point. Just like the serpant deceiving Eve. God would know it wasn't really the snake's fault. But this is how they told stories back then. It is very similar to the story telling in the mid east today.


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God has always done works for Mankind>>>nawab

You couldn't have said it any better!

The bible is about Gods works on behalf of mankind and I can paint you a picture of what those works are.

This information is not privy to just anybody, for God I feel knows who He can give resposibility to and not feel getting betrayed by the human ego.

I am not saying that the Jews were enemies of Jesus, I am saying they conspired against him didnt they, they were always looking for trouble, always trying to catch the words of Jesus. didnt they.

when they conspired against Jesus surely they were not his friends.>>>nawab

I explained that the Jews were enemies of Jesus because they were friends of the Father.
Having the Fathers instructions, they followed them to a T.

Can you see why? In order for God to redeem His world that He hath condemned. He must create a body that would meet all His requirements in order to win salvation for all mankind.

That one body had to be sacrifficed as prophecied.
Act 3:18 But those things, which God before had shewed by the mouth of all his prophets, that Christ should suffer, he hath so fulfilled.

Col 1:20 And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.

The cross is the time break between the old and the new.



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Premium Member
May i ask, how do you know that the days are actually a thousand years when clearly it is mentioned in the book of Genisis 1:5>>>nawab

Numbers, vision, dreams and multiplications are similitudes of thing which God works in.
Hos 12:10 I have also spoken by the prophets, and I have multiplied visions, and used similitudes, by the ministry of the prophets.

2Pe 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

A day to us is time, and a day to God is as a thousand years.



Active Member
Brother why are your Replies getting shorter and shorter,

you still didnt inform me that have you read the Quran - chapter 55, not even one name is mentioned other the creator, this is a direct relatationship of God almighty and man. what favors God had done for man, and yet how man denys his favors. Scientifically


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Brother why are your Replies getting shorter and shorter,

you still didnt inform me that have you read the Quran - chapter 55, not even one name is mentioned other the creator, this is a direct relatationship of God almighty and man. what favors God had done for man, and yet how man denys his favors. Scientifically

Because of time. But I will read it at your request.

I'll address it tonight.


Active Member
May i ask, how do you know that the days are actually a thousand years when clearly it is mentioned in the book of Genisis 1:5

And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

And the evening and the morning were the third day.

Forget the whole bible there are so many mistakes only in the first 20 verses of the first book of Genisis

there are no mistakes in the bible, just inaccurate translations by men other than those who wrote the scriptures


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Because of time. But I will read it at your request.

I'll address it tonight.

I have read most of it to deduce the content of it.
Yes, it does say repeatedly mankind's denials of Gods goodness, but if you understand the condition God placed mankind in, you will understand why it is the way it describes it.

God created mankind under a condition by which mankind without God's help would be without hope.

So God provides a way of escape and He does it in Jesus. There are no other names under heaven by which mankind can be saved because Jesus is the one who bears the sole responsibility.

You may not identify with Jesus as the Savior and Redeemer of mankind, but He is just the same.

That gives every individual the right to believe what they want, what they were brought up in and still fall under the saving grace of God in Jesus Christ.

God in Jesus left only two commandments of which are very simple and can be exercised by anyone who believes in God.
1. Love God with all our minds, heart and soul, and 2. Love thy neighbor as thy self.

You and I being of different religious beliefs can exercises those two commandments without us being of the same religious belief.
Allah is the name of your God, Jesus is mine, yet both are the same God but different to you and I.



Active Member
Dear AJ

Regarding the treatment of Neihgbours and brotherhood we have alot of Haddiths (traditions of the Prophet) which tell us it is a MUST for us to help our Neighbours and our Brotherhood in Faith.

The "neighbour who is near" is one with whom one shares ties of kinship or religion; the "neighbour who is a stranger" is one with whom one shares no such ties; and the "companion by your side" is a friend, colleague or travelling-companion

Abu Umamah "I heard the Prophet (PBUH), when he was seated on his she-camel during the Farewell Pilgrimage, saying, `I enjoin you to treat your neighbours well,' and urging their good treatment so much that I thought, he is going to give them the rights of inheritance."

Whoever believes in Allah (SWT) and the Last Day, let him treat his neighbour well; whoever believes in Allah (SWT) and the Last Day, let him honour his guest; whoever believes in Allah (SWT) and the Last Day, let him speak good or else remain silent

Whoever believes in Allah (SWT) and the Last Day, let him not harm or annoy his neighbour . . ."4

None of you truly believes until he likes for his brother what he likes for himself

If you cook some broth, add extra water to it, then think of the families in your neighbourhood and send some of it to them

He does not believe in me, who eats his fill while his neighbour beside him is hungry, and he knows about it

He is not a believer, who eats his fill while his neighbour is hungry

These are all quotes from The Two Books of Haddiths Bukari and Muslim, we have a very high status for our neighbours (Muslim or not a Muslim) We have to treat him as mentioned above.

If you Beleieve in God Al Mighty (Alohim) I am with you with all my heart but regarding Jesus he himself claims that the words you hear are not mine but the father who sent me have given me a commandment even as we speak now. On the cross he cries Elah, Elah Lehmasabatani (My Lord, my Lord why have thou Forsaken me) How can Jesus forsake himself if he is God, Moreover, Peter is testifying that he is not God. Acts 2:22 Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know.

in the bible it is also mentioned that Jesus seeked help from God Almighty and i also follow Jesus so i also seek the God almightys help.

We might be of different religions separated but coming from the same source God Almighty, I just would like to discuss with you that we should pray to God Almighty alone, I seriously would like you to be in paradise as well. If Love is really something between Humans then we should remind each other about the last day as well. Our eternal life.


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Premium Member
Wonderfully worded and loving post nawab, and one in which the heart is leading rather than the letter of the law.

I appreciate your kindness and neighborly love.

May I address what my view of a neighbor is; a neighbor is a soul regardless of who that vessels is. Whether of the same faith or not, makes no difference.

Here is the reason why, if you are able to understand the first works of God in creation, and also understand His second works of creation, you would see how He God worked out the salvation of all mankind.

There are many different beliefs in this world, of which yours and mine are two major ones.
But God allows for all different faiths because we have no choice as to which faith we were born into.

What if you were born in my place, do you suppose to still believe what you now believe?
Of course not, you would believe as I believe.

Why would God not make us both of the same faith? Have you ever wondered?

Well, I have the answer and one by which I with great desire searched for it until God saw fit to reveal it to me.

I believe in Gods works and understand by His word (Bible) and Jesus (Sacrifice) that God loves all of us regardless of who or what we are.

It is up to us to figure it out and live by those two commandments.

Today, we have knowledge surpassing all of our ancestors knowledge and one in which brings the world closer together.

Because of knowledge, our diversities are made closer based on only one condition, and that is love.

If our religious differences prompt wars, than we know that love is not the basis of it but greed, control and lording over others and keeping them in bondage by the letter of the law.

I am free from any bondage that says I must adhere to certain beliefs and or practices, and am free to love without limit or discretion.

I love God and by Jesus is the object of my affections, and you love God and by the Prophets, Allah is the object of your affections.

If we both understand then what love is, than we are brothers and or sisters, and the differences in believes make no matter.

My opinion as written.



Active Member
Actually Talk about my self i was more of an atheist/agnostic when i was from 16-20 because i didnt understood religion, even my parents they didnt taught me much about religion and later as i grew up because of an ex-collegue she always talked about Islam but she was very week in arguements in other topics but when I ignorantly argued with to her to proof she was wrong i couldnt, as she was a different person when she talked about Islam, alot of misconceptions she removed which caused me to study into it.

My ancesters were originally Hindus, My Great Grandfather converted to Islam from an Hindu also being ousted by his family. I think this is a gift from God Almighty to both me and my great grand father.

Brother, i am not telling you that your beleifs are wrong, All i am saying is that worship God alone and not anyone else. I understand there are many beleifs but that still doesnt means that all beleifs are right there is a new faith Satanism, Do you agree that these followers of Satan will go to Heaven, no, because the true path is only one to God which Jesus said Your Lord, the God is one Lord.

The more you love God the more you will realise that the love you can get from other creations is very fragile & Futile, e.g. when you break up with your girl friend your relationship ends but even when you sin, God still takes care of you, even you dont beleive in him, he still feds us all, he cures us all, he fulfills our thirsts, The way God loves us, I cant even express in words. There is a limitation of love among Humans but for God he says Walk towards me and i will run towards you.


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Premium Member
The whole object of life is in the area of "want"?

Between two extremes, good and evil, if we so desire to walk in the light of good, we shall be rewarded, but if in the darkness of evil, consequences befall us.

We have been given the liberty to exercise that will.



Active Member
Why is it that there are so many 7's in the bible?
If you have a bible software, search out the number 7 and see just how many times it is found in the bible.

I have my thoughts on them but would like to hears yours.


I have never understand why people keep talking about the 7 days of creation when in my bible it says that creation took only 6 days to make this world Gen. 1:1-31 There was nothing done on the 7 day.


Active Member
As i said Lockyfan it took only 6 days to make the earth if you believe what Genesis says. Archaeologist, Anthropologist and Geologist know the world is millions of years old. A few years ago I walked on the oldest city in Israel, Jericho what is over 11,000 years old. How do you explain how old that city is?


Active Member
BINGO ARLANBB the last day was one of rest
Lockyfan ~ If I go out and build a house in 6 - 24 hour days and then took two days off to rest before I did something else - how many days did it take for me to build my house - 6 or 8 days? Resting is not a work day - correct?

In the Genesis story God is still resting because there was no evening and morning to the 7th day.


Active Member
As i said Lockyfan it took only 6 days to make the earth if you believe what Genesis says. Archaeologist, Anthropologist and Geologist know the world is millions of years old. A few years ago I walked on the oldest city in Israel, Jericho what is over 11,000 years old. How do you explain how old that city is?

how do you know that humans have that date right?

I know the earth is millions of years old. The bible actually says that it sat as Formless and Waste.

Do you really believe it took a literal 24 human hours to create the earth? Or as the bible later tells us 1000 earth years is 1 day to Jehovah. So did it actually take a lot longer than most people think it took?

Lockyfan ~ If I go out and build a house in 6 - 24 hour days and then took two days off to rest before I did something else - how many days did it take for me to build my house - 6 or 8 days? Resting is not a work day - correct?

In the Genesis story God is still resting because there was no evening and morning to the 7th day.
No but he still called it a seventh day, so therefore it was still a day. he is not still resting, because the bible tells us he is busy with Jesus getting everything prepared for Armageddon, plus, he has to sustain the universe, so in reality he is not actually resting, he is actually quite busy.


Active Member
how do you know that humans have that date right?

I know the earth is millions of years old. The bible actually says that it sat as Formless and Waste. At lease some of you are thinking how old earth is.

Do you really believe it took a literal 24 human hours to create the earth? Or as the bible later tells us 1000 earth years is 1 day to Jehovah. So did it actually take a lot longer than most people think it took? If you believe the bible it gives the indication that they were 24 hours by the turms of evening and morning day one, evening and morning day two etc. but for what reason did God not say the 24 hours period of evening and morning 7th day. I can just see God out on the beach sunbathing and if something need to be do to get Armageddon ready all he has to do is think it is done and snap him fingers and it is done. Exodus 20:11 says for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth. Not 6 thousands years. So what do you have to say about the scripture in EX>?

No but he still called it a seventh day, so therefore it was still a day. he is not still resting, because the bible tells us he is busy with Jesus getting everything prepared for Armageddon, plus, he has to sustain the universe, so in reality he is not actually resting, he is actually quite busy.
I thought you wanted each day to be 1000 years long - now you tell me the 7th day is only 24 hours. Which is it???