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What about the 7-day creation story?


doppelgänger;1080711 said:
"God's" number: 7
Man's number: 6


Thus, "God" turns out to be simply exalted humanity . . . obviously.

AWESOME!! The 42 answer now makes sense. Now I just need an awesome sounding question and I'll have all the fame and fortune I could ever want!


Well-Known Member
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AWESOME!! The 42 answer now makes sense. Now I just need an awesome sounding question and I'll have all the fame and fortune I could ever want!

Something does not match Sola'lor, the sense of humor and LDS. Not that LDS's can't have humor but how that humor is applied.

The number 7 is central to understanding the bible. And if you have God in your heart, you have all the riches,fortune but I wouldn't say fame, because godliness is not a fiend of the world.



Something does not match Sola'lor, the sense of humor and LDS. Not that LDS's can't have humor but how that humor is applied.

The number 7 is central to understanding the bible. And if you have God in your heart, you have all the riches,fortune but I wouldn't say fame, because godliness is not a fiend of the world.


What do you mean?:) How do I apply my humor?


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Premium Member
What do you mean?:) How do I apply my humor?

Unless I misunderstood your comment, I believed you were making light of the numbers 42.
And as your being an LDS, of all folks I believe to be more open to the matter, your comment seemed strange.

If I made the wrong judgment there, I apologize.



Unless I misunderstood your comment, I believed you were making light of the numbers 42.
And as your being an LDS, of all folks I believe to be more open to the matter, your comment seemed strange.

If I made the wrong judgment there, I apologize.


I was just making reference to the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy movie.

"What's the answer to the ultimate question?"
(dramatic pause)


Well-Known Member
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I was just making reference to the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy movie.

"What's the answer to the ultimate question?"
(dramatic pause)

Sorry, had no clue to the movie thing. I'm abit old fashioned.



Active Member
Number one: there is no Trinity. Jehovah God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are three separate things

Jehovah God is the father and creator of all things

Jesus Christ is god's first born meaning the first thing he ever created before all other things. all other things were created by Jehovah God with the help of Jesus Christ

the Holy Spirit is God's active force. it is what helps with the ministry and spreading the word of God. It should be asked for in prayer before any bible study to help you understand what the bible is saying

ok now i have done that. Seven signifies completeness, especially in regards to the anointed congregation (144 000)


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Number one: there is no Trinity. Jehovah God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are three separate things>>>lockyfan

You do agree that there is but one God?

That this one God manifests itself in 3 different modes?

Father the creator of all there is,
Jesus the Savior of all there is,
and The Holy Spirit the comforter of mankind while we endure till our end?

The same God is over all.



Active Member
Yes I think there is but one Almighty God, Jehovah is the ruler of the universe, Jesus, a separate entity having been created by God as the first thing ever created thus his only begotten son because it was through Jesus Jehovah God created everything else. Jesus is the archangel Michael, the holy spirit is the force which God uses to help serve in the preaching work on the earth and that helps turn the people who can be turned on to the truth.

What I also know as fact is this.

The catholic church, was created to be in oppostion to Christ and his followers. It took the ideas of Pagan religions, to get more pagans into its ranks the idea of a trinity is in pagan religions and is not mentioned EVER in the bible itself.


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Yes I think there is but one Almighty God, Jehovah is the ruler of the universe, Jesus, a separate entity having been created by God as the first thing ever created thus his only begotten son because it was through Jesus Jehovah God created everything else. Jesus is the archangel Michael, the holy spirit is the force which God uses to help serve in the preaching work on the earth and that helps turn the people who can be turned on to the truth.

What I also know as fact is this.

The catholic church, was created to be in oppostion to Christ and his followers. It took the ideas of Pagan religions, to get more pagans into its ranks the idea of a trinity is in pagan religions and is not mentioned EVER in the bible itself.

My friend, have you noticed in my posts that I haven't made mention of your associations?

I speak only to what is revelent about God. Matters not who or what you are.
If you are able to receive it, then God will make the necessary changes.

First and foremost, is to reach the heart of mankind, and religion is not part of that, but how you live and demonstrate the love of God is.

Jesus came espousing no one religious belief, but did demonstrate love to those in need regardless of who or what they were. A soldier, a thief, a tax collector, a women found in adultery, a women having blood issues for 18 years, dining with sinners.

The quote "religious" of that day rejected Him because they lacked a heart for God.

Do you have a heart for God that transcends all religious beliefs?

Well, my friend, I do, and I love all who would lend an ear to receive from God what He wants them to have, and I have no distinctions, condemn no one and am at ready to share in a moments notice His love.

Be of Good cheer, for God loves you!



Active Member
Yes but unfortunately, there is a need for "religous" belief of one kind, yes the love of God, but you must know the truth, before spouting about it, and you must understand that Jehovah God, has inspired the word of the bible and it says

John 3:16
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life"

James 2:18-19
Nevertheless, a certain one will say: “You have faith, and I have works. Show me your faith apart from the works, and I shall show you my faith by my works.” You believe there is one God, do you? You are doing quite well. And yet the demons believe and shudder.

I too am ready to share in a moments notice the love of God, thus the reason why I said the fact, that the catholic church had been created to oppose Christs followers. To attract Pagans, the church adopted some of their beliefs. Therefore the idea of a Trinity is from Pagan worship and not of Jehovah, God. Just like Christmas and Easter are!

anyone who says all religions are correct the bible clearly states
Matthew 7:13-14“Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it.

so that clearly tells us, that few are the ones who find the road that leads to everlastingl ife, but the bible also tells us that the good news of the Kingdom will be spread through the entire inhabited earth before the end comes. So all people are given the chance to find this road, but most will not take it.


Veteran Member
Why is it that there are so many 7's in the bible?
If you have a bible software, search out the number 7 and see just how many times it is found in the bible.

I have my thoughts on them but would like to hears yours.


just for the record my friend;
the length of a day in the next world is not equal to the length of a day here on earth.


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John 3:16
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life"

That is Christianities classic verse and one in which is for many misunderstood.

There is more behind the scenes before that verse can be properly understood.

Take this verse for instance which indicates that not one but all are concluded in unbelief:
Rom 11:32 For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all.

You see the word "all" places all mankind in unbelief so that God may have mercy on all.

God having the sovereign power only and not any one man.

The verse you quoted has two word changes from the original:
Believeth, to exercising
Perish, to destroyed

Here it is as written:
Joh 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

The words "should not" indicates that we are already perished, otherwise, why have Jesus to be sacrifficed.

Should we become believers, then it can be said, we, shall not perish.

Matthew 7:13-14“Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it.>>>lockyfan

Jesus spoke those words prior to going to the cross, before the thing that Jesus was about to do that made the difference between the old and the new.

He was alluding to Him self as being that narrow pathway, and in by which the following verse confirms:
Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

There were but a few who believed in Him during His time, but over 2000 plus years, many have found Jesus and have entered into His rest.

Yet, many today remain as perished for lack of knowledge.




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Premium Member
just for the record my friend;
the length of a day in the next world is not equal to the length of a day here on earth.

That is a required understanding before we can even try to figure out God's word .



Veteran Member
I believe we're in the final 7 years spoken of by Daniel the prophet, which I believe started in the fall of 2006 and will continue throught the fall of 2013.

A time of "trouble" a time of "tribulation" which will be upon the Jews and the world.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I believe we're in the final 7 years spoken of by Daniel the prophet, which I believe started in the fall of 2006 and will continue throught the fall of 2013.

A time of "trouble" a time of "tribulation" which will be upon the Jews and the world.

That is a common belief amongst many Christians.

I believe it all transpired in one day in the life of Jesus, the day He was crucified did all that you read in Revelation happen, but in symbols as augmented by scriptures throughout the bible.

The bible is a puzzle and we must place the pieces in its proper order in order to see the big picture.



Active Member
The big picture is this - God is going to end all the suffering and pain in his Kingdom, which is to be ruled by Jesus


James 2:26
Indeed, as the body without spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.

It is not enough to believe, you must act on that belief and glorify God himself and tell the world he is not as bad as most people think!


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
The big picture is this - God is going to end all the suffering and pain in his Kingdom, which is to be ruled by Jesus>>>lockyfan

All sufferring and pain end at our death.

I'll refer you to the start of it all:
Gen 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

But your spirit (You) is what Christ came to purchase, and only God could do that.

By His purchase came the gift of God's righteiousness, we having nothing to do with it but to acept it.
Amo 5:7 Ye who turn judgment to wormwood, and leave off righteousness in the earth,

The worm consumes all sin in Judgement and leaves us the righteousness of God.

