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What And, More Importantly, Why?


Well-Known Member
Oh, so I can't post in here? :p (I don't um... know what I believe. And if I post what I think, it'll probably be different tomorrow :D)

I agree with Riverwolf. Seems like most of your beef is about literalistic opinions of scriptural ideas, and when one does not use their common sense or, well, think about things - sadly, this can extend to atheists. My sister is an atheist but has never wondered about God and stuff, because "it's borin'". Doh. :(

Why wouldn't you be able post here? And I don't have beef with anyone, I just wanted people to state what they believe and why they believed it, not many has actually done that either...

If you can't/won't say what you believe or can't/won't say why you believe what you believe, please do not comment.


Well-Known Member
The problem with theistic science is that more often than not the scientist sets out to prove themselves right about the prescence of god, or prove atheists else wrong in assuming that there is not god.
Science should be objective when they have a theory, they should set out to either present reasonable evidence to render their theory highly plausible or present reasonable evidence to suggest that their theory is incorrect or flawed so they can go back and alter their theory. By already stating that god is a fact, many theistic scientists fail already with the scientific method.


Guardian of Life
1. I believe in the existence of the Creator, who is perfect in every manner of existence and is the Primary Cause of all that exists.
2. I believe in that Creator's absolute and unparalleled unity.
3. I believe that God is non-corporeal.
4. I believe that God is eternal.
5. I believe that it is beneficial, appropriate, and obligatory that we worship God exclusively and no foreign false gods.
6. I believe that God communicates with man through prophecy.
7. I believe in the primacy of the prophecy of Moses our teacher.
8. I believe in the divine origin of the Torah.
9. I believe in in the immutability of the Torah.
10. I believe in G-d's omniscience and providence.
11. I believe in divine reward and retribution.
12. I believe in the arrival of the Messiah and the messianic era.
13. I believe in the resurrection of the dead.

I have many reasons, but the simplest of them are:

1. I find it a given that God exists.
2. Being that I see the existence of God as a given, I also believe that a God who exists as God would not have created without a purposeful end in mind. That being the case, I believe that God communicates with mankind.
3. I believe that this communication was and is manifest in the Torah that was given to the Jews at Mt. Sinai 3300 years ago.
I am an agnostic because no human being has all the answers. Unfortunately most of us try filling the gaps of our knowledge with superstitous nonsense. An honest person would simply say they don't know why something is the way it is instead of spouting mythology as fact. Bottom line: most humans are intellectually lazy/dishonest and/or gullible.

I've certainly never claimed to have all the answers but I don't see how that would make anyone an agnostic.

I freely admit that I don't know why a lot of things are they way they are and I never, ever use mythology to explain why things are the way they are nor do I believe mythology is in any way a fact.

Further more I am, with out a doubt, not most people.


I believe that if mankind had not found religion we would still be living in trees. I would caution you not to scoff what you do not understand. The fact that most of what you have to say seems like the truth to many in today's world. Who knows what will be true tommorow. I will guarantee you that you would have been stoned to death 10,000 years ago. Probably not good to show up at a Babtist revival. You ain't gonna change anybodys mind!!!


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
You ain't gonna change anybodys mind!!!

That's not the goal of the thread, or the goal of this forum.

It's simply a question of "what do you believe and why," and in the first post, he gave his own answer.


Guardian of Life
why do you believe that god is a given?

I just do. It's always been apparent to me. Him not existing has never crossed my mind. I've tried considering it but for some reason that makes no sense to me whatsoever...It's like the fact that I can breathe. I've just always sort of done it.


Well-Known Member
I believe that if mankind had not found religion we would still be living in trees.

I can agree that with some things this is true, but this is no longer relevant today. It's like saying if someone hadn't evented the wheel we'd all be pedestrians. I think that when new more effective ideas come along that challenge and overshadow those that are old and outdated, we should submit to progress. There is a reson why doctors still don't prescribe bloodletting as a valid cure for diseases.

I would caution you not to scoff what you do not understand. The fact that most of what you have to say seems like the truth to many in today's world. Who knows what will be true tommorow.

Now this i just don't understand. I don't scoff at people's belief, i mean yeah i find some things ridiculous and foolish, but moreover I criticize people on their reasons for believing things. And there are many truths that I'm almost certain will still hold true tomorrow. 2+2=4 will always be true, I believe.

I will guarantee you that you would have been stoned to death 10,000 years ago. Probably not good to show up at a Babtist revival. You ain't gonna change anybodys mind!!!

I address this, I most likely would've be stoned in ancient times. I find that this was a total waste of space. And my intentions were not on chnaging people's minds, if it seems like that, I apologize.

I just do. It's always been apparent to me. Him not existing has never crossed my mind. I've tried considering it but for some reason that makes no sense to me whatsoever...It's like the fact that I can breathe. I've just always sort of done it.

To be honest I find this hard to comprehend and foolish, not the fact that you believe this, but the fact that you don't know why you believe this.


Guardian of Life
To be honest I find this hard to comprehend and foolish, not the fact that you believe this, but the fact that you don't know why you believe this.

It's not as much a belief as it is an awareness. It's not something I need to consider, I just know it. I always have.

Does anyone know why they are aware of anything?

Do you know why it is that if you are facing any which direction with a blindfold on in an empty room and someone you don't know enters, you are aware of their being there but unfamiliar with their presence? Then when they exit you are aware that you are alone. Then if someone known and close to you (say your mother) were to enter you'd realize that the presence is recognizable and different from the previous?

Imagine the world in the same way. A giant room and we all are in it and we all have blind folds on. God is the millions of atoms and particles that make up the room. He is the latent energy that pulsates through it all.

I am and always have been aware of that energy. I believe that the energy is the God that delivered the Torah to the Jews 3300 years ago.


Active Member
You must not only believe, you must obey also.

Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord will
enter the kingdom of Heaven. But he who does
the will of my Father will enter the kingdom of


Guardian of Life
Too bad the rest of us do not share your awareness. Humanity would have one less thing to argue about.

I think it's possible for others to be similarly aware (I've only met a few others with that similar awareness). Although I'm not sure how that'd be done.