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What And, More Importantly, Why?


Active Member
1.) I don’t believe in god(s) because for thousands of years people have been contemplating and wondering about the “oddities” of the planet and the universe. Religion, I assume, was initially used for explaining what humans couldn’t understand and giving relatable reasons, which would’ve been considered valid and reasonable back then, for natural phenomenon. .

ask yourself this, who created you? did you come from nothing?? the obvious logical answer is god created you. in order for something to exist it must have a beginning, and in order for anything to exist there has to be an initial cause. and unmovable mover, and that is god.

2.) I don’t rely on religion because of its fallacies against accepted and, most plausible, scientific facts. In the Bible it is said that he creates Earth and space (the “heavens”) in six days. But today there is much evidence to prove that earth took several million years to form and the universe in its current state too even more time to form.

but this is not meant literally. the holy scriptures say that one day to god is like a thousand years to us. the six days are not literal 24 hour days. one day could have been millions of years.

Also in the Bible god creates man and woman (Adam and Eve) and all plants and animals on Earth. We have fossil records, however, that supports the claim that humans evolved from primitive ape-like mammals and there is no evidence, to my knowledge, to say that man miraculously appeared from nothing because god or gods made it so. In fact, many beings on Earth have evidence of evolution, including plants.
It seems that many religions assert that they “know” how man was made and formed; whether from gods molding them from clay or gods rising man from the dust of the Earth, traditional religions assert the creation of man from everything but a plausible and/or supported explanation, to my knowledge.

but evolution says the same thing. we came from nothing. what, did an explosion create us? it is more logical to say a divine being created us.

3.) I don’t have belief in god(s) because religion inhibits and slows intellectual progress. It seems to me that instead of providing real answers religion simply says “God did it, and that’s the truth,” which is absolutely absurd. It seems that when humans encounter something they can’t understand like the ancient Greeks and lightning, they make up an entirely fictional concept, like Zeus, and assert that it is true, without evidence. If this was ancient Greece and there was a raging thunderstorm outside people would say something along the lines of “Oh the gods! They must be angry; we must sacrifice a goat to appease them!” Not many would wonder if maybe the storm was not caused by gods, and if they did, they were thought of an insane.
Religion and religious followers seem to have such a proud disdain for saying “I don’t know why such-and-such happened” that they would rather say “Oh a sky fairy did it.” Having such an ego that they would rather make up a claim that has no logical sense then say, “Wait, we don’t know now, but maybe if we take a reasonable stand in thinking and investigating, maybe we’ll know later.” I think that it’s sad and pathetic that most don't.
In fact, if an investigation into a natural phenomena was given I an attempt to lead one closer to god and the result was instead suggestive of that no supernatural cause was involved with the phenomena, then the investigation all together was thrown out as “devil work” because of the church’s superstition over upsetting their god(s). This is most notably seen with Newton, Galileo, and Copernicus.
In modern times the church’s superstitions still attempts to inhibit proper learning in schools. Anytime a school system has trouble deciding on presenting to its students a reasonable and supported theory about the origins of life as opposed to an unsupported fairy tale about life just popping in from oblivion, there is a problem.
If we all just took the religious stance of simply believing things without thinking or investigating for ourselves and then rejecting those things that don’t fit with our beliefs, we’d still be in the Stone Age.

but the bible is a living book. dont you see how many prophecies have come true? scientists are now discovering many of the things the bible predicted thousands of years earlier.
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Well-Known Member
ask yourself this, who created you? did you come from nothing?? the obvious logical answer is god created you. in order for something to exist it must have a beginning, and in order for anything to exist there has to be an initial cause. and unmovable mover, and that is god.

I came from my parents.

but this is not meant literally. the holy scriptures say that one day to god is like a thousand years to us. the six days are not literal 24 hour days. one day could have been millions of years.

Okay, i can accept that, but still you've not given me evidence to say that god created the universe or the earth, or that god even exist...

but evolution says the same thing. we came from nothing. what, did an explosion create us? it is more logical to say a divine being created us.

Evolution does not say this, evolution asserts that it does not yet know for certain where humans evolved from, but there is much fossil evidence to say that we evolved from primitive ape-like mammals.

but the bible is a living book. dont you see how many prophecies have come true? scientists are now discovering many of the things the bible predicted thousands of years earlier.

such as what exactly? What prophecies do scientist say came true from the bible? And the bible is just a book. I don't know what you mean by "living book"

dont you see? please, i beg you from the bottom of my heart, repent from your atheist ways and accept jesus christ as your lord and saviour before its too late.


so that on judgement day i wont have to bear witness against you.

i guess you will have to, assuming that this day comes.

btw, you diddn't even try to answer my questions did you?


Hostis humani generis
About as boring as winning the lottery i'd say

Yeah, she's mental. :D
I think it's because she's a very material person, and she's often been... well... spoiled in life, being the only girl of the family

Why wouldn't you be able post here?
Because I'm a seeker, and as I stated, it changes often.

6And I don't have beef with anyone, I just wanted people to state what they believe and why they believed it, not many has actually done that either...
If you can't/won't say what you believe or can't/won't say why you believe what you believe, please do not comment.
Screw that, I'll post wherever I damn well like if it's not in breach of forum rules, thank you very much. Let's see... Religious Topics/Religious Debates - yep, I can post in here if I feel like it. You ignored the rest of my comment, too. Two lines, dude.

Since you're so eager to what I know, here we go.

1. I believe in God.
What is God? Thesim? Deism? Panentheism? Sure. All of them. Or a combination of the three.
Said God is conscious, eternal and pre-existent. I would like to say "omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient", etc, but these are too vague and lead way to fallacies. Can God make a rock so heavy He can't lift it? A burrito so spicy He can't eat it? A cake so delicious He can't resist it? :D

2. I believe in an afterlife
What is the afterlife? Reincarnation? Rebirth? Do we await a paradise? I don't know. I would like to believe in reincarnation, but something about it does not bode well with me. Paradise sounds too ... heavenly.

3. I believe that supernatural non-physical entities that lie beyond our realm of understanding and are things that may be considered as 'demons' and 'angels' to early mankind - that they may exist.
This does not mean I believe in demonic possession and things like that.

4. I believe in extra-terrestrial entities
This doesn't mean I believe little green men are abducting people, anal probing them and mutilating cows whilst they're at it, nor do I believe reptilians are running the White House.

5. I believe that every living organism, including the planet and the universe, and all that is, has what one may call a soul.

6. I believe in evolution, secular government, democracy, etc - but I don't believe science has all the answers, and to neglect our spirit, whatever it is, is not good for our internal wellbeing.

Why do I believe in God, in an afterlife, in souls, in aliens?
Because they make sense to me. I can understand why people may not believe in them, but I just don't think it feels "right", for lack of a better word.


Well-Known Member
Because I'm a seeker, and as I stated, it changes often.

This is fine, i just wished for you to clarify

Screw that, I'll post wherever I damn well like if it's not in breach of forum rules, thank you very much. Let's see... Religious Topics/Religious Debates - yep, I can post in here if I feel like it. You ignored the rest of my comment, too. Two lines, dude.

I didn't ignore it, I told you that I had beef with no one, I didn't post this topic because I was angry or because I intended malevolence, I asked a simple question and instead you implied that you didn't wish to.

Since you're so eager to what I know, here we go.

1. I believe in God.
What is God? Thesim? Deism? Panentheism? Sure. All of them. Or a combination of the three.
Said God is conscious, eternal and pre-existent. I would like to say "omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient", etc, but these are too vague and lead way to fallacies. Can God make a rock so heavy He can't lift it? A burrito so spicy He can't eat it? A cake so delicious He can't resist it? :D

Okay, I disagree, but so what?

2. I believe in an afterlife
What is the afterlife? Reincarnation? Rebirth? Do we await a paradise? I don't know. I would like to believe in reincarnation, but something about it does not bode well with me. Paradise sounds too ... heavenly.
I don't, but it's fine if you do.

3. I believe that supernatural non-physical entities that lie beyond our realm of understanding and are things that may be considered as 'demons' and 'angels' to early mankind - that they may exist.
This does not mean I believe in demonic possession and things like that.


4. I believe in extra-terrestrial entities
This doesn't mean I believe little green men are abducting people, anal probing them and mutilating cows whilst they're at it, nor do I believe reptilians are running the White House.
Same here.

5. I believe that every living organism, including the planet and the universe, and all that is, has what one may call a soul.
Okay, I don't believe this because there is no proof of a soul, but, again, it's fine if you do.

6. I believe in evolution, secular government, democracy, etc - but I don't believe science has all the answers, and to neglect our spirit, whatever it is, is not good for our internal wellbeing.

Why do I believe in God, in an afterlife, in souls, in aliens?
Because they make sense to me. I can understand why people may not believe in them, but I just don't think it feels "right", for lack of a better word.

Not sure what you mean by spirit, but there is no evidence of there being a spirit as in a metaphysical soul. There is, I believe, instinct and intuition, and I don't think we should betray our gut feelings, but I do think we should wonder why we might have these feelings. I wonder why you won't consider why you believe something simply because it makes you uncomfortable.


Hostis humani generis
I asked a simple question and instead you implied that you didn't wish to.
Actually, it was in jest, as I am a seeker I haven't got a definite view of God, and as stated earlier, it's because my views are fluid. Tomorrow, I may not believe in non-physical entities, nor a soul, or maybe I'll believe in more than one God. :)

but I do think we should wonder why we might have these feelings.
Wasn't there a book released called "the God Gene"? I do believe that the very nature believing in supreme forces or a supreme force is most likely part of our genetic wiring. An escapism feature, perhaps? Genetic writing by a Supreme Force? I don't know. Neither do you. Will we ever know? I doubt it.

I wonder why you won't consider why you believe something simply because it makes you uncomfortable.
Those are your words, not mine. I have never said won't consider something because it makes me uncomfortable, and I find that you believe I said that quite insulting. I said I believe in God, souls, etc because it makes sense to me, and not to believe in them doesn't feel "right". Right does not mean cozy and comfortable beliefs and wallowing in ignorance.

You know nothing of my history by the way, so I find that rude that you suggest that I don't consider why I believe something - in fact, I have been an atheist. I would go so far so as to say I was somewhere between a nihilist and a naturalist at some point of my life. :p


Active Member

I came from my parents.?

and where did they come from? dont delay the question again and again. we didnt come from nothing. something must have created us. a being with no beginning an unmovable mover, god. why is this so hard to accept? it makes logical sense, much more so than to say we came from noting. or to say we dont know. because science will never know, since we cant trace history before existence.....seems to me you just dont want to accept god because you want to be your own god.

Okay, i can accept that, but still you've not given me evidence to say that god created the universe or the earth, or that god even exist....?

but that was never your agrument. you gave a reason for why you dont believe in god, namely, the so called "fallacies" of the bible, one of them being "god created the world in 6 days" and i destroyed your argument by pointing out it was not literally 6 days. its simbolical. if god wanted he could have created everything in 6 seconds....

Evolution does not say this, evolution asserts that it does not yet know for certain where humans evolved from, but there is much fossil evidence to say that we evolved from primitive ape-like mammals.?[/quote]

and what did the primitive abpe like mammals evolve from? some lesser form of life such as bacteria? but then where did that come from? what is the origin? science cant give us that, and it will never be able to because history cant be traced back before existence. only religion can give us that answer. why dont you accept it? its most logical. you just get a kick out of biting the hand that feeds you dont you.

such as what exactly? What prophecies do scientist say came true from the bible? And the bible is just a book. I don't know what you mean by "living book"

the bible is not a book. its a collection of books written by many authors inspired by god... living book refers to the fact that it is still current today and people still read it today for advice on everyday situations. in otherwords it is timeless and has 0 contradictions in it. the one and only living book.

one example of prophecy is the parting of the red sea. look what recently surfaced from the bottom of the red sea.


you are all about material proof. well here it is.
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Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Before we can have a proper debate about god and religion, we must all assert exactly what is we happen to believe. So below I would like you to answer this:

All religions are false. All concepts are false.

Cosmology, religion, concepts are all maps.

It is useful to to have a map if you are tryign to find your way. But the map is not the territory.

Thus the only way to know God is to experience God.
In order to know what an apple tastes like, you must eat one.
Truth is beyond concept, but is experiental.

"He Who Is is ineffable. No principle knew him, no authority, no subjection, nor any creature from the foundation of the world until now, except he alone, and anyone to whom he wants to make revelation through him who is from First Light. From now on, I am the Great Savior. For he is immortal and eternal. Now he is eternal, having no birth; for everyone who has birth will perish. He is unbegotten, having no beginning; for everyone who has a beginning has an end. Since no one rules over him, he has no name; for whoever has a name is the creation of another."

--The Sophia of Jesus Christ

I am the one whom they call Life, and you have called Death. I am the one whom they call Law, and you have called Lawlessness. I am the one whom you have pursued, and I am the one whom you have seized. I am the one whom you have scattered, and you have gathered me together. I am the one before whom you have been ashamed, and you have been shameless to me. I am she who does not keep festival, and I am she whose festivals are many. I, I am godless, and I am the one whose God is great. I am the one whom you have reflected upon, and you have scorned me. I am unlearned, and they learn from me. I am the one that you have despised, and you reflect upon me. I am the one whom you have hidden from, and you appear to me. But whenever you hide yourselves, I myself will appear. For whenever you appear, I myself will hide from you.

--Thunder the Perfect Mind

I am androgynous. I am Mother (and) I am Father, since I copulate with myself. I copulated with myself and with those who love me, and it is through me alone that the All stands firm. I am the Womb that gives shape to the All by giving birth to the Light that shines in splendor. I am the Aeon to come. I am the fulfillment of the All, that is, Meirothea, the glory of the Mother. I cast voiced Speech into the ears of those who know me.

--Trimorphic Prottenoia
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Well-Known Member
and where did they come from? dont delay the question again and again. we didnt come from nothing. something must have created us. a being with no beginning an unmovable mover, god. why is this so hard to accept? it makes logical sense, much more so than to say we came from noting. or to say we dont know. because science will never know, since we cant trace history before existence.....seems to me you just dont want to accept god because you want to be your own god.

but that was never your agrument. you gave a reason for why you dont believe in god, namely, the so called "fallacies" of the bible, one of them being "god created the world in 6 days" and i destroyed your argument by pointing out it was not literally 6 days. its simbolical. if god wanted he could have created everything in 6 seconds....

Evolution does not say this, evolution asserts that it does not yet know for certain where humans evolved from, but there is much fossil evidence to say that we evolved from primitive ape-like mammals.?

and what did the primitive abpe like mammals evolve from? some lesser form of life such as bacteria? but then where did that come from? what is the origin? science cant give us that, and it will never be able to because history cant be traced back before existence. only religion can give us that answer. why dont you accept it? its most logical. you just get a kick out of biting the hand that feeds you dont you.

the bible is not a book. its a collection of books written by many authors inspired by god... living book refers to the fact that it is still current today and people still read it today for advice on everyday situations. in otherwords it is timeless and has 0 contradictions in it. the one and only living book.

one example of prophecy is the parting of the red sea. look what recently surfaced from the bottom of the red sea.


you are all about material proof. well here it is.

Okay, a few thoughts:

1. My parents came from their parents and I assume that you came from your parents and they came from their parents. When you state a question as "where did we come from" I am obliged to answer it as you've stated it initially.

2. You didn't destroy my argument. Do you take everything in the bible as true? If so then the bible saying that god is like a thousand years to man must be true, but it also must be true that god created eartha dn space in the week, no? If you don't take the bible as true, then god is like a thousand years to man must be symbological too as is saying that he created earth in six days, as too which i'm saying that symbological evidence does not count as evidence at all. Besides it is just a book! Can you rely on anything outside of the bible to say that god exists?

3. If scientists cannot prove that god exists, then you shouldn't use scientists to say that they "proved" that predicitons in the bible came true (you still haven't supplied me with that evidence either)

4. No doubt that the bible has helped many people, this doesn't mean that you should take what's in it as fact. especially when you have no clear evidence besides the book itself to say that god exists.

5. Do you follow the bible accurately? Do you follow all of the ten commandements? Do you stone gays, adulterers and witches? Do you own slaves becuase the bible says it is alright to do so?

6. And where is the logic in believeing in a man who lives in the sky with little to none evidence to support his existence against following science and reason where there exponentially more evidence to support it's claims?

7. Is everything in the bible symbological? did moses really part the red sea? did jesus really walk on water? Did adam and eve ever really exist?


Hostis humani generis
5. Do you follow the bible accurately? Do you follow all of the ten commandements? Do you stone gays, adulterers and witches? Do you own slaves becuase the bible says it is alright to do so?
Stoning gays and adulterers and witches aren't the ten commandments. :D If you know that, then what's really wrong with the ten commandments?

6. And where is the logic in believeing in a man who lives in the sky with little to none evidence to support his existence against following science and reason where there exponentially more evidence to support it's claims?
Abscence of evidence does not equal evidence of abscence. (to quote a fellow RF member here :D)


Well-Known Member
in otherwords it is timeless and has 0 contradictions in it.

Oh and here are a few bible contradictions:

GE 1:3-5 On the first day, God created light, then separated light and darkness.
GE 1:14-19 The sun (which separates night and day) wasn't created until the fourth day.

GE 4:15, DT 32:19-27, IS 34:8 God is a vengeful god.
EX 15:3, IS 42:13, HE 12:29 God is a warrior. God is a consuming fire.
EX 20:5, 34:14, DT 4:24, 5:9, 6:15, 29:20, 32:21 God is a jealous god.
LE 26:7-8, NU 31:17-18, DT 20:16-17, JS 10:40, JG 14:19, EZ 9:5-7 The Spirit of God is (sometimes) murder and killing.
NU 25:3-4, DT 6:15, 9:7-8, 29:20, 32:21, PS 7:11, 78:49, JE 4:8, 17:4, 32:30-31, ZP 2:2 God is angry. His anger is sometimes fierce.
2SA 22:7-8 (KJV) "I called to the Lord; ... he heard my voice; ... The earth trembled and quaked, ... because he was angry. Smoke came from his nostrils. Consuming fire came from his mouth, burning coals blazed out of it."
EZ 6:12, NA 1:2, 6 God is jealous and furious. He reserves wrath for, and takes revenge on, his enemies. "... who can abide in the fierceness of his anger? His fury is poured out like fire, and rocks are thrown down by him."
2CO 13:11, 14, 1JN 4:8, 16 God is love.
GA 5:22-23 The fruit of the Spirit of God is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

EX 12:13 The Israelites have to mark their houses with blood in order for God to see which houses they occupy and "pass over" them.
PR 15:3, JE 16:17, 23:24-25, HE 4:13 God is everywhere. He sees everything. Nothing is hidden from God.

EX 20:12, DT 5:16, MT 15:4, 19:19, MK 7:10, 10:19, LK 18:20 Honor your father and your mother is one of the ten commandments. It is reinforced by Jesus.
MT 10:35-37, LK 12:51-53, 14:26 Jesus says that he has come to divide families; that a man's foes will be those of his own household; that you must hate your father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, and even your own life to be a disciple.
MT 23:9 Jesus says to call no man on earth your father.

These are just a few, for more go to http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/donald_morgan/inconsistencies.html


Well-Known Member
Stoning gays and adulterers and witches aren't the ten commandments. :D If you know that, then what's really wrong with the ten commandments?

Abscence of evidence does not equal evidence of abscence. (to quote a fellow RF member here :D)

I wasn't saying that stoning gays and etc are in the ten commandements. I was essentially asking if ortega was a bible lieralist. And i've never said nor have i ever thought that absence of evidence equals evidence of absence, but I think it would be logically right to assume so. When there is no evidence to say that something exists it would not be right to assert that it does, neither is it right to assert that it doesn't but you could probably supply enough evidence to say that your assertion is more valid than the former. I believe however that one isn't completely sane or rational if they believe that something exists without reason or ability to produce evidence.


Well-Known Member
All religions are false. All concepts are false.

Cosmology, religion, concepts are all maps.

It is useful to to have a map if you are tryign to find your way. But the map is not the territory.

Thus the only way to know God is to experience God.
In order to know what an apple tastes like, you must eat one.
Truth is beyond concept, but is experiental.

"He Who Is is ineffable. No principle knew him, no authority, no subjection, nor any creature from the foundation of the world until now, except he alone, and anyone to whom he wants to make revelation through him who is from First Light. From now on, I am the Great Savior. For he is immortal and eternal. Now he is eternal, having no birth; for everyone who has birth will perish. He is unbegotten, having no beginning; for everyone who has a beginning has an end. Since no one rules over him, he has no name; for whoever has a name is the creation of another."

--The Sophia of Jesus Christ

I am the one whom they call Life, and you have called Death. I am the one whom they call Law, and you have called Lawlessness. I am the one whom you have pursued, and I am the one whom you have seized. I am the one whom you have scattered, and you have gathered me together. I am the one before whom you have been ashamed, and you have been shameless to me. I am she who does not keep festival, and I am she whose festivals are many. I, I am godless, and I am the one whose God is great. I am the one whom you have reflected upon, and you have scorned me. I am unlearned, and they learn from me. I am the one that you have despised, and you reflect upon me. I am the one whom you have hidden from, and you appear to me. But whenever you hide yourselves, I myself will appear. For whenever you appear, I myself will hide from you.

--Thunder the Perfect Mind

I am androgynous. I am Mother (and) I am Father, since I copulate with myself. I copulated with myself and with those who love me, and it is through me alone that the All stands firm. I am the Womb that gives shape to the All by giving birth to the Light that shines in splendor. I am the Aeon to come. I am the fulfillment of the All, that is, Meirothea, the glory of the Mother. I cast voiced Speech into the ears of those who know me.

--Trimorphic Prottenoia

does that not render your concept of experience false too, as well as all these quotes and your concept that concepts are false?


Hostis humani generis
I wasn't saying that stoning gays and etc are in the ten commandements. I was essentially asking if ortega was a bible lieralist.
Funny. That's some strange askin'.

And i've never said nor have i ever thought that absence of evidence equals evidence of absence, but I think it would be logically right to assume so.

When there is no evidence to say that something exists it would not be right to assert that it does, neither is it right to assert that it doesn't but you could probably supply enough evidence to say that your assertion is more valid than the former.
To say something does not exist which is something outside of our understanding or current methods of scientific advancement do not mean something does not exist.

Therefore, aliens don't exist?
Oh, wait, you believe aliens exist.
But nobody has seen one!

Well, nobody trustworthy. Sure, Nev down the road was abducted by one, but Mary down the road was contacted by God. :D

Isn't that hypocritical double-standards?

I believe however that one isn't completely sane or rational if they believe that something exists without reason or ability to produce evidence.
That is bigotry of the highest order. Can't they just be misguided or wrong?

Calling someone insane because they disagree with you? Sounds like fascism to me.

I suppose we can call you an insane irrational person since you said that you believe aliens exist, then? No?


Well-Known Member
Is this just another thinly veiled thread enbaling others to discuss how stooopid you think the bible is?:rolleyes:

No (i must say this again (>_<) urgh!) is not to say someon'e beliefs are stupid, neither is this a "prove me wrong" topic, i simply asked

"What do you believe and why?"

Furthermore (i'm suggesting!), if you think that my beliefs are inconsistent, simply just question them and ask me questions about them. Input inquiries but please do not tackle the situation as a "I'm right and you're wrong" approach or a "you're stupid" approach.