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What are the mistakes Muslims do when informing others about Islam?


Active Member
So if I lived in your society, and I killed, stole, raped, pillaged, drove like a maniac and burnt your house down, you'd be quite cool with that? I could do those kinds of things in your society, and you'd have no qualms with it whatsoever? I find that a little hard to believe sorry. You would like people to adhere to the laws of your society, I am pretty sure. You might not consider it enforcing your beliefs, but it is.

Silly argument. All those things cause harm to others. It is that HARM that is the problem. And that is what is illegal. The harm NOT the belief.

You OTOH insist that the rest of us not only refrain from harming you but that we act in a manner you approve of - harm or no. So you kill off gays because they ARE gay. They don't do you any harm at all. You need not even recognize there existence. But that is not good enough for you. You want to execute them simply because.

No reason just Islamic policy.:(

Abu Rashid

Active Member
Luis said:
I simply don't know what you are talking about here.

In all the Muslim lands which were invaded and occupied by atheistic ideologies, Muslims were severely oppressed and forbidden from practicing their religion.

I think you're quite well aware of what I'm talking about, I just think you like to wiggle yourself out of the responsibility for it.

Luis said:
We Atheists have such a hard time agreeing on most anything, much less forceful acts that would bring us no benefit and much ill will.

I don't know what on earth you're on about here, nowhere did my statement hint that all atheists need to agree on anything.

Luis said:
Is that at all true, however? Atheists are people just like anyone else. I certainly don't see any more need to have "automatic hostility" towards you than I have towards anyone else.

In the entire time I've been engaging you on here, I've detected nothing but hostility by you. You automatically debate in a very hostile manner against Islam, assuming things about it, making claims about it etc. You are a prime example of this phenomenon yourself.

Luis said:
I guess what I am asking is: why do you insist in seeing hostility between Islam and Atheism as a given when it is in fact anything but at least from Atheism's side?

The hostility is coming from your side. Atheists are on a quest to rid the world of religion, and since Islam is the most pure expression of religion, you focus mostly on Islam.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
The hostility is coming from your side. Atheists are on a quest to rid the world of religion, and since Islam is the most pure expression of religion, you focus mostly on Islam.

If by "religion", you mean "dangerous and irresponsible irrationality," then I agree with you.


Well-Known Member
The hostility is coming from your side. Atheists are on a quest to rid the world of religion, and since Islam is the most pure expression of religion, you focus mostly on Islam.
Nope, "we" atheists are not on the quest to rid the world of religion. And no, Islam is not the most pure expression of religion.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
In all the Muslim lands which were invaded and occupied by atheistic ideologies, Muslims were severely oppressed and forbidden from practicing their religion.

I think you're quite well aware of what I'm talking about, I just think you like to wiggle yourself out of the responsibility for it.

Sorry, but you are indeed quite wrong. I still have no idea what you are talking about. What would those "atheistic occupations" be? When and where did they happen?

Maybe you're refering to some sort of repression of Muslim communities in China? I can think of no other possibilities. I certainly know of none.

I don't know what on earth you're on about here, nowhere did my statement hint that all atheists need to agree on anything.

How can we possibly be godless oppressors without a modicum of union, however? ;) Particularly when we are supposedly going against the strenght of those who have Found the True and Only God?

We're not quite THAT formidable, you know. Particularly when we have no cause to speak of... :sarcastic

In the entire time I've been engaging you on here, I've detected nothing but hostility by you.

Really? That shows quite a lot of bias from you, then. Nice to know that, not so nice that it is so to begin with. But what can I do?

Maybe you're taking sarcasm for hostility. I don't know. I usually adjust my language to the level of those who are talking with me. With 301ouncer and Fahtimah that turns out to be not quite my best side. But hopefully that allows them to understand me at some level, so it is not for naught.

You automatically debate in a very hostile manner against Islam, assuming things about it, making claims about it etc. You are a prime example of this phenomenon yourself.

Uh, please try not to resort to slander. That reflects badly on you.

The hostility is coming from your side. Atheists are on a quest to rid the world of religion, and since Islam is the most pure expression of religion, you focus mostly on Islam.

Sorry, but that is simply a fantasy of yours.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Uh, please try not to resort to slander. That reflects badly on you.

Sorry, but that is simply a fantasy of yours.
You see, Luis, this is exactly what I am talking about when I say that we need to listen to these "foaming at the mouth" Muslims. They are NOT kidding around. They are actually serious and on a "mission from God" (think Blues Brothers without the sunglasses). The point is, if we just let them talk, there is simply no need to counter their intellectually bankrupt "thinking". It IS what it is.


Bliss Ninny
I have to say...Luis may be firm, and he may challenge a person, but I've yet to see him be openly hostile. Now, I have not read every single one of his posts, but I've read enough to find that I actually admire his approach to discussions. He doesn't seem quick to anger.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I have to say...Luis may be firm, and he may challenge a person, but I've yet to see him be openly hostile. Now, I have not read every single one of his posts, but I've read enough to find that I actually admire his approach to discussions. He doesn't seem quick to anger.
It is sort of like claiming that the Dalai Lama was inciting violence. Not a terribly credible assertion, imo. Luis rocks.


The hostility is coming from your side. Atheists are on a quest to rid the world of religion, and since Islam is the most pure expression of religion, you focus mostly on Islam.

You know, that honestly made me laugh. Then I realized you were being serious.


Well-Known Member
you welcome anytime. A drop of blood of a muslim is more dearer to the creator then all of the Kabbah and everything that surrounds it. ;)

This is authentic sahih bukhari and sahih muslim hadith. 100% islamic teachings. Accept for the sahih hadith rejecters it is not, therefore I consider them not to be muslims in the first place and I am entitled to my opinion.

Fatihah's toe nail is actually very clean. It gets washed 5 times a day. :D

Probably gets washed more then 5 times a day therefore his toes are in the service and total submission of his creator. Pure outwardly therefore is pure inwardly.

At least I came to the defence of his camp before anyone and it was a metaphore to show the unshakable/unbreakable brotherhood in islam. :yes:

A metaphore that really hit the informed and the uninformed of my great love and respect to the believing men as they are a precious commodity and there are very few the like of.

You like it or dont. tough luck. :sorry1:

Sorry Autodictac no matter how hard you try to be holier then Jesus pbuh feet and toes and nails, you will never be able to. As simple as that.

If the Blessed Mary wipes her beaurifull hair against Jesus's pbuh feet who on earth do you think you are that your hair is holier then hers? When Mary's name is mentiond repeatedly in holy scriptures?

"Then Mary took a pound [Greek, litra, about 12 ounces] of very costly oil of spikenard, [a precious oil, rose-red in color made from dried roots and oily stems of the spikenard plant, native to northern India, transported then and now in alabaster boxes to preserve the fragrance. Source: Zondervan's Pictorial Bible Dictionary, 1967 ed.] anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil.

Just as our beloved messengers and messenger Jesus pbuh face, hart, hands and feet and toes and nails are worthier and dearer to the creator then All of rest of Mankind so are the ones who try their best to follow in their footsteps to exception of the rest of mankind.

I wish to to wash Jesus pbuh and all the messengers feet and toes every single day.
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Active Member
Originally Posted by 301ouncer
you welcome anytime. A drop of blood of a muslim is more dearer to the creator then all of the Kabbah and everything that surrounds it. ;)
Originally Posted by 301ouncer
you welcome anytime. A drop of blood of a muslim is more dearer to the creator then all of the Kabbah and everything that surrounds it. ;)

This is authentic sahih bukhari and sahih muslim hadith. 100% islamic teachings. Accept for the sahih hadith rejecters it is not, therefore I consider them not to be muslims in the first place and I am entitled to my opinion.

AND 100% hate speech.

But then what else do you expect from the "religion of peace?"


Veteran Member
Premium Member
This is authentic sahih bukhari and sahih muslim hadith. 100% islamic teachings. Accept for the sahih hadith rejecters it is not, therefore I consider them not to be muslims in the first place and I am entitled to my opinion.

Probably gets washed more then 5 times a day therefore his toes are in the service and total submission of his creator. Pure outwardly therefore is pure inwardly.

A metaphore that really hit the informed and the uninformed of my great love and respect to the believing men as they are a precious commodity and there are very few the like of.

Sorry Autodictac no matter how hard you try to be holier then Jesus pbuh feet and toes and nails, you will never be able to. As simple as that.

If the Blessed Mary wipes her beaurifull hair against Jesus's pbuh feet who on earth do you think you are that your hair is holier then hers? When Mary's name is mentiond repeatedly in holy scriptures?

"Then Mary took a pound [Greek, litra, about 12 ounces] of very costly oil of spikenard, [a precious oil, rose-red in color made from dried roots and oily stems of the spikenard plant, native to northern India, transported then and now in alabaster boxes to preserve the fragrance. Source: Zondervan's Pictorial Bible Dictionary, 1967 ed.] anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil.

Just as our beloved messengers and messenger Jesus pbuh face, hart, hands and feet and toes and nails are worthier and dearer to the creator then All of rest of Mankind so are the ones who try their best to follow in their footsteps to exception of the rest of mankind.

I wish to to wash Jesus pbuh and all the messengers feet and toes every single day.

What does this have to do with anything. Aside from calling other Muslims to be "not Muslims", what does any of this have to do with the fact that you responded to a single post, by generalizing against all non-Muslims. You were defending Fatihah. However, why make it against all non-Muslims? that's what was being discussed. You said that Fatihah's toe nail is better than the "unbelieving man kind".

Wherever you got that from, it shouldn't be said like this. Because it is not in that context to begin with, just like the drop of blood thing, and it's inappropriate. Your idea of defending fellow Muslims is very wrong.


Active Member
"Wherever you got that from, it shouldn't be said like this. Because it is not in that context to begin with, just like the drop of blood thing, and it's inappropriate. Your idea of defending fellow Muslims is very wrong."

It may be wrong Bad. but it IS common. We hear this and similar things every day from the religious fanatics - christian and muslim - and we KNOW that at least some of them are serious.

Deadly serious.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
"Wherever you got that from, it shouldn't be said like this. Because it is not in that context to begin with, just like the drop of blood thing, and it's inappropriate. Your idea of defending fellow Muslims is very wrong."

It may be wrong Bad. but it IS common. We hear this and similar things every day from the religious fanatics - christian and muslim - and we KNOW that at least some of them are serious.

Deadly serious.

Yes i know some of those who say such things are serious in their attack. But i hope he wasn't, and that he just overreacted in his defense of a fellow Muslim.


Grumpy Old Man
Response: ...... A child when born acts according to the will in which he or she was created and not their own will, thus the child is born a muslim.

Sorry I think that is absolute nonsense, a child is born with the ability to learn and fit in otherwise it would be outcast. Religion is learnt. It is a social construct. A child is never born of any religion except that superficially labeled by its parents. Evolution brought about a change in brain size with humans, but the human birth canal did not evolve as quickly, this is why children are in fact all born premature ie not fully functional or developed, it takes a few more years. A baby elephant or giraffe walks as soon as it is born, but not the human baby. We in Australia because of our merciful nature are inunndated with orphans from around the world including from muslim countries. If you were correct they would now be running around in Hijabs chanting the quran, but they are not, they are secular Australians, so you are 100% absolutely wrong.

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