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What came before the Big Bang?


Ministry of Serendipity
I have seen this insulting tone post after post in your debate with Thief.

I respectfully submit that you have done nothing but asserted ego self again and again.:)


People usually do that after they realise their argument is totally flawed.


Thou art That
Originally Posted by atanu
I have seen this insulting tone post after post in your debate with Thief

Beautiful words are not truthful; truthful words are not beautiful.
Tao te Ching

If there is any insult, it is not to his person, but to his illogical reasoning. Nothing I say to him is of a personal nature, though it may seem so to you.
(if you are referring at all to my reference to 'nun seducer', know that he himself not only brought it up, but boasted about it)

I respectfully submit that you have done nothing but asserted ego self again and again.:)

No. I respectfully ask you to show me where.:)
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Rogue Theologian

Why should I take a stance either for or against when to do so is to create defense, which creates offense? I follow the Middle Path of the Buddha, and avoid extreme positions. The Buddha himself saw that two extreme views persisted in his time, namely, that of the Materialists vs the Eternalists, the former asserting that when the body dies, that is the final end, and the latter that an individual soul goes on into an afterlife. Neither position can be confirmed, unless you can return to tell the tale. So the Buddha found another path, that of Awakening, in which he saw the illusory nature of both birth and death, and the eternal nature of the awakened state.

I never stated that there was not Something Greater; but it is not the same image of a 'Something Greater' you hold merely as shallow belief.

Well then...'you' are either going to meet that Something Greater'...or not.

You can't have it both ways.
You will stand before Him.....or rot into nothing in your box.


Thou art That
Well then...'you' are either going to meet that Something Greater'...or not.

You can't have it both ways.
You will stand before Him.....or rot into nothing in your box.

C'mon Thief. Use your noggin. If there is 'Something Greater', as I acknowledge, then it must already be present and all-encompassing in the here and now. Otherwise, IT is not omniscient. So where do you expect to go to 'meet' Something Greater, when IT is already as close as your very next breath? In fact, it IS your next breath!


Active Member
I definitely do believe in the Big Bang, but I have no idea about what came before it. I don't think I have the right knowledge on the subject to claim anything.


"I" don't exist at all, and neither do you, but there IS consciousness at both ends of this screen. Of this, there is no mistake.

True, the I, me, ego, id, thoughts and awareness are illusions, only natural physical objects exist.


[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]"Our belief or disbelief[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] [/FONT]of a thing does not alter the nature[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] [/FONT]of things” Tillotson[/FONT]

“[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]This moment is your life.” Omar Khayyam [/FONT]


Thou art That
True, the I, me, ego, id, thoughts and awareness are illusions, only natural physical objects exist.


[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]"Our belief or disbeliefof a thing does not alter the natureof things” Tillotson[/FONT]

“[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]This moment is your life.” Omar Khayyam [/FONT]

Oh, do they? Quantum Physics suggests that everything is only a 'field of possibilites', while Eastern thought says they are 'appearances'.


Thou art That
I definitely do believe in the Big Bang, but I have no idea about what came before it. I don't think I have the right knowledge on the subject to claim anything.

Since you are an outcome of the BB, and you are conscious, you might consider consulting yourself for some information on the subject.


Rogue Theologian

Beautiful words are not truthful; truthful words are not beautiful.
Tao te Ching

If there is any insult, it is not to his person, but to his illogical reasoning. Nothing I say to him is of a personal nature, though it may seem so to you.
No. I respectfully ask you to show me where.:)

Any portion of this thread.....

'You' make denial of 'you'.....all the while 'you' are posting a reply.

That's not logical.


Thou art That
Any portion of this thread.....

'You' make denial of 'you'.....all the while 'you' are posting a reply.

That's not logical.

Sorry. No more posts about this, as it has been explained to you multiple times. You know damm well what I am saying, but continue your dogged recalcitrance as if to do so means something.


Rogue Theologian
Sorry. No more posts about this, as it has been explained to you multiple times. You know damm well what I am saying, but continue your dogged recalcitrance as if to do so means something.

No more chasing around the burning bush?
Do 'you' now confess?....'you' ARE there?


Thou art That
No more chasing around the burning bush?
Do 'you' now confess?....'you' ARE there?

A man dies and goes to the Pearly Gates, knocking loudly.

'Who knocks?' asks a voice from within.

'ME!, Lord...it's ME!....you know....ME!...ME!....ME!'

'Sorry, we have no such 'ME's' here. Begone!' replies the voice.

The man thinks the situation over for a minute, and then says:

'Why, it is none other than YOU, Oh Lord',

at which the Gates swing wide open.


Already proof of the big bang provided by Nasa's radiographic results and mapped.

No responsible being superior or otherwise imo.

Mulitverse or something else needs more study first.

All we really know about the universe is what can be seen through our strongest telescope, and radiographic images, theory and educated guesswork. nothing that can be proved. However, the idea is fascinating, keeps people employed, and does no harm to believe it.

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]"Our belief or disbelief[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] [/FONT]of a thing does not alter the nature[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] [/FONT]of things” Tillotson[/FONT]

“[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]This moment is your life.” [/FONT]Omar Khayyam


Rogue Theologian
A man dies and goes to the Pearly Gates, knocking loudly.

'Who knocks?' asks a voice from within.

'ME!, Lord...it's ME!....you know....ME!...ME!....ME!'

'Sorry, we have no such 'ME's' here. Begone!' replies the voice.

The man thinks the situation over for a minute, and then says:

'Why, it is none other than YOU, Oh Lord',

at which the Gates swing wide open.

More like ....stand from the flesh and realize you are naked.
Then move to the one item you would see....The Door.

'You' raise your hand to knock on that Door....and a voice behind you will say....
'To knock on that Door is betrayal to me.'

Many people realizing the situation will throw themselves unto the Door and beat upon it.
Some will draw their courage stand upright and knock again....

Either way...
That voice behind you will say again....
To knock on that Door is betrayal to me.
Sure...they will let you in....it is written...
Knock and the Door will open.

And they will look you over as they did me.
And they will throw you out....as they did me.
And then you will deal with me!.....traitor!


Thou art That
More like ....stand from the flesh and realize you are naked.
Then move to the one item you would see....The Door.

'You' raise your hand to knock on that Door....and a voice behind you will say....
'To knock on that Door is betrayal to me.'

Many people realizing the situation will throw themselves unto the Door and beat upon it.
Some will draw their courage stand upright and knock again....

Either way...
That voice behind you will say again....
To knock on that Door is betrayal to me.
Sure...they will let you in....it is written...
Knock and the Door will open.

And they will look you over as they did me.
And they will throw you out....as they did me.
And then you will deal with me!.....traitor!

Making things up so as to scare the B'Jeezuz out of yourself again, I see.

The door opens inwards, so stop pushing.