Are you particularly oblivious to the spending on R&D of weapons? Just because it has negative side effects doesn't discount it as anything less than scientific attack science, it does not bring a threat. a false uneducated statement.
The Cold War is an example, you have yet to offer anything less than generalities.
Just read Jared Diamond's work, it's an entire thesis that effectively deconstructs your also say science has led to over population, a false uneducated statement, people have led to over population. not science.
Scientific advancement is not always humanistic advancement, of course science is good science is pure, hail scienceyou also state advancement may lead to our destruction.
Translating into your inability to construct one, the mere fact that you cannot grasp that science is a tool is shocking. I wish you could see just how ironical it is.all I see is a lack of education in the big picture. the rest of your rebuttle doesnt warrant a responce