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What did Jesus Look Like?


Active Member
Who knows how they got here - if they even did - as ships could be piloted by exploratory robotics.

Also we are a young people. They obviously could be thousands of years ahead of us.

Using our limits - doesn't fly.


the problem is not the chance that aliens visited us in the past.
the problem is that the evidences provided by those websites to backup such hipotetis are all crap, completely made up.

I don't know you. I may say that you are blonde because i've analized the way you write and it's the way blonde people write.
You may actually turn to be blonde yet i would be saying anyway a lot of lies because there's no "blonde writing pattern" and i've not done any analysis.
So in the end mine would be just a lucky guess turning out to be true and all i've said would still be lies.
The point is not that aliens visited us or not. The point is that those websites are full of crap and that the user Theunis is spreading that crap on this forum.
the user Theunis is not even honest enough to admit when he is wrong and he keeps spreading the very same crap even after it has been openly shown to be crap.
this is what actually matters.


Active Member
I have a different perspective on this because I have actually seen a flying saucer, - and I'm not given to flights of fancy.

if you say that you've seen a U.F.O. by definition you're right.
if you say that you've seen a flying saucer you've to be able to demonstrate that all other possible natural and man made explanations can be excluded.
the very fact that you're not aware of what kind of experimental military airplanes are being tested right now, or that you don't fully know all atmospheric phenomena inclunding refractions and globular lights should make you dubt about the idea of what you actually see.
if you still insist in saying that you've seen an alien machine without the ability to exclude such an other possible explanation, well you're actually just believing what you want to believe

one friend of mine was 100% sure that he had seen a flying saucer. in the end after a long debate we both come to the conclusion what he had seen was in fact a chinese flying lantern. He never saw one before, wasn't even aware they existed.
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Jesus never existed, he is usually portrayed according to who's doing the portraying.

Interestingly enough I have recently visited the national museum in Poland, where there were a lot of religious paintings. All depicted people had a distinctly polish look. I would agree that he is usually portrayed according to who's doing the portaying.
The question is though, do the painters imagine Jesus to look like they do, or do they merely use local people to stand there when they do the first draft and that gives the images a distinct local look?
I think it must be weird for Africans, many of whom have rarely to never seen or interacted with a white person when they were growing up, yet I imagine most pictures and statues will be depicting white people. xD


the problem is not the chance that aliens visited us in the past.
the problem is that the evidences provided by those websites to backup such hipotetis are all crap, completely made up.

I don't know you. I may say that you are blonde because i've analized the way you write and it's the way blonde people write.
You may actually turn to be blonde yet i would be saying anyway a lot of lies because there's no "blonde writing pattern" and i've not done any analysis.
So in the end mine would be just a lucky guess turning out to be true and all i've said would still be lies.
The point is not that aliens visited us or not. The point is that those websites are full of crap and that the user Theunis is spreading that crap on this forum.
the user Theunis is not even honest enough to admit when he is wrong and he keeps spreading the very same crap even after it has been openly shown to be crap.
this is what actually matters.

LOL! I already said those were crap - AND - that such crap writings. - do not negate the fact that we could have been visited by aliens in the past.



Active Member
LOL! I already said those were crap - AND - that such crap writings. - do not negate the fact that we could have been visited by aliens in the past.


For what i know men of the past could have also been 15 meters tall and than their body shrunk to normal size just before they died and this is the reason why we find normal sized skeleton but in fact man used to be as tall as 10 or 15 meters. And Those giants were the one building things like stonehenge and the piramids, barehanded.
Question is: is this a valid hipotesis? Do i have any evidence to take it into any consideration? if i have no evidence why should i consider it?

I personally don't deny the chance that it could have happened. I simply find it highly unlikely. I'm personally convinced we're not alone at all in the universe. i think if life came into being here with the right conditions, wherever conditions allowing life exists there's a chance life could spawn.
but i also think things are more complicated than that and there are issues to overcome in order to make contacts among civilizations possible that makes it highly unlikely for that to happen. And if that had to happen it would have probably happened in a very different way than the way is usually reported by people talking about aliens.
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if you say that you've seen a U.F.O. by definition you're right.
if you say that you've seen a flying saucer you've to be able to demonstrate that all other possible natural and man made explanations can be excluded.
the very fact that you're not aware of what kind of experimental military airplanes are being tested right now, or that you don't fully know all atmospheric phenomena inclunding refractions and globular lights should make you dubt about the idea of what you actually see.
if you still insist in saying that you've seen an alien machine without the ability to exclude such an other possible explanation, well you're actually just believing what you want to believe

one friend of mine was 100% sure that he had seen a flying saucer. in the end after a long debate we both come to the conclusion what he had seen was in fact a chinese flying lantern. He never saw one before, wasn't even aware they existed.

I purposely say - FLYING SAUCER - rather then UFO (unidentified flying object) - because it was a flying saucer, - not unidentified, - hovering silently over the water right in front of all of us. Seen by many.

LOL! "that you don't fully know all atmospheric phenomena inclunding refractions." I'm in Alaska I see all kind of interesting sky phenomena.

This was a black/grey saucer shaped ship, silently hovering over the water, right in front of us. No question as to what it was.

Do you really think in this day and age people don't know what atmospheric refraction phenomena is?



Active Member
I purposely say - FLYING SAUCER - rather then UFO (unidentified flying object) - because it was a flying saucer, - not unidentified, - hovering silently over the water right in front of all of us. Seen by many.

LOL! "that you don't fully know all atmospheric phenomena inclunding refractions." I'm in Alaska I see all kind of interesting sky phenomena.

This was a black/grey saucer shaped ship, silently hovering over the water, right in front of us. No question as to what it was.

Do you really think in this day and age people don't know what atmospheric refraction phenomena is?


Ok, let's assume i believe you ( i don't know you so all you say i have to take it by word. Have you taken any picture by chance? ).
how do you know for example it was no military device being tested? maybe a military drone? are there no military bases in alaska? You saw gray people with suits disembarking from that device?
or you talk about "flying saucer" meaning that it was a device saucer shaped but you accept it could be of terrestrial origin?


Ok, let's assume i believe you ( i don't know you so all you say i have to take it by word ).
how do you know for example it was no military device being tested? maybe a military drone? are there no military bases in alaska? You saw gray people with suits disembarking from that device?

In my first description of this even - listed on this site - I noted that this could be ours - or theirs.

However I believe we didn't have the technology at that time.

There are a couple of military bases here - NOW.

However, at the time there was only one base, of people, not experiments (connected to a city,) which was more then a thousand miles from our location.



Active Member
In my first description of this even - listed on this site - I noted that this could be ours - or theirs.

However I believe we didn't have the technology at that time.

There are a couple of military bases here - NOW.

However, at the time there was only one base, of people, not experiments (connected to a city,) which was more then a thousand miles from our location.


so let me check if i get what you're saying right:

not completely excluding one or the other hipotesis, you say that you find likely the idea that a civilization we don't know anything about has the technology to overcome possibly 1000 light years of distance from their home to yours because you don't find likely that the military that we know about and we know have the tendency to do things secretly, have some secret technolgy that makes it possible for them to travel 1000 miles from a base to your home?

i'm not saying you're wrong simply cause i can't since i have no way to actually scrutinize your story, so who knows, maybe you've seen aliens for real, i'm just trying to understand what made you come to that conclusion and exclude all the rest.

what year was it by the way? was it in the sea or on a lake?
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so let me check if i get what you're saying right:

not completely excluding one or the other hipotesis, you say that you find likely the idea that a civilization we don't know anything about has the technology to overcome possibly 1000 light years of distance from their home to yours because you don't find likely that the military that we know about and we know have the tendency to do things secretly, have some secret technolgy that makes it possible for them to travel 1000 miles from a base to your home?

i'm not saying you're wrong simply cause i can't since i have no way to actually scrutinize your story, so who knows, maybe you've seen aliens for real, i'm just trying to understand what made you come to that conclusion and exclude all the rest.

what year was it by the way? was it in the sea or on a lake?

Dude - you are derailing this thread and taking things out of context.

Yes they could have technology to come this distance. Yes a craft could fly 1000 miles to where I was.

However, as stated, the base was for people and planes, nothing secret and experimental - because it WAS CONNECTED TO A CITY.

This started from a blanket statement - with no way to prove it - that there were no ancient aliens.

To which I replied -

"I have a different perspective on this because I have actually seen a flying saucer, - and I'm not given to flights of fancy."

This is meant to show that some of us actually have seen flying saucers, - and thus the idea of ancient alien contact, can't be dismissed out of hand, because you haven't seen one, or don't believe in such.



This started from a blanket statement - with no way to prove it - that there were no ancient aliens.

No it did not. I never stated that. I specifically was picking on the TV show that lies when you started.

Now you have said really nothing out of line, and shared your opinion rationally and that's when I stated I don't think aliens have ever been here.

At this time there is no such thing as ancient aliens as that has never been substantiated, and those who have tried have done so or tried have done so with lies.

I have never discounted things people see in the sky they cannot explain.


For the same reasons we would go if we had the ability. :D


We never would go, even if we could. we would send a drone ;)

I think if we could escape the planet completely, one would not travel willy nilly through the dangers of space.

Intelligent life should be seeking a safe place to place a base that would have less meteors and debris that could kill them all. The same reason to leave a planet.


Active Member
honestly, are you trolling or what? you're providing me with a link quoting the very same words i've proved to be false and have been forged and you expect me to take it as a serious thing? are you simply deluded or plain dishonest?

quoting from another site that mentions the city your link talks about

Its buildings are still intact, some of which are 15 ft. high.[4] And they are made out of mud, so you would think a nuclear weapon whose main destructive power is in the force of its blast wave would be able to topple a few mud-brick buildings. But moving on, what about these skeletons? Ancient Aliens makes it sound like a lot of skeletons were found when in fact only 37 were found. And not only do these 37 bodies show no signs of dying suddenly, the date of their deaths vary sometimes as much as a thousand years from one another.[5][6] None of the archeologists involved thought these skeletons suggested a sudden catastrophe. And to make matters worse for Ancient Aliens all of the bodies were buried![7] The idea that they were laying around in the streets isn’t true. In fact almost everything Ancient Aliens said about this is completely untrue. The fact that they didn’t die in the same instant and the fact that they were buried in the normal way explains why there were no signs of scavengers

let me tell you you are really pathetic. You're not interested in the truth, you're not interested in debating, you're here just to spread your lies and i think this should not be tolerated. I think i'll have a chat with a mod of this forum as soon as i figure out who is the one to contact.
You are a lost cause. TAta
Garbage website with no credibility.

A perfect example of the lies spread by the tinfoil hat wearing ancient alien producers.
Your usual pathetic anwer. Tata


Active Member
But why ?

And I still highly doubt a living being could travel millions of light years to reach us.

i personally won't completely reject the hipotesis. I mean there could be some scientific principle we can't yet grasp or imagine that would allow us to move at super-luminal speed.
back in the days nobody would ever think we would be able to cross the oceans.
also we have knowledge only of how life works here, maybe on other planets life evolved differently. maybe they have life spawn of thousands of years, or they can ibernate or they can download themselves in a computer and upload themselves in some empty body at the end of their travel or whatever would allow them to simply cross long distances.
it's more sci-fi than actual science but in theory things could be possible.
yet i don't think it's something that is really happening or that happened in the past because i see a total lack of evidences pointing in that direction. The absence of evidence is the evidence of the absence in my view.

My problems are of other nature:
- why would they for example reach us in the past, leave no trace and than disappear.
- why would they simply fly ufo, or kill cattle, or contact the military or kidnap people without apparently any care for hiding themselves and at the same time act so elousive?
- why would they go trough this high effort of crossing long distances only to remain in hiding?
- why they would contact for example the military ( always of the same nations, they always go to americans, never to afghani or congolese ) and not our top scientists?
all the narrative about aliense is hollywood kind of narrative wich works only when "suspension of disbelief" is put in place, just like in the movies.
all that narrative comes from people with no solid background that always have interest to speculate on that narrative, selling books, or making documentaries.
when that narrative is showed fraudolent those very people simply ignore it like they've never claimed anything about it and move on their way. If they were academic their career would be over at that point. look for example at those crap things about nibiru or about 2012 end of the world. None of that proved to be right. Yet i'm sure people spreading that kind of nonsense are still around spreading all other kind of nonsense. Think about the following guy, does he have an ounce of credibility whatsoever? i don't think so, yet he is always around


Active Member
You are a lost cause. TAta

Your usual pathetic anwer. Tata

how dishonest you are is shown by the fact that you can't even admit when you're caught being plain wrong. and as i predicted since you have no way to factually reply you'll simply dismiss us with no further explanation needed. You're the textbook definition of delusion and dishonesty


Your usual pathetic anwer.

We know you hate education because it keeps lies from becoming more well known.

In this case lies equal money, and tv shows, because they cannot be criticized or corrected. In here no one gets that luxury.

You make a mistake you will get called on it.


Active Member
We know you hate education because it keeps lies from becoming more well known.

In this case lies equal money, and tv shows, because they cannot be criticized or corrected. In here no one gets that luxury.

You make a mistake you will get called on it.
Wow and here I thought when I wrote two manuals for two different spheres , for inhouse training, that I was an educator. Being a Double-mini Trampoline and Tampoline coach of course does not qualify because teaching the gymnasts the basic of biokinetics and then the correct moves was not educating them.

Bah young man stop faffing. So far you have only succeeded in calling yourself out. I have no interest in those TV shows you keep harping about. Although I must admit Startrek and Stargate was excellent enterainment.

Stop these non-sensical attempts at trolling me. They only make me ROFL.