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What do you feel is wrong with Christianity

My biggest problem with Christianity is the Christians who in their narrow mindedness can not see the full scope of the freedom the Gift has to offer.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
My biggest problem with Christianity is that the Christian God does not meet the standards he sets forth.
Also, the Christian God tells his followers to disobey his own commandments.
You seem to have God figured out,could you show me where these occcur in scripture or are you just throwing out your personal feelings, it seems that is were much of your views come from.
The Condoning of Slavery by the Christian God seems a bit immoral
You need to show were God condoned slavery from scripture, otherwise your just spewing nonsense.

Then there is the whole setting man up to fail in order to justify his sending himself as his son to pay for the sins of man. Sins he allegedly knew man could not help but commit due to his 613+ commandments.
613 mitzvot, well that is another thread in itself, let's focus on the 10 commands that God gave to Moses on the Mountain and the 2 most important commands that Jesus was quoted as saying which the rest of the 10 commands hang from.

That's funny.... forget 613 laws ,man can't even ,or should I say, don't want to keep the 2 most important commands.
Mat 22:37Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
This is the first and great commandment.And the second [is] like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

When men start to take ownership and responsibility for their own actions, choices and beliefs, than we have something to talk about, but as long as man refuse to confront that and continually point the blames shift finger in the direction of God ,religion, Christianity ,jesus etc,that only seemingly makes them appear large amongst their peers, they are the fools and deceived in the end


Admiral Obvious
You seem to have God figured out,could you show me where these occcur in scripture or are you just throwing out your personal feelings, it seems that is were much of your views come from.
Perhaps if you were to read the Bible without your "special" glasses...
God says "thou shalt not Kill."
Then orders the deaths of Women, children, men, livestocks, and in at least one case, the trees.
You need to show were God condoned slavery from scripture, otherwise your just spewing nonsense.
The nonsense is coming from you, not me.

Would you be so kind as to explain how setting up rules and regulation concerning the treatment, taking and setting free of slaves is NOT condoning slavery?

613 mitzvot, well that is another thread in itself, let's focus on the 10 commands that God gave to Moses on the Mountain and the 2 most important commands that Jesus was quoted as saying which the rest of the 10 commands hang from.
Let us not change the focus from all the rules to just the ones you feel comfortable with.
If all you are going to do is try to straw man, then don't bother.

That's funny.... forget 613 laws ,man can't even ,or should I say, don't want to keep the 2 most important commands.
Mat 22:37Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
This is the first and great commandment.And the second [is] like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
And yet Christians tell us that God already knew this even before he came up with the original 613.
So either the Christian God set man up to fail, or the Christian God is not all knowing.

When men start to take ownership and responsibility for their own actions, choices and beliefs, than we have something to talk about, but as long as man refuse to confront that and continually point the blames shift finger in the direction of God ,religion, Christianity ,jesus etc,that only seemingly makes them appear large amongst their peers, they are the fools and deceived in the end

I agree.
The problem here is that Christians claim to be on the Moral High ground.
Yet they are the first ones to start throwing out the excuse "nobody is perfect" in one of its many forms. Usually followed by some form of "God forgives all sins"

God is Guilty of what God does.
Your refusal to let God take responsibility for His actions is problem you will have to deal with for yourself.


Premium Member
Jesus also said to "Do to others that as would want them to do to you"(the Golden Rule), He said to show mercy, and not to judge your brother. I don't see how that is immoral, either. Why are people using The Law (or Torah) to criticize Christians? That was the old covenant, Jesus was the New Covenant.


Admiral Obvious
Jesus also said to "Do to others that as would want them to do to you"(the Golden Rule), He said to show mercy, and not to judge your brother. I don't see how that is immoral, either. Why are people using The Law (or Torah) to criticize Christians? That was the old covenant, Jesus was the New Covenant.
If the God of the New Testament is not the same God of the Old Testament, then i will retract (meaning delete) my posts in this thread.


Liebe ist für alle da
Jesus also said to "Do to others that as would want them to do to you"(the Golden Rule), He said to show mercy, and not to judge your brother. I don't see how that is immoral, either. Why are people using The Law (or Torah) to criticize Christians? That was the old covenant, Jesus was the New Covenant.

If the God of the New Testament is not the same God of the Old Testament, then i will retract (meaning delete) my posts in this thread.

What I never got is that if the God of the OT and the NT are different Gods, or that the law of the OT do not apply to Christian, then why keep them or have then in the first place?


you don't seem to get the same willingness to refute or enter into argument here than other threads , the Muslims and lds are straight up to answer Christians seem a little wishy washy, when you criticize

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Christians seem a little wishy washy, when you criticize
We're used to it. People tell us WHAT we should believe. When we tell them how they are wrong and we actually believe something different we are accused of picking and choosing. It's to the point, that I don't even bother. People ask questions about what you believe only to tell you that you don't really believe it. It's tiresome and nothing but a troll. It's a double standard, but they seem to be OK with it.


Premium Member
We're used to it. People tell us WHAT we should believe. When we tell them how they are wrong and we actually believe something different we are accused of picking and choosing. It's to the point, that I don't even bother. People ask questions about what you believe only to tell you that you don't really believe it. It's tiresome and nothing but a troll. It's a double standard, but they seem to be OK with it.

Amen to that.


Premium Member
We Christians also believe we do not have to please men, but only to please God. Fortunately, sometimes when you please God, you can also please people, but that is not always the case.


Well-Known Member
Christianity is the belief that jesus christ our savior died for us upon the cross. We believe what the bible says, and we believe god created all. We know that there is an afterlife in heaven and hell. Christianity nothing is wrong with it.

Jesus DID NOT DIE on the cross, he cheated death, he arose from the dead and continued his existence. I had a friend sacrifice his life so others may live, that was a REAL sacrifice, he died, he did not rise from the grave and continue his life as this cheating Jesus did.

How can you KNOW there is an afterlife? You may believe it like you BELIEVE god created all, but you cannot say you KNOW there is an afterlife, no evidence has ever been presented that would support an afterlife.
This should be an equal oppurtunity forum. S.Z.(Muslim) who bowed out on 12-07 stated a thread What do you feel is wrong with Islam. I think it was a good point /counter thread. Einstein and Mfaraz Hayat among others really keep the thread going. Hopefully this will give the Christians a chance to answer some "misconceptions" about Christianity.
Anyone care to start?

Christianity = wishfull thinking, like most religions.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
It seems to me Christianity went wrong when it adopted the notion that Christ could be understood as logos. I think they adopted that notion in order to give power to the priests. But, whatever the reason they adopted it, the effect was to suck much of the spirituality from the religion.


Resident Liberal Hippie
"What do you feel is wrong with Christianity"

Literalism and intentional ignorance.
(Not all of Christianity, but those who seem to be of the vocal majority)

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
"What do you feel is wrong with Christianity"

Answer - People

Just like the old adage.

"What do you feel is wrong with computer networks"

Answer - Users

Jordan St. Francis

Well-Known Member
It seems to me Christianity went wrong when it adopted the notion that Christ could be understood as logos. I think they adopted that notion in order to give power to the priests. But, whatever the reason they adopted it, the effect was to suck much of the spirituality from the religion.

Interesting, and I could not disagree more.