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What do you feel is wrong with Islam?


Done here.
Nevertheless, we don't tolerate any insults for God or his Prophets and we take that very seriously.
Exactly. Many of you are also very quick to see and hear "insult" even when none is intended, and very prone to respond with violence.


Idiosyncratic Muslim
Hmmm, then why Saudi Arabia isn't striving to expand?

Nope they're too busy not letting women or religious minorities do anything. Plus all the states next to them are Muslim so there's no point.

But that isn't what the poster meant, he meant that most Islamic terrorist groups are Wahabbi-influenced or funded.

Check out the book "No god but God" by Reza Aslan. It's got a bit about how Wahabbis have hijacked the religion of Islam through funding religious schools, terrorist groups, media, etc. to fit their narrow view of Islam with Saudi Arabia's oil wealth.

Wahabbis are the main reason Islam is seen as such a backwards religion today.


Obstructor of justice
Nope they're too busy not letting women or religious minorities do anything. Plus all the states next to them are Muslim so there's no point.

But that isn't what the poster meant, he meant that most Islamic terrorist groups are Wahabbi-influenced or funded.

Check out the book "No god but God" by Reza Aslan. It's got a bit about how Wahabbis have hijacked the religion of Islam through funding religious schools, terrorist groups, media, etc. to fit their narrow view of Islam with Saudi Arabia's oil wealth.

Wahabbis are the main reason Islam is seen as such a backwards religion today.

Seems to me we have our own problem like this in the US with the Born Again Christians.
So, I suppose Islam and Christianity have something in common - they both have obnoxious political and religious extremists who make everyone else in the religion look bad. :)

Someone ought to get on National TV here in the States and say that..


To Save A Lamb
Nope they're too busy not letting women or religious minorities do anything. Plus all the states next to them are Muslim so there's no point.

But that isn't what the poster meant, he meant that most Islamic terrorist groups are Wahabbi-influenced or funded.

Check out the book "No god but God" by Reza Aslan. It's got a bit about how Wahabbis have hijacked the religion of Islam through funding religious schools, terrorist groups, media, etc. to fit their narrow view of Islam with Saudi Arabia's oil wealth.

Wahabbis are the main reason Islam is seen as such a backwards religion today.

And they're busy supporting other groups that are busy doing that, why dirty their own hands in it? Holding telethons for Hamas, give me a break. :cover:

My SO used to be a Wahabist from Saudi Arabia. He supported the Taleban and thought they were good Muslims helping people, terrorist supporter, absolutely disgusting. When he told me all that I was horrified and made him watch videos from RAWA about the Taleban abusing women, just spent hours basically going "NOOOOOOOOO, BAAAAAAAAD" while waving around a rolled up newspaper. ;) Years later, now he's an atheist who seems to be allergic to religion, but I'm sure he'll come to some sort of happy medium.


To Save A Lamb
Seems to me we have our own problem like this in the US with the Born Again Christians.
So, I suppose Islam and Christianity have something in common - they both have obnoxious political and religious extremists who make everyone else in the religion look bad. :)

Someone ought to get on National TV here in the States and say that..

We... do. :( Especially Reza Aslan. I've seen him on TV quite a bit, I even met him at my Uni.


Active Member
actually, there is a point i would like to raise... i hope it is ok.

i have read a number of the hadeeth, and am struck by the clarity of direction and good advice to Muslims (and all people) there. my question is, with such good advice, including directions on how to make salah, why were these utterings not made by Allah part of the Quran?

Ok ayani,

Muslims believe that God has all the wisdom.
so, in all my life, i did not ask my self this question. in islamic faith, obeying and walking in the prophet road is a major part of our faith.

God talk to some people by these words:

(3:66) Ah! Ye are those who fell to disputing (Even) in matters of which ye had some knowledge! but why dispute ye in matters of which ye have no knowledge? It is Allah Who knows, and ye who know not!

Why God didn't describe himself in Qura'n? Why God...?
We shouldn't ask ourselves these questions? because we are human? we are servants not friends of God. I hope what in my mind reaches you.

and don't forget! : "It is Allah Who knows, and ye who know not! "


Liebe ist für alle da
Why do muslims ,radicals or just devote ,I'm not sure if there is a difference,around the world ,center out and kill ,christian men women and children when the muslims in that particular region of the world are not at all threatened for their lives.So the excuse that it is for protection and self defense is immediately ruled out as a reason why.???

Ok, then why did a thousand or so years ago did Christian do the same things to Pagans and hunt Kill the if they weren't Christian and follow there why if there life weren't threatened.


Glass half Panda'd
Ok, then why did a thousand or so years ago did Christian do the same things to Pagans and hunt Kill the if they weren't Christian and follow there why if there life weren't threatened.

Why did Roman's sacrifice Christians in the colliseum?


Liebe ist für alle da
Why did Roman's sacrifice Christians in the colliseum?

I'd say that was more Empire Nero then any thing. He himself seemed to really hate Christian an used them as a scape goat. And his season my have been more of a political reason then a Religious one to being with.


Idiosyncratic Muslim
Seems to me we have our own problem like this in the US with the Born Again Christians.
So, I suppose Islam and Christianity have something in common - they both have obnoxious political and religious extremists who make everyone else in the religion look bad. :)

Someone ought to get on National TV here in the States and say that..

I've never thought about it that way, but it's shockingly true.

We... do. :( Especially Reza Aslan. I've seen him on TV quite a bit, I even met him at my Uni.

The thing is, being on TV isn't going to change anything. This:

Aslan: No it isn't

isn't going to make people change their minds.

Why did Roman's sacrifice Christians in the colliseum?

I think this raises an interesting point, at least in my head. Why is Islam portrayed as being spread by the sword (And implied it wouldn't have spread otherwise), when Islam started out as a small group of followers of Muhammad's teachings who were heavily persecuted by the Meccans? Like, being murdered, etc? It seems the West likes to focus on the Unislamic practices of later Muslim rulers and blame the entire religion of Islam, yet they never imply that by the Spanish Inquisition that Christianity is somehow an evil violent religion. Which it isn't.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
To mcteethinator and Popeyesays, this is some information about what people call today as Wahabism even though there is nothing as such and Mohammed bin abdul wahab himself didn't establish such a thing but his enemies used this name "wahabism"to accuse him of going astray of Islam.

Please read the followings to understand:

Sheikh Muhammad `Ali Al-Hanooti, member of the North American Fiqh Council, adds:

"Muhammad ibn `Abdul-Wahhab is a great scholar who wanted to wake people so that they would go back to the Qur’an and the Sunnah. He was reliable in his knowledge, devotion and methodology."

The Wahhabi Movement: History and Beliefs - IslamonLine.net - Ask The Scholar

I never imagined dear Popeyesays that you will accuse muslims of going astray of Islam and you have no idea of what you are talking about. Please do your readings to know the man before firing your accusations.


Done here.
Please read the followings to understand:

Sheikh Muhammad `Ali Al-Hanooti, member of the North American Fiqh Council, adds:

"Muhammad ibn `Abdul-Wahhab is a great scholar who wanted to wake people so that they would go back to the Qur’an and the Sunnah. He was reliable in his knowledge, devotion and methodology."
Al-Hanooti is a Wahhabi himself, so it's no big surprise that he admires Abd-al-Wahhab.


Done here.
Have you read what did Mohammed bin abdul wahab taught?
And what he did, too. He was a fundamentalist fanatic with a taste for blood and power, certainly not someone anybody ought to admire. When his followers were raping and murdering Shiites with his blessing, do you think that pleased your God?


Quran & Sunnah
actually, there is a point i would like to raise... i hope it is ok.

i have read a number of the hadeeth, and am struck by the clarity of direction and good advice to Muslims (and all people) there. my question is, with such good advice, including directions on how to make salah, why were these utterings not made by Allah part of the Quran?

Dear ayani -- the following article may help you understand the two main sources of the Islamic faith.

Why to Follow the Sunnah - IslamOnline.net - Living Sharia'h


Deviled Hen
And what he did, too. He was a fundamentalist fanatic with a taste for blood and power, certainly not someone anybody ought to admire. When his followers were raping and murdering Shiites with his blessing, do you think that pleased your God?

It sounds like you're been reading detractors as opposed to more objective scholarly works.

I've not run across any such comments about him from the objective sources.

Certainly he decried the Sufis for their belief that they were not bound the the ordinances of Islam, but that's hardly unique or bloody. Mystics frequently claim they are above such things as ordinances, and other religious leaders condemn the idea that anyone is above ordinances. So it goes.


Deviled Hen
Seems to me we have our own problem like this in the US with the Born Again Christians.
So, I suppose Islam and Christianity have something in common - they both have obnoxious political and religious extremists who make everyone else in the religion look bad. :)

Pretty much. It seems to happen to every religion in time.

Someone ought to get on National TV here in the States and say that..

Several of them have, Zogby among them.


Well-Known Member
Anti-Shi'ih activities by Sunni fundamentalists is just as old as anti-Sunni activity by Shi'ih followers. In the autobiography of Richard Francis Burton he discusses his trip in disguise to Meccah in the latter half of the nineteenth century. At one point he intended to pose as a Persian shi'ite on pilgrimage, but decided against it because the Shi'ite Persian pilgrims were so often beaten and robbed even killed while on pilgrimage by those he described as followers of Wahab.

The scholar himself who founded Wahabism seems to have had the best interests of Islam and the believers at heart. Unfortunately his pure motive was sullied by those who claimed they admired him most. Or at least made that claim to gain influence on others.

