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What do you feel is wrong with Islam?


Well-Known Member
Lots of militant congregations are in trouble with their own governments in all those countries you mention, Penguino. It's a police matter and it will probably end in blood. That's usually the price paid for insurrection.

There are lots of militant Hindus as well, including the Tamil population of Ceylon. Raising the banner of religion over a political cause is hypocrisy plain and simple. That is not the fault of the Messenger nor is it the fault of the Message.


Lots of militant congregations are in trouble with their own governments in all those countries you mention, Penguino. It's a police matter and it will probably end in blood. That's usually the price paid for insurrection.

There are lots of militant Hindus as well, including the Tamil population of Ceylon. Raising the banner of religion over a political cause is hypocrisy plain and simple. That is not the fault of the Messenger nor is it the fault of the Message.



Those Tamils want there own state, its nothing to do with religion!!!! Thats about 1000 militant hindus, there a billion of us.


Well-Known Member
I can recall very violent riots where Hindus tore down a Muslim Mosque and there were a lot of fatalities in the process as well.

Besides, those Tamils are no more observant Hindus than al-Qaida members are observant Muslims.

Politics is politics and hiding politics in religious enthusiasm is a reprehensible crime before God whomever perpetrates it.



Well-Known Member
Tamils were not fightingforreligion, theywere fighting for a state

Let me put it bluntly:

al-Qaeda is NOT fighting for religion they are fighting for a state.

yet you blame them for fighting for religion when that is not the case.

Try putting the shoe on the other foot for once.

Karma is balance is it not?



Deviled Hen
Those Tamils want there own state, its nothing to do with religion!!!! Thats about 1000 militant hindus, there a billion of us.

My husband went to school with a Tamil and we were friends, and while it doesn't seem to me like it was a religious matter, you know how it is -- there's a cultural divide between the Hindu Tamils and the Buddhist Sinhalese, and it will be cast as a "religious" issue just like the Troubles in Ireland were.


Idiosyncratic Muslim
Sorry if I sound rude, I don't mean to.

And I am aware this was pages back, but I didn't see anyone right away pointing this out.

Not that it is something "wrong"...... but what I feel is "weak" in the faith is the lack of unity and leadership.
How is this different to all the Christian denominations?

Shi'as, Sunnis and the rare non-denominational Muslims all go together in the same Mosque despite their differences. Can the same be said for all Christians?

The Koran itself is not enough to teach Islam (you need other Muslims to interpret it correctly) and there as sooooo many different opinions out there it seems hard for me to take ANY seriously.
Again, how is this different to all the Christian denominations, all the different Christian forms of thought (Arminianism, Calvanism are two that come to mind. They're completely opposed), etc.

I mean, look at Northern Ireland! Isn't that not showing unity between Catholics and Protestants?


Born Again,Spirit Filled
Hello, I am new here so I hope we will all get along.
The question pretty much says it. What do you feel is wrong with Islam?
You can ask any question, I will answer it politely.
Why do muslims ,radicals or just devote ,I'm not sure if there is a difference,around the world ,center out and kill ,christian men women and children when the muslims in that particular region of the world are not at all threatened for their lives.So the excuse that it is for protection and self defense is immediately ruled out as a reason why.???

As a christian I understand the spiritual dimesions behind it, that being light and darkness are constantly in opposition ,but I am interested in the phiolsophical logic behind these brutal attacks, or is it pure obedience to islam doctrine.

Do you agree with what they are doing ?

Are they simplying obeying the commands of the koran ,laid out by Muhammad, and if so, as a muslim you must either agree with what they are doing or are you in defiance of the Koran.

I will in the mean time look up some of the dogma of the koran that these radicals are using to justify their obedience to allah


actually, there is a point i would like to raise... i hope it is ok.

i have read a number of the hadeeth, and am struck by the clarity of direction and good advice to Muslims (and all people) there. my question is, with such good advice, including directions on how to make salah, why were these utterings not made by Allah part of the Quran?


Well-Known Member
The Hadith are tradition and the Quran is the direct word of God. One of the great disunities in Islam is the extent to which individuals credit hadit or do not.

As tradition the hadith rely on memory of the narrators, and eye witnesses rarely agree as to exact detail. I would surmise that in the creation of the hadith, since every effort was taken to record only that which was corroborated by other witnesses, that they have become somewhat homogenized.

That's the peril of oral tradition.

It's also the key problem to the verity of the Gospels which Muslims so often complain about in Christianity.

In short the Book is the Book, and infallible in its faithfulness to the word of God, and the hadith is recollection and reminiscence.



Glass half Panda'd
I hope that i'm not one of the kids you are referring to! :rolleyes:

By the way, can you please direct me to your question? Post number ...?

I didn't see this! I'm not really sure if you're one of the kid's I was talking about... Do you think you are? :confused:

:) Anyway, I'll repost my question here:

I dont believe that there is anything wrong with Islam - nor Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). However, My heart tells me that I am in the right place for me, as I assume that Islam feels right to you.

I think that a major flaw with the Muslim people, as well as Fundy-Anyone else, is that they never question their faith, or are open minded to other people's opinions about things.

Personal Note: In a smaller setting, this could work very well! If all Fundamentalist denominations and groups lived on a small island (each on their own) It wouldn't matter if other people were blaspheming in the name of their faith- simply because they would never see anyone else.

The issue now is that people MUST coexist in order to have peace in the world. Why should faith bring about war? I think if people questioned themselves a bit more often, that they'd see there's no reason to fight for an idea. (Unless, I think, the common people peacefully petition for freedom. People ultimately listen, even if it takes decades.)*

It's just an idea.

It's all a good idea.

But it's still a thought - a state of mind.

I dont see many Abrahamic people seeing this. (Aside from those on RF... naturally)

So my question is this: "Why do you not question your ideas?"

If you, personally, do, then congratuations! I believe you're one step closer to creating a peaceful world. This generation could be it!

I also believe that Muslims are pushy with conversion into their faith. It makes me feel uncomfortable. Maybe you could try an inviting approach. Instead of, "you should be Muslim" .... just a suggestion.
Let me put it bluntly:

al-Qaeda is NOT fighting for religion they are fighting for a state.

yet you blame them for fighting for religion when that is not the case.

Try putting the shoe on the other foot for once.

Karma is balance is it not?


Im not blaming islam, im saying that al-qaueda/taliban are fighting for it. You hear them, in their videos. Even in Lodnon, what about the portests? Cut of all non-believers heads, they dont want a state!


Well-Known Member
al-Qaea and particularly the Taliban are political parties. They only shout religious slogans to gain political power.

They are hypocrites. Do not believe their claims look at their actions.



Idiosyncratic Muslim
Why do muslims ,radicals or just devote ,I'm not sure if there is a difference,around the world ,center out and kill ,christian men women and children when the muslims in that particular region of the world are not at all threatened for their lives.So the excuse that it is for protection and self defense is immediately ruled out as a reason why.???

As a christian I understand the spiritual dimesions behind it, that being light and darkness are constantly in opposition ,but I am interested in the phiolsophical logic behind these brutal attacks, or is it pure obedience to islam doctrine.

Do you agree with what they are doing ?

Are they simplying obeying the commands of the koran ,laid out by Muhammad, and if so, as a muslim you must either agree with what they are doing or are you in defiance of the Koran.

I will in the mean time look up some of the dogma of the koran that these radicals are using to justify their obedience to allah

they are not obeying the rules.

"Let there be no compulsion in religion" is possibly my most favourite quote in the Qur'an.

"To our religion ours and to your religion yours" is also in there if I remember correctly.

Im not blaming islam, im saying that al-qaueda/taliban are fighting for it. You hear them, in their videos. Even in Lodnon, what about the portests? Cut of all non-believers heads, they dont want a state!

They are political parties. They want an extreme Islamist state founded on Wahabbi principles. Wikipedia told me so.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I didn't see this! I'm not really sure if you're one of the kid's I was talking about... Do you think you are?

lol. :D I don't think so.

I think that a major flaw with the Muslim people, as well as Fundy-Anyone else, is that they never question their faith, or are open minded to other people's opinions about things.

Well, it depends on how far this *opinion* goes. If it was a matter of a respected opinion then the Muslims have been open minded since ages and i have a very old examples from the history of the Muslims in the past and about their dialogues and debates with non-muslims and even with muslims who question their faith.

Nevertheless, we don't tolerate any insults for God or his Prophets and we take that very seriously.

But of course, i would be naive if i said that all the muslims question their faith or accept the opinions of the non-muslims always with open mind, but at least, most of the educated muslims have no problem with that, while some of the uneductaed might feel angry if they can't defend their faith.

The issue now is that people MUST coexist in order to have peace in the world. Why should faith bring about war? I think if people questioned themselves a bit more often, that they'd see there's no reason to fight for an idea. (Unless, I think, the common people peacefully petition for freedom. People ultimately listen, even if it takes decades.)*

It's just an idea.

It's all a good idea.

But it's still a thought - a state of mind.

I dont see many Abrahamic people seeing this. (Aside from those on RF... naturally)

I totally agree with you. :)

So my question is this: "Why do you not question your ideas?"

If you, personally, do, then congratuations! I believe you're one step closer to creating a peaceful world. This generation could be it!

I also believe that Muslims are pushy with conversion into their faith. It makes me feel uncomfortable. Maybe you could try an inviting approach. Instead of, "you should be Muslim" .... just a suggestion.

Hmmmm, actually, sometimes simple people don't get it. They just hear alot of good stuff and they want to spread it to the whole world because they will feel guilty maybe if they didn't. Most of those who want to convert others whethre they were muslims or christians are good people and want goodness for others. Nevertheless, sometimes they appear to be pushy because they need to see results instead of focusing in doing goodness for humanity.

I remember when i was young, of course i have that feeling that Islam is the right choice for every soul on this planet, and i was wondering if the others could see this light the way i see it. But when i grew up and read more about my religion, I found out that this wasn't the intention of God at all, he didn't say in the Quran go and convert all the people to Islam. No, God even went muth further than that and told Mohammed that he can't force people to be muslims or insist on converting those whom he love. Its all in the hand of God, because he mentioned in many verses in the Quran that if he wnats, he would make all of us one single nation, but its his own will in order to test us in what he has giving us.

Also, there is something very important you have to know. Those who were born as muslims might not feel how a non-muslim would feel toward the issue of conversion. I admit that i learnt alot when i came here and i saw how sensetive people are when someone invite them to his religion. So i investigated more into this issue and i found out that God doesn't need more muslims, but he wants us to live together in peace.


Well-Known Member
Well the average nazi soldier thought he was fighting because Poland had invaded Germany.

(See The Gleiwitz Incident: an attack on a German radio station staged by the nazi government to be evidence of Polish provocation as an excuse for invasion.)

al-Qaeda uses religion as the Nazi's used propaganda, a tool of state. Wahabism is to blame and Wahabism is contrary to Muhammed and His teachings.



Veteran Member
Premium Member
Well the average nazi soldier thought he was fighting because Poland had invaded Germany.

(See The Gleiwitz Incident: an attack on a German radio station staged by the nazi government to be evidence of Polish provocation as an excuse for invasion.)

al-Qaeda uses religion as the Nazi's used propaganda, a tool of state. Wahabism is to blame and Wahabism is contrary to Muhammed and His teachings.


Do you mean Nazi = Wahabism?

I'm a Wahabi, do you have a problem with that? :D lol.

Hmmm, so according to you, all what i know about Islam is contraray to what prophet Mohammed taught! interesting.


Well-Known Member
Wahabism promotes Islamic expansion at the expense of neighboring states. And Wahabism is usually the root belief of those movements which promote violent expansion.

Fascism was ostensibly a beneficent political philosophy in its day but jingoist nationalism is not a good thing in general.

I find Wahabism suspect, sorry.



Veteran Member
Premium Member
Wahabism promotes Islamic expansion at the expense of neighboring states. And Wahabism is usually the root belief of those movements which promote violent expansion.

Fascism was ostensibly a beneficent political philosophy in its day but jingoist nationalism is not a good thing in general.

I find Wahabism suspect, sorry.


Hmmm, then why Saudi Arabia isn't striving to expand?