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What do you feel is wrong with Islam?


On many occasions, TV screens show the hate-filled and contorted faces of 'Muslim' fundamentalists and their supporters screaming for Jihad(Holy War) and death and destruction not only for theUSAbut also for all Christians, Jews, Buddhists and Hindus, to name just a few.

'Muslims' are the only 'religious' group who demonstrate their anger and hate for all none believers by carrying their holy book, the Quran, in one hand, and guns, grenades or swords with the other.
Not true....Many killings before were done by the name of the christ..

And muslims are mainly treated unbiasly worldwide by the name of different other beliefs...

It happens!...and isn't relevant to Islam


They have methodically and insidiously used the mosques and the religious education of their children to spread their 'cult' of hate.
When did that happen????

I was educated in mosques, and never found any one teaching me anything other than PEACE as the first lesson!!

Peace is a basic islamic attitude!!


Intentionally Blank
I'm no smarter than you, nor more likely to be right than you..
Thank you. Then you should retract your assertion that you know this to be true, and rephraseit as your opinion--unless you want to demonstrate it's truth to us? btw, if you can't, how do you know it's true?

I'm right in my percepective...
How do you know?

And although I'm 100% sure about my beliefs, and you are 100% sure about yours, non of us can claim s/he is the right one...And I do realize that fact..
I'm not 100% sure of much, including your existence. I'm not 100% sure there is no God. If I ever made such an assertion, I would be prepared to back it up with solid evidence, logic, and argumentation. Are you?

It's all about perceptions
Thank you for acknowledging that. Now, instead of sounding like a pompous schmuck and turning everyone off to your religion, how about showing some humility and putting "In my perception" in front of your statement? Otherwise you would be lying, wouldn't you? And I thought you didn't want to do that?

I discuss your beliefs, and you discuss mine, and thats how life goes!
I might change my mind about what you believe in, so might you..
Well if you want to change mine, you need to bring forth some good, solid, evidence. Got any?

But at least, even if non of us changed, we gotta respect everyone's right to believe in whatever s/he wants, as well as respecting his/her beliefes no matter how much I accept them..
If you want me to respect your beliefs, then explain to me what they're based on and why that's deserving of respect. Mine are based on evidence and logic. You?

Thats just the rule!
So follow the rule, respect other people's beliefs, and don't state yours as if they were facts.
I'm no smarter than you, nor more likely to be right than you..

I'm right in my percepective...

And although I'm 100% sure about my beliefs, and you are 100% sure about yours, non of us can claim s/he is the right one...And I do realize that fact..

It's all about perceptions

I discuss your beliefs, and you discuss mine, and thats how life goes!
I might change my mind about what you believe in, so might you..

But at least, even if non of us changed, we gotta respect everyone's right to believe in whatever s/he wants, as well as respecting his/her beliefes no matter how much I accept them..

Thats just the rule!
On this I agree with you 100%. I have not doubt that you believe with everything you are. I respect your right to do this even though I believe differently.
So can we just agree to disagree?
I also leave the door open for you to change my mind if possible.:rolleyes:


How do you know?

Well, thats why I said it's all a matter of perception

I'm not 100% sure of much, including your existence. I'm not 100% sure there is no God. If I ever made such an assertion, I would be prepared to back it up with solid evidence, logic, and argumentation. Are you?
Sure I'm...

Thank you for acknowledging that. Now, instead of sounding like a pompous schmuck and turning everyone off to your religion, how about showing some humility and putting "In my perception" in front of your statement? Otherwise you would be lying, wouldn't you? And I thought you didn't want to do that?
Well, I thought in debates, everyone speaks about his own perceptions..

So when I state any of my beliefs, then it's by default, my perception!

Well if you want to change mine, you need to bring forth some good, solid, evidence. Got any?
Yeah sure!

If you want me to respect your beliefs, then explain to me what they're based on and why that's deserving of respect. Mine are based on evidence and logic. You?
Mine are based on logic too

So follow the rule, respect other people's beliefs, and don't state yours as if they were facts.
Thanks for the advice..
Although I don't speak as if they were facts..

(Sorry, gotta go...I have exams to care about now)


On this I agree with you 100%. I have not doubt that you believe with everything you are. I respect your right to do this even though I believe differently.
So can we just agree to disagree?
I also leave the door open for you to change my mind if possible.:rolleyes:
Thanks alot...So do I..


Well-Known Member
As to those who clamor for death and violence and wrap themselves in the robes of clergy for authority; they damn themselves with their own mouths.

"If administrators of the law would take into consideration 158 the spiritual consequences of their decisions, and follow the guidance of religion, 'They would be Divine agents in the world of action, the representatives of God for those who are on earth, and they would defend, for the love of God, the interests of His servants as they would defend their own'. If a governor realizes his responsibility, and fears to defy the Divine Law, his judgments will be just. Above all, if he believes that the consequences of his actions will follow him beyond his earthly life, and that 'as he sows so must he reap', such a man will surely avoid injustice and tyranny.

Should an official, on the contrary, think that all responsibility for his actions must end with his earthly life, knowing and believing nothing of Divine favours and a spiritual kingdom of joy, he will lack the incentive to just dealing, and the inspiration to destroy oppression and unrighteousness.

When a ruler knows that his judgments will be weighed in a balance by the Divine Judge, and that if he be not found wanting he will come into the Celestial Kingdom and that the light of the Heavenly Bounty will shine upon him, then will he surely act with justice and equity. Behold how important it is that Ministers of State should be enlightened by religion!

With political questions the clergy, however, have nothing to do! Religious matters should not be confused with politics in the present state of the world (for their interests are not identical).

Religion concerns matters of the heart, of the spirit, and of morals.

Politics are occupied with the material things of life. Religious teachers should not invade the realm of politics; they should concern themselves with the spiritual education of the people; they should ever give good counsel to men, trying to serve God and human kind; they should endeavour to awaken spiritual aspiration, and strive to enlarge the understanding and knowledge of humanity, to improve morals, and to increase the love for justice.

This is in accordance with the Teaching of Bahá'u'lláh. In the Gospel also it is written, 'Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things which are God's'."

(Abdu'l-Baha, Paris Talks, p. 157)



Bodhisattva in Recovery
Cause when he revert he can parctice it as it was brought down! I didnt say all muslims are bad, and all muslims are not following Islam.
Gotcha. So, it doesn't include Muslims who just happen to believe as you do. That is a teeny bit hollow and not an especially good show of "logic". Am I reading it correctly that you now claim to be following Islam perfectly as "brought down" by the Prophet and his companions? Oddly, I don't believe you.

And what you say means you judge Islam by the acts of muslims.
How silly of me to observe a group of people and rationalize the merits of their belief system. I keep forgetting that I am NOT supposed to look at the adherents of a religion as living examples of the effects of given belief structures has on the individual. How sad is that?

Well, thats the issue I'm talking about...The Islam being not practiced correctly, doesn't deny the fact that Islam is still there...
Now who is the one judging other Muslims? Just by the fact that you consider some Muslims to not "practice (Islam) correctly" would tend to make me think that you are falling into the same "trap" that you assert that I am falling into. Indeed, Islam is still there, but one can only hope the camel dies before it gets much stronger, lest we all get crushed under its demented weight.

As I mentioned before, heaven and hell are also there for muslims!...to those who either follow islam as it was brought down, and to those who mutated islam so that to follow their own desires, passions, needs, etc..
Am I to conclude that you are saying that ultimately speaking you believe the same things? How, exactly, does that help your position in that discussion. In theory, one would try distancing one's self from the rabble, not blur the lines completely. And Muslims ask us what is wrong with Islam, lol.

You are an atheist, so it would have been more logical if you adressed your problems to monothiesm concept, or what so ever that is related to our beliefs, not acts.
Thanks for the illogical advice, but I am doing just fine, thanks just the same.

PS: I believe very strongly in "god", dear notEinstein, it is just my definition is unlike anything found in the religions of the human animal. I do not need a little book to tell me about what I already behold and that alone puts me in a position of being able to critique any and all religions as I deem fit.

Well, yeah, it's our personal opinion, or personal beliefs ..
So what?!
However, Muslims in general, have a tendency to go well beyond that logic "line in the sand" and openly state that their words MIRROR the words of "god" as given in the "Noble" Qur'an. That is just not cricket. Prudence dictates that one be aware, at all times, that they can ONLY speak from their direct experience otherwise their comments are simply conjecture. In a nutshell, that is what is so terribly wrong with the usual Muslim debating technique. You are taught that your position is one of great authority without focusing on the simple fact that that so-called authority is not recognized as such by anyone outside your circle of beliefs.

...Every one believes in whatever he likes, and people should argue him for that...
I rather doubt that a child growing up in a predominanty Muslim country has much choice about what they believe, especially when the belief set is pounded into their brains from their earliest years. It is little more that hypgnosis really.

But instead, you are just judging acts, which is not fair, cuz acts usually are under the influence of too many factors..And I claim religion could be of the least effect sometimes!
You can claim whatever you like however that does not mean you are correct. Religion represent what I call "core beliefs" and as such have a nasty way of infiltrating every aspects of the individual's worldview. It is patently absurd to minimize the impact of religious beliefs on the believer. If it makes you feel better I think the same way in regards to ALL other religions as well, including my beloved Buddhism and Hinduism. External factors are simply like kerosene poured on an already burning fire. I rather suspect you would not like to admit that.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
We are not stating our opinion because too simply it is the truth. Whether you believe it or not the Quran is the word of God. Do you want us to lie in order to please you? that's just impossible and never will happen.
You only succeed in convincing me that you will never, ever entertain the idea that you may be wrong. In my mind, this is where Muslims cross that line in the sand between reason and fanaticism. The fanatic, never for a single moment, doubts their actions, whereas the person ensconced in reason continually measures their doubt. In my books, doubt is always a FAR better measure of mental health and stability than is utter conviction and indisputable certainty. Certainty is the birthplace of unmitigated arrogance and specious claims based on nothing more than wishful thinking.


Well-Known Member
You only succeed in convincing me that you will never, ever entertain the idea that you may be wrong. In my mind, this is where Muslims cross that line in the sand between reason and fanaticism. The fanatic, never for a single moment, doubts their actions, whereas the person ensconced in reason continually measures their doubt. In my books, doubt is always a FAR better measure of mental health and stability than is utter conviction and indisputable certainty. Certainty is the birthplace of unmitigated arrogance and specious claims based on nothing more than wishful thinking.

To never doubt anything is the definition of a closed mind.

A closed mind truly believes nothing, it is just ignoring itself.

IN a couple of years, according to the system, hinduism will be the, i hate the world so im gonna blow it up religion, then the media will hate us. :D

I think muslims are facing a lot of biased, but there is fault within the people too, but a LOT of bias.


Well-Known Member
You only succeed in convincing me that you will never, ever entertain the idea that you may be wrong. In my mind, this is where Muslims cross that line in the sand between reason and fanaticism. The fanatic, never for a single moment, doubts their actions, whereas the person ensconced in reason continually measures their doubt. In my books, doubt is always a FAR better measure of mental health and stability than is utter conviction and indisputable certainty. Certainty is the birthplace of unmitigated arrogance and specious claims based on nothing more than wishful thinking.
To question and to reason is the stage that precedes belief. Holding a certain belief lasts as long as there aren't reasons or bases call for doubting it.
whereas the person ensconced in reason continually measures their doubt. In my books, doubt is always a FAR better measure of mental health and stability than is utter conviction and indisputable certainty.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
To question and to reason is the stage that precedes belief. Holding a certain belief lasts as long as there aren't reasons or bases call for doubting it.
You make it sound as if some beliefs CAN never change. I would boldy suggest even your deep seated belief in Allah will eventually give way to reality. In my humble opinion, one can only ignore reality for awhile as it has a tendency to smack one up the back of the head, so that one begins paying attention very closely.
Such is the response I have grown to expect from you, my love.


Gotcha. So, it doesn't include Muslims who just happen to believe as you do. That is a teeny bit hollow and not an especially good show of "logic". Am I reading it correctly that you now claim to be following Islam perfectly as "brought down" by the Prophet and his companions? Oddly, I don't believe you.
You know what?...it's just weird how you are the only one in RF whom sarcastic posts never annoyes me!

Lets talk more logical....Everyone claims to be right..

And if you don't accept me as a true muslim, then why are you even debating me?!

How silly of me to observe a group of people and rationalize the merits of their belief system. I keep forgetting that I am NOT supposed to look at the adherents of a religion as living examples of the effects of given belief structures has on the individual. How sad is that?
You know whats your problem?...You don't believe in perceptions..

I can't claim the moon is small just because it looks so from the earth..
Claiming so actually doesn't deny the fact that the moon is big!

So is claiming that Islam is awful just because it looks so from the acts of its followers..

See?...turnes out to be really silly that way!

Now who is the one judging other Muslims? Just by the fact that you consider some Muslims to not "practice (Islam) correctly" would tend to make me think that you are falling into the same "trap" that you assert that I am falling into.
Nop...I have the right to judge, cuz I KNOW what Islam is..
While you don't have that right, cuz you just know islam from its followers

Am I to conclude that you are saying that ultimately speaking you believe the same things? How, exactly, does that help your position in that discussion
What are you trying to say?:sarcastic...that doesn't make any sense!
I was just proving a point...That being a muslim in official papers, doesn't mean I'm really a muslim..

Thanks for the illogical advice, but I am doing just fine, thanks just the same.
At least, you could have tried thinking before publishing that!
Dude, I'm telling you to become more logical!

PS: I believe very strongly in "god", dear notEinstein, it is just my definition is unlike anything found in the religions of the human animal. I do not need a little book to tell me about what I already behold and that alone puts me in a position of being able to critique any and all religions as I deem fit.
Dear YmirGF...I would really like to know what your beliefs are all about someday..
Just to give us the chance judging you sometime!

However, Muslims in general, have a tendency to go well beyond that logic "line in the sand" and openly state that their words MIRROR the words of "god" as given in the "Noble" Qur'an. That is just not cricket. Prudence dictates that one be aware, at all times, that they can ONLY speak from their direct experience otherwise their comments are simply conjecture. In a nutshell, that is what is so terribly wrong with the usual Muslim debating technique. You are taught that your position is one of great authority without focusing on the simple fact that that so-called authority is not recognized as such by anyone outside your circle of beliefs.
Haven't noticed that so far...

I never quote from Quran as an evidence to prove the Quran itself!

Please, tell me if when I did so..

I rather doubt that a child growing up in a predominanty Muslim country has much choice about what they believe, especially when the belief set is pounded into their brains from their earliest years. It is little more that hypgnosis really.
This is an issue for any belief, and is irrelevant to Islam..

However God gave me a brain to use...Whenever I found that Islam isn't the truth (and so far, it's very unlikely to me), I will come here to RF, start a thread titled "Hey guys, I'm not a muslim anymore"...And believe me, nothing will prevent me!

Hope you are just as normal as me!...Cuz honestly, I just discover every time I debate you that you didn't change a bit!

You can claim whatever you like however that does not mean you are correct. Religion represent what I call "core beliefs" and as such have a nasty way of infiltrating every aspects of the individual's worldview. It is patently absurd to minimize the impact of religious beliefs on the believer. If it makes you feel better I think the same way in regards to ALL other religions as well, including my beloved Buddhism and Hinduism. External factors are simply like kerosene poured on an already burning fire. I rather suspect you would not like to admit that.
You can claim whatever you like, however, that doesn't mean you are correct..

Popeysays said:
To never doubt anything is the definition of a closed mind.

A closed mind truly believes nothing, it is just ignoring itself.

Thanks Scott...A wise one :)


Bodhisattva in Recovery
You know what?...it's just weird how you are the only one in RF whom sarcastic posts never annoyes me!
I would suppose it is because my posts are not designed to annoy, but rather to make one think, however unlikely that prospect may be.

Lets talk more logical....Everyone claims to be right..
Wrong-o, as I NEVER claim to be "right". Your assumption falls flat on its face on that account alone and simply reveals your thinking to be based on suppositions rather than facts. In this light, your appeal to so-called "logic" is simply fallictatious musing.

And if you don't accept me as a true muslim, then why are you even debating me?!
I am not particularly interested in debate, but rather am keen on dialogue.

You know whats your problem?...You don't believe in perceptions..

I can't claim the moon is small just because it looks so from the earth..
Claiming so actually doesn't deny the fact that the moon is big!

So is claiming that Islam is awful just because it looks so from the acts of its followers..

See?...turnes out to be really silly that way!
I understand what you are blathering on about however that is a pretty poor analogy and a simplistic use of "logic". I am, however, puzzled that you would think that I don't believe in perceptions, lol. I have studied the nature of perception far longer than you have graced our small planet with your esteemed presence and understand far more about the nature of perception than you might presently suspect.

Nop...I have the right to judge, cuz I KNOW what Islam is..
While you don't have that right, cuz you just know islam from its followers
Not so. I have studied the deep meaty bits of Islamic theology and the life of the "prophet" in considerable detail. I am not especially impressed with the assertion found therein and therefore look at the followers of said assertions and consider the effect that said assertions have on the follower. Frankly, I hardly perceive pillars of righteousness, as one might expect. They seem to be sad, frail, little people, just like unbelievers, so much so, as to make the whole of Islamic thought to be relatively meaningless.

What are you trying to say?:sarcastic...that doesn't make any sense!
I was just proving a point...That being a muslim in official papers, doesn't mean I'm really a muslim..
Oddly, you seek to clarify, but rather, end up muddying the whole thing. So... are you a "true" Muslim or are you just a pretend Muslim? Obviously you will likely claim to be a "true" Muslim, but on the other hand, I would expect Osama Bin Hidin' to say the same thing. As you say, it is all in perception, or in the mind of the beholder.

At least, you could have tried thinking before publishing that! Dude, I'm telling you to become more logical!
You might want to take your own advice and you might want to try to digest what I am saying before you post your own retorts. I am curious, how exactly, am I not being perfectly logical? I am dying to hear this one.

Dear YmirGF...I would really like to know what your beliefs are all about someday. Just to give us the chance judging you sometime!
Anytime, my good fellow. I have already done so with other Muslims in the past and am always looking for ways to chat about my own vision of reality that, in my view, is head and shoulders beyond the thinking of other human animals to date. I should caution you that though they disagreed with some points, as was expected, no one was able to poke holes in my logic -- in the slightest. You are welcome to start a thread if you are really interested and I will come to play.

Haven't noticed that so far...
Perhaps you cannot see the forest for all the trees, blocking your view.

I never quote from Quran as an evidence to prove the Quran itself!
Admitedly that is rare among Muslims.

Please, tell me if when I did so..
If memory serves me correctly, you are right, I have not heard you do so, hence my comment "Muslims in general". So, please, try to keep my comments in context. If I am directly talking about you, I am certain you will understand.

This is an issue for any belief, and is irrelevant to Islam..
Logically speaking, if this is an issue with any belief (system) then it is ludicrous to say it is irrelevant to Islam. In theory, logically speaking, Islam seen as a belief system would fall directly within the cross-hairs of my comment.

However God gave me a brain to use...Whenever I found that Islam isn't the truth (and so far, it's very unlikely to me), I will come here to RF, start a thread titled "Hey guys, I'm not a muslim anymore"...And believe me, nothing will prevent me!
I will be the first to applaud your awakening to reality. Count on it! Heck, I'll probably give you a minty fresh fruball, as well.

Hope you are just as normal as me!...Cuz honestly, I just discover every time I debate you that you didn't change a bit!
Hehe. The reason for that is difficult to explain but I will tell you there is a very good reason. Part of the reason is that the explanations of Muslims are little more than hot air.

You can claim whatever you like, however, that doesn't mean you are correct..
And my dad is bigger than your dad, so there! LOL.

Thanks Scott...A wise one :)
I wouldn't want to speak for Popeyesays, but I read it to be in agreement with my comments. What say you, Scotty?


Well-Known Member
Well, Ymir--a fine mind is not to be wasted.

i have arrived at this point in my life by doubting copiously. Some of those doubts were well-founded others vanished completely.

My comment was to Abu Khalid's post.



I would suppose it is because my posts are not designed to annoy, but rather to make one think, however unlikely that prospect may be.
mmm...Good then!

Wrong-o, as I NEVER claim to be "right". Your assumption falls flat on its face on that account alone and simply reveals your thinking to be based on suppositions rather than facts. In this light, your appeal to so-called "logic" is simply fallictatious musing.
So, you don't think you are right?...then what are you trying to convince me with?
I never claimed to be ultimatly right, but "in my perception" I'm right..!

I am not particularly interested in debate, but rather am keen on dialogue.
Aha...Ok then, why are you keeping a dialogue with me while not thinking I'm a true muslim?!

I understand what you are blathering on about however that is a pretty poor analogy and a simplistic use of "logic". I am, however, puzzled that you would think that I don't believe in perceptions, lol. I have studied the nature of perception far longer than you have graced our small planet with your esteemed presence and understand far more about the nature of perception than you might presently suspect.
So?...I didn't underestimate your knowledge, and I swear I do respect you the most...But you still didn't give a sufficient answer:sarcastic

Not so. I have studied the deep meaty bits of Islamic theology and the life of the "prophet" in considerable detail.
And why not talking about that instead of bombers and driving licenses?!

I am not especially impressed with the assertion found therein and therefore look at the followers of said assertions and consider the effect that said assertions have on the follower. Frankly, I hardly perceive pillars of righteousness, as one might expect. They seem to be sad, frail, little people, just like unbelievers, so much so, as to make the whole of Islamic thought to be relatively meaningless.
Statistically speaking, your judge isn't fair, since your template doesn't give accurate results..

If you wanna study the effect of Islamic teachings on people, you gotta check out the entire history of islam...Thats one

Second, you gotta ensure that Islam is the only factor affecting your template

Third, you need to compare your template with an exact same one without Islam being an affecting factor..

See?...It's not simple as it might seem!

Oddly, you seek to clarify, but rather, end up muddying the whole thing. So... are you a "true" Muslim or are you just a pretend Muslim? Obviously you will likely claim to be a "true" Muslim, but on the other hand, I would expect Osama Bin Hidin' to say the same thing. As you say, it is all in perception, or in the mind of the beholder.
Yeah...Both of us would claim to be true muslims (although I think I'm a sinful person, but I'm talking about beliefs though)..
So?...whom you gonna believe?...me or him?!

You might want to take your own advice and you might want to try to digest what I am saying before you post your own retorts. I am curious, how exactly, am I not being perfectly logical? I am dying to hear this one.
check above ^^^

Anytime, my good fellow. I have already done so with other Muslims in the past and am always looking for ways to chat about my own vision of reality that, in my view, is head and shoulders beyond the thinking of other human animals to date. I should caution you that though they disagreed with some points, as was expected, no one was able to poke holes in my logic -- in the slightest. You are welcome to start a thread if you are really interested and I will come to play.
Believe me, it's in my interests...And that would be a periority of mine once I finish my final exams..

If memory serves me correctly, you are right, I have not heard you do so, hence my comment "Muslims in general". So, please, try to keep my comments in context. If I am directly talking about you, I am certain you will understand.
First, I actually thought you ment me...thats my fault..
Second, you are debating me, so judging the debating skills of muslims (without me) doesn't work out here!

Logically speaking, if this is an issue with any belief (system) then it is ludicrous to say it is irrelevant to Islam. In theory, logically speaking, Islam seen as a belief system would fall directly within the cross-hairs of my comment.
So?...still doesn't make it relevant!

It's relevant to any belief system, and not just Islam...so it's not only relevant to islam..

I will be the first to applaud your awakening to reality. Count on it! Heck, I'll probably give you a minty fresh fruball, as well.
Thanks...and expect the same from me!

Hehe. The reason for that is difficult to explain but I will tell you there is a very good reason. Part of the reason is that the explanations of Muslims are little more than hot air.
okey...it could be true....So, can we just start from scratch?

And my dad is bigger than your dad, so there! LOL.
I wouldn't want to speak for Popeyesays, but I read it to be in agreement with my comments. What say you, Scotty?
It was a wise sentence that I agree with...and never went against my beliefs!


Usually I dont respect sarcastic posts...sorry, won't reply those!

Thats weird, cuz we all learned the Quran and hadith, and memorized them, yet, we are not violent at all!

You're talking about 0.1% of the muslim world who missunderstood them!!

sarcastic me ? where? and i didnt expect a response


Active Member
The "halal" and eating habits of the Islam is totally violent; Muslims let the animals bleed to death slowly before eating; only a violent and cold blooded religion has such requirements for food they eat


The "halal" and eating habits of the Islam is totally violent; Muslims let the animals bleed to death slowly before eating; only a violent and cold blooded religion has such requirements for food they eat
Well, slaughtering is the least painful method to kill animals..

If you noticed, alternative methods include hanging, electric shocking, and beating till death!

While in Islamic traditions, we have to cut all the viens in the neck in the same time so that to decrease the time in pain..
Plus this is an advenatge cuz the blood which flows out usually is the "bad" one (I'm weak in medical terminolgy..sorry!)
Otherwise, the blood will stop circulating in the body, which isn't that healthy for the meat I guess!