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What do you feel is wrong with Islam?

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Is it true that Palestine syria and iran have sworn to push israel into the sea,i israel has commited many wrongs ie the west bank situation etc but the hatred of the jews goes back to the qur'an and what is written about them.
For example why are muslim workers destroying the second wall of solomons temple ,is it because the temple was there first and its done out of spite like building a mosque on the mount where the temple stood.
For a peaceful religion it certainly knows how to weild hatred,in the middle ages in Britain and Europe we persicuted the jews and obviously in ww2 the Germans did the same but if islam wants to go forward and prosper it is my opinion that it must change.
If Europe had'nt changed the middle east would have many more dead than it has as there would still be crusaders but we have changed since those days why can't islam.


Well-Known Member
Is it true that Palestine syria and iran have sworn to push israel into the sea,i israel has commited many wrongs ie the west bank situation etc but the hatred of the jews goes back to the qur'an and what is written about them.
For example why are muslim workers destroying the second wall of solomons temple ,is it because the temple was there first and its done out of spite like building a mosque on the mount where the temple stood.
For a peaceful religion it certainly knows how to weild hatred,in the middle ages in Britain and Europe we persicuted the jews and obviously in ww2 the Germans did the same but if islam wants to go forward and prosper it is my opinion that it must change.
If Europe had'nt changed the middle east would have many more dead than it has as there would still be crusaders but we have changed since those days why can't islam.

You don't know much about it for sure.

IT was the ROmans who threw the Jews out of Israel and Judea, about 70 AD, That Diaspora (look it up--Diaspora is the word used to the great banishment of the Jews).
It was the ROmans who tore down the Temple. There were small numbers of Jews who managed to hide and lived there still, but it was like the Cherokee who held back from the forced migration to Indian Territories.

For several centuries it was Roman authority that kept them from going back. When the Muslim Conquest came, Jerusalem admitted the commander of the army to enter the city and requested him to keep the army out. He did that and Jerusalem came under the protection of Islam.

For centuries Jerusalem prospered. The Grand Mosque built in Jerusalem is built on a site holy to Islam. It is the place where Muhammed set His feet on The Journey of a SIngle Night (you can look that up too).

When the Crusaders came they took Jerusalem by flame and sword and executed large numbers of the Christians who had collaborated with them along with most of the Muslim garrison.

In the third and fourth decades of the 1830's when Israel was a Turkish territory, the SUltan of Turkey (Caliph of Islam) signed a Toleration Decreee that allowed Jews to return.

At the end of the First World War General Allenby finished the conquest of Palestine and the end of Turkish rule.

Jews had been promised that Britain would assist the repatriation of European Jews (The Balfour Agreement), but Muslim backlash to Jewish settlement caused the government of Great Britain to renig on the deal. Oil had pretty well replaced coal as the fuel of the British fleet and the Brits declined annoying the Saudi's who were sitting on the largest known oil reserve in the world.

Between the wars Jews continually risked making the transit to Palestine in dribbles, the British intercepted most of these "Jewish wetbacks" and returned them to Europe.

By the end of the Second World War the British were pressured into giving up their mandate on Palestine and the UN worked out a plan to partition Palestine into a state for Israel and a state for the Palestinians.

When that partition went into effect The Egyptians and Syrians (plus Iraqis and Morrocans and the newly formed army of Jordan) attacked the new state of Israel which had to hang on by its fingernails since the British refused to let them arm themselves until the Israeli independence day.

There's lots of rancor in the former Palestine, the willfully ignorant diatribe presented above is no help to the situation.



You don't know much about it for sure.

IT was the ROmans who threw the Jews out of Israel and Judea, about 70 AD, That Diaspora (look it up--Diaspora is the word used to the great banishment of the Jews).
It was the ROmans who tore down the Temple. There were small numbers of Jews who managed to hide and lived there still, but it was like the Cherokee who held back from the forced migration to Indian Territories.

For several centuries it was Roman authority that kept them from going back. When the Muslim Conquest came, Jerusalem admitted the commander of the army to enter the city and requested him to keep the army out. He did that and Jerusalem came under the protection of Islam.

For centuries Jerusalem prospered. The Grand Mosque built in Jerusalem is built on a site holy to Islam. It is the place where Muhammed set His feet on The Journey of a SIngle Night (you can look that up too).

When the Crusaders came they took Jerusalem by flame and sword and executed large numbers of the Christians who had collaborated with them along with most of the Muslim garrison.

In the third and fourth decades of the 1830's when Israel was a Turkish territory, the SUltan of Turkey (Caliph of Islam) signed a Toleration Decreee that allowed Jews to return.

At the end of the First World War General Allenby finished the conquest of Palestine and the end of Turkish rule.

Jews had been promised that Britain would assist the repatriation of European Jews (The Balfour Agreement), but Muslim backlash to Jewish settlement caused the government of Great Britain to renig on the deal. Oil had pretty well replaced coal as the fuel of the British fleet and the Brits declined annoying the Saudi's who were sitting on the largest known oil reserve in the world.

Between the wars Jews continually risked making the transit to Palestine in dribbles, the British intercepted most of these "Jewish wetbacks" and returned them to Europe.

By the end of the Second World War the British were pressured into giving up their mandate on Palestine and the UN worked out a plan to partition Palestine into a state for Israel and a state for the Palestinians.

When that partition went into effect The Egyptians and Syrians (plus Iraqis and Morrocans and the newly formed army of Jordan) attacked the new state of Israel which had to hang on by its fingernails since the British refused to let them arm themselves until the Israeli independence day.

There's lots of rancor in the former Palestine, the willfully ignorant diatribe presented above is no help to the situation.

Nice detailing Scott :)

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
You don't know much about it for sure.

IT was the ROmans who threw the Jews out of Israel and Judea, about 70 AD, That Diaspora (look it up--Diaspora is the word used to the great banishment of the Jews).
It was the ROmans who tore down the Temple. There were small numbers of Jews who managed to hide and lived there still, but it was like the Cherokee who held back from the forced migration to Indian Territories.

For several centuries it was Roman authority that kept them from going back. When the Muslim Conquest came, Jerusalem admitted the commander of the army to enter the city and requested him to keep the army out. He did that and Jerusalem came under the protection of Islam.

For centuries Jerusalem prospered. The Grand Mosque built in Jerusalem is built on a site holy to Islam. It is the place where Muhammed set His feet on The Journey of a SIngle Night (you can look that up too).

When the Crusaders came they took Jerusalem by flame and sword and executed large numbers of the Christians who had collaborated with them along with most of the Muslim garrison.

In the third and fourth decades of the 1830's when Israel was a Turkish territory, the SUltan of Turkey (Caliph of Islam) signed a Toleration Decreee that allowed Jews to return.

At the end of the First World War General Allenby finished the conquest of Palestine and the end of Turkish rule.

Jews had been promised that Britain would assist the repatriation of European Jews (The Balfour Agreement), but Muslim backlash to Jewish settlement caused the government of Great Britain to renig on the deal. Oil had pretty well replaced coal as the fuel of the British fleet and the Brits declined annoying the Saudi's who were sitting on the largest known oil reserve in the world.

Between the wars Jews continually risked making the transit to Palestine in dribbles, the British intercepted most of these "Jewish wetbacks" and returned them to Europe.

By the end of the Second World War the British were pressured into giving up their mandate on Palestine and the UN worked out a plan to partition Palestine into a state for Israel and a state for the Palestinians.

When that partition went into effect The Egyptians and Syrians (plus Iraqis and Morrocans and the newly formed army of Jordan) attacked the new state of Israel which had to hang on by its fingernails since the British refused to let them arm themselves until the Israeli independence day.

There's lots of rancor in the former Palestine, the willfully ignorant diatribe presented above is no help to the situation.


Yes i am aware about the romans etc but is'nt it true that iran,syria,palestine have vowed to push israel into the sea and are these islamic countries.
I am aware aswell of Britains part of the sorry business of palestine but that was then
this is now and this thread is about islam and the things happening in the middle east and elsewhere are, in my opinion what is wrong with islam.


Bismillah-hir-Rehman-ir-Rahim (In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful)
Please post your questions or misconceptions you have about Islam. I will Inshallah (which means hopefully) try to clarify. You can also try to prove to me a single thing in Islam which is bad. A single thing. I am just asking for one.

I don't know anything about Islam, there's so much I have too learn in The Bible that I haven't the time nor want to learn about other religions, and I've been reading the Bible for years.
I don't know anything about Islam, there's so much I have too learn in The Bible that I haven't the time nor want to learn about other religions, and I've been reading the Bible for years.
I don't think many Muslims read the Bible because their Holy book tells them it has been corrupted. They "believe" in a lot of the same characters in a more condensed "edited" version inside the Quran. A lot of the most important points are polar opposites. Their main character is Muhammed. Christians follow Jesus Christ, the new and old testaments. Some of the Jew's main characters are Abraham, Moses, and David. Muslims don't talk about David to much. David is the one I would most like to emulate. I could never begin to fill Christ's shoes and I would not want to be like Muhammed. Power, wealth, women (plural), and total subjugation are not what I aspire to.

Wow! I think I might have strayed a little off topic.


I don't think many Muslims read the Bible because their Holy book tells them it has been corrupted. They "believe" in a lot of the same characters in a more condensed "edited" version inside the Quran. A lot of the most important points are polar opposites. Their main character is Muhammed. Christians follow Jesus Christ, the new and old testaments. Some of the Jew's main characters are Abraham, Moses, and David. Muslims don't talk about David to much. David is the one I would most like to emulate. I could never begin to fill Christ's shoes and I would not want to be like Muhammed. Power, wealth, women (plural), and total subjugation are not what I aspire to.

Wow! I think I might have strayed a little off topic.
Although we might disagree about the characters descriptions especially Mohammed's, but thanks for the addition:D

BTW, we talk about David, but we don't have much about him though..

And we can read the bible, although we don't use it as a reliable source, we are ordered "not to believe nor deny" what's in it..
If there was every a man " after God's own heart" I believe it would be someone like David. I love to read the psalms of David. His strengths and weaknesses are very human. You live in Egypt where it is possible to explore your thoughts. Bibles are readily available and you can explore at will. That is unless the Taliban or Al-quada take control. What is standing between you and Al-quada?
Your freedom to think for youself!
Taliban and Al- quada have turned one of the most beautiful places on earth, Swat Valley Pakistan, into a place of oppression where people are afraid to come out of their house. These people are caught up in something they didnt ask for. They could not care less what Isreal is doing. They just want to get on with their life. Not everyone is sold on the idea that the more you suffer in this life the better it will be in next. We should all struggle to make our childrens life better than ours. When our children are taken away from us it is a fate worst than death. Going out with a big bang cannot please God.


If there was every a man " after God's own heart" I believe it would be someone like David. I love to read the psalms of David. His strengths and weaknesses are very human. You live in Egypt where it is possible to explore your thoughts. Bibles are readily available and you can explore at will. That is unless the Taliban or Al-quada take control. What is standing between you and Al-quada?
Your freedom to think for youself!
Taliban and Al- quada have turned one of the most beautiful places on earth, Swat Valley Pakistan, into a place of oppression where people are afraid to come out of their house. These people are caught up in something they didnt ask for. They could not care less what Isreal is doing. They just want to get on with their life. Not everyone is sold on the idea that the more you suffer in this life the better it will be in next. We should all struggle to make our childrens life better than ours. When our children are taken away from us it is a fate worst than death. Going out with a big bang cannot please God.
Nothing actually prevents me from reading the bible...I actually read much from it before (I used to debate christians!)

I too invite you to read the Quran, and I think nothing would prevent you as well :)


Well-Known Member
If you want to do comparative reading in any of the world's religions I would suggest the on-line resource:
Free Software Library of the World's Religious Literature

There are five different translations of the Quran and the Bukhari Hadith available for free download--along with Christian, Judaic, Buddhist, Zoroastrian, Baha`i, Sikh and Tao documents. They are all fully searchable by keyphrase. Yes, it's also available in multiple languages.

Ocean - World Religions Free Research Library

Nothing actually prevents me from reading the bible...I actually read much from it before (I used to debate christians!)

I too invite you to read the Quran, and I think nothing would prevent you as well :)
When I was young a popular and talented professional boxer named Cassius Clay refused to serve in the armed services as a conscientious objector because his religion forbids violence. He professed to be a Muslim and changed his name to Mohammed Ali. I thought, pretty cool, that would be my type of religion. I didn't think about it again for many years. The wars in Israel in 67 and 72 went right by me. 1979 in Iran got my attention because I had several friends from Iran who told how things were under the Shah. My freinds from Iran never brought up religion so if they were Muslims they never told me. So my ignorance goes on. Then in the early 90's Iraq invades Kuwait and our troops were sent into harms way. My heart hurt. But we kicked butt and came home leaving Suddam in power and abandoning the Iraqi people. Then Al-quada shows up blowing up everything they can. I am thinking, we must have done something real bad to these people to make them hate us so much. Then 9/11 comes. I was ******. Since then I have been reading the Quran and everything I can about Islam. That is over 6 years now and I don't like what I see. It seems to me Al-quada is following Muhammed to the letter and the Taliban is right on track. I don't think the world would ever let this kind of thinking rule but I worry how much blood must be spilled before it is decided.


When I was young a popular and talented professional boxer named Cassius Clay refused to serve in the armed services as a conscientious objector because his religion forbids violence. He professed to be a Muslim and changed his name to Mohammed Ali. I thought, pretty cool, that would be my type of religion. I didn't think about it again for many years. The wars in Israel in 67 and 72 went right by me. 1979 in Iran got my attention because I had several friends from Iran who told how things were under the Shah. My freinds from Iran never brought up religion so if they were Muslims they never told me. So my ignorance goes on. Then in the early 90's Iraq invades Kuwait and our troops were sent into harms way. My heart hurt. But we kicked butt and came home leaving Suddam in power and abandoning the Iraqi people. Then Al-quada shows up blowing up everything they can. I am thinking, we must have done something real bad to these people to make them hate us so much. Then 9/11 comes. I was ******. Since then I have been reading the Quran and everything I can about Islam. That is over 6 years now and I don't like what I see. It seems to me Al-quada is following Muhammed to the letter and the Taliban is right on track. I don't think the world would every let this kind of thinking rule but I worry how much blood must be spilled before it is decided.
So you really thought it's that bloody to become a muslim?

If that would make you think again, muslim RFers all reject the acts by taliban, al quaeda, saddam, and other violent activities you might recall..!
So you really thought it's that bloody to become a muslim?

If that would make you think again, muslim RFers all reject the acts by taliban, al quaeda, saddam, and other violent activities you might recall..!
Then it is time to tell them you reject it. The Iraqi people are rejecting this and the results are showing. They will remove Al-quada from their land because they are seeing who their real enemies are.
When I see how devoted Muslims are to their religion I can only have respect for the average Muslim. When I see all that energy put into worshipping a loving and merciful God I know the results can be more positive. Don't you think God is here for today. I think He was here a long time before we got here.


Active Member
I do believe that most teachings of Islam and Muslims are peaceful but the Islamic teachings are quite easily manipulated by some into justifying violent acts.

Look at how easily some islamic groups are able to use Islamic teaching to justify their acts; even though majority of Muslims are peaceful.

It's nothing wrong with different interpretations of the same text; this happens in all religions; but when that interpretation goes violent then there is something wrong that religion or that particular verse used to justify violent actions


You don't know much about it for sure.

IT was the ROmans who threw the Jews out of Israel and Judea, about 70 AD, That Diaspora (look it up--Diaspora is the word used to the great banishment of the Jews).
It was the ROmans who tore down the Temple. There were small numbers of Jews who managed to hide and lived there still, but it was like the Cherokee who held back from the forced migration to Indian Territories. there was no banishment the romans stayed about another 350 years and it became a jewish and christian area

For several centuries it was Roman authority that kept them from going back. When the Muslim Conquest came, Jerusalem admitted the commander of the army to enter the city and requested him to keep the army out. He did that and Jerusalem came under the protection of Islam. after a two year siege

For centuries Jerusalem prospered. The Grand Mosque built in Jerusalem is built on a site holy to Islam. It is the place where Muhammed set His feet on The Journey of a SIngle Night (you can look that up too). if you mean the dome of the rock it is built on the site of the temple mount and i thought that mohammeds journey was in a dream on a flying horse

When the Crusaders came they took Jerusalem by flame and sword and executed large numbers of the Christians who had collaborated with them along with most of the Muslim garrison.

In the third and fourth decades of the 1830's when Israel was a Turkish territory, the SUltan of Turkey (Caliph of Islam) signed a Toleration Decreee that allowed Jews to return. did you ever ask what the turks were doing there?

At the end of the First World War General Allenby finished the conquest of Palestine and the end of Turkish rule.

Jews had been promised that Britain would assist the repatriation of European Jews (The Balfour Agreement), but Muslim backlash to Jewish settlement caused the government of Great Britain to renig on the deal. Oil had pretty well replaced coal as the fuel of the British fleet and the Brits declined annoying the Saudi's who were sitting on the largest known oil reserve in the world.

Between the wars Jews continually risked making the transit to Palestine in dribbles, the British intercepted most of these "Jewish wetbacks" and returned them to Europe.

By the end of the Second World War the British were pressured into giving up their mandate on Palestine and the UN worked out a plan to partition Palestine into a state for Israel and a state for the Palestinians. that palestinian state was jordan and the concept of a palestinian being different than any other arab in the levant is a very recent one

When that partition went into effect The Egyptians and Syrians (plus Iraqis and Morrocans and the newly formed army of Jordan) attacked the new state of Israel which had to hang on by its fingernails since the British refused to let them arm themselves until the Israeli independence day.

There's lots of rancor in the former Palestine, the willfully ignorant diatribe presented above is no help to the situation.

nice story not quite factual but it may rouse some interest

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I'm still waiting for a reply to :have iran syria and palestine vowed push israel into the sea and are these islamic countries.
And was a teacher imprisoned for allowing a teddybear to be named muhamed with a mob baying for her blood and was this an islamic country.
I could go on but it would fill a book and although i admire your courage with this post you really did ask for it and all these questions must be very uncomfortable for you.

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
england my lionheart said:
And was a teacher imprisoned for allowing a teddybear to be named muhamed with a mob baying for her blood and was this an islamic country.

Yes this happened in a muslim country. And? Did you also happen to notice who made the biggest outcry and the religion of the delegates that went over to help her out of that ridiculous situation?

I wonder why it is that the crap muslims do can be brought to the forefront at a moments notice, but when the muslims attempt to eradicate said crap it is easily dismissed?

I could go on but it would fill a book and although i admire your courage with this post you really did ask for it and all these questions must be very uncomfortable for you.

They did ask didn't they? I really wish muslim would stop asking non-muslims about liking muslims and islam when the answer is the same all the time. Muslims are violent, or stupid or illogical or all of the above, Islam is violent oppressive and backwards, look at the muslims countries, look at all the terrorists they're all muslim, yada yada yada. Then we're put into a position of having to explain (without success mind you) why these things are not inherently part of islam. Then we have to go through the whole "muslims have been violent since day one" thing and how we've never been at peace with anything or anyone. All the while during these "debates" we're being called idiots basically. It's not so much uncomfortable as it is tiring. The most tiring thing about it is that more often than not it's the muslims that bring up the subject in a wayward attempt at resolving issues. Little do they know it will never be resolved.

To date I am surprised I haven't seen the answer to the OP as follows "what's wrong with Islam is.....Islam. It's just wrong all the way around". That's the answer. Real short and sweet. Some people can pinpoint exactly what they see wrong with it, others I guess can't articulate it as well as they would like, but all the answers that have been given so far sum it up. Islam is wrong as a whole, like the whole concept is wrong from start to finish.

I wish some of my muslim brothers and sisters could realize that you can't do anything about that. When people don't like you they just don't. No amount of explanation changes that.


So you really thought it's that bloody to become a muslim?

If that would make you think again, muslim RFers all reject the acts by taliban, al quaeda, saddam, and other violent activities you might recall..!

What about Jerusalem, how many people did muslims kill there? In my opinion they're just as bad as christians for violent and often pointless acts of vengeance. How many people still die? You cant blame radicals when the majority of the state of Palestine wants to make Jerusalem the capital of a new Muslim country/state/whatever they call it these days.
You might not agree, but the eyes of the world are on the Gaza strip, how can muslims clear there name with such violent acts going on involving thousands of Muslims from different faction?