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What do you feel is wrong with Islam?

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
That almost sounds like palestinians are even in a position to do anything to Israel. You know they aren't because if they could do anything so drastic as get rid of Israel you'd think they'd start by not being in a conflict at all. They can't even get themselves out of that plight so how are the palestinians gonna do anything to Israel?

Side Rant:I wonder how many people feel so strongly about the muslims that get killed needlessly in the Middle East? Or does no one think muslims get killed needlessly? I think people don't care about if muslims get persecuted anywhere because its almost like they deserve it anyway, so who really cares about it.


That almost sounds like palestinians are even in a position to do anything to Israel. You know they aren't because if they could do anything so drastic as get rid of Israel you'd think they'd start by not being in a conflict at all. They can't even get themselves out of that plight so how are the palestinians gonna do anything to Israel?

Side Rant:I wonder how many people feel so strongly about the muslims that get killed needlessly in the Middle East? Or does no one think muslims get killed needlessly? I think people don't care about if muslims get persecuted anywhere because its almost like they deserve it anyway, so who really cares about it.

Constant bomb attacks killing civilians, is that not bad? Even since the war between israel and the arab states (7 day war i think it was called), comeon, its always been obvious that the arab world is hostile/at an uneasy peace towards the jewish homeland.

Needless killing seems all too common in the middle east, every day you hear of new bomb attacks and such. I guess the strong feeling died with hope of ressurecting peace from the situation?


Side Rant:I wonder how many people feel so strongly about the muslims that get killed needlessly in the Middle East? Or does no one think muslims get killed needlessly? I think people don't care about if muslims get persecuted anywhere because its almost like they deserve it anyway, so who really cares about it.

you will probably find most muslims killed in the middle east are killed by muslims


What about Jerusalem, how many people did muslims kill there? In my opinion they're just as bad as christians for violent and often pointless acts of vengeance. How many people still die? You cant blame radicals when the majority of the state of Palestine wants to make Jerusalem the capital of a new Muslim country/state/whatever they call it these days.
Wow!...Thats just wow!
First, why don't you tell me how many people did muslims kill in Jerusalem?
And please, try to compare whatever the number you get with the number of those killed by the israeli military?..And I'm talking about civilians here..

Second...Since ever, Jerusalem was the capital of Palestine, which is an arabic territory...And you just won't be able to deny it!

You might not agree, but the eyes of the world are on the Gaza strip, how can muslims clear there name with such violent acts going on involving thousands of Muslims from different faction?
I will just quote from FVM:

FVM said:
I wonder why it is that the crap muslims do can be brought to the forefront at a moments notice, but when the muslims attempt to eradicate said crap it is easily dismissed?

wednesday said:
Constant bomb attacks killing civilians, is that not bad? Even since the war between israel and the arab states (7 day war i think it was called), comeon, its always been obvious that the arab world is hostile/at an uneasy peace towards the jewish homeland.

Needless killing seems all too common in the middle east, every day you hear of new bomb attacks and such. I guess the strong feeling died with hope of ressurecting peace from the situation?
We wake up daily hearing news about palestinians kids/children/women/villages being killed/destroyed..

And it's becoming so normal everyday to hear such stuff "The israeli military shot 3 kids"
"The israeli F-16 fighters bombed a palestinian village killing 10 kids, and destroying 15 houses"

There is a huge difference between forced....Israeli military uses F-16 fighters, while Hamas fighters are throwing some stupid bombs which barley hurts anyone!

That doesn't mean I agree with what Hamas does...But it just means we should consider the huge difference in power between the two parties, and that it's totally unfair to compare what Hamas does to what the israeli army did and still doing..

vandervalley said:
I do believe that most teachings of Islam and Muslims are peaceful but the Islamic teachings are quite easily manipulated by some into justifying violent acts.

Look at how easily some islamic groups are able to use Islamic teaching to justify their acts; even though majority of Muslims are peaceful.

It's nothing wrong with different interpretations of the same text; this happens in all religions; but when that interpretation goes violent then there is something wrong that religion or that particular verse used to justify violent actions
Well, everything can be misinterpreted my dear friend..
I can justify anything by anything, and it would still seem logical to many!
Dude, those are pure evil..!

credance said:
Then it is time to tell them you reject it. The Iraqi people are rejecting this and the results are showing. They will remove Al-quada from their land because they are seeing who their real enemies are.
When I see how devoted Muslims are to their religion I can only have respect for the average Muslim. When I see all that energy put into worshipping a loving and merciful God I know the results can be more positive. Don't you think God is here for today. I think He was here a long time before we got here.
Good point...God was even there before the creationg of "time"!


Yes this happened in a muslim country. And? Did you also happen to notice who made the biggest outcry and the religion of the delegates that went over to help her out of that ridiculous situation?

I wonder why it is that the crap muslims do can be brought to the forefront at a moments notice, but when the muslims attempt to eradicate said crap it is easily dismissed?

They did ask didn't they? I really wish muslim would stop asking non-muslims about liking muslims and islam when the answer is the same all the time. Muslims are violent, or stupid or illogical or all of the above, Islam is violent oppressive and backwards, look at the muslims countries, look at all the terrorists they're all muslim, yada yada yada. Then we're put into a position of having to explain (without success mind you) why these things are not inherently part of islam. Then we have to go through the whole "muslims have been violent since day one" thing and how we've never been at peace with anything or anyone. All the while during these "debates" we're being called idiots basically. It's not so much uncomfortable as it is tiring. The most tiring thing about it is that more often than not it's the muslims that bring up the subject in a wayward attempt at resolving issues. Little do they know it will never be resolved.

To date I am surprised I haven't seen the answer to the OP as follows "what's wrong with Islam is.....Islam. It's just wrong all the way around". That's the answer. Real short and sweet. Some people can pinpoint exactly what they see wrong with it, others I guess can't articulate it as well as they would like, but all the answers that have been given so far sum it up. Islam is wrong as a whole, like the whole concept is wrong from start to finish.

I wish some of my muslim brothers and sisters could realize that you can't do anything about that. When people don't like you they just don't. No amount of explanation changes that.
a look through past posts and anyone wouldnt bother its all been gone through before and nothing is ever settled east is east and all that, and its not that they dont like you but your religion seems to have two sides one of peace and one of war, the war one is always vehemently denied at least christiams admit it,


Second...Since ever, Jerusalem was the capital of Palestine, which is an arabic territory...And you just won't be able to deny it!
There is a huge difference between forced....Israeli military uses F-16 fighters, while Hamas fighters are throwing some stupid bombs which barley hurts anyone!

So because its the capital, they can kill Jews to have it? Riiight. Im not Jewish or a Jewish sympathiser but Palestine needs to take a step back (as does Israel) and stop the killing before Palestine ends up a smoking hole in the ground due to Israel's superior armed forces which really isn't their fault. You would take an F-16 opposed to a home made pipe bomb wouldn't you?
Im not trying to say Muslims are savage killers, but they can hardly be considered peaceful given their history of violence as with most major religions, that was my main point. Denying the past is stupid, its like me saying my Norse ancestors were peaceful and rowed around in boats all day when instead they pillaged english settlements.

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
a look through past posts and anyone wouldnt bother its all been gone through before and nothing is ever settled east is east and all that, and its not that they dont like you but your religion seems to have two sides one of peace and one of war, the war one is always vehemently denied at least christiams admit it,

On the contrary I have never denied that war is indeed a part of Islam. It's the senseless killing I denounce as not a part of Islam. But let me stop here lest I get dragged into trying to defend Islam.
fullyveiled muslimah said:
I wish some of my muslim brothers and sisters could realize that you can't do anything about that. When people don't like you they just don't. No amount of explanation changes that.
In fairness, this isn't about not liking Muslims, it is about not liking aspects of the ideology called "Islam". I don't like aspects of the ideology called "Christianity" either, but most of my friends are Christian, and I like them all.
wonder why it is that the crap muslims do can be brought to the forefront at a moments notice, but when the muslims attempt to eradicate said crap it is easily dismissed?
I am seeing more Muslims stand up to the ridiculous acts of radical extremist. I think most of the world supports them and should not be easily dismissed. No force outside of Islam can deal with it without raising the battle flags.


Wow!...Thats just wow!
First, why don't you tell me how many people did muslims kill in Jerusalem?
And please, try to compare whatever the number you get with the number of those killed by the israeli military?..And I'm talking about civilians here..

Second...Since ever, Jerusalem was the capital of Palestine, which is an arabic territory...And you just won't be able to deny it!
well i think you will find it was Damascus the capital of palestine it was a very big place you know i wonder if the syrians would like to give it back!

I will just quote from FVM:

We wake up daily hearing news about palestinians kids/children/women/villages being killed/destroyed..

And it's becoming so normal everyday to hear such stuff "The israeli military shot 3 kids"
"The israeli F-16 fighters bombed a palestinian village killing 10 kids, and destroying 15 houses"

There is a huge difference between forced....Israeli military uses F-16 fighters, while Hamas fighters are throwing some stupid bombs which barley hurts anyone!

That doesn't mean I agree with what Hamas does...But it just means we should consider the huge difference in power between the two parties, and that it's totally unfair to compare what Hamas does to what the israeli army did and still doing..

Well, everything can be misinterpreted my dear friend..
I can justify anything by anything, and it would still seem logical to many!
Dude, those are pure evil..!

Good point...God was even there before the creationg of "time"!
After the Ottoman conquest, the name "Palestine" disappeared as the official name of an administrative unit, as the Turks often called their (sub)provinces after the capital. Since its 1516 incorporation in the Ottoman Empire, it was part of the vilayet (province) of Damascus-Syria until 1660, next of the vilayet of Saida (Sidon), briefly interrupted by the 7 March 1799 - July 1799 French occupation of Jaffa, Haifa, and Caesarea. During the siege of Acre in 1799, Napoleon prepared a proclamation declaring a Jewish state in Palestine. On 10 May 1832 it was one of the Turkish provinces annexed by Muhammad Ali's shortly imperialistic Egypt (nominally still Ottoman), but in November 1840 direct Ottoman rule was restored.
Still the old name remained in popular and semi-official use. Many examples of its usage in the 16th and 17th centuries have survived.[95] During the 19th century, the "Ottoman Government employed the term Arz-i Filistin (the 'Land of Palestine') in official correspondence, meaning for all intents and purposes the area to the west of the River Jordan which became 'Palestine' under the British in 1922".[96] Amongst the educated Arab public, Filastin was a common concept, referring either to the whole of Palestine or to the Jerusalem sanjaq alone[97] or just to the area around Ramle.[98]



On the contrary I have never denied that war is indeed a part of Islam. It's the senseless killing I denounce as not a part of Islam. But let me stop here lest I get dragged into trying to defend Islam.
please dont feel the need to defend with me ,explain would be a better word , explain which killings are senseless and which are not.


So because its the capital, they can kill Jews to have it? Riiight. Im not Jewish or a Jewish sympathiser but Palestine needs to take a step back (as does Israel) and stop the killing before Palestine ends up a smoking hole in the ground due to Israel's superior armed forces which really isn't their fault. You would take an F-16 opposed to a home made pipe bomb wouldn't you?
Im not trying to say Muslims are savage killers, but they can hardly be considered peaceful given their history of violence as with most major religions, that was my main point. Denying the past is stupid, its like me saying my Norse ancestors were peaceful and rowed around in boats all day when instead they pillaged english settlements.
Well..I do agree with what you say..

But if you studied the case more deeply, you will find that palestinian citizins and israeli citizins do fight each other as well..The israeli citizins are driven to fight in order to defend themselvs.
However, it's not common to find an israeli citizin doing so, cuz the israeli government is strong enough to stop its citizen's violence..

On the other hand, the palestinian citizins are all people who lost their beloved ones under the israeli bombings or what so ever...And they are all driven by hatered..
The only difference here is that the palestinian government can't stop its people's violence, nor can convince them by other means..
You see, peace provides safty to israeli citizins (which they demand), but will not calm down the haterd within the palestinians..

I'm not justifying their acts, I'm just trying to show that these people are deeply hurted, and they kinda have the right to feel such a way..

For instance, Israel cut down the fuel which supplies the one single electric power station in Gaza strip..

Also, many palestinians died on Rafah boarder, cuz the israelian army prevented ambulances and human right authorities from passing to them...

What I want to point out here is that the israelian government is responsible for the palestinian pain..While whatever harm reaches the israelians (citizins) are caused by illigal palestinian authorities, and not the official government..


After the Ottoman conquest, the name "Palestine" disappeared as the official name of an administrative unit, as the Turks often called their (sub)provinces after the capital. Since its 1516 incorporation in the Ottoman Empire, it was part of the vilayet (province) of Damascus-Syria until 1660, next of the vilayet of Saida (Sidon), briefly interrupted by the 7 March 1799 - July 1799 French occupation of Jaffa, Haifa, and Caesarea. During the siege of Acre in 1799, Napoleon prepared a proclamation declaring a Jewish state in Palestine. On 10 May 1832 it was one of the Turkish provinces annexed by Muhammad Ali's shortly imperialistic Egypt (nominally still Ottoman), but in November 1840 direct Ottoman rule was restored.
Still the old name remained in popular and semi-official use. Many examples of its usage in the 16th and 17th centuries have survived.[95] During the 19th century, the "Ottoman Government employed the term Arz-i Filistin (the 'Land of Palestine') in official correspondence, meaning for all intents and purposes the area to the west of the River Jordan which became 'Palestine' under the British in 1922".[96] Amongst the educated Arab public, Filastin was a common concept, referring either to the whole of Palestine or to the Jerusalem sanjaq alone[97] or just to the area around Ramle.[98]

Doesn't matter...It's still an arabic territory!
But don't come by with a new country and give it the right to choose it's capital, which is known to be an arabic territory for a very long time


Doesn't matter...It's still an arabic territory!
But don't come by with a new country and give it the right to choose it's capital, which is known to be an arabic territory for a very long time
IT doesnt matter
i will let you into a little secret the Ottomans wer not arabs neither were the mamlukes before them nor the crusaders before them , the Fatamids before them were from Tunisia so we have to back a long way to UMAR who was an Arab and did indeed conquer jerusalem from the Byzantines and its highly probable that you are only a muslim because the muslim arabs conqured Egypt otherwise you might be speaking egyptian while being a copt (no offence intended)


IT doesnt matter
i will let you into a little secret the Ottomans wer not arabs neither were the mamlukes before them nor the crusaders before them , the Fatamids before them were from Tunisia so we have to back a long way to UMAR who was an Arab and did indeed conquer jerusalem from the Byzantines and its highly probable that you are only a muslim because the muslim arabs conqured Egypt otherwise you might be speaking egyptian while being a copt (no offence intended)
Frankly, I don't speak history here..All I wanted to say is that all what you said don't give the right to the israelians to take Jerusalem as their claimed capital for their claimed "new" country!


Frankly, I don't speak history here..All I wanted to say is that all what you said don't give the right to the israelians to take Jerusalem as their claimed capital for their claimed "new" country!
well its ok then for palestinians to claim it for their new country! they will have too learn to share wont they!


well its ok then for palestinians to claim it for their new country! they will have too learn to share wont they!
Ok, now we can speak history...

Long ago, before judaism was there, there were people who lived in those lands called the Cannanis...We claim that those are our (arabs) grandfathers!
Genetic studies performed showed that people in the Sham area (syria, lebanon, palestine, jordan) or the Shamis have the same genetics of the Cannanis..Which could be a strong evidence for this claim..

After then, came judaism, and Banu Israel (children of Israel) inhabited this land and were ruled by King David (or prophet Dawood in arabic)..That was until the Romans kicked them out, and burned the jewish temples, killed innocent people, etc..

Then came Omar Ibn el Khatab, who conquered the Holy lands without a single innocent blood drop, and rescued people there from the the Romans, and garunteed safty to everyone..

After that, churches, temples and mosques were built peacfuly, and everyone was able to visit the holy land (it's holy for jews, christians and muslims)...

And that's enough for now!

Let me just recall that people younger than 50 years old are not allowed to pray in the Aqsa mosque nowadays..
And let me also recall when the israeli fighters bombed the Kyama church (I dont know its name in English!)..

Doesn't look peacful to me!

The holy lands should remain peacful no matter whats going on in the rest of the country...But the israeli army doesn't seem to apply this rule!

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
In fairness, this isn't about not liking Muslims, it is about not liking aspects of the ideology called "Islam". I don't like aspects of the ideology called "Christianity" either, but most of my friends are Christian, and I like them all.

Ditto,i am not trying to tar all muslims with the same brush and i have met many pleasant ones but i have met some that share the same ideaology as hammas and that is in Britain.


Ok, now we can speak history...

Long ago, before judaism was there, there were people who lived in those lands called the Cannanis...We claim that those are our (arabs) grandfathers!
Genetic studies performed showed that people in the Sham area (syria, lebanon, palestine, jordan) or the Shamis have the same genetics of the Cannanis..Which could be a strong evidence for this claim..

After then, came judaism, and Banu Israel (children of Israel) inhabited this land and were ruled by King David (or prophet Dawood in arabic)..That was until the Romans kicked them out, and burned the jewish temples, killed innocent people, etc..

Then came Omar Ibn el Khatab, who conquered the Holy lands without a single innocent blood drop, and rescued people there from the the Romans, and garunteed safty to everyone..

After that, churches, temples and mosques were built peacfuly, and everyone was able to visit the holy land (it's holy for jews, christians and muslims)...

And that's enough for now!

Let me just recall that people younger than 50 years old are not allowed to pray in the Aqsa mosque nowadays..
And let me also recall when the israeli fighters bombed the Kyama church (I dont know its name in English!)..

Doesn't look peacful to me!

The holy lands should remain peacful no matter whats going on in the rest of the country...But the israeli army doesn't seem to apply this rule!
this is pointless you cannot respond to my questions,:shrug: so peace be with you !