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What do you feel is wrong with Islam?

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I am still waiting to find out what would happen if a family of muslims Mr&Mrs and 2 daughters and one daughter decides she does'n want to be a muslim anymore and no matter what the parents say she is adamant,what would happen to her?


I am still waiting to find out what would happen if a family of muslims Mr&Mrs and 2 daughters and one daughter decides she does'n want to be a muslim anymore and no matter what the parents say she is adamant,what would happen to her?
Ok, sorry, I forgot that when we started talking about the prophecies..

Well, technically, nothing will happen to her, since the penalty only applies for those who converted to Islam, then backed off..

While this daughter was born a muslim, and wasn't converted..

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Ok, sorry, I forgot that when we started talking about the prophecies..

Well, technically, nothing will happen to her, since the penalty only applies for those who converted to Islam, then backed off..

While this daughter was born a muslim, and wasn't converted..

What would happen if she had been converted? i am asking this as i have met two sisters and one of them wants to quit being a muslim but she has'nt told her parents yet.
when the parents are out she goes out dressed like most girls in Britain she even has a modern hairstyle and she told me that being a muslim women is quite restrictive.


What would happen if she had been converted? i am asking this as i have met two sisters and one of them wants to quit being a muslim but she has'nt told her parents yet.
when the parents are out she goes out dressed like most girls in Britain she even has a modern hairstyle and she told me that being a muslim women is quite restrictive.
What would happen to her is something that the country's laws would determine..

Even if death was her penalty (which isn't in this case, as long as I know), her parents can not do anything, until the court decides...

There is no authority in Islam except the government (including any religious authority), and people (ex: parents) can't take actions by themselves..

Anyway, I don't know much details about this...And she should get back to an Islamic authority and try finding the answer...

I'm (as a normal muslim) not supposed to give you an openion in such a critical thing; this is the duty of islamic authorities..


she told me that being a muslim women is quite restrictive.
Thats a silly reason for someone to convert!
Believing in God requires sacrifice..!
What she says means that she doesn't even believe in God, and that she is just doing the islamic rituals without knowing a reason, or without motivation!
Anyway, I don't know much details about this...And she should get back to an Islamic authority and try finding the answer...

I'm (as a normal muslim) not supposed to give you an openion in such a critical thing; this is the duty of islamic authorities..
What if she feels that Islam doesn't hold all the answers for her life? Shouldn't she have the freedom to choose? And why is this such a critical matter? If God created the human body, male and female, why should He be offended by it? This is a man made concept brought about by the weaknesses and jealousies of men. The very sight of a Muslim street filled with women covered in black seems oppressive, ugly, and dark to me. But on the other hand images of women in strip joints exploiting the weaknesses of men seems dark and ugly to me. I believe the light is found somewhere in the middle of these two extremes. Muslims seem really hung up when it comes to sex. Almost total repression in this life where it is a natural process for procreation, to lustful abundance in the next where there will be no procreation only the satisfying of ones very human desires.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I agree,she should have the freedom to choose just as many do here in the west and yes why is this a critical matter that would carry the death penalty in some countries.
I see this happening more and more here in the west as young muslims sample the freedom we have in the west although i agree about the strip clubs and some of the immoral things that happen here but there are prostitutes in some of the muslim countries.


Well-Known Member
I agree,she should have the freedom to choose just as many do here in the west and yes why is this a critical matter that would carry the death penalty in some countries.
I see this happening more and more here in the west as young muslims sample the freedom we have in the west although i agree about the strip clubs and some of the immoral things that happen here but there are prostitutes in some of the muslim countries.

That does not seem to be the trend in Europe where Muslims are second-class citizens. They tend to become MORE fundamentalist and more prone to violence when Islamic authority is challenged by their host countries.



England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
That does not seem to be the trend in Europe where Muslims are second-class citizens. They tend to become MORE fundamentalist and more prone to violence when Islamic authority is challenged by their host countries.



I can only comment on what i have seen and heard in London,yes there are those who are prone to violence like al hamza the chap with one hand but i do not see muslims being treated as second class citizens as al hamza openly preached violence and still recieved a free house and other benefits from our welfare system although his sins have caught up with him and he is locked up in the USA(good).
I think muslims in or country are pretty well protected ad if anyone does speak out about muslims we get the muslim council of Britain having an emergency meeting.


What if she feels that Islam doesn't hold all the answers for her life? Shouldn't she have the freedom to choose? And why is this such a critical matter? If God created the human body, male and female, why should He be offended by it? This is a man made concept brought about by the weaknesses and jealousies of men. The very sight of a Muslim street filled with women covered in black seems oppressive, ugly, and dark to me. But on the other hand images of women in strip joints exploiting the weaknesses of men seems dark and ugly to me. I believe the light is found somewhere in the middle of these two extremes. Muslims seem really hung up when it comes to sex. Almost total repression in this life where it is a natural process for procreation, to lustful abundance in the next where there will be no procreation only the satisfying of ones very human desires.
BTW, the scene of "women in black" isn't seen except in KSA, but for some reason it's becoming the default image for a muslim street..
And I do agree that it looks ugly and dark...I don't like it too!

About sex, it's really a fact that this topic is sensitive to muslims...But I think that this is because of our eastern culture, cuz even christians here are sensitive to sex issues..I can't blame Islam for that..

In the prophet's tales (seera), it's known that the prophet had many sex conversations with his fellows, and it was never a shame..

Even in many ahadeeth, the prophet described his sex with his wife in very details..

Islam doesn't prohibit sex (of course) as long as it's bounded with the Islamic rules..i.e, no adultary or acts that might lead to adultary..

England my lionheart said:
I agree,she should have the freedom to choose just as many do here in the west and yes why is this a critical matter that would carry the death penalty in some countries.
I mentioned that death penalty isn't applied in her case, and as long as I know, she is free to convert..

England my lionheart said:
why is this a critical matter
Thats the difference between you and us..
In Islam, being a muslim is a huge thing...
We are more concerned with the after life than this one...We do everything for the sake of God and the after life...
You are talking about changing beliefs in our life...and that this might seem easy and not of a big deal..While we view it as huge...
It's not just changing a belief, it's rather changing your infinite life after death..

Our real life starts after death, and it all depends on how we behave in the "exam" or the current life..

That gotta be a critical thing!


Bodhisattva in Recovery
That does not seem to be the trend in Europe where Muslims are second-class citizens. They tend to become MORE fundamentalist and more prone to violence when Islamic authority is challenged by their host countries.
I suspect part of the reason for the second-class citizens scenario is that the host countries deem them to be unsuited to integrating into their already thriving society. It's like inviting people into your home, giving them food and shelter, only for them to turn tables on you, demanding that you be respectful of their ways... meanwhile, they are still guests in YOUR house. How long will it be before they evict you and you are forced to live in your garden shed?

IF European countries had any sense they would start mass deportations back to the country of origin for those who are not content with the status quo in their new country. If not, we are going to see religious ghetto's forming across Europe that have a built in mechanism for dealing with imprudent oppressors. One can only wonder when the "invitations" to "revert" to Islam will be given, thus allowing for armed resistence and offensive measures.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Thats the difference between you and us..
In Islam, being a muslim is a huge thing...
We are more concerned with the after life than this one...We do everything for the sake of God and the after life...
You are talking about changing beliefs in our life...and that this might seem easy and not of a big deal..While we view it as huge...
It's not just changing a belief, it's rather changing your infinite life after death..

Our real life starts after death, and it all depends on how we behave in the "exam" or the current life..

That gotta be a critical thing!
It is VERY critical and it is perhaps the most glaring reason why Islam has absolutely nothing of any value to offer people on this small backwater planet. Muslim's are not living "here, now" as their actions are geared to an amorphous ideal that they choose to put their faith into instead of applying their energies into making THIS WORLD a better place.

Tell me, notEinsteiN, what exactly has Islam contributed to the family of man in the last 500 years that has helped ALL human beings? Don't sweat too hard, I'll give you the answer: Absolutely nothng, and that is all that Islam truly has to offer.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I would like to ask any muslim who is going to have children if they will give them a choice of which religion they follow or will they be hereditary muslims like most muslims.