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What do you feel is wrong with Islam?


Well-Known Member
i get the "one" bit i dont understand the change in methods of worship or essentials to reach paradise
You can get their different concepts about God but you can't get the different methods of worship or "the change in methods of worship..."


Active Member
guess maybe you meant after 600 years?

Anyway, i would like to ask you, do you think humanity have been the same since the first human being stepped on this earth?

If you know the answer to this question so no need to answer yours because you would know it already.

So wouldn't it be fair to say that the muslim god sent down the message of Bahais to"set" muslims "straight" ?

In other words; could it be possible that the muslim god revealed the bahai teaching because the society 1400 years ago is different from the society now?

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member

We are all sinners at birth. Confirmed Christians are no different, and no amount of holy water is going to fix that.

Grace is a gift from God alone. We don't deserve it, but it's there. Faith in Christ alone is not a definite means of attaining Grace. You could have faith in Jesus, our lord, and be a terrible person.

Just have a look through these. They pretty much summarise my view on what earns a person Grace.

Corinthians 13
Matthew 19:19
Deuteronomy 7:9
Matthew 5:3

If you follow Jesus' word to the letter, then even without faith in Him, you are doing the right thing.

And... Don't kill me for saying this, but Islam and Christianity are almost literally cousens by scripture. It's the same God that we're worshipping... just from a different viewpoint.

In what way are we sinners at birth?


Well-Known Member
Every Revelation was and is perfect; it is, after all, from God. Every Messenger is perfect, He is after all, from God.

Think of it as a series of lectures in a college course. The professor EXPECTS the student to know more and gain more knowledge after each lecture in succession.

One of the chief purposes of of Revelation is to teach mankind how to build a Divine Civilization for themselves. Each Revelation is another stone for the wall in a tabernacle which will never really be completed.




In what way are we sinners at birth?

If you want to think about it in a less doctrinal sense, then think of Original Sin, as animal instinct. We have that at birth.

We're programmed at birth, with the desire to survive and everything else. You could very well say that at birth, we're high-tuned with all the calamities in human nature.

As we're born, we're fated to be flawed with imperfections.

That is Original Sin.


if allah is the same entity as god why has allah/god set up a different set of rules for another set of people 1400 years after he set up a set of rules for christians , and another set of rules centuries before that for jews

You apparently know more about this than I do.

I've only skimmed through a fifty page summary of the Quran. The Prophet did seem to preach similar things to Christ from what I was reading.

I could be wrong.

As for Judaism....

Well, Christianity includes the Old Testament in it's Bible. The first five books of which constitute the Torah, or so I've been told.



You can get their different concepts about God but you can't get the different methods of worship or "the change in methods of worship..."
i can get the one god, no whats the change in worship practises all about. put it this way the one god comes and lays out the law to the jews , then the same god comes and makes a new covenent with the jews which becomes christianity , then the one god brings a whole new set of rituals to mohamed which becomes Islam.

now i think all three of these peoples of the book are viewing there one god ,as the one god ,but their own one god. when in reality they are not the same god at all. ---if you get what i mean:D


Every Revelation was and is perfect; it is, after all, from God. Every Messenger is perfect, He is after all, from God.

Think of it as a series of lectures in a college course. The professor EXPECTS the student to know more and gain more knowledge after each lecture in succession.

One of the chief purposes of of Revelation is to teach mankind how to build a Divine Civilization for themselves. Each Revelation is another stone for the wall in a tabernacle which will never really be completed.


we are not gaining knowledge here we are gaining different rituals to attain salvation from what is supposed to be the one god , which is fracturing mankind


Well-Known Member
we are not gaining knowledge here we are gaining different rituals to attain salvation from what is supposed to be the one god , which is fracturing mankind

"To them that are endowed with understanding, it is clear and manifest that, when the fire of the love of Jesus consumed the veils of Jewish limitations, and His authority was made apparent and partially enforced, He, the Revealer of the unseen Beauty, addressing one day His disciples, referred unto His passing, and, kindling in their hearts the fire of bereavement, said unto them: "I go away and come again unto you." And in another place He said: "I go and another will come, Who will tell you all that I have not told you, and will fulfil all that I have said." Both these sayings have but one meaning, were ye to ponder upon the Manifestations of the Unity of God with Divine insight."

(Baha'u'llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, p. 20)



I hope that you won't add something to posts you are willing to quote next time because that might confuse some people and make them believe that it was the original poster's post. "the problem free" notion is not mine.

Thank you.


Um... I'm not quite sure what you mean.

I'm sorry for referring to you and quoting someone else...?


It won't happen again.

i get the "one" bit i dont understand the change in methods of worship or essentials to reach paradise

^_^ '

Maybe people created rituals as a means of relating with God. Given a different time and place, then rituals would be completely different....



Anyway, with that I'm gone.

(Don't hurt me. :sorry1:)


Well-Known Member
^_^ '

Maybe people created rituals as a means of relating with God. Given a different time and place, then rituals would be completely different....



Anyway, with that I'm gone.

(Don't hurt me. :sorry1:)

"Come back, Shane! Come back!"



^_^ '

Maybe people created rituals as a means of relating with God. Given a different time and place, then rituals would be completely different....



Anyway, with that I'm gone.

(Don't hurt me. :sorry1:)
thats my point why would a timeless god require different rituals , why would a omnipotent almighty benevolent god want you to pray to him five times a day for one thing, just who is changing here us or god ?


Well-Known Member
thats my point why would a timeless god require different rituals , why would a omnipotent almighty benevolent god want you to pray to him five times a day for one thing, just who is changing here us or god ?

You lived through public school, right? The rules of behavior in class, and the things you are supposed to learn are different in the junior year of high school than they were in the third grade, right?



thats my point why would a timeless god require different rituals , why would a omnipotent almighty benevolent god want you to pray to him five times a day for one thing, just who is changing here us or god ?

On the one hand, I agree with popeye.

On the other....

If it helps people, then how is it doing any harm?

I really should go.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
thats my point why would a timeless god require different rituals , why would a omnipotent almighty benevolent god want you to pray to him five times a day for one thing, just who is changing here us or god ?

Exactly,why would an omnipotent God require you to pray a certain way or wear certain clothes or give 3 differing versions of the same scriptures it does'nt make sense,why would God want to confuse us and give cause for problems.
Would God be more likely to hear the prayers of a Jew or Muslim or Christian and not hear the prayers for example of a native american indian praying to the great spirit,i do not think God is like this.


You lived through public school, right? The rules of behavior in class, and the things you are supposed to learn are different in the junior year of high school than they were in the third grade, right?

utter nonsense you will have to do better than that , its like starting school and telling me i will live forever if i live by this certain code, then all of a sudden i change to a differant school and i now can live forever if i follow differant code , then i move again and get yet another code , and wost of all its the same headmaster all along in all three schools


On the one hand, I agree with popeye.

On the other....

If it helps people, then how is it doing any harm?

I really should go.
because it might help and give hope to the individual but all through history it has fractured the human race as a whole.


Well-Known Member
utter nonsense you will have to do better than that , its like starting school and telling me i will live forever if i live by this certain code, then all of a sudden i change to a differant school and i now can live forever if i follow differant code , then i move again and get yet another code , and wost of all its the same headmaster all along in all three schools

Actually, it's the same headmaster in nine schools--maybe more. The religion founded by the first Manifestation, whom we call Adam, then Abraham, Moses, Krshna, Zoroaster, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammed, the Bab and Baha`u'llah. And it's not YOU the individual this progression has been for but for the generations of mankind that have lived through the ages.

That you don't want to understand the proper application, is your problem. The metaphor holds up.




Actually, it's the same headmaster in nine schools--maybe more. The religion founded by the first Manifestation, whom we call Adam, then Abraham, Moses, Krshna, Zoroaster, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammed, the Bab and Baha`u'llah. And it's not YOU the individual this progression has been for but for the generations of mankind that have lived through the ages.

That you don't want to understand the proper application, is your problem. The metaphor holds up.


you missed out akhenaton and joseph smith or do you get to pick this rather excusive club at least these two can be proven to have actually existed,, and i do want to understand but it just doesnt make sense christianity and islam are incompatible to name just two