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What does God want from you?


Well-Known Member
How do you know that God confirmed what you Discovered?
You don't know, you believe.

How do you know what system God has in place? How do you know that God did not send any Messengers to reveal books?
You don't know, you believe.

Of course God does not need any books, it is humans who need the books.

God could have done that but He did not because God is too intelligent to do something that stupid.
Everyone can get a copy of the Baha'i Writings at the Baha’i Reference Library. Problem solved.
If you are going to answer for me why ask the question at all? It's clear you do not want to hear anything but your answer.

Your quote:How do you know that God confirmed what you Discovered?

My Answer: Is it really hard to know when one has had direct contact and God tells one this?

Your quote:How do you know what system God has in place? How do you know that God did not send any Messengers to reveal books?

My Answers: I know you have heard this. Let's try again. In a time-based causal universe God's actions can be seen. When one understands God's actions, one understands God. God's actions can not be altered by mankind. How do I know? It stares us all in the face. Unlike so much of what you have told me. The MATH does add up. Everything about God will add up!!!

Your quote:Everyone can get a copy of the Baha'i Writings at the Baha’i Reference Library.

My answer: I don't have my copy of your holy book. With an implant at birth, wouldn't I have gotten a copy?? Since everyone doesn't have a copy that means God doesn't want everyone to have a copy. If what those messengers are saying is so important, God would have made sure all the kiddies had the information. Since God did not do it which is an action of God, that speaks to itself. Are you going to start ignoring in favor of what you want to be true or are you going to see what actually is? In time, you will Discover that what is will be so much better.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
Premium Member
@Bird123 If we don't need God to talk us or reveal us anything and it goes against his system to talk to us, why are you talking for him? Why not just let it be? Why do you get to explain on his behalf? Why not just be silent instead? Why not let everyone discover what it is since they don't need to be told and there's no need? If it's to correct us, why can't God correct us? Why do you get to do it but God is not supposed to?


Well-Known Member
But you don't know, you only believe.

How has God confirmed what you discovered?

The visit? God visits nobody, not even the Messengers.
Look closely. It is you who are dealing with Beliefs. Do you really think God values beliefs over knowing?

You are holding on beliefs so hard that you can see nothing else. You create limits for yourself in order for you to have an excuse to limit your actions. On the other hand, I have no limits. I have always been willing to venture into undiscovered country to find the truth. If I bump into a belief, I venture to Discover whether that belief is true or not. I AM NOT ACCEPTING ANYTHING!!! I'm going to find out instead.

Clearly, you and I are different. Go ahead. Choose to hang on to those beliefs. Choose to create limits that excuses you from doing anything. It is just a lesson that you seem to insist on learning for yourself.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
@Bird123 If we don't need God to talk us or reveal us anything and it goes against his system to talk to us, why are you talking for him? Why not just let it be? Why do you get to explain on his behalf? Why not just be silent instead? Why not let everyone discover what it is since they don't need to be told and there's no need? If it's to correct us, why can't God correct us? Why do you get to do it but God is not supposed to?
So much is said about God that simply isn't true. Is it so bad that I place the Real Truth in the world?

God places truth in the world. I simply copy God. God has not told me nor anyone what to do. On the other hand, God probably knew After Discovering the Real Truth that I would point others to it.

I am not saying what God is supposed to do or not. I am saying what is. Holy books reflect mankind more than anything else. That is clear in the petty things they teach and value.

God isn't going to tell anyone what to do. I won't either. Each has free choice. Free choice is more important that all the beliefs in the world. Regardless of how much time or how many lifetimes, free choice will lead everyone to God.

Ignoring all that I said?? It doesn't matter everyone will see it again in time. On the other hand, I point because finding a starting point on the journey to Discovery is the hardest. Those who are ready might find a direction and a view not Discovered. That light bulb will go off over someone's head and they will Understand. Isn't what it's really all about is helping each other move forward to that Higher Level? This is no more than a contribution of knowledge from me.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Yes .. it is very common for people in psychiatric units to be deluded, and thinking
that God talks to them etc.
It is difficult to know whether you are mad, even if you're not mad. :)
Perhaps, you should focus on what is instead of assuming. Do I sound deluded? Do I sound rational? Does what I say add up? I point to a journey to where one can Discover God. Can anyone even see a staring point to a road forward? Can anyone see a wider or a larger view? Who is open to all possibilities instead of what they want to see?

Don't mental patients say God tells them to do things? God will not tell anyone what to do. Free choice is a part of the system. God will not intimidate anyone's choices in any way.

Those who hunger to really know truth have an endless supply of questions.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
So much is said about God that simply isn't true. Is it so bad that I place the Real Truth in the world?
You cannot place the Real Truth about God in the world since you have nowhere to get Real Truth about God.
God places truth in the world. I simply copy God. God has not told me nor anyone what to do. On the other hand, God probably knew After Discovering the Real Truth that I would point others to it.
God places truth in the world by sending Messengers. God does not place truth in the world any other way.

What you refer to as the Real Truth is nothing more than what you have Discovered by living life. It has nothing to do with God.

You cannot copy God since you have no way to know what God is doing.
I am not saying what God is supposed to do or not. I am saying what is. Holy books reflect mankind more than anything else. That is clear in the petty things they teach and value.
You do not know that Holy books reflect mankind more than anything else. You only believe that all based upon what YOU consider petty.
God isn't going to tell anyone what to do. I won't either. Each has free choice. Free choice is more important that all the beliefs in the world. Regardless of how much time or how many lifetimes, free choice will lead everyone to God.
You were correct in what you said above about free choice until the last sentence.
Regardless of how much time or how many lifetimes, free choice will not lead 'everyone' to God because everyone will not choose God.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
If you are going to answer for me why ask the question at all? It's clear you do not want to hear anything but your answer.

Your quote:How do you know that God confirmed what you Discovered?

My Answer: Is it really hard to know when one has had direct contact and God tells one this?
I already told you that nobody ever has direct contact with God but you just keep saying you had direct contact.
Your quote:How do you know what system God has in place? How do you know that God did not send any Messengers to reveal books?

My Answers: I know you have heard this. Let's try again. In a time-based causal universe God's actions can be seen. When one understands God's actions, one understands God.
I already told you that God's actions (aside from sending Messengers) can NEVER be known so they can never be seen and that means they can never be understood.
God's actions can not be altered by mankind. How do I know? It stares us all in the face.
Of course God's actions cannot be altered by mankind. That means that you cannot alter God's act of sending Messengers.
Unlike so much of what you have told me. The MATH does add up. Everything about God will add up!!!
There is no math to add up. God is not a math problem. I already told you this but you keep repeating the same old mantra. Sometimes I wonder if you are a programmed robot rather than a human being.
Your quote:Everyone can get a copy of the Baha'i Writings at the Baha’i Reference Library.

My answer: I don't have my copy of your holy book. With an implant at birth, wouldn't I have gotten a copy?? Since everyone doesn't have a copy that means God doesn't want everyone to have a copy. If what those messengers are saying is so important, God would have made sure all the kiddies had the information. Since God did not do it which is an action of God, that speaks to itself. Are you going to start ignoring in favor of what you want to be true or are you going to see what actually is? In time, you will Discover that what is will be so much better.
I thought you said that God wants us to have free choice. Now you are saying that God would have made sure everyone got a copy of the Baha'i Writings. You cannot have it both ways.

With an implant at birth, why would you need a copy Baha'i Writings?

Everyone doesn't have a copy of the Baha'i Writings but that does not mean God doesn't want everyone to have a copy.
It means that everyone either does not know about the Baha'i Writings or they know and 'choose' not to have a copy.

You said that everything is a choice and God never coerces our choices. Now you are saying that if what those Messengers are saying is so important, God would have made sure all the kiddies had the information. You cannot have it both ways.

Since God did not make sure everyone got a copy of the Baha'i Writings that means it is not an action that God would do and that speaks for itself. Are you going to continue ignoring what is in favor of what you want to be true or are you going to see what actually is?

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
Look closely. It is you who are dealing with Beliefs.
Look closely. It is you who are dealing with Beliefs. Do you really think God values beliefs over knowing?
Do you really think God values beliefs over knowing?
We can only know what God wants us to know, and all we can know is revealed through the Messengers.
You ignore ore reject what the Messengers revealed and that I how I know that you do not know anything about God.
You are holding on beliefs so hard that you can see nothing else. You create limits for yourself in order for you to have an excuse to limit your actions.
You are holding on beliefs so hard that you can see nothing else. You create limits for yourself in order for you to have an excuse to limit your actions.
On the other hand, I have no limits.
You do have limits. You limit yourself to Discovering truth for yourself, or so you believe you are Discovering truth.
I have always been willing to venture into undiscovered country to find the truth. If I bump into a belief, I venture to Discover whether that belief is true or not.
Unless the belief is in a holy book. Then you reject it lock, stock and barrel since it is incongruent with your own belief system.
Anything that does not agree with what you already believe you reject. You don't even try to understand why it might be true because you have already made up your mind that it is false.
Clearly, you and I are different. Go ahead. Choose to hang on to those beliefs. Choose to create limits that excuses you from doing anything. It is just a lesson that you seem to insist on learning for yourself.
I don't see anything new that you have Discovered in the last five years, just the same old mantra.

Go ahead. Choose to hang on to those beliefs that you have been repeating here for the last five years. Choose to create limits that excuses you from doing anything else but confirming what you already believe you know. It is just a lesson that you seem to insist on learning for yourself.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
If you are going to answer for me why ask the question at all? It's clear you do not want to hear anything but your answer.

Your quote:How do you know that God confirmed what you Discovered?

My Answer: Is it really hard to know when one has had direct contact and God tells one this?

Your quote:How do you know what system God has in place? How do you know that God did not send any Messengers to reveal books?

My Answers: I know you have heard this. Let's try again. In a time-based causal universe God's actions can be seen. When one understands God's actions, one understands God. God's actions can not be altered by mankind. How do I know? It stares us all in the face. Unlike so much of what you have told me. The MATH does add up. Everything about God will add up!!!

Your quote:Everyone can get a copy of the Baha'i Writings at the Baha’i Reference Library.

My answer: I don't have my copy of your holy book. With an implant at birth, wouldn't I have gotten a copy?? Since everyone doesn't have a copy that means God doesn't want everyone to have a copy. If what those messengers are saying is so important, God would have made sure all the kiddies had the information. Since God did not do it which is an action of God, that speaks to itself. Are you going to start ignoring in favor of what you want to be true or are you going to see what actually is? In time, you will Discover that what is will be so much better.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
Interesting points that you make. Let me add.

A life living of the past, upon having children that live in the future, can experience/have visions of the future via the entanglements of the light transcending time.

""The MATH does add up. Everything about God will add up!!!"""

That line as you wrote it is beyond what most ever consider.

"WE" are conscious life, experiencing existing. Thanks for helping us see the perspective that our future generations will eventually come to know.


Well-Known Member
You cannot place the Real Truth about God in the world since you have nowhere to get Real Truth about God.

God places truth in the world by sending Messengers. God does not place truth in the world any other way.

What you refer to as the Real Truth is nothing more than what you have Discovered by living life. It has nothing to do with God.

You cannot copy God since you have no way to know what God is doing.

You do not know that Holy books reflect mankind more than anything else. You only believe that all based upon what YOU consider petty.

You were correct in what you said above about free choice until the last sentence.
Regardless of how much time or how many lifetimes, free choice will not lead 'everyone' to God because everyone will not choose God.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
Is there really nowhere to find Real Truth about God? Does the assumption that there isn't allow you to justify not even looking? Is your knowledge about getting information about God all encompassing? Your answer comes up lacking. Your inaction only proves you do not want to find out Real Truth about God.

How do you know God is sending messengers? Did the messengers say God did? What else did you expect them to say? Actions speak louder than words. Blindly accepting then refusing to question is not the path to the Real Truth.

People all over the world are a controlling lot. People will tell you all the things you can't do. I have found most of what they say that can't be done can be done. It's too late. I have copied God regardless of any beliefs you might have.

I realize you value many of the petty things mankind holds so dear. Since you are not hearing what I am saying, you will only change when you Discover for yourself all sides of those petty things you value so much. In time, the lessons will come. There is no time limit on learning. See your future.

Yes, I do know that holy books reflect mankind more than anything else. It stares us all in the face. Perhaps, this very thing is why atheists are atheists. Widen your view!! There is so much more to see.

Yes, there are plenty of people who say no to God. How many children say no or I hate you to their parents? What you don't know is that God really Loves His children. Do you really think a no matters? Do you really think a Being capable of creating universes is helpless to bring all His children to a Higher Level within the realm of free will and free choices? You Greatly Underestimate God.

WE against they is the hate you have been taught by religion. It has never ever been a We against They. How can you be so blind to those petty things mankind holds so dear? Do you value and like to Blame and Condemn others? Do you really think it makes you and religion look better? You have much yet to Discover.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
I already told you that nobody ever has direct contact with God but you just keep saying you had direct contact.

I already told you that God's actions (aside from sending Messengers) can NEVER be known so they can never be seen and that means they can never be understood.

Of course God's actions cannot be altered by mankind. That means that you cannot alter God's act of sending Messengers.

There is no math to add up. God is not a math problem. I already told you this but you keep repeating the same old mantra. Sometimes I wonder if you are a programmed robot rather than a human being.

I thought you said that God wants us to have free choice. Now you are saying that God would have made sure everyone got a copy of the Baha'i Writings. You cannot have it both ways.

With an implant at birth, why would you need a copy Baha'i Writings?

Everyone doesn't have a copy of the Baha'i Writings but that does not mean God doesn't want everyone to have a copy.
It means that everyone either does not know about the Baha'i Writings or they know and 'choose' not to have a copy.

You said that everything is a choice and God never coerces our choices. Now you are saying that if what those Messengers are saying is so important, God would have made sure all the kiddies had the information. You cannot have it both ways.

Since God did not make sure everyone got a copy of the Baha'i Writings that means it is not an action that God would do and that speaks for itself. Are you going to continue ignoring what is in favor of what you want to be true or are you going to see what actually is?

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
Everything is Math. You just do not Understand Math. If it does not add up perfectly. you wander from the truth.

I am not having anything both ways. What I am saying is that holy book knowledge is not critical to God's system.

Ok, let me give you some examples: Continuing the generations is important. God works it this way. God makes sex really good. God creates attraction between people. God places chemistry among people. The knowledge is implanted. Parameters are part of life yet did you really choose these things?

Interaction is key to learning and growing. Interaction is key to God's system. This is implanted. What happens if you do not interact? You get lonely. Did you choose to get lonely?? No. It happens because it goes against God's system.

Choosing is part of God's system. What happens if one refuses to choose? Adversity points the way to so much learning and growing. The need to take action and choose has been created so one does move. Did you choose the adversity to happen? No, yet you still have free choice, however it is within the parameters that have been set by God.

Don't you see? There is so much going on around you that you are blind to see because you are accepting, following and not questioning thereby refusing to Discover anything around you. These examples are all actions of God. Can you really say no one can see what God is doing? It's you choosing to be blind to it all.

There is so very much going on around us all that God is doing. Lifetimes of study is in order. This is exactly what I am pointing to. If you sit in a classroom next to the smartest person in the class, it can rub off on you, so to speak, to acquire higher grades. How much more wisdom can one gain studying INTELLIGENCE ITSELF??? All the secrets of God and the universe are staring us all in the face. There is no need for holy books. The knowledge has been there all along.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Look closely. It is you who are dealing with Beliefs. Do you really think God values beliefs over knowing?

We can only know what God wants us to know, and all we can know is revealed through the Messengers.
You ignore ore reject what the Messengers revealed and that I how I know that you do not know anything about God.

You are holding on beliefs so hard that you can see nothing else. You create limits for yourself in order for you to have an excuse to limit your actions.

You do have limits. You limit yourself to Discovering truth for yourself, or so you believe you are Discovering truth.

Unless the belief is in a holy book. Then you reject it lock, stock and barrel since it is incongruent with your own belief system.
Anything that does not agree with what you already believe you reject. You don't even try to understand why it might be true because you have already made up your mind that it is false.

I don't see anything new that you have Discovered in the last five years, just the same old mantra.

Go ahead. Choose to hang on to those beliefs that you have been repeating here for the last five years. Choose to create limits that excuses you from doing anything else but confirming what you already believe you know. It is just a lesson that you seem to insist on learning for yourself.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
Truth is Truth. I can not change what is in a million years. On the other hand, one can make up any beliefs one chooses. Of course, those beliefs will always be simple, closed, what one wants, and the math will have leaking holes around it all.

It doesn't matter what one believes. If one steps off a high rise building, one is going to fall.

Choosing reality over beliefs will end up with the best results regardless of how one might not want reality to be true.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Interesting points that you make. Let me add.

A life living of the past, upon having children that live in the future, can experience/have visions of the future via the entanglements of the light transcending time.

""The MATH does add up. Everything about God will add up!!!"""

That line as you wrote it is beyond what most ever consider.

"WE" are conscious life, experiencing existing. Thanks for helping us see the perspective that our future generations will eventually come to know.
That light bulb did go off over your head. Thanks for the kinds words. You have vision.

You are right. So often God is about feeling. Let's not forget that a Being capable of creating universes has an Intellectual half.

Your quote:A life living of the past, upon having children that live in the future, can experience/have visions of the future via the entanglements of the light transcending time.

My Answer: Interaction is never one sided. Looks like you have given me something to think about. Time is also something few understand, yet it too is an important part of the universe. I'm afraid I am much lacking in this area. Perhaps I need to work on that more.

That's what I see. It's very clear except for time itself but I am working on that!!!


New Member
OK. God creates the universe and God creates you. What does God want from you?

If you are an atheist, speculate. If God really exists and creates the universe and God creates you. What does God want from you?

Before you just give a quick answer, consider a Being capable of creating the universe and you has to be very very smart. Consider High Intellect with your answers. Make God's answer High Intellect.
The creator imbued Homo sapiens with singular qualities and abilities unique to the species. Complex communication skills, scientific reason, oh you know - all the features that separate man from animals; all this stuff is built in from birth (to some more than others ). Your question - what does (“God”) want from you? I reckon pretty much every reasoning human ever born wondered that at least once in their life if they believed in (“God”) at all. And no two people reach the same conclusion, if they reach any conclusion at all. Just start with the 30,000 foot view - most world religions each claim to have the only Truth and blanket condemn all the others as imposters. With that in mind, how does any human REALLY know what is true and what their idea of a god expects? They don’t. So what the hell? It’s pretty important, right? I mean, if you don’t do or know the right things you’re gonna fry like bacon for all eternity, ya know? That doesn’t seem right, does it? Doesn’t to me any way. So what, then? Well, think of it this way: the creator (“God”) if there is such a thing, must be omnipotent, omniscient, omnipowerful… all the omnis. So if this Omni-everything creator has expectations of the created, wouldn’t that creator have built in that knowledge along with the other features that set humans apart from critters? Imprinted in the DNA, no guesswork or ambiguity, no waiting for a prophet to get a revelation, no waiting for a missionary to lovingly administer a notion of “truth.” Just there in the consciousness like the ability to speak and walk upright and drive a stick shift. But that all-important little tidbit of sacred information is NOT present in our DNA, is it? No, it’s not. So the only intelligent conclusion that can be reached, Thomas Paine, is that if there is a sentient creator it HAS no expectations of the created. End of story. Put that in your bowl and toke it.