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What gives your 'God' the right to damn? What condones burning for eternity?


Doubting Thomas
Yes, God doesn't want anyone to be damned, and wants all to be saved. However, if someone consistently chooses for all eternity to reject God, what can He do? He can't (or won't) force us to love Him. It's not like He casts us off without a care. But if someone chooses over and over to reject Him, then there's nothing God can do aside from let them have their way, since salvation can never be forced on those who don't want it. I have a hard time believing that people would actively want to persist forever in Hell, myself--but I can't rule out the theoretical possibility that there are some people who will want to be in Hell forever.

Rephrasing it that way I can agree. :)

I don't think it is so much that people would choose suffering and torment as much as they might not realize there is a way out of it.


Pronounced Shee-ra-noo-ee
Premium Member
Wait, your claim is that punishment for not loving the ultimatum maker is natural consequences?
No, my claim is that "punishment for not loving the ultimatum maker" isn't a part of it in the first place. Hell is NOT a place of punishment by an angry, masochistic God, as it is in much of Protestant belief. Hell is rather a state of self-imposed suffering. Those who experience Hell are those who openly, freely and knowingly choose to reject any love given to them by anyone. Those who experience Hell are so depraved that they willfully and knowingly choose to cut themselves off from every other person and from God, just because they would rather sit there and stew in their misery and hatred rather than letting go of their negative feelings and loving others. Hell is choosing to be depressed and gloomy all the time, saying "Woe is me" while everyone else around them is having fun and living life. And, as long as we continue to want to be in Hell, the more we see others filled with love and happiness, the more we continue to develop blind hatred and prejudice for them. Hatred is nothing more than destruction, division and separation--all of which are also synonymous with Hell.

Hell is NOT a set of external punishments foisted upon us by a tyrannical, megalomaniacal God out for our blood if we don't obey Him like good little monkeys. Hell is an internal experience that we create for ourselves when presented with the love and presence of God and other people. It's not a torture chamber where we unwillingly have tortures performed on us by another person. Hell is an actively desired state of relational separation from everything else in the world. It has nothing to do whatsoever with ultimatums.
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Admiral Obvious
No, my claim is that "punishment for not loving the ultimatum maker" isn't a part of it in the first place. Hell is NOT a place of punishment by an angry, masochistic God, as it is in much of Protestant belief. Hell is rather a state of self-imposed suffering. Those who experience Hell are those who openly, freely and knowingly choose to reject any love given to them by anyone. Those who experience Hell are so depraved that they willfully and knowingly choose to cut themselves off from every other person and from God, just because they would rather sit there and stew in their misery and hatred rather than letting go of their negative feelings and loving others. Hell is choosing to be depressed and gloomy all the time, saying "Woe is me" while everyone else around them is having fun and living life. And, as long as we continue to want to be in Hell, the more we see others filled with love and happiness, the more we continue to develop blind hatred and prejudice for them. Hatred is nothing more than destruction, division and separation--all of which are also synonymous with Hell.

Hell is NOT a set of external punishments foisted upon us by a tyrannical, megalomaniacal God out for our blood if we don't obey Him like good little monkeys. Hell is an internal experience that we create for ourselves when presented with the love and presence of God and other people. It's not a torture chamber where we unwillingly have tortures performed on us by another person. Hell is an actively desired state of relational separation from everything else in the world. It has nothing to do whatsoever with ultimatums.

Ah, so by the above no one will experience hell.


Pronounced Shee-ra-noo-ee
Premium Member
Ah, so by the above no one will experience hell.
We can certainly hope so. But I've no doubt that there are people who simply love to be hateful and miserable--history and the news give us many examples of such people. The Scriptures DO say that Hell is (or was originally) for the devil and his angels.
From an Islamic perspective, The Creator has the right to do anything; God owns everything and owes nothing to anyone. Everything is owned by Allah (literally meaning "The God"). Everything is The Creator's property and, accordingly, The Creator can do whatever with anything. Injustice is to do that which one is not entitled to do. Since The Creator owns everything, The Creator is entitled to do whatever. To draw this closer, if one took an item of yours away and did something (without your permission), this is something the person did not have the right to do. The Creator owns you and me, as well as everything we "own" in this temporal life, so The Creator is not ordered by anyone or restricted from anything. Whatever endowment one receives, it is by The Creator's Generosity (as The Creator was never obligated to give anyone anything, whether a breathe of air, sip of water, or morsel of food, all of it is from The Creator's Generosity). Whatever one is afflicted with, such as a natural disaster, is from The Creator's Justice, as injustice is (intellectually) inconceivable from The Creator. Some people say The Creator is evil because of a catastrophe, but this is nothing but an illogical argument predicated on an emotional impulse to whatever occurred. They believe God owes them tranquility or serenity...which is certainly not the case. Hell is a place reserved for non-Muslims, as this is what is indicated in the Religious Texts.


Question Everything
'How are people bad if God made us that way, why didnt he make us all good'

God is actually cleaning up a mess He did not create - the word "create" in the Bible is not correctly understood - the Bible does not teach ex-Nihlo creationism, it begins with unorganized matter. Our spirits are as eternal as God's.

Which I was given the usual speach about the gift of Free Will

True free will only exists for eternal beings - because if you are created, as you correctly said, everything could be traced back to how you were created. Our free will is evidence of our eternal nature.

yes we have free will, ...but do we really? To the extent that we can be judged by them? Eternally?

Yes, we really have free will. There is more to us than nature and nurture. To say we are only products of our DNA (nature) is racist, and racism is looked down upon because we all recognize that we are more than our DNA... To say our actions are dictated by nurture is embracing classicism - everyone knows we are not bound by where we grew up, or who our parents are... talk to anyone who is a parent, and they will tell you they don't know where their children came from - because our children are unique, with a mind of their own.

... plenty of people brake out of that cycle. ...'I had a bad upbringing' isnt enough of an excuse anymore.

We break out of this cycle, because we really do have free will.

God is not evil
God loves his creations
God understands his creations

So, if you agree with those points how can you accept that God would damn a man to hell forEVER for the bad deeds he committed in his life when no child is born evil, so it must be things that have effected him in this life to cause him to act that way?

I agree that no one is born evil, but our birth is not our beginning.

(Old Testament | Jeremiah 1:5)
5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee...

ultimately our actions are a product of our eternal spirit - not of nature, not of nurture, but of who we really are. In this life, or in the next, we will all have the same opportunity to come to a full knowledge, and make an informed choice on what kind of existence we would like. Those who do not choose love, peace, and harmony (and this will be few in number, if any at all) will not be resurrected to a physical body - they will remain as spirits unable to touch or harm anyone. (Why evil spirits are so unhappy about not having a body).

Epic Beard Man

Bearded Philosopher
From an Islamic perspective, The Creator has the right to do anything; God owns everything and owes nothing to anyone. Everything is owned by Allah (literally meaning "The God"). Everything is The Creator's property and, accordingly, The Creator can do whatever with anything. Injustice is to do that which one is not entitled to do. Since The Creator owns everything, The Creator is entitled to do whatever. To draw this closer, if one took an item of yours away and did something (without your permission), this is something the person did not have the right to do. The Creator owns you and me, as well as everything we "own" in this temporal life, so The Creator is not ordered by anyone or restricted from anything. Whatever endowment one receives, it is by The Creator's Generosity (as The Creator was never obligated to give anyone anything, whether a breathe of air, sip of water, or morsel of food, all of it is from The Creator's Generosity). Whatever one is afflicted with, such as a natural disaster, is from The Creator's Justice, as injustice is (intellectually) inconceivable from The Creator. Some people say The Creator is evil because of a catastrophe, but this is nothing but an illogical argument predicated on an emotional impulse to whatever occurred. They believe God owes them tranquility or serenity...which is certainly not the case. Hell is a place reserved for non-Muslims, as this is what is indicated in the Religious Texts.

Which is exactly why I don't believe in Allah.....

I never asked to live, nor exist....

The way you've described Allah is like describing a kid who constructs an ant farm. None of the ants asked to be in the ant farm yet the kid has the ability to disrupt the natural order of the ant farm because he/she can. God in Islam and how it is expressed by Muslims such as yourself is the reason some become disinterested in the faith. You explain Allah's punishment as a guideline because such and such person didn't follow it.

If Allah is "Rabbil Alamin" then surely a religion on a planet the size of a grain of sand is nothing but a particular element apart of that sand, nothing more. But religion for God in Islam seems to encompass so much because religion and a belief in Allah is deterimental....How you express God in your belief makes your God rather small as opposed to the Lord of the Universe.

My idea of Hell.....

Did anyone watch the movie "The Prophecy?"

When Lucifer (played by Viggo Mortensen) said the following:

"Do you know what Hell really is, Thomas? It's not lakes of burning oil or chains of ice. It's being removed from God's sight, of having His word taken from you."

While Allah is concerned with punishing people by pouring boiling water down the souls throats, the fact that one is furthest from God is painful enough and that to me is hell. I lost a mother who was very dear to me from cancer, and so if the love that emnantes from God is 1 million times greater than the love my mother expressed to me and I am removed from that love then what is fire and boiling water when I am furthest from the thing I want to be next to?
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Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
From an Islamic perspective, The Creator has the right to do anything; God owns everything and owes nothing to anyone. Everything is owned by Allah (literally meaning "The God"). Everything is The Creator's property and, accordingly, The Creator can do whatever with anything. Injustice is to do that which one is not entitled to do. Since The Creator owns everything, The Creator is entitled to do whatever. To draw this closer, if one took an item of yours away and did something (without your permission), this is something the person did not have the right to do. The Creator owns you and me, as well as everything we "own" in this temporal life, so The Creator is not ordered by anyone or restricted from anything. Whatever endowment one receives, it is by The Creator's Generosity (as The Creator was never obligated to give anyone anything, whether a breathe of air, sip of water, or morsel of food, all of it is from The Creator's Generosity). Whatever one is afflicted with, such as a natural disaster, is from The Creator's Justice, as injustice is (intellectually) inconceivable from The Creator. Some people say The Creator is evil because of a catastrophe, but this is nothing but an illogical argument predicated on an emotional impulse to whatever occurred. They believe God owes them tranquility or serenity...which is certainly not the case. Hell is a place reserved for non-Muslims, as this is what is indicated in the Religious Texts.

This is one reason why I'm a Christian and not a Muslim. Islam tends to emphasize God as rather uncaring towards humans and not very loving. Christianity, as I understand it, emphasizes God's love and care for humanity and that He suffers with us. He understands our pain and will help us through it if we but call out to Him. Islam doesn't have that view, from what I can see. The way you describe it, Islam's view of God is rather cold. If I had to be a Muslim, I'd be a Sufi since they seem to have a "warmer" view of God.


Well-Known Member
God is actually cleaning up a mess He did not create - the word "create" in the Bible is not correctly understood - the Bible does not teach ex-Nihlo creationism, it begins with unorganized matter. Our spirits are as eternal as God's.
Are you telling me something happened and God did know about it? Actually He did cause it and took blame for it in scripture. It was very organized in the beginning everything was planned Our spirits are not eternal. Eteranl means without beginning or end. man had a beginning.
True free will only exists for eternal beings - because if you are created, as you correctly said, everything could be traced back to how you were created. Our free will is evidence of our eternal nature.
Who is free? Adam had no choice; what do we freely choose? i.e. our, birth, our parents, color of skin, salvation? Carnal man is a slave to sin. Surw he can free choose many things both good and evil. But where is this true free will?
Yes, we really have free will. There is more to us than nature and nurture. To say we are only products of our DNA (nature) is racist, and racism is looked down upon because we all recognize that we are more than our DNA... To say our actions are dictated by nurture is embracing classicism - everyone knows we are not bound by where we grew up, or who our parents are... talk to anyone who is a parent, and they will tell you they don't know where their children came from - because our children are unique, with a mind of their own.
Move to North Korea


Well-Known Member
No, my claim is that "punishment for not loving the ultimatum maker" isn't a part of it in the first place. Hell is NOT a place of punishment by an angry, masochistic God, as it is in much of Protestant belief. Hell is rather a state of self-imposed suffering. Those who experience Hell are those who openly, freely and knowingly choose to reject any love given to them by anyone. Those who experience Hell are so depraved that they willfully and knowingly choose to cut themselves off from every other person and from God, just because they would rather sit there and stew in their misery and hatred rather than letting go of their negative feelings and loving others. Hell is choosing to be depressed and gloomy all the time, saying "Woe is me" while everyone else around them is having fun and living life. And, as long as we continue to want to be in Hell, the more we see others filled with love and happiness, the more we continue to develop blind hatred and prejudice for them. Hatred is nothing more than destruction, division and separation--all of which are also synonymous with Hell.

Hell is NOT a set of external punishments foisted upon us by a tyrannical, megalomaniacal God out for our blood if we don't obey Him like good little monkeys. Hell is an internal experience that we create for ourselves when presented with the love and presence of God and other people. It's not a torture chamber where we unwillingly have tortures performed on us by another person. Hell is an actively desired state of relational separation from everything else in the world. It has nothing to do whatsoever with ultimatums.
I see hell as a man made lie created by man in the early church to scare ignorant people to believe. The words in the Bible comes from paganism and do not line up to balance what God is doing in the Bible. The belief in hell makes Jesus a monster; which He is not.
I don't believe that heaven is a place for good people, and hell is a place for bad.

I believe that hell is basically, here and now, on earth. Hell being a separation from God. Those who chose to live an earthly existence will simply remain separated after death. I actually don't think "being good" is the point of our lives, but rather improving as human beings, and becoming more God like in order to suit God's needs in the next level of existence. Part of that is obviously being good to others, but there's more to that. Letting go of earthly trappings for one thing.

This is what I believe Jesus meant when he said he's the only way to heaven. Not that Christianity is the ONLY true religion, but that his example is the perfect demonstration of how one should live life and view death.

It's not that God has chosen in some uncaring way to damn those who don't believe, it's that those who cling to the earth, and chose not to improve themselves in a spiritual way, will be unfit to enter "heaven", whatever that may be.

Maybe you aren't dammed, so much as sent back here to try again on our earthly little ball of hell. But then again, how many chances do you think we get?


Well-Known Member
Which is exactly why I don't believe in Allah.....

I never asked to live, nor exist....

The way you've described Allah is like describing a kid who constructs an ant farm. None of the ants asked to be in the ant farm yet the kid has the ability to disrupt the natural order of the ant farm because he/she can. God in Islam and how it is expressed by Muslims such as yourself is the reason some become disinterested in the faith. You explain Allah's punishment as a guideline because such and such person didn't follow it.

If Allah is "Rabbil Alamin" then surely a religion on a planet the size of a grain of sand is nothing but a particular element apart of that sand, nothing more. But religion for God in Islam seems to encompass so much because religion and a belief in Allah is deterimental....How you express God in your belief makes your God rather small as opposed to the Lord of the Universe.

My idea of Hell.....

Did anyone watch the movie "The Prophecy?"

When Lucifer (played by Viggo Mortensen) said the following:

"Do you know what Hell really is, Thomas? It's not lakes of burning oil or chains of ice. It's being removed from God's sight, of having His word taken from you."

While Allah is concerned with punishing people by pouring boiling water down the souls throats, the fact that one is furthest from God is painful enough and that to me is hell. I lost a mother who was very dear to me from cancer, and so if the love that emnantes from God is 1 million times greater than the love my mother expressed to me and I am removed from that love then what is fire and boiling water when I am furthest from the thing I want to be next to?

The Prophecy line reminds me of a of Dogma, when the Demon explains that at first hell was just a place for angels who had been cast out and it was agony enough, but then Humans started showing up because they believed they deserved to be there and they ended up creating their own punishments and turned a place of darkness into a place of suffering. Given human compunction for believing that we deserve to be punish for what we do...I'm not surprised.


Well-Known Member
The Prophecy line reminds me of a of Dogma, when the Demon explains that at first hell was just a place for angels who had been cast out and it was agony enough, but then Humans started showing up because they believed they deserved to be there and they ended up creating their own punishments and turned a place of darkness into a place of suffering. Given human compunction for believing that we deserve to be punish for what we do...I'm not surprised.
The word punish in the Greek means to prune or chastise


Pronounced Shee-ra-noo-ee
Premium Member
I see hell as a man made lie created by man in the early church to scare ignorant people to believe. The words in the Bible comes from paganism and do not line up to balance what God is doing in the Bible. The belief in hell makes Jesus a monster; which He is not.
First of all, define "Hell."

Second, Hell doesn't make Jesus a monster in the least, nor was "scaring" people into believing a common tactic among early Christians.

Plus, to deny Hell, one would either have to deny Jesus' words and warnings, or posit that God erases people from existence--something that is even more merciless than Hell, because it removes any chance of eventually embracing God and being purified of sin. Forcing Heaven on everyone is to deny us free will. The belief in reincarnation trivializes death, which is one of the central problems presented in the Bible.


Well-Known Member
First of all, define "Hell."

Second, .

The word hell is not even in the original language of the Bible; it is a total mistranslation. The words Sheol, Hades, Tartarus and Gehenna have no root or meaning in the word hell. The word hell came from an Angle Saxon word meaning to bury. You go to the UK today and you can hel your potatoes.

She-ol (eol) [[Heb shaal , to dig]] a place in the depths of the earth conceived of as the dwelling of the dead Note: translated in KJV about haft of scriptures as hell, the other haft as grave
Ha-des(hadez) [[Gr Haides ]] 1 Gr. Myth. a) the home of the dead, beneath the earth b) the god of the underworld 2 Bible the state or resting place of the dead: name used in some modern translations of the New Testament
Yes there is a Tar-ta-rus (tart rs) [[ Gr Tartaros ]] Gr. Myth. 1 an infernal abyss below Hades, where Zeus hurls the rebel Titans, later a place of punishment for the demons and devils not people. (mentioned only once in the Bible)
Those who go to Gehenna are not sinners of the world; but are sinners of God’s people. (how precious is this a type of purification outside of God’s holy city. All things that are not of God will be purified by God’s holy judgment.

Jesus was not speaking to the world/pagan people/sinners; he was speaking to the Jews (believers during His time He walked o n this earth); when ever He used this Greek word Gehenna. The Teutonic pagan word Hell Gehenna is not physical flames, even though Gehenna is the garbage dump outside the city of Jerusalem. Gehenna Judgment is actually spiritual in nature; it is the reaping of what Israel had sown by killing the prophets and their children in the fire to Molech and Baal at Topheth and in the Valley of Ben Hiddom (later called Gehenna). God warned that those who go to Gehenna are not sinners of the world; but are sinners of God’s people. (how precious is this a type of purification outside of God’s holy city. All things that are not of God will be purified by God’s holy judgment. This word is used not for sinner, murders or liars; it is used with the word “BROTHER”.
Gehenna is not physical flames, even though Gehenna is the garbage dump outside the city of Jerusalem. Gehenna Judgment is actually spiritual in nature, it is the reaping of what Isreal had sown by killing the prophets and their children in the fire to Molech and Baal at Topheth and in the Valley of Ben Hiddom (later called Gehenna). God warned that He is the only God, there is no other like Him.

Matthew 5:22

But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell (Gehenna) fire.


Well-Known Member
Plus, to deny Hell, one would either have to deny Jesus' words and warnings, or posit that God erases people from existence--something that is even more merciless than Hell, because it removes any chance of eventually embracing God and being purified of sin.
That is what the Lake of Fire is for and it is spiritual place not a physical place.


Well-Known Member
Forcing Heaven on everyone is to deny us free will. The belief in reincarnation trivializes death, which is one of the central problems presented in the Bible.

No one is forcing heaven on no one. That is why there is a Lake of Devine purging.
Sense when did carnal man have freewill?
Did you choose your parents, color of skin, where you were born? NO. Adam chooses to fall and we do not freely choose our salvation. Freewill is a religious word and not found anywhere in scripture accept for the freewill offering in the OT which has nothing to do with what I am addressing above.


Hello DistinctReason,

You said,
Looking forward to getting opinions on this from religious minds and also people who do not follow a religion.

I am NOT Religious..

The one thing I cannot accept about all religions is the after life. You get in or you don't. Not including purgatory.

Why shouldn’t you accept hope for life after death? I’m certainly glad I did. You aren’t happy for people that lived in poverty and sorrow all their lives that embraced that hope? Aren’t you aware that this present life will end? Who is able to live without hope? Please beware not to place your hope in the wrong things.

You said,

I will explain this using Christianity.
Your after life all depends on the life you live now, whether your 'good or bad'
One of the first questions I asked a Christian was 'How are people bad if God made us that way, why didnt he make us all good' Which I was given the usual speach about the gift of Free Will yadaa yadaa. And for a while I simply accepted that.

Aren’t you aware that the Bible informs us that God made everything good and that the fall of man brought a curse? Adam and Eve started out innocent before they fell into temptation by their own choice. Think about a person that lives a straight life all of his life until he commits a murder. That single event would adversely affect him and those around him for the rest of his life. So did Adam’s rebellion affect the whole of mankind that descended from him. The fact that he was warned makes him without excuse. Sin brings a curse.

Hasn’t a captain of a ship the right to punish disobedience? Such disobedience could possibly endanger the entire mission including the ship. The fact that the ship’s mission and the lives of all aboard weighs on the captain’s shoulder of responsibility is the reason that utmost respect for the captain is essential. The same is true with God that’s the Captain of the universe that knows the number of your hairs. The greater the responsibility, the greater the insult to authority and thus the greater the consequences for disobedience.

You said,

But now what I don't understand is, yes we have free will, the ability to make good and bad choices, but do we really? To the extent that we can be judged by them? Eternally?

No body is born evil. The beaten grow up to beat there own and I am aware of the constant moral debate about whether you can blame a person for beating their child when they were beaten their whole life. My opinion on this matter is yes they are still to blame, plenty of people brake out of that cycle. Its 2013 with the amount of deadbeat parents there are nar days simply 'I had a bad upbringing' isnt enough of an excuse anymore. But thats this life, on earth.

Now before I make my actual point I have to explain a few points that I view as facts

God is not evil
God loves his creations
God understands his creations

So, if you agree with those points how can you accept that God would damn a man to hell forEVER for the bad deeds he committed in his life when no child is born evil, so it must be things that have effected him in this life to cause him to act that way? A normal fully functioning human being does not enjoy doing bad things, so they do not do them, if they do, they either do not intend to or do not know what they are doing is bad. If they do not what they are doing they are not a fully functioning human being so how can they be blamed? Its not there fault!

Haven’t you read that all have sinned? Isn't sin rebellion by free will? Who taught children to be evil if they were not born that way? How do you explain sibling rivalry? Is it necessary to teach a child to do things that necessitate punishment? Have you never done wrong? As for the blame game habits common this day, where did they originate? You said there are many reasons people do bad things. What’s the reasons, please? All are infected with sin.

Retarded people are still sinners.

I will discuss hell further down.

You said,

There are true stories of very young children doing very evil things, which could dispute the fact that no child is born evil, but thats not the point im making, even if a child is born and is 'evil' that backs my point that they cannot be blamed. This includes people with mental health issues

When I asked a Christian about this once they said it is the devil that makes people do bad things; I replied that by claiming that they are admitting it is not the humans fault; They said yes it is because the person should of made the right decision, but in eyes they still cannot really be blamed because there is a reason they made this decision, that God as our creator should be able to understand.

The fact that children are capable of doing evil is the reason they need to be corrected. All that are born sinners are culpable. Retarded and mentally ill people are still sinners. Some children are deliberately taught to do evil such as helping their parents to steal. Children in other parts of the world are given guns for military battle. The sinful nature they were born with is thus enhanced as if adding rocket power to a free fall.

I will talk about the devil in my next paragraph.

You said,

The only dispute to this argument I can think of is if the devil actually appeared to someone of average intelligence and correct mental state, told them to do something, and they did it, knowing that the deed was evil. Then I could accept it.

The devil has power only to tempt and deceive a person into self-destruction. The person that falls for the temptation does so by choice as you indicated. God allows the devil to tempt to test free will. Will the individual trust God to obey His word or will he disobey for lust for the bait?

You said,
To summorize; There are many reasons people do bad things, the only true difference is whether the person is sane or not. If you a concious of doing something bad you should be punished for it. But there is a thick line between punishment and torture. You punish someone to teach them a lesson. Heaven and hell are eternal, you cant vist one and pop to the other. So hell is not a punishment it is torture. And i do not believe that a God who understands his creations would torture them for making wrong decisions that really, they did not choose to make. A human being does not get to choose the person they become, of course they can choose how they act, but not there actual self. You can have urges to kill and keep them locked away, because you are strong enough too. Can we really torture people for not being strong enough? Yes. Can God? Maybe, but is doing that not contradicting the reason hes doing it?

God gives everyone the opportunity to repent throughout his lifetime. That's why preaching is necessary. The person that never hears a preached message has his conscience. Hell is the last resort for the person that never comes to repentance.

A person must be taught good and evil. His choice to be the type of person he becomes is based on his obedience or disobedience to the commandments. If for example a person steals, he chooses to become a thief.

Why did God create hell that’s forever? If God lives forever and His created beings live forever, and that a created being rebels by choice and never reconciles himself before he dies, he is forever at odds with God by choice. The fact that God is omnipresent means that it’s impossible for the rebellious soul to truly separate from God. But the sin of rebellion has no place before God. That’s why God created hell. Even though the rebellious will forever be in the presence of God because God is omnipresent, the job of hell is to take all of the joy and satisfaction that comes with the presence of God away.

Wrong must be punished and God will never allow unpunished sin to ruin eternity as it ruined life on earth. The sinner that never repents has only ruined his own eternity. However, let’s not forget that God has offered a way to escape sin as shown in St. John 3:16-17 and 2 Peter 3:9.

You said,
Also, you could dispute this by saying God doesnt understand us enough to be able to accept the reasons we do bad deeds, if this is true, how does he have the right to judge us for them?

Have you ever designed and built a machine that operates in a way that you don’t understand? How has the police the right to judge us for wrong? Aren't there laws that govern us?

Take care,