I have mixed feelings about the subject and not sure how I can express it coherently.
The subject of sex is a fine line. I can understand why you don't find much about sex in the church besides the fact that scripture seems to support sex within the institution of marriage. We all know how fun it is or will be and the amount of pleasure we receive from it. Driving home that point in front of a congregation of mixed ages is something I would be hesitant to do as a pastor/priest. We drive home the point that sex is done within marriage but as a teenager, who wants to wait until they are in their 20's to experience such a pleasurable activity? I don't think the catholic church represses sexuality any more than it does the use of alcohol or drug use. Sure, those things may be pleasurable too but when abused it opens a pandora's box that can be difficult to keep in check. Aren't we more than our fleshly desires? We don't live our lives to please our flesh but we master our bodies in the same way we master our minds. In your experience UV, it seems to me that the the church did something similar to what we find in the Garden of Eden. God told Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit from the Tree but it's interesting to note that when Eve is talking to the Serpent, she tells it that not only are we to not eat of it but we are also not allowed to touch it. However, God never said not that they weren't supposed to touch it. IMO, Adam and Eve probably said to each other, "You know, it's bad news if we eat from this tree so just so we aren't tempted, lets not even touch the fruit lest we fall into temptation." Almost like adding an extra layer of protection.
Use all the lube, toys, mirrors, gadgets you want but expressions of sexuality are probably better enjoyed within marriage. I know it's hard and I'll admit like others around here that I have failed in that part of my life. I have found it enjoyable but I'll tell you what, those moments of pleasure wouldn't make up for the despair and and anguish I'd feel if I found out that my girlfriend was pregnant. Maybe it's just me but I'm still waiting for the days when I'm married and I don't feel a sense of guilt for having sense. I don't equate guilt with an institution trying to limit my sexuality. For me, I think it's a sense of conviction from the Holy Spirit.
Any of this make sense? Limiting your sexual activities until marriage isn't such an evil thing and I think it can make your experience that much more enjoyable and you save yourself a lot of potential "accidents".