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What if we accepted each other's religion?

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Now people ignore the fact that we are all humans, and only look out for themselves.

If we know we are all human, what characteristic or action would we need to get along. I am a person and you are a person? We have differing beliefs and we are both people. I know this. You know this. I know this and I can still rob a bank and you can still, I don't know, take a kid's lolly pop.

There is much more than acknowledging that we are one people (a puzzle). We have to "put the pieces together" or take action to build world peace.

In order to do that, we need a goal/foundation/structure. No one person owns this structure; we own it. There is no one set religion (as everyone else defines it) owns this. No king or queen. No communism. (Nowadays, I'll throw in no democracy either)

What foundation/action of the people not acknowledgement that we are people brings world peace to which, as a people, we all agree on while at the same time having our diverse beliefs without it being stepped on?

Do you think such a thing could happen?
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We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
This is what I believe and these words are what reflect how I understand what is needed for world peace to occur. To just say we are people of course you are very correct, is not enough..........

"The world is but one country and mankind its citizens" - worldcitizenship must happen at one stage for peace to work.

The oneness of the kingdom of humanity will supplant the banner of conquest, and all communities of the earth will gather under its protection. No nation with separate and restricted boundaries — such as Persia, for instance — will exist. The United States of America will be known only as a name. Germany, France, England, Turkey, Arabia — all these various nations will be welded together in unity. When the people of the future are asked, “To which nationality do you belong?” the answer will be, “To the nationality of humanity…” The people of the future will not say, “I belong to the nation of England, France or Persia”; for all of them will be citizens of a universal nationality — the one family, the one country, the one world of humanity — and then these wars, hatreds and strifes will pass away. –

Abdu’l-Baha, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 18.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
To add to the above is that it will be a unity in diversity not unity in uniformity. Like the different coloured flowers in a garden exist side by side with different shapes, sizes and fragrances without conflict so the world of humanity will be.
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Active Member
Recently Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world, recognised the Baha'i Faith as an equal world Faith. You can read about it in these links or google it also.


Thank you for enlightening me. Truly I knew nothing of the Baha'i faith but simply made the false assumption this was an Eastern religion. I did not know that it developed from the Shi'a branch of Islam, just as Christianity arose from Judaism. I've read, however, that the faith is severely persecuted within Iran -- and possibly in many other Islamic countries as well? Followers of Baha'i are thought by many Muslims to be apostates and we both know what this can mean. From the little I've read Baha'i is a very descent religion. Does the Koran play a role with your faith?


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Thank you for enlightening me. Truly I knew nothing of the Baha'i faith but simply made the false assumption this was an Eastern religion. I did not know that it developed from the Shi'a branch of Islam, just as Christianity arose from Judaism. I've read, however, that the faith is severely persecuted within Iran -- and possibly in many other Islamic countries as well? Followers of Baha'i are thought by many Muslims to be apostates and we both know what this can mean. From the little I've read Baha'i is a very descent religion. Does the Koran play a role with your faith?

Good to speak with you and thanks for the question. The Baha'i Faith's main teaching is the oneness and equality of all people so we accept that all the major religions have had a part to play in our spiritual development from the tribe to the nation. Baha'u'llah is the new Messenger for this age and has brought teachings and laws to help humanity unite and be as one family. So unconditional acceptance of all people as equals whether Baha'i or not is our basic belief.we have our own Holy Book. The Quran was for a different age.


Active Member
Tumah said:
In some cases, it does matter who is wrong or who is right. I wouldn't want to raise my kids believing that it doesn't matter whether they remain Jewish or become Baha'i because in my perspective, that would garner them a ticket to Hell. So although I can be personable towards you, there needs to remain some distance and some demarcation between us.
While I understand what you are saying, and while I admit I know little of the Baha'i faith, it strikes me as commendable that they seem so willing to live and let live. Much of Islam on the other hand seems only to tolerate other faiths -- or not even that.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
The Baha'i religion is an offshoot of Islam. It is exactly the same as any created religion. If you do not believe that Bahá'u'lláh is a messenger of god then you can't be a follower. Unfortunately Baha'i is also full of man-made dogmas and interpretations. No man is any holier than any other.

Yes, I am no better than you or anyone else. We are all fellow human beings.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
It would be nice to think that the Baha'i faith has some hope of transforming the Islamic world. I will keep my fingers crossed.

All we want is for humanity to stop the wars and live in peace but how can we do that unless we each view all humanity as our family? If one race or religion or nation harbours strong beliefs of superiority to the others then peace is impossible.

So universal unconditional acceptance of all men as equals is essential if we are to have peace.


Active Member
All we want is for humanity to stop the wars and live in peace but how can we do that unless we each view all humanity as our family? If one race or religion or nation harbours strong beliefs of superiority to the others then peace is impossible.

So universal unconditional acceptance of all men as equals is essential if we are to have peace.
I agree, but there is one religion in the world today that seems incapable of this. Individual Muslims can reach this goal, I am sure, but the Koran is always present waiting to pull some of them back into the maelstrom through a sense of religious superiority and righteous necessity.
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We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
I agree, but there is one religion in the world today that seems incapable of this. Individual Muslims can reach this goal, I am sure, but the Koran is always there waiting to pull some of them back into a sense of religious superiority and righteous necessity.

Thanks for being so patient.

This is a story about critical mass and how society ebbs and flows in different directions. The story about the 100th monkey is used to convey how society jumps onto bandwagons when enough people are on one.


So we Baha'is are just trying get people onto the bandwagon of peace and world brotherhood for all. Our goal - human happiness and the advancement of civilisation. Money and power is not in the equation.

If we can open our hearts and welcome all with the light of oneness we can create a world where we all look out for each other. I abhor people being slaughtered while the most powerful and wealthy nations just look on. They are our fellow human beings. We should be rushing to their rescue from oppression. How can we ignore such suffering? It is inhuman to not care.we as a human race have sunk to the lowest depths to allow wholesale massacres to continue.


Premium Member
What if we accepted each other's religion?
Which religion is going to compromise their beliefs? How can you have unity without compromise?



We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
What if we accepted each other's religion?
Which religion is going to compromise their beliefs? How can you have unity without compromise?


There's no compromise really. We all accept the golden rule which already brings us together. We can have unity as we have another basic thing in common in that we are all human beings. Then all religions believe in the mystical whether we call it enlightenment or heaven but we all believe that we are spiritual beings also. We can all go to each other's churches, mosques, temples and synagogues as they are all buildings made out of Mother Earth. We can pray together, meditate together and work together for the betterment of humanity to help the poor and needy etc. we can consult on how we can establish world peace by concentrating on our oneness. We can all join together and help improve the status of women in the world. There is just so, so much we have in common, it's actually impossible that we won't unite. It's inevitable. The followers will unite on these matters. The leaders also are coming around.


As a Baha'i I find accepting others religions to be not only workable but creates unity and friendship and peace between us. We accept the Prophet, Messenger or Messiah and His Holy Book and all humanity as a family and it works.

We accept everything except the man made dogmas and interpretations - only the religion in its purest form. Those who want peace will find in this message a great hope for humanity.

This is a call to peace and love and unity!

But without Truth, they are empty words. Truth matters, Truth is all that matters, Truth is all that is. Evil will always exist and be at odds with peace, love and unity as well as Truth.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
But without Truth, they are empty words. Truth matters, Truth is all that matters, Truth is all that is. Evil will always exist and be at odds with peace, love and unity as well as Truth.
Truth is relative to understanding, so I try not to get too hung up on supposed "truth". Notions of said "truth" have a tendency to give human animals swollen heads and enlarged hat sizes.


Truth is relative to understanding, so I try not to get too hung up on supposed "truth". Notions of said "truth" have a tendency to give human animals swollen heads and enlarged hat sizes.

Yes, egos are definitely a problem that buggers understanding Truth, but that doesn't mean that Truth can't be understood if vanity is held in check. I think that's well understood when dealing with objective, scientific knowledge; e.g. the "scientific" reactions to a geocentric universe, evolution, and Jesus' Talpiot bones. (Yeah, so ok, that last isn't so well understood....yet.) But it's less well understood that subjective Truth (art), can be an intentional deception or lie, while at the same time being a truly dishonest statement by the "artist". Ex. a movie or book which the director/author knows has no significance, but through obscure language tries to imply that only the best and brightest will get it--then smirks as they twist their minds into pretzels trying to find the nonexistent meaning.