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What if we accepted each other's religion?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Then I'm very sorry you feel that way because my intentions are world peace and world unity and an end to disputes and conflicts between religions and we can do that by being more tolerant of each other's beliefs.
But you aren't tolerant of others' beliefs. This thread has made that clear. You're only tolerant of others' beliefs to the extent that they agree with yours.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
You misrepresented this discussion: you claimed that a sales pitch for your religion was a discussion of universalism.

You misrepresented your religion: you claimed that you "accept others' religions", only to make it clear later that what you really do is accept aspects of others' religions, reject other aspects, and add your own doctrines to make a different religion.

Those are the big ones. I'm sure I could find other examples if I went through the thread post-by-post.

These tactics do not create an atmosphere of trust.
You know, Penguin, one of things being quietly clamored for here is respect for the Bahia faith. I think most people realize that the Bahia's are a very small group of believers and are all but ignored in scholastic circles and are a favorite whipping boy of Muslims in many countries. Perhaps this is more of a backdoor plea for respect and a seat at the table with the big kids (in religious terms) to garner authenticity for Baha'ullah and the Bahia faith.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
You misrepresented this discussion: you claimed that a sales pitch for your religion was a discussion of universalism.

You misrepresented your religion: you claimed that you "accept others' religions", only to make it clear later that what you really do is accept aspects of others' religions, reject other aspects, and add your own doctrines to make a different religion.

Those are the big ones. I'm sure I could find other examples if I went through the thread post-by-post.

These tactics do not create an atmosphere of trust.

We do accept others religions. Just not the man made teachings and interpretations. We accept all that has come from the Divine Source God, nothing more nothing less.

We accept the Bible, the Quran, the Bhagavad-Gita, the Dhammapadda in short as many scriptures as can be authenticated as coming from a Divine Source. We accept Buddha, Muhammad, Krishna, Moses, Abraham, Zoroaster, the Bab and Baha'u'llah.

So I don't see where's the problem.

We even read from all these Holy Books of all these Faiths in Bahai Houses of Worship all over the world each week.

As Baha'is we own these Holy Books and read them and love their counsels.

What is it that is the problem that we don't accept rituals or ceremonies or priests interpretations or sacraments! All these were introduced into these religions and were not implemented by the Founder.

The only other thing I can think of is the social teachings. Things like Jihad and the caste system Baha'u'llah abolished them.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
We do accept others religions. Just not the man made teachings and interpretations. We accept all that has come from the Divine Source God, nothing more nothing less.

We accept the Bible, the Quran, the Bhagavad-Gita, the Dhammapadda in short as many scriptures as can be authenticated as coming from a Divine Source. We accept Buddha, Muhammad, Krishna, Moses, Abraham, Zoroaster, the Bab and Baha'u'llah.

So I don't see where's the problem.

We even read from all these Holy Books of all these Faiths in Bahai Houses of Worship all over the world each week.

As Baha'is we own these Holy Books and read them and love their counsels.

What is it that is the problem that we don't accept rituals or ceremonies or priests interpretations or sacraments! All these were introduced into these religions and were not implemented by the Founder.

The only other thing I can think of is the social teachings. Things like Jihad and the caste system Baha'u'llah abolished them.

Can I ask.

How do you accept (as in believe in) all other religions when a lot of them contradict with each other?

Some say there are no messangers. Some say there is only a specific messanger for a specific purpose. Some say there is no messager but a teacher. Some say the teacher is here to guide others while others say the teacher is to help others guide themselves. While many religions push away such teachers and yearn from revelation straight from the divine (rather than god, more universal) to the believer while others say that one comes to god through intemediaries (not Catholicism).

Yes, one messanger can derive inspiration and mesages from god from some of these religions while others have no divine component to their religion whatsoever. Christianity says you Must go through Jesus to go to god. Other religions not so.

Bahai isnt Christian, Islam, Pagan, Buddhist, Hinduist, Religious Witchcraft Practitioner, nor a Person of the Earth. Bahai also believes in a Creator while many religions do not.

While we can accept religions to the point of tolerance, if you like. While many of us respect to the point of understanding the truth of other faiths while knowing we dont share in those morals. 9Say a Pagan wo believes in Astru may appreciate the beauty of Christianity, but unless they have mixed beliefs, not many will say they must have Jesus as their Lod and Savior to have a spiritual life.

In many religions no one has every heard of Bahallauh. Id be one hundred percent surprised if Jesus had given the time differences.

Unless Bahai is like UU? or something similar, how can they accept multiple faiths when the gods, teachers, guides, and the person as his own spiritual guide differ extremely in the Bahai faith to where it is a fact half of these religions dont come from a Creator. Since they dont, how does a Bahai reconcile that

from that person's religion point of view not the Bahai?

That is respect--other peoples perspective not our own.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
We do accept others religions. Just not the man made teachings and interpretations. We accept all that has come from the Divine Source God, nothing more nothing less.

We accept the Bible, the Quran, the Bhagavad-Gita, the Dhammapadda in short as many scriptures as can be authenticated as coming from a Divine Source. We accept Buddha, Muhammad, Krishna, Moses, Abraham, Zoroaster, the Bab and Baha'u'llah.

So I don't see where's the problem.
The problem is that this approach is dishonest.

If you were being honest and forthright, you could just say "hey, Christian/Muslim/Zoroastrian/Hindu/etc. - I agree with some parts of your religion and disagree with other parts." Instead, though, what you're really saying is "hey, Christian/Muslim/Zoroastrian/Hindu/etc.- the parts of your religion that I disagree with aren't even legitimate parts of your religion."

This is appropriation, not tolerance. It's intolerant to refuse to acknowledge another's religion for what it is. You don't have to agree with others' religions, but it's dishonest and disrespectful to misrepresent them the way you're doing.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Can I ask.

How do you accept (as in believe in) all other religions when a lot of them contradict with each other?

Some say there are no messangers. Some say there is only a specific messanger for a specific purpose. Some say there is no messager but a teacher. Some say the teacher is here to guide others while others say the teacher is to help others guide themselves. While many religions push away such teachers and yearn from revelation straight from the divine (rather than god, more universal) to the believer while others say that one comes to god through intemediaries (not Catholicism).

Yes, one messanger can derive inspiration and mesages from god from some of these religions while others have no divine component to their religion whatsoever. Christianity says you Must go through Jesus to go to god. Other religions not so.

Bahai isnt Christian, Islam, Pagan, Buddhist, Hinduist, Religious Witchcraft Practitioner, nor a Person of the Earth. Bahai also believes in a Creator while many religions do not.

While we can accept religions to the point of tolerance, if you like. While many of us respect to the point of understanding the truth of other faiths while knowing we dont share in those morals. 9Say a Pagan wo believes in Astru may appreciate the beauty of Christianity, but unless they have mixed beliefs, not many will say they must have Jesus as their Lod and Savior to have a spiritual life.

In many religions no one has every heard of Bahallauh. Id be one hundred percent surprised if Jesus had given the time differences.

Unless Bahai is like UU? or something similar, how can they accept multiple faiths when the gods, teachers, guides, and the person as his own spiritual guide differ extremely in the Bahai faith to where it is a fact half of these religions dont come from a Creator. Since they dont, how does a Bahai reconcile that

from that person's religion point of view not the Bahai?

That is respect--other peoples perspective not our own.

People cannot reconcile the differences unless and until they accept the Promised One of their own religious prophecies. Because their Promised One will explain the discrepancies. Every Holy Book prophecies the 'return' of their Messenger. If their Messenger has returned and they don't accept Him then there's nothing anybody can do or reconcile as the 'key' lies with their Promised One of THEIR Holy Book. If Christ or Buddha Maitreya has returned then they need to accept Him to remain faithful to their own religion otherwise they will fall into confusion and be unable to reconcile any differences. So this is not the Bahai view but taught in ALL THEIR Holy Books that a Promised One will come. We have accepted the Promised One of their Faith so we have been faithful to their Messenger or Teacher and can claim to really believe in Him.

As to pagans. We don't condemn them neither do we worship their gods but welcome them as equal fellow human beings. They are welcome in our homes and as friends. We don't judge people by what they believe or don't believe or whether they accept us or not. Each and every person is an equal human to Baha'is. We are not better than anyone else.

But It all really comes down to Baha'u'llah. Firstly the contradictions. Baha'u'llah explained these seemingly contradictions of interpretations in a Book called the Book of Certitude. It's online anywhere if you google it. This Book is a masterpiece in that it can unite all religions especially the seeming contradictions.

Next again is Baha'u'llah. All these Faiths, the major ones I have mentioned, they all have prophecies regarding the 'return' of their Teacher or Prophet etc. Buddha prophesied Maitreya, Krishna said He returned at times of irreligion, Christ prophesied His Second Coming and Muslims await the Qaim. All these prophecies are concerning the same Promised One to come. Baha'is believe that is Baha'u'llah.

Let's just take Buddha. The prophecy is that when Maitrya comes He will teach the self same truths the Buddha taught. But the Buddha said His teachings would decay over time before that happened. He called it the five disappearances. So many of the original teachings of Buddha have been lost. But when Maitreya comes He will reinstate many of the real Buddha's teachings. So we believe Baha'u'llah is Maitreya and let's say He is for now, then He teaches there IS a God and creator which means that Buddha originally did teach about a God but that teaching was lost. Even Buddha said a counterfeit teaching would replace His own original teachings.

Now a lot of these discrepancies have originated from the followers of various religions over time by man made doctrines being introduced but each religion promised that their Teacher would return to renew religion.

So IF Baha'u'llah is the return of Jesus He has full authority to explain to the world the true reality of the Bible or to explain the right interpretation as He is Jesus returned as the Father.

So through Baha'u'llah we know Buddha taught about God despite the followers saying different and Baha'u'llah as Buddha retuned is the true authority on the matter not the followers.So we include in our beliefs that Buddha was a Manifestation of God. Baha'u'llah's definition of all these Faiths we consider 'authoritative' as He is the return of their Promised One. And so our religion accepts the truth about these religions and filters out what Baha'u'llah has said is man made or not truth and we call ourselves the Bahai Faith.

The same goes for Krishna, Muhammad, Zoroaster, Moses, and so on.

It all comes down to Baha'u'llah. Is He the Promised One of all Faiths or not?? It's for each one to investigate for himself.

Baha'is believe in all these religions very deeply not just token belief. I believe in Buddha, Krishna, Muhammad and Baha'u'llah equally. They are all from the same God. We would give our lives for any one of these Messengers.

As it says in the Bible 'when He the Spirit of truth is come He shall guide you into all truth' Baha'u'llah claimed to be that Spirit of Truth and announced that to the Christians of the world at the time.

So the Bahai Faith claims to be the fulfilment and culmination of all previous dispensations not separate from them. It is rooted in them. There is only one Faith that is renewed from age to age. When people do not accept that renewal then they 'break away' until we have many religions when in reality there is only one. There should only have ever been one religion throughout all of history. Buddhism should have accepted Christ then Christianity would have been the only Faith then Christians should have all accepted Muhammad and Islam would have been the only Faith then Islam should all have accepted Baha'u'llah and the world would have one religion. Then after maybe another thousand years and other Teacher will arise and all should turn to Him. It is the fault of the followers for turning away from the Teacher foretold in their Holy Books. They all keep saying He's not coming yet or not now. When then? They never want to accept that one day their Promised One WILL come. And He has.

In this most mighty Revelation," He moreover states, "all the Dispensations of the past have attained their highest, their final consummation." And again: "None among the Manifestations of old, except to a prescribed degree, hath ever completely apprehended the nature of this Revelation." Referring to His [Bahá'u'lláh's] own station He declares: "But for Him no Divine Messenger would have been invested with the Robe of Prophethood, nor would any of the sacred Scriptures have been revealed."


We do accept others religions. Just not the man made teachings and interpretations. We accept all that has come from the Divine Source God, nothing more nothing less.

We accept the Bible, the Quran, the Bhagavad-Gita, the Dhammapadda in short as many scriptures as can be authenticated as coming from a Divine Source. We accept Buddha, Muhammad, Krishna, Moses, Abraham, Zoroaster, the Bab and Baha'u'llah....

The problem is that you folks stop short of Pagan and other more inclusive religions.

And by the way - NONE of the religions you mentioned, - can be authenticated as coming from a Divine Source.


Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
The way you describe the Bahai faith (compared to other Bahai) looks 1. Misunderstanding of other religions teachings--from their perspective and 2. It doesnt sound like unity. Its more "correcting" whats wrong with religions to reconcile them with Bahai faith. Paganism no excluded in the mix.

People cannot reconcile the differences unless and until they accept the Promised One of their own religious prophecies.

The only religions that I know have prophecies are religions under the Abrahamic god and many culture oriented faiths.

If their Messenger has returned and they don't accept Him then there's nothing anybody can do or reconcile as the 'key' lies with their Promised One of THEIR Holy Book. If

As such, only abrahamics seem to have a holy book. Buddhist and Hindu (have to ask them) have suttas but from what I experience in Buddhism, no Buddhist Mahayana and Theravada treat their sutras and suttas as if they are gold. They are guides to what the Buddha taught not salvational methods that replace our action toward our enlightenment.

Also, youre mixing up Mahayana and Theravada teachings. Your post implies more Mahayana but that doesnt cover the full scope of what The Buddha Himself taught but what his disciples spoke of him in the sutras and the dialogues with the Buddha in the suttas.

If Christ or Buddha Maitreya has returned then they need to accept Him to remain faithful to their own religion otherwise they will fall into confusion and be unable to reconcile any differences.

There are hundreds of Buddhas in Mahayana. Maitraya, Satriputra, and the other disciples are just doing what their teacher said: spread the Buddha's teachings so WE may be come Buddha (or see the nature within ourselves). The Buddha and Maitraya does nothing for our "salvation". Prophecies are not the "return of Buddhas." The Buddhas are already here in the Dharma. It is not like Jesus who his followerers say his return in one time or another.

Theravada is so far different than what you are asserting that to put it in a abrahamic outlook is well bothersome.

Id go by the actually people who practice the faith because how you interpret the suttas will go off of your belief system. Thats not looking at their perspective. That is also why you may not see the contradictions your faith and the others have.

Buddhism is no where compared to the teaching of abrahamics especially in regards to the creator which Bahai believes and Buddhists dont.

Let's just take Buddha. The prophecy is that when Maitrya comes He will teach the self same truths the Buddha taught. But the Buddha said His teachings would decay over time before that happened. He called it the five disappearances. So many of the original teachings of Buddha have been lost. But when Maitreya comes He will reinstate many of the real Buddha's teachings. So we believe Baha'u'llah is Maitreya and let's say He is for now, then He teaches there IS a God and creator which means that Buddha originally did teach about a God but that teaching was lost. Even Buddha said a counterfeit teaching would replace His own original teachings.

This got me.

What sutta teaches that Maitraya teaches there is a god?
Where does he attribute this god as The Buddha's teachings?

What is the nature of this god?

It isnt Christian. Its not Judaism. Islam? Mahayana Buddhism did not florish until later in the Buddha's life if not therafter.

Where in the suttas did any of The Buddha's disciples (Maitraya is only one of many) say "god is the creator."?

Gods, devas, etc were all on the same level as humans who heard the Dharma. Also, this is Mahayana.

You are forgeting that Theravada came first. Mayahana, Id consider a summary of The Buddha's teachings butbif you want to know what The Buddha taught, read the suttas

And ask Buddhist and Hindu how to interpret the text since its not an Abrahamic religion. Different glasses for different area, century, and culture.

Also, there are many sects of Buddhism...anyway.


Im sorry, I know my other comments are open to interpretation, but The Buddha's talking about the God of Abraham?

Baha'is believe in all these religions very deeply not just token belief. I believe in Buddha, Krishna, Muhammad and Baha'u'llah equally. They are all from the same God. We would give our lives for any one of these Messengers

In your belief they are messangers. However, in reality, they are not. Its better to go off of what other people say about their own practice its more accurate than reading it from the perspective of yours.

Thats like my saying "I believe The Buddha came from the same god I believe" but I insult The Buddha by saying "you come from my god even though your teachings speak nothing of god."

Hed probably look at me funny and tell me to reflect so I may see the truth for myself--not through him, not through a creator, not through a messanger.


Id actually have to get on a desktop to type this right but you are basically saying,

1. I believe in a creator
2. All messagers come from the creator
3. I believe all messangers are equal

Fair enough. Then you say

4. The followers arent following their own messangers teachings (need a desktop or bigger screen to quote)
5. All the messangers will come back
6. All messangers believe in a creator

1-3 is fine. Thats your faith.

4-6 I think you are mistaking what other religions believe from the followers. Ask them not Bahallauh.

That and another illogical thing is youre calling all non-creator oriented religions liers (not verbatum) because even though THEY say they dont believe in a creator, you know them more and say they do.

How does that work in reconciling differences and respecting each others faith?

Also, Pagans are not excluded in this. All the other faiths there are messangers? From so far I know, many Pagans have no messangers. Where do they fit in your faith dogmatically speaking?

:seedling: Recap

How can your faith logically conclude all religions are equal and from the same god when the actual religions themselves say the opposite?

If you respect other religions, wouldnt some religions who have no god contradict with your belief they do?

Why believe your interpretation of their belief and not their own?
Last edited:



It all comes down to Baha'u'llah. Is He the Promised One of all Faiths or not?? It's for each one to investigate for himself. ...

So the Bahai Faith claims to be the fulfilment and culmination of all previous dispensations not separate from them. It is rooted in them. There is only one Faith that is renewed from age to age. When people do not accept that renewal then they 'break away' until we have many religions when in reality there is only one. There should only have ever been one religion throughout all of history. Buddhism should have accepted Christ then Christianity would have been the only Faith then Christians should have all accepted Muhammad and Islam would have been the only Faith then Islam should all have accepted Baha'u'llah and the world would have one religion. Then after maybe another thousand years and other Teacher will arise and all should turn to Him. It is the fault of the followers for turning away from the Teacher foretold in their Holy Books. They all keep saying He's not coming yet or not now. When then? They never want to accept that one day their Promised One WILL come. And He has.

So you are claiming YOUR religion's founder is the real Promised One of ALL religions. Sounds very familiar.

Almost all patriarchal religions insist their guy is the one the rest have to accept.

I noticed you left out the Hebrew religion, - why?

I wouldn't have wanted to live under any of the religions you have named there, in the past, - and obviously with some of them, - not today either. They were, and some still are, patriarchal, and abusive to women.

You said -

It is the fault of the followers for turning away from the Teacher foretold in their Holy Books. They all keep saying He's not coming yet or not now.

That is ridiculous. It is common sense to distrust people, especially in other countries, that are claiming to be God's messenger.

David Koresh comes to mind.

Here is a partial list of people claiming to be "messiahs." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_messiah_claimants



We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
The problem is that you folks stop short of Pagan and other more inclusive religions.

And by the way - NONE of the religions you mentioned, - can be authenticated as coming from a Divine Source.


They can be authenticated by another Messenger of God. That is why God sends Them from time to time to confirm Their authenticity.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
So you are claiming YOUR religion's founder is the real Promised One of ALL religions. Sounds very familiar.

Almost all patriarchal religions insist their guy is the one the rest have to accept.

I noticed you left out the Hebrew religion, - why?

I wouldn't have wanted to live under any of the religions you have named there, in the past, - and obviously with some of them, - not today either. They were, and some still are, patriarchal, and abusive to women.

You said -

That is ridiculous. It is common sense to distrust people, especially in other countries, that are claiming to be God's messenger.

David Koresh comes to mind.

Here is a partial list of people claiming to be "messiahs." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_messiah_claimants


No religion is omitted. I thought I mentioned Judaism. I stand corrected.

Yes a messiah needs to prove Himself. Baha'u'llah welcomes people to challenge His knowledge and wisdom. Can you come up with a more high ideal for this age than the oneness of humankind and the oneness and unity of religion? Universal brotherhood? What is greater than the oneness of humankind today? Please put it forward.

Test your knowledge and wisdom against His. He even dares anyone.

“O ye leaders of religion! Who is the man amongst you that can rival Me in vision or insight? Where is he to be found that dareth to claim to be My equal in utterance or wisdom? No, by My Lord, the All-Merciful! All on the earth shall pass away; and this is the face of your Lord, the Almighty, the Well-Beloved.”

Excerpt From: Bahá'u'lláh. “The Kitab-i-Aqdas


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
So you are claiming YOUR religion's founder is the real Promised One of ALL religions. Sounds very familiar.

Almost all patriarchal religions insist their guy is the one the rest have to accept.

I noticed you left out the Hebrew religion, - why?

I wouldn't have wanted to live under any of the religions you have named there, in the past, - and obviously with some of them, - not today either. They were, and some still are, patriarchal, and abusive to women.

You said -

That is ridiculous. It is common sense to distrust people, especially in other countries, that are claiming to be God's messenger.

David Koresh comes to mind.

Here is a partial list of people claiming to be "messiahs." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_messiah_claimants


Yes but all the religious Holy Books of all Faiths prophesy a Promised One so are you advocating the followers of all these religions ignore their own scriptures and reject everyone even the true Promised One?


They can be authenticated by another Messenger of God. That is why God sends Them from time to time to confirm Their authenticity.

And the obvious point is ANYONE can CLAIM to be such.

Claiming such, does not make it so. They could be deranged, etc.

Did you miss that list of false messengers?



We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
So you are claiming YOUR religion's founder is the real Promised One of ALL religions. Sounds very familiar.

Almost all patriarchal religions insist their guy is the one the rest have to accept.

I noticed you left out the Hebrew religion, - why?

I wouldn't have wanted to live under any of the religions you have named there, in the past, - and obviously with some of them, - not today either. They were, and some still are, patriarchal, and abusive to women.

You said -

That is ridiculous. It is common sense to distrust people, especially in other countries, that are claiming to be God's messenger.

David Koresh comes to mind.

Here is a partial list of people claiming to be "messiahs." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_messiah_claimants


The Cause of women is exalted in this Revelation.

“His Holiness Bahá'u'lláh has greatly strengthened the cause of women, and the rights and privileges of women is one of the greatest principles of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. Rest ye assured! Ere long the days shall come when the men addressing the women, shall say: 'Blessed are ye! Blessed are ye! Verily ye are worthy of every gift. Verily ye deserve to adorn your heads with the crown of everlasting glory, because in sciences and arts, in virtues and perfections ye shall become equal to man, and as regards tenderness of heart and the abundance of mercy and sympathy ye are superior'.”

Excerpt From: Bahá, Abdu’l. “Paris Talks.”


Well it's unfortunate that this has become more of a debate in the Comparative Religion section here at RF....so maybe it should be moved there. We could more easily simply stress what we all share and go from there.

Admittedly you will find more references in the Baha'i Writings to the Qur'an and the Bible than to say Buddhist or Hindu scriptures... There are some references to Zoroastrian beliefs as well.

I did want to respond to the claim by Ingledsva above that the Baha'i faith is a "patriarchal" religion. True the Manifestations of God have been "male" for the most part and you will find the station of women diminished in earlier dispensations however I would remind that principle of the equality of women and men is stressed and that in terms of family life males do not have the traditional partriarchal role. In the family women have an role equal to the men..

And among the teachings of His Holiness Bahá'u'lláh is the equality of women and men. The world of humanity has two wings -- one is women and the other men. Not until both wings are equally developed can the bird fly. Should one wing remain weak, flight is impossible. Not until the world of women becomes equal to the world of men in the acquisition of virtues and perfections, can success and prosperity be attained as they ought to be.

(Abdu'l-Baha, Baha'i World Faith - Abdu'l-Baha Section, p. 288)

Also there are no priests or Mullahs among Baha'i communities.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
And the obvious point is ANYONE can CLAIM to be such.

Claiming such, does not make it so. They could be deranged, etc.

Did you miss that list of false messengers?


Yes they might be deranged and yet they might also really be the Promised One so it is up to people to investigate the matter with an open and unbiased mind.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
The way you describe the Bahai faith (compared to other Bahai) looks 1. Misunderstanding of other religions teachings--from their perspective and 2. It doesnt sound like unity. Its more "correcting" whats wrong with religions to reconcile them with Bahai faith. Paganism no excluded in the mix.

The only religions that I know have prophecies are religions under the Abrahamic god and many culture oriented faiths.

As such, only abrahamics seem to have a holy book. Buddhist and Hindu (have to ask them) have suttas but from what I experience in Buddhism, no Buddhist Mahayana and Theravada treat their sutras and suttas as if they are gold. They are guides to what the Buddha taught not salvational methods that replace our action toward our enlightenment.

Also, youre mixing up Mahayana and Theravada teachings. Your post implies more Mahayana but that doesnt cover the full scope of what The Buddha Himself taught but what his disciples spoke of him in the sutras and the dialogues with the Buddha in the suttas.

There are hundreds of Buddhas in Mahayana. Maitraya, Satriputra, and the other disciples are just doing what their teacher said: spread the Buddha's teachings so WE may be come Buddha (or see the nature within ourselves). The Buddha and Maitraya does nothing for our "salvation". Prophecies are not the "return of Buddhas." The Buddhas are already here in the Dharma. It is not like Jesus who his followerers say his return in one time or another.

Theravada is so far different than what you are asserting that to put it in a abrahamic outlook is well bothersome.

Id go by the actually people who practice the faith because how you interpret the suttas will go off of your belief system. Thats not looking at their perspective. That is also why you may not see the contradictions your faith and the others have.

Buddhism is no where compared to the teaching of abrahamics especially in regards to the creator which Bahai believes and Buddhists dont.

This got me.

What sutta teaches that Maitraya teaches there is a god?
Where does he attribute this god as The Buddha's teachings?

What is the nature of this god?

It isnt Christian. Its not Judaism. Islam? Mahayana Buddhism did not florish until later in the Buddha's life if not therafter.

Where in the suttas did any of The Buddha's disciples (Maitraya is only one of many) say "god is the creator."?

Gods, devas, etc were all on the same level as humans who heard the Dharma. Also, this is Mahayana.

You are forgeting that Theravada came first. Mayahana, Id consider a summary of The Buddha's teachings butbif you want to know what The Buddha taught, read the suttas

And ask Buddhist and Hindu how to interpret the text since its not an Abrahamic religion. Different glasses for different area, century, and culture.

Also, there are many sects of Buddhism...anyway.


Im sorry, I know my other comments are open to interpretation, but The Buddha's talking about the God of Abraham?

In your belief they are messangers. However, in reality, they are not. Its better to go off of what other people say about their own practice its more accurate than reading it from the perspective of yours.

Thats like my saying "I believe The Buddha came from the same god I believe" but I insult The Buddha by saying "you come from my god even though your teachings speak nothing of god."

Hed probably look at me funny and tell me to reflect so I may see the truth for myself--not through him, not through a creator, not through a messanger.


Id actually have to get on a desktop to type this right but you are basically saying,

1. I believe in a creator
2. All messagers come from the creator
3. I believe all messangers are equal

Fair enough. Then you say

4. The followers arent following their own messangers teachings (need a desktop or bigger screen to quote)
5. All the messangers will come back
6. All messangers believe in a creator

1-3 is fine. Thats your faith.

4-6 I think you are mistaking what other religions believe from the followers. Ask them not Bahallauh.

That and another illogical thing is youre calling all non-creator oriented religions liers (not verbatum) because even though THEY say they dont believe in a creator, you know them more and say they do.

How does that work in reconciling differences and respecting each others faith?

Also, Pagans are not excluded in this. All the other faiths there are messangers? From so far I know, many Pagans have no messangers. Where do they fit in your faith dogmatically speaking?

:seedling: Recap

How can your faith logically conclude all religions are equal and from the same god when the actual religions themselves say the opposite?

If you respect other religions, wouldnt some religions who have no god contradict with your belief they do?

Why believe your interpretation of their belief and not their own?

We don't believe in our own interpretation. We believe in the interpretation of a Manifestation of God. We all refer to Baha'u'llah's Books namely the Book of Certitude. Very deep but it unravels the mysteries of the Holy Books and clears up misinterpretations. People can have their views but for instance Buddha would know everything about Buddhism so if one could would you believe the interpretation of Buddha or a follower? So we turn to Baha'u'llah Who we believe is the Promised One.


No religion is omitted.

Baloney, we have already established no Pagan religions, etc.

I thought I mentioned Judaism. I stand corrected.

Yes a messiah needs to prove Himself. Baha'u'llah welcomes people to challenge His knowledge and wisdom. Can you come up with a more high ideal for this age than the oneness of humankind and the oneness and unity of religion? Universal brotherhood? What is greater than the oneness of humankind today? Please put it forward.

Test your knowledge and wisdom against His. He even dares anyone.

“O ye leaders of religion! Who is the man amongst you that can rival Me in vision or insight? Where is he to be found that dareth to claim to be My equal in utterance or wisdom? No, by My Lord, the All-Merciful! All on the earth shall pass away; and this is the face of your Lord, the Almighty, the Well-Beloved.”

Excerpt From: Bahá'u'lláh. “The Kitab-i-Aqdas

Right off the bat - you don't have "unity of religion." You leave out religions you don't agree with.

Since Most Modern Pagan religions - accept ALL as they are, and feel ALL should be able to worship as they see fit, rather than be under the thumb of ONE religion, = They don't discriminate, = They would be superior in that message, over the patriarchal, exclusionary ones that you accept.
