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What If Your Country Becomes Islamic

If my country were to become Islamic I would leave - fast. It is that simple and to support why all I need to do is highlight some objective facts such as there is 49 Moslem majority countries on Earth and EVERY ONE is a human rights nightmare. In all these lands, to varying degrees of barbarity, we will see women subjugated, religious minorities being oppressed and homosexuals facing perscution or execution - a monumental coincidence don't you think?

Therefore, looking at things in an honest way we can only conclude that Islam simply doesn't shape cultures which are conducive to the human spirit - the reason is also simple - it is because the Koran is not an eligtarian rights giving document.

If any Westerner disagrees with me then I trust that they will point out the Western land they would trade in for an Islamic one whilst if Moslem's take offence at what I just said then please do point out what country you currently reside in - we can then take the debate from there.
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Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador
I don't think Muslims should have problems with secular laws. There is no limitation on practice of religion. Anyone can join their religion of choice or leave when they want to.

Checkpoint didn't make it seem like movement is that free. Why was there trash and empty buildings everywhere. Doesn't sound that nice. Even the two more positive ones gave me chills. Did you watch them??

You know if you are male and want to live in that country you will convert or feign conversion because those compounds are bad. And no local friends could come visit you there?

The check points are to keep MUSLIMS OUT.

There are no major problems with the secular laws, but I can see the attraction an enclave that is alcohol and pork free, where every one is dressed modestly and all busenesses shutting down for the obligatory prayer times would be to many Muslims

I lived in Saudi a few times as a CHRISTIAN male in the 1960s-70s. I chose to live in a hotel in Riyadh as I was an Evangelist seeking to convert Muslims. I had no problems and enjoyed my times there

Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador
Who is the cause for this turmoil? it is not just political turmoil.

I appreciate such moves.

I had gone through an article in wikipedia about politics in Saudi Arabia Politics of Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and I am quoting a few text from this.

Terrorism is a GLOBAL THREAT. I can never say that all Muslims are terrorist. Just like any man of value, there are Muslims /(people in all religions) who stand against Terrorism. People who want the world to be peaceful. Literally, the betterment of the world will be proportional to percentage of such people in the population.
But with an incredible amount of money (even zakat money) spending for seeding terrorist activities, do you think these people has a clean hands? Do you think that the situation will improve with time? Do you think that it will cleanse your religion?
If unchecked, it will turn to bite you. It only sows hatred. so under present scenario, "religious freedom for non-Muslims in most of the Muslim Nations" is at stake.
Again quoting some more text from the same article in wikipedia

If that is the scenario, I am afraid that democratizing your country will have a far negative impact on your country which again questions religious freedom from non - Muslims. If highly "Islamic people" takes control, the situation will be much worse, even thing will revert to the situation prevailed at around forth century AD.
I think why His Highness King Abdullah is such a reformer; why he is thinking out of the box is that because he had proper western education.
I believe ,under the present situation prevailing there, the religious freedom that the non muslims enjoy there is owed to majestic people like him.

There are many causes for the turmoil in Pakistan. The prime one being having had a very corrupt government for most of it's existence. Other facters are there are at least three different factions at opposistion with each other. Those that want it to still be a state of India, Those who want it to be a State of Iran and those who want it to remain as an independant nation.
There is also the infiltration of wahabbism that has become wide spread, along with much of the country being very rugged inhospitable terrain that is nearly inaccessable creating many pockets of people living according to ancient tribal traditions.

Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador
That's not exactly gonna be seen as a positive thing.

No one is forced to live in a compound. But in the compounds they can live a life like they lived in their homeland. Nearly everyone living in the compounds are only in Saudi on a temporary basis for work. Typically they will only be there for 6 months to 2 years.
Saudi is not very open for permanent immigration into the Kingdom. Livable land is very scarce as much of the peninsula is uninhabitable desert
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pro scapegoat
I disagree....moral high ground can exist in some cases, & be lacking in others. It depends upon perspective & behavior at the time.
Defeating Hitler & Japan: Moral high ground for US.
Aiding Iraq with WMDs against Iran: Moral low ground for US.
You missed the point. You were accusing me of making moral judgements. I have pointed out that I do not see any of the governments being discussed as morally superior. And no - I do not see the US having any moral high ground whatsoever in relation to WWII.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
You missed the point. You were accusing me of making moral judgements. I have pointed out that I do not see any of the governments being discussed as morally superior. And no - I do not see the US having any moral high ground whatsoever in relation to WWII.
You forget your own points, ie, moral judgements about evil deeds of Americastan.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
No one is forced to live in a compound. But in the compounds they can live a life like they lived in their homeland. Nearly everyone living in the compounds are only in Saudi on a temporary basis for work. Typically they will only be there for 6 months to 2 years.
Saudi is not very open for permanent immigration into the Kingdom. Livable land is very scarce as much of the peninsula is uninhabitable desert

Sorry, I meant the reverse. I thought you indicated that Muslims couldn't go into the compound?

Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador
Sorry, I meant the reverse. I thought you indicated that Muslims couldn't go into the compound?

I did. Muslims are not allowed in the compounds. A few exceptions such as if someone in the compound hires them for some type of work work or if a resident invites them in or if they are delivering something that somebody ordered.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
I did. Muslims are not allowed in the compounds. A few exceptions such as if someone in the compound hires them for some type of work work or if a resident invites them in or if they are delivering something that somebody ordered.

Yep...so my point was, I wouldn't see that as a positive.


Well-Known Member
Somehow your government declares islam as your new national religion.You are expected to comply with rules like:

-All kinds of alcohol use is forbidden

-Premarital sex is forbidden

-Women should cover themselves from head to toe

-You cannot talk about and practice anthing not compatible with islam such as athesim , evolution
Well, since I don't drink alcohol, I'm already married, and I think it would be most helpful to my sinful nature if women should cover themselves up, and because I enjoy talking about God and couldn't care less about evolution, I think I might fit right in.


Peace be upon you.
This is as I suspected. We have different definitions of human rights. All I want you to understand is that I and many others would fight this to the death. In your mind you probably intended this to be comforting, but it is just as I feared. These restrictions of freedom of speech and the singling out of people for special surveillance for religious reasons will not be tolerated in a free society. Do you understand this?
Peace be on you. I believe, free society and freedom of expression does not mean hurling insults to anyone, live or expired including one's own parents and parents of others. Doe your understanding of freedom allow you to stand in front of someone's house and start yelling whole night. Can you drive a car without any regulation whatsoever.

To me, one can conduct respectful dialogue with anyone but making fun, calling names etc is no good. There is reflexive psychology.

or it may take opposite end, which it takes in many cases.

So taking a destructive course while there is peaceful course present - the course of communication.

Having said all this, to show patience is a commandment in Holy Quran, and I am sure other religions too have it. But at length, in longer terms, it is not justice to allow one party to keep making cartoons and asking others to keep showing patient.

Insulting anyone in home, office and anywhere in society, even in atheist society never works. When habitual insultors are insulted they feel hurt too.

Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador
Yep...so my point was, I wouldn't see that as a positive.

Think of Mutual protection.
Helps reduce the chance of overly enthusuastic Imams from trying to convert them to Islam.-. Prevents any accusations of theft from either group. Keeps out unwanted pests.
No different from gated communities in the US
Non-Muslims do not have to live in the compounds, but they are available if they want to. Most American workers prefer the compounds over living in the Cities and having to hear the athan called 5 times a day.


Peace be upon you.
You are soft peddling Islam in the least or lying in the extreme. Death for apostates is simply a well established aspect of the faith, as I have discovered in conversation with many Imams and scholars - Islam has many entrances but no exists - when you join it you cannot leave. This precept directly germinated from Sahih Hadith such as that seen in Bukari where we read Muhammad saying " whoever leaves his religion - execute him". We also see the Koran 9:11 and 9:12 giving clear giving instructions for Moslems to kill those that break their pledge to Islam. And so it is, from the Riddyah wars where we saw Moslems kill those that leave their faith, to recent times where we have a young Christian lady face the death penalty for being deemed an apostate - luckily pressure from the West (and not Moslems) saved her. Apostacy laws are actually in place in many Moslems majority countries - so you need to take up this 'misrepresentation' of your faith with them. It is simply incredulous that despite all the evidence you'd distance Islam from any culpability in shaping these abominable practices.

Similarly, Blasphemey is also not allowed in Islam - to blaspheme against the prophet of Islam is fraught with danger for the non Moslem and I can point to much scriptual and literal evidence for this. Pakistan has substantial anti-blasphemy laws in place which have been used to execute many poor souls and of course we recently saw the OIC try and get blasphemy laws imposed on the entire planet - this was all done in true deceptive fashion of the Moslem by trying to push these laws under the guide of 'anti-defamation' laws. The koran repeatedly points out that pain and death which will befall those who insult Islam and the Hadith goes even fruther - it is for these reasons that Islamic theology has shaped a doctrine which influences its followers to literally go crazy if a picture of Muhammad is shown or a teddy bear is named after him. How on Earth can you rewrite your faith in this way and expect to get away with it??

What is funny about your claims is that if Islam really champions respect for all religions and disallows mockery of other faiths, then Islam would have to automatically ban itself for the Koran and Hadith are deeply disparaging of other faiths. It is astonishingly and specifically offensive to other faiths - for example, the religion of peace openly calls Christanity and Judaism as 'corrupted' faiths. So the Islam you push is inherently contradictory because Islam's best texts mock pretty much every faith in quite appaling fashion.

Chev Chelios said in above box
Death for apostates is simply a well established aspect of the faith, as I have discovered in conversation with many Imams and scholars - Islam has many entrances but no exists - when you join it you cannot leave. This precept directly germinated from Sahih Hadith such as that seen in Bukari where we read Muhammad saying " whoever leaves his religion - execute him". We also see the Koran 9:11 and 9:12 giving clear giving instructions for Moslems to kill those that break their pledge to Islam. And so it is, from the Riddyah wars where we saw Moslems kill those that leave their faith, to recent times where we have a young Christian lady face the death penalty for being deemed an apostate - luckily pressure from the West (and not Moslems) saved her. Apostacy laws are actually in place in many Moslems majority countries - so you need to take up this 'misrepresentation' of your faith with them. It is simply incredulous that despite all the evidence you'd distance Islam from any culpability in shaping these abominable practices.

Similarly, Blasphemey is also not allowed in Islam - to blaspheme against the prophet of Islam is fraught with danger for the non Moslem and I can point to much scriptual and literal evidence for this. Pakistan has substantial anti-blasphemy laws in place which have been used to execute many poor souls and of course we recently saw the OIC try and get blasphemy laws imposed on the entire planet - this was all done in true deceptive fashion of the Moslem by trying to push these laws under the guide of 'anti-defamation' laws. The koran repeatedly points out that pain and death which will befall those who insult Islam and the Hadith goes even fruther - it is for these reasons that Islamic theology has shaped a doctrine which influences its followers to literally go crazy if a picture of Muhammad is shown or a teddy bear is named after him. How on Earth can you rewrite your faith in this way and expect to get away with it??

What is funny about your claims is that if Islam really champions respect for all religions and disallows mockery of other faiths, then Islam would have to automatically ban itself for the Koran and Hadith are deeply disparaging of other faiths. It is astonishingly and specifically offensive to other faiths - for example, the religion of peace openly calls Christanity and Judaism as 'corrupted' faiths. So the Islam you push is inherently contradictory because Islam's best texts mock pretty much every faith in quite appaling fashion.

Peace be on you.

1- All your complaints show true pain.

2- But it also show that you do not know anything about Ahmadiyya muslims, their promised reformation and what they are facing.

3- Either believe in:

Holy Quran:
Those who believe, then disbelieve, then again believe, then disbelieve and thereafter go on increasing in disbelief, Allah will never forgive them, nor guide them to any way of deliverance. (4.138)

or those who tell you otherwise.

All these issues are explained in
Punishment for Apostasy

You had taken so much pain to type so many lines, please spend some more minutes to read some links given here...Thanks

There are other verses too which tell same...No corporal punishment can be understood to have been mentioned by any stretch of imagination in the those verses of the Holy Quran.

4- You have mentioned Chapter 9, plz read verse from verses 3–14 of that chapter. These speak for themselves and defy all attempts on the part of anyone who would have them understood differently.

Those who deduce from verses 12 and 13 that the Punishment for Apostasy is death offer no explanation of the contradiction this creates with numerous other verses. These verses relate to the period after the migration from Mecca to Medina (see verse 3) when the Quraish of Mecca had embarked upon hostilities to wipe out Islam by force.

The advocates of capital Punishment for Apostasy should remember that these verses refer to idolaters who have broken their pledges and ridicule religion; there is no mention of people renouncing their faith. They have broken their pledge after their firm commitment to it. Those who have become hostile to your religion are the first to initiate hostilities against you. The permission for you to fight them is restricted to their leaders whose covenants are worthless and false. The permission is given in order to stop them from entering into hostile acts against you.

This is the true meaning of these verses which have been misconstrued by the advocates of capital punishment. There is not even the remotest reference to people who renounce their faith being forced to become Muslims.

5- The advocates of capital Punishment for Apostasy misconstrue out of all proportion the traditions narrated about the Holy Prophet sa. Traditions lend no support to their thesis. On the contrary, there are many traditions which clearly show that there is no Punishment for Apostasy in this life.

6- We have observed that neither the Holy Quran nor any reliable traditions of the Holy Prophetsa lend any support to those who advocate capital Punishment for Apostasy. But those advocates have some other tricks up their sleeves. It is necessary to examine their remaining arguments at greater length. Those arguments are based on the opinions of the Companions of the Holy Prophet sa, and not directly on his own personal judgement. .....................At best they can only be regarded as an opinion.

7- To conclude, apostasy is the clear repudiation of a faith by a person who formerly held it. Doctrinal differences, however grave, cannot be deemed to be apostasy. The Punishment for Apostasy lies in the hand of God Almighty, against whom the offence has been committed. Apostasy which is not aggravated by some other crime is not punishable in this world. This is the teaching of God. This was the teaching of the Holy Prophetsa. This is the view confirmed by Hanafi jurists,26Fateh al-Kadeer27 Chalpi,28 Hafiz ibn Qayyim, Ibrahim Nakhai, Sufyan Thauri and many others. The Maududian claim of consensus, concerning the tradition they hold to be true, is a mere fiction.

Source: Punishment for Apostasy

8- Freedom of speech (Page 35) and Blasphemy (Page 38) @ https://www.alislam.org/library/books/IslamsResponseToContemporaryIssues.pdf

Blasphemy is mentioned at places in Holy Quran. There is no single verse which mentions blasphemy punishable by people.

9- Persecution of Ahmadis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The purpose of all above material is to show what is the real teaching of true Islam in matters of apostasy and blasphemy and # 9 is not gain any sympathy but to tell you what you probably do not know.....Reforms have never been easy! but it is decreed that reformation by Allah the Exalted is always victorious.

Good wishes.
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mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
What happens ifthe Muslimswere able todominateany country in the world
Hereyou should knowhow
1. If by war
It will apply the mbdaa tribute
On that country
2. all money that State of ghtaem Muslims
3. allow the Muslims to marry women of that country
And men are not allowed that country to marry a Muslim woman
Islamic lawis applied
5. apply the mbdaa disclosure on indigenous people


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Somehow your government declares islam as your new national religion.You are expected to comply with rules like:

-All kinds of alcohol use is forbidden

-Premarital sex is forbidden

-Women should cover themselves from head to toe

-You cannot talk about and practice anthing not compatible with islam such as athesim , evolution

I have just cycled down into our town and back. As I pedalled away I looked for a suitable site for the public executions which would take place very regularly. The town centre car-park would probably be the venue, and can take mobile cranes.
Sharia law? Never!


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I made no such judgements, you did. What are you getting at? •Americastan' is no more evil than the other countries.
In the course of justifying the claim that Americastan is no different, you've pointed out the evil of some deeds. Moral judgement is required to decide what's evil. Example: You deemed Philippine war crimes as evil, so you included them in your examples. But you didn't include things typically not considered evil, eg, creating the national park system, the Hubble telescope, the National Bacon Museum.

Note to normal people: We both know we're arguing over a ridiculously insignificant matter, but we just can't stop ourselves....he because he can't admit he's wrong, & I because I'm a jerk.