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What If Your Country Becomes Islamic


Well-Known Member
Come on.everyone likes violence a bit.This is in our genes.
I think it's more about our cultures and how we experienced the world in our formative years. Only violence I like in any sense is either fictional or necessary for survival. Such things as learning to defend yourself, your family are part of life.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
Would it be such a bad thing if the majority of the population voted for what they wanted? Is there something wrong with the people having a say in the government they desire?
If Islam is as bad as some people believe, do you think they would willingly vote for such?
Well, since the OP question was asking how I would feel, I would say I prefer freedom and democracy so I would not like it. I don't believe there has ever been an Islamic country that has valued and offered these things as modern western democracies do. Maybe as you say the majority might prefer it, but I wouldn't.

Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador
From a democratic point of view - it is right. But then there is a problem with Islam. For Muslims, the Quran is the final word. The Quran and the hadiths all contain texts that stands for peace and there are sentences that stand for violence. (most religion has this but not to this extent). This along with hardcore daily rituals and weekly preachings takes the effect of brainwashing and can turn them into a very violent form. Moreover, the Quran asks its followers to follow or live like Prophet Muhammad who married four, the last bride was only six years of age. so child marriage will be reintroduced into your society, it will be made legal. Barbarian practices like stoning to death etc will be legal. Gradually, it will reintroduce slavery for this slave trade is supported there. Muslims have a great desire to convert all people to Muslims (they believe that they will be rewarded for this in their afterlife) and they eventually will start killing other non Muslims in order to make their population 100 percent Muslims. they are against science and technology - they can't accept evolution, genetics etc. for these are against Islam and creation through Islam. They asks for a living condition that existed during the time of Prophet Muhammad. All science and technology that humanity (or your country) has gained will be history. Take any Muslim country, either it is like an active volcano or a sleeping volcano for other religions there. Muslims will not show the decency non-Muslims have shown them.

So what do you think - is it good for your country to be a muslim country? there wont be democracy there. Even if you are a muslim, I tell you, even you will have to pay for it.

None of which have I seen to any extent in the Muslim Majority nations I have lived in. Although I was not Muslim at the time. Even as a Christian living in Saudi I did not face any major restrictions in my life.


Somehow your government declares islam as your new national religion.You are expected to comply with rules like:

-All kinds of alcohol use is forbidden

-Premarital sex is forbidden

-Women should cover themselves from head to toe

-You cannot talk about and practice anthing not compatible with islam such as athesim , evolution
Can you cite any place where this is a serious possibility?

Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador
Well, since the OP question was asking how I would feel, I would say I prefer freedom and democracy so I would not like it. I don't believe there has ever been an Islamic country that has valued and offered these things as modern western democracies do. Maybe as you say the majority might prefer it, but I wouldn't.

I can understand that as a non-Muslim it would no appeal to you. However as a non-Muslim any religious laws would not apply to you.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
I can understand that as a non-Muslim it would no appeal to you. However as a non-Muslim any religious laws would not apply to you.
I would like to believe non-Muslims can live with all their freedoms in a Muslim country....in reality????

Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador
I would like to believe non-Muslims can live with all their freedoms in a Muslim country....in reality????

Currently there are no actual Islamic nations. Not even close. Saudi claims to be, but it is an absolut monarchy ruled by the al-Saud Family and not the Qur'an. Iran is the only Islamic theocracy, but it follows a flavor of Islam that is not recognized by about 90% of the world's Muslims. The remaining nations that clain to be Islamic are either dictatorships or Secular democracies.

Of the 49 Muslim majority Nations 26 have some form of Islam as a State Religion. Those being

Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates


Being majority Muslim does not mean it is an Islamic nation, 23 do not profess any official State religion,

Except for Saudi and Iran I do not believe any Nations claim to be Islamic.

The OP's premise is not very probable, even if a Nation were to become predominately Muslim it is very doubtful it would become Islamic.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I wouldn't worry. Because if it was an Islamic state, and not a violent throng of rabid dogs, then Islamic law would not apply to me.

I think in a few generations many countries in the West will have a Muslim majority. However I think any sort of Islam in the West will have undergone a reformation/change by then and be a lot more 'European' than say Salafi.
There is already a difference between Western Muslims and Middle Eastern Muslims. There is no reformation necessary. Even the ones who come to Western countries from the Middle East respect Western concepts such as liberal democracies, and aren't necessarily violent people.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Oh, yeah, and we have some historic precedence which is the Ottoman Empire, who allowed a great amounts of freedom in regards to allowing conquered places to continue practicing their own religions.


Premium Member
Somehow your government declares islam as your new national religion.You are expected to comply with rules like:

-All kinds of alcohol use is forbidden

-Premarital sex is forbidden

-Women should cover themselves from head to toe

-You cannot talk about and practice anthing not compatible with islam such as athesim , evolution
If I can be honest, I just don't see any that ever happening in the USA.


Veteran Member
If this happened in the nation I call home I would already be part of a dissident group be it political or militarized. Such a move by the government would be illegal thus the government would lose all legitimacy ann would be an illegal government. It would violate core parts of the law, article of confederation and constitution. Such an act by the government would be an about-face of policy for the last 4 decades. It would also render the Oath of Citizenship null and void.
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Mother Heathen
Somehow your government declares islam as your new national religion.You are expected to comply with rules like:

-All kinds of alcohol use is forbidden

-Premarital sex is forbidden

-Women should cover themselves from head to toe

-You cannot talk about and practice anthing not compatible with islam such as athesim , evolution

I'd die bucking the system.

There's no way in hell I'd allow men to have this type of control over my life. I'm sure the first time I told a Muslim man to go screw himself, I'd take hell for it.

No way I'd make it.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
I would join a Rotary Club. Maybe bake some of my special brownies for the morality police.

Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador
Reading the replies does any one see the prolems that would have arisen if Islam actually was "Spread by the Sword"?

The OP's scenario is impossible without the majority wanting it to happen,

While it is true most Muslims want all the world to accept Islam, the same Majority want them to do that of their own free will.

The only way a person can become a Muslim is to say the Shahadah with knowledge and sincerity. A person can not be forced to be sincere.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Reading the replies does any one see the prolems that would have arisen if Islam actually was "Spread by the Sword"?

Most of us see problems, indeed. But of diverging kinds.

The OP's scenario is impossible without the majority wanting it to happen,

While it is true most Muslims want all the world to accept Islam, the same Majority want them to do that of their own free will.

Unfortunately, that is subject to interpretation to a very large degree. Also, majority alone does not make acceptance warranted.

The only way a person can become a Muslim is to say the Shahadah with knowledge and sincerity. A person can not be forced to be sincere.

That is not really true, trust me. Social expectations can create quite a bit of conflict.


Active Member
None of which have I seen to any extent in the Muslim Majority nations I have lived in. Although I was not Muslim at the time. Even as a Christian living in Saudi I did not face any major restrictions in my life.

it the case in most of the countries - look at pakistan (just three or four weeks before they burnt to death two christians blaming of blasphemy.) what is the legal age of marriage in Saudi Arabia? are there child marriages? what about the law that demands "an eye for an eye"? So you have converted to a Muslim- do you Muhammad married a a six year old girl? I tell you one or two muslim countries are peaceful but that can be compared only with a sleeping volcano. Even if you live in all Muslim dominated countries, you will find no problem there.


Satyameva Jayate
Premium Member
I will answer everything as honestly as I can. But keep in mind, I am really not 100 percent sure how I would react in "real time". Mind you, I possess multiple weapons and would probably join the resistance forces which would without doubt spring up and would be well organized across the USA - but the problem is giving a full account of my reaction depends on WHAT sort if Islamic "state". If the majority of Americans became Muslims and reflected these values in a democratic way while still allowing freedom of religion then I might not have a big problem with it. However if the "State" was ISIS and forcing themselves on others and engaged in genocide as they are doing now then I would fight to the death against them.

But to answer:

(1) Somehow your government declares islam as your new national religion.You are expected to comply with rules like:
(A) I would object to a national religion... but may be open to a State (in the current 50) declaring state sponsor of a religion so long as it does not outlaw other religions... but never carte blanche across the entire nation federally.

(2) - All kinds of alcohol use is forbidden
(A) personally, to be honest, it would make me smile... but I should not let personal bias dictate over others ... but if I could have my way, alcohol would only be sold from government agencies, all those who purchase it would need to be registered as alcohol consumers with state agencies and would wave the right to certain healthcare benefits later in life, this information could be viewed by hiring agencies and employers, the user could never be allowed to drive unless they can provide proof they are not intoxicated by first being checked at the vehicle using remote devices that send data from the car to the police each time before turning on the ignition and driving, and that alcohol can only be consumed in the home or for medical purposes as all public bars and saloons etc would be outlawed ... but, that's just me and I do not have the majority support to make these changes.

(3)-Premarital sex is forbidden
(A) sounds good to me... not an Islamic question, just common sense.

(4)-Women should cover themselves from head to toe
(A) no! Exception - cover Nancy Pelosi

(5)-You cannot talk about and practice anything not compatible with islam such as athesim , evolution
(A) no! I have heard two times now some Islamist saying global warming is "man made" - what kooks! And there were some Islamists with those thug looters in Fergville, I object, but that might then be considered "not compatible". Now there are some examples I would support - it is not compatible to FORCE a Muslim woman to TAKE OFF her head scarf if she wants to wear it, and I would fight for that Muslim woman's right to wear it. And, the same goes for pork, no one, not even if you are a soldier and the general orders you to eat pork, should you be made to do so. Other examples too...
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