Islamophobia is a shrewd term that, despite not pertaining to Moslems per se, is nontheless used in exactly this way – to demonstrate racisim against Moslems. I am sure you lot have noticed this? Islamophobia is frivolously bandied about to character assassinate any critique of Islam or silence any debate on it by using it to smear a person - a de facto blasphemy law created by Moslems with the full support of its many halo polishing apologists. Islamophobia has been cleverly (and specifically) set up to be equated with racisim in order to push odious agendas yet it is mere word play, an intellectual sleight of hand - I cannot believe its users are allowed to get away with such unscrupulous deception.
Islam is a belief system, it is a quite extensive set of ideas which puts in place social structures and rules of government – Islam is openly called an ideology.. So how then, if I was to say that this ideology is incompatible with Western values how can this then result in me being marked as an Islamophobe? I disagree with the ideology – how can this pertain to an irrational xenophobic pathogolical phobia? How can a person be deemed prejudice if they simply dislike a belief system? Can anyone explain to me how we even begin to tackle the problem of the human rights abomination that constitutes all 50 Moslem majority countries without being called an Islamophobe?
I have no issue with Moslems – I do have an issue with many tenants and precepts of Islam - so how on Earth can such a canard be used to imply I dislike an individual? I disagree with much of what the faith espouses and would never wish to live under its rule of law and I am surely allowed to say I dislike it in exactly the same way I can say I dislike the Labour party and do not wish to be governed by them. You see, I have the right to dislike something and do so without fear of being tainted as a bigot or a racist. It is very simple. Christianity receives copious criticism in the media, the arts and all the rest of it yet we see no Christianophobia – why?
This is important because the power of this ludicrous term has resulted in many people being jailed for quite trivial things which were dressed up as serious crimes because they were deemed ‘Islamophobic’. Racism is a serious thing and such a serious thing should be treated seriously with a distinction being made between genuine hatred of a people or a race and a legitimate concern for a doctrine that I do not believe in or agree with.