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What is sin?


The word sin comes from Hebrew to mean "to miss the mark"--see also avera ("transgression"). Every religion has a different emphasis on what sin is from culture to culture and theological perspectives. To Jews and Muslims sin is as simple as breaking the commandments or going against the will of God, for a Christian it is more to do with intentions that draw us away from the presence of God. Hindus share a concept of 'prapa' which is the closest thing to the Western Judeo-Christian concept of sin as actions that produce negative karma and Buddhists share this in common. Baha'i theology emphasizes Man's inherent goodness or perfection but that the human soul is alike to a mirror and we must focus on the qualities and attributes of God to attain further perfections or we will become remote from God. Neither is more correct than another, but rather varying emphasis. So, my opinion would be that sin as a terminology has dimensions as how to be understood, for example, there are minor sins that could be as simple as erring, say, you short-changed someone or misspoke, and major sins that have to do with our intentions.


Plodding Along
:sorry1: for not reading the entire thread. I am diving blind. :cover:

Sin is not all that important. Neither is thinking "Oh, this is good." or "That is bad".

When you discuss these concepts, or worry about them, you cause problems for yourself. If you believe, as it says in christianity, that after you die you will somehow end up in either heaven or hell, you still should not worry about it, because then in addition to the suffering in hell, you have suffering here. Or you might have joy in heaven, but that is still a long way off!

And you still have your entire life ahead of you, and you are living it, always wondering, "Am I sinning? Am I pleasing my god? Am I good, am I evil?"

No, just be present. Eat the yummy green beans in front of you. Then wash your plate. When it is time to do something, do it. When it is time to die, die.


Admiral Obvious
Mestemia it's hard to explain ok? A person can't very well say an action in itself is a sin. There's a lot of factors. Let's try putting it this way. The Bible also says intent has something to do with it. Rather you're doing the action to hurt someone or not, and also rather the action has a negative outcome. Actions don't always have the same outcome, therefore one can't very well say the actions themselves are sin. The outcome of the situation based on the action is what makes sin- "missing the mark". The action in itself is neutral.
The Bible also says that the mere thought of sinning is a sin.
What is your point?
The thinking of many is that "sin" is just a word that should be avoided, or is not applicable in this "modern" day, that it's not that important. Some religious leaders focus on "feel-good" themes, such as Joel Osteen in Houston, Texas, USA, which some have called "the candy man." And to judge another person's action seems to be the greatest sin. The thinking goes that "what you might believe might work fine for you, but you really should not try to impose your thinking on anyone else. No one has a monopoly on moral truth."

This kind of reasoning has brought a change in people's vocabulary. The word "sin" is now rarely used in serious contexts. People are no longer said to "live in sin"; they just "live together". They are no longer "adulterers; they are "having an affair." They are no longer "homosexuals; they prefer "an alternative life style." Why have attitudes changed ? What ever became of sin ? And does it really matter what a person's view might be ?

Although the word "sin" occurs in the Bible over 450 times, yet the thought of sinning against God has been far removed from the eyes of many. There are two aspects to sin - inherited sin and personal sinful behavior. Of inherited sin, the idea of an "original sin" that happened in the Garden of Eden not long after the creation of Adam, "does not sit well with the modern mind. But neither does the idea of sin itself....People like Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin may have sinned, but the rest of us are victims of circumstance and maladjustment."(Wall Street Journal, June 13, 2008)

One factor that makes it difficult for people to accept the concept of original sin that occurred in the Garden of Eden is what the churches have taught about it. For example, at the Council of Trent (1545-1563), the Catholic Church condemned anyone who denied that a newborn needed to be baptized for the remission of their sins, or otherwise it was destined to "hellfire".

And John Calvin (1509-1564) went so far as to teach that infants ' bring with them their own damnation from the mother's womb.' Their natures, he maintained, are ' hateful and abominable to God.' This has driven people away from the doctrine of original sin, instinctively feeling disgust that a newborn should suffer because of inherited sin from our original parents, Adam and Eve.

Another factor that has contributed to the weakening of belief in original sin was that philosophers, scientist, and theologians in the 19th century began to question whether accounts in the Bible should be accepted as historically true. For many, Charles Darwin's evolutionary theory in 1859 relegated the story of Adam and Eve to the realm of myth. What about the idea of personal sins though - as distinct from inherited sin - that also offends God ?

When questioned about personal sins, many think of the Ten Commandments. The churches have taught to be spared from "hellfire", one had to confess their sins, and in the case of a Catholic, to a priest. However, for most Catholics, the rite of confession, absolution, and penance has become a thing of the past. A recent survey reveals, for example, that more than 60 percent of Italian Catholics no longer go to confession.

Due to tremendous changes over the last few centuries, and especially since the last two world wars, have caused people to reject traditional values, questioning them, ' Does it make sense in a technologically advanced age to live by standards codified centuries ago and completely out of touch with modern realities ?' This thinking has given rise to an extremely secular culture and has caused a general relaxing of morals in the Western world in this 21st century.

As a result, Biblical values were upended, with a new generation subscribing to a new morality and a new attitude toward sin. As one writer put it, "the only law was the law of love"(Situation Ethics, 1966, Joseph Fletcher, former Episcopal priest), which basically found expression in the widespread acceptance of illicit sex.

On "feel-good" religious themes or culture, Newsweek candidly stated: "Many clergy, who are competing in a buyer's market, feel they cannot afford to alienate."(What Ever Happened To Sin ?, Feb 6, 1995) They feel that if they make great moral demands on their hearers, they will lose them as parishioners, and monetary gain. People do not want to hear that they should cultivate humility, self-discipline, and virtue or that they should heed a nagging conscience and repent of their sins.

The outgrowth of this type of thinking is a religious culture that defines God in its own terms, churches whose focus is, not on God and what he requires of us, but on man and what will increase his self-esteem. Thus, the fruit is religion emptied of doctrine. The Wall Street Journal (Sept 17, 1999) asked, "What fills the hole at the center, where the Christian moral code used to be ?" It then continues, "An ethic of conspicuous compassion, where ' being a nice person' excuses everything."

It as the Bible says, that "there will be a period of time when they they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled; and they will turn away from the truth."(2 Tim 4:3, 4) Hence, today many only want to have their "ears tickled" rather than understanding what is right or wrong in God's eyes, what is a sin, ' missing ' the mark of what fully pleases him.
What does sinning mean to you? Can people really sin? Is it wrong to sin if it helps someone else or helps the world in general?

Sin is a concept, therefore it is of the Ego. Because it is of the Ego it is simply not real. Sin causes many problems, like guilt and shame. Those are two feeling that are not needed and dont help anyone grow. I used to feel guilty over certain things. Like one time I stole a book and I felt very bad for a long time. But I realized that the guilt wasnt helping and that I was only feeling it because of my attachment to the past. Just drop sin and everything will be more peaceful.
Because many think of "sin" as a concept, of the "ego", rather than ' missing the mark ' of obedience to our Creator, these regard it as something that can be disregarded or discarded, and thus there are those who have no feeling of guilt when wrongs are committed. The having of a conscience has but all disappeared, or has become calloused, like the hard skin on the back of our feet, in which if pricked with a needle has no feeling. Some have little or no reaction after having had murdered someone, only saying "I'm sorry" before their execution. No remorse, no feeling of dread.

The quality of love is drying up, whereby the pervasive attitude is no manners, never saying "please" or "thank you". It is like owing money to someone and then never paying it back, always making excuses when asked about it. The word irresponsibility is saying it lightly. Sin is never mentioned, and thereby these feel no accountability for any of their conduct. Hence, the loveless quality of hate, has room to grow, resulting in more and more marriages and relationships being eroded or destroyed.

Detrimental conditions are being exacerbated by the sinking of the moral climate. Even among those who have a "form of godliness"(2 Tim 3:5), the word "sin", often has little meaning. The "feel-good" religious culture produces bad fruits. It never brings to light what sin really is, leaving parishioners without any indicators toward what is sinful or wrong. It is as if a person can drive on both sides of the road and get away with it.

For example, could a sick man prove that he has no fever by breaking the thermometer ? No ! Similarly, just because many reject God's view of sin, does not mean that sin does not exist. All of us are aware that we eventually grow old and die, but yet among even those who are intellectually enlightened, these are often at a loss as to real reason why. They maybe able to explain the inner workings of the Space Shuttle or the complexities of a computerized device, but when it comes to why world conditions are deteriorating, or as to why we die, these are perhaps smug.

Has their academic and scholarly studies been able to provide them with any degree of understanding the underlying reason for our living only perhaps 70 or 80 years and then passing off the scene, to be replaced by the next generation ? Not necessarily. The Bible however, at Genesis 3, in very simple form, tells us why we grow old and die. It explains how sin or ' missing the mark' of perfect obedience to God originated in the world, that it is not a "concept", but a word embodying the real cause for our life being so short and "full of trouble."(Job 14:1, King James Bible)

The Bible puts it succinctly, as to why we we get sick and die and commit wicked acts: "That is why through one man sin entered into the world (in the Garden of Eden when Adam ate from the "tree of knowledge of good and bad") and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned."(Rom 5:12) Although many reject the idea that transgression on the part of our first parents alienated us from God and caused us to lose original perfection, this is, indeed, what the Bible teaches.

Our future life prospects depend on our accepting God's means of rescuing appreciative mankind from a predicament over which it has no control. But if we fail to have a clear grasp of what sin is from God's viewpoint, we cannot appreciate the means that he has established to save us from it.

So whatever happened to sin ? Nothing. People just began calling it by other names in hopes that it would appear less serious than it is. Many either dulled or ignored their conscience, which means "co-knowledge or knowledge with oneself", the capacity to look at oneself and render judgment about oneself. As has been seen, the wages of sin is not life but instead death. Hence, sin is a matter of life and death.


Active Member
Eph 6:6 Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart;

Sin can be related to the will. If a person is self willed then we have all the behavior as is seen amongst humans today. The will is used to produce sensations in the flesh and to use own intellect to work things out. The problem is a person who has a stronger will can hijack another person through their mind.
Of course people would resist and this leads to conflict.
To be fulfilled a person needs to experience good and evil. Therefore all life experience is going to take many twists and turns. This all comes out of a deep seated consciousness. People say that good wouldn't be understood if evil didn't occur. Therefore it is part of life experience.

To have a will that is one with God's will the person would be energized from the heart only. This would be presented in a new nature that was peaceful and gentle and is unable to be comprehended in the natural mind. This new nature is sinless.

If a person is able to experience this sinless state the hope for them is that they will achieve immortality.


What does sinning mean to you? Can people really sin? Is it wrong to sin if it helps someone else or helps the world in general?
What is sin?

We walk, is Sin
We talk, is Sin
We Eat, is Sin
We Drink, is Sin
We See, is Sin
Everything which creates our love towards this earth is Sin, Everthing is Sin accept the name of "God" or the rememberence of "God" on this earth,
The opposite of Sin is the name of "God" or the rememberence of "God" on this earth.



Hostis humani generis
What does sinning mean to you?
I don't think there is such a thing as I don't believe in theological concepts of sin. However, the closest thing to sinning there would be to me would be causing harm against someone (except in cases like an attacker and so on, then it's fine to whoop their *****).

Can people really sin?
Not really. People can do cruel things against one another though, naturally--but can one sin against God by, I don't know, not believing in His existence? Not in my view, not at all.

Is it wrong to sin if it helps someone else or helps the world in general?
I'd like to think so, but I know there are always exceptions.

If someone had put a bullet between Hitler's eyes to stop him from invading Poland or implementing 'The Final Solution', no it would not have been a sin: it would have saved many people's lives.

Would it be a sin to attack and even kill an intruder in your home? I don't think so.

However, it's worth noting some people may think what they are doing will help the word for the better, when in fact it that is not the case.


What we erroneously catalog as sin, somehow along the way fulfill a purpose intended by God.

Member of the Manifold Wisdom Church. w...zondervansfall.com

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
What does sinning mean to you? Can people really sin? Is it wrong to sin if it helps someone else or helps the world in general?

Sin is the transgression of the Law. And no, it is not wrong to break a commandment with the intent to fulfill another, propotionally greater. That's the law of "Pichuach Nephesh."
A sin is that which pushes away the light of God, and the Holy Spirit.
Thus, a sin is lack of love for others, lack of love for yourself, and a lack of love for God.

I believe it's stated in the Golden Rule:
Love the Lord our God with all your body, with all your mind, with all your soul. Love others as you love yourself.
The churches have failed in teaching the real meaning of the word sin (Hebrew chat·ta’th´ meaning “miss”, Greek ha·mar·ti´a), as found in the Bible, what is right and wrong in God's eyes. These have been a failure at teaching their members to "make a distinction between the holy thing (“holy” Hebrew qo´dhesh ) and the profane and between the unclean thing and the clean.”(Lev 10:10) Thus, the masses of those in the churches are, in reality, ignorant of what pleases God, and thus what sin is, since God establishes what constitutes sin.

However, ignorance is no excuse, for the apostle Paul wrote of God’s creative handiwork that expresses his qualities: “For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable.”(Rom 1:20) It is not difficult to see that there is Creator who has set in place a precise set of laws (Job 38:33), and whose name is Jehovah.(Ps 83:18) and that he has established moral boundaries.

Furthermore, only by a deep study of the Bible, can a person begin to have a feel of what is “clean” or righteous and what is “unclean” or a sin. To rely on the churches for this understanding would be folly, for they are among the greatest violators of God’s laws on earth, having the heaviest sins among mankind.

At Revelation 18, in speaking of a “harlot” called Babylon the Great, it says of her massive sins: “And I heard another voice out of heaven say: “Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues. For her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice to mind.”(Rev 18:4)

This “harlot”, is no other than the world empire of false religion, that pervades into every corner of human society. Because of its wicked and immoral character, it has amassed sins or violations of God’s righteous laws and principles “clear up to heaven.”

Hence, the appeal by God is for any right-hearted individual to “get out of her, my people”, in order to avoid ‘ receiving part of her plagues ‘. For a person to beg off and think that being ignorant of what sin is in God’s eyes can free themselves of their responsibility in this regard, is a delusion. There is a worldwide educational work that is being directed by Jesus Christ to teach people what God loves and what he hates or is a sin in these “last days”.(Matt 24:14; 28:19, 20)

At it’s completion, “the end” of this system of things will occur (Matt 24:14), with the complete annihilation of false religion, followed by the destruction of all human governments at the battle of Armageddon.(Rev 16:14, 16; Dan 2:44) When all is said and done, then the earth will eventually be free of all sin, with only “meek” ones who have submitted to God’s righteous laws remaining.(Matt 5:5; Ps 37:11)


Admiral Obvious
The churches have failed in teaching the real meaning of the word sin (Hebrew chat·ta’th´ meaning “miss”, Greek ha·mar·ti´a), as found in the Bible, what is right and wrong in God's eyes. These have been a failure at teaching their members to "make a distinction between the holy thing (“holy” Hebrew qo´dhesh ) and the profane and between the unclean thing and the clean.”(Lev 10:10) Thus, the masses of those in the churches are, in reality, ignorant of what pleases God, and thus what sin is, since God establishes what constitutes sin.

However, ignorance is no excuse, for the apostle Paul wrote of God’s creative handiwork that expresses his qualities: “For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable.”(Rom 1:20) It is not difficult to see that there is Creator who has set in place a precise set of laws (Job 38:33), and whose name is Jehovah.(Ps 83:18) and that he has established moral boundaries.

Furthermore, only by a deep study of the Bible, can a person begin to have a feel of what is “clean” or righteous and what is “unclean” or a sin. To rely on the churches for this understanding would be folly, for they are among the greatest violators of God’s laws on earth, having the heaviest sins among mankind.

At Revelation 18, in speaking of a “harlot” called Babylon the Great, it says of her massive sins: “And I heard another voice out of heaven say: “Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues. For her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice to mind.”(Rev 18:4)

This “harlot”, is no other than the world empire of false religion, that pervades into every corner of human society. Because of its wicked and immoral character, it has amassed sins or violations of God’s righteous laws and principles “clear up to heaven.”

Hence, the appeal by God is for any right-hearted individual to “get out of her, my people”, in order to avoid ‘ receiving part of her plagues ‘. For a person to beg off and think that being ignorant of what sin is in God’s eyes can free themselves of their responsibility in this regard, is a delusion. There is a worldwide educational work that is being directed by Jesus Christ to teach people what God loves and what he hates or is a sin in these “last days”.(Matt 24:14; 28:19, 20)

At it’s completion, “the end” of this system of things will occur (Matt 24:14), with the complete annihilation of false religion, followed by the destruction of all human governments at the battle of Armageddon.(Rev 16:14, 16; Dan 2:44) When all is said and done, then the earth will eventually be free of all sin, with only “meek” ones who have submitted to God’s righteous laws remaining.(Matt 5:5; Ps 37:11)
Nice sermon.

So to sum it all it up into a Reader's Digest form, you are basically saying that sin is going against the will/wishes of your chosen deity, right?

We might have to wait for other members to wake up.
But it was a really nice sermon.