Well. US citizens have right to view actions of their government in light whether those actions suit them or not, whether her status quo is maintained or not etc. etc.
Yes, that's the general idea, although whether or not government actions have any personal impact on an individual citizen can vary. Most government actions are mundane, with the public remaining largely indifferent if they're not personally affected by it. When people become passionate or outraged about something, it's presumably due to something personally affecting them.
Outsiders too have such rights.
Yes, they most certainly do.
If I install guns in Revoltingest’s neighbour’s house, all directed at him, what will Revoltingest do? Will he allow me?
Under current U.S. law, he would have no power to restrict the legal firearms ownership of other citizens. However, he may have grounds to sue or press charges if his neighbor harasses him or makes threats.
We can see history of US interventions (military and electoral) in other countries: Indonesia, Vietnam, Korea, Chile, Argentina, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, 2014 coup in Ukraine ……
Yes, and in Nicaragua, Cuba, and Iran, too. Panama, Grenada...in fact, it would probably be easier to list the places where the U.S.
hasn't had some measure of involvement.
All of it has been done to safeguard democracy and freedom in the world, according to our government. Anyone who doesn't blindly go along with that is some kind of whacko "conspiracy theorist," which is another aspect of how such issues are addressed to the general public.
But it becomes a joke when US citizens repeat the line of the rulers. More so, when the US, although being most prosperous till date, has the worst unequal wealth and income distributions. So when a person from the lowest 50% strata who own negative wealth (due to debt) parrot the lines that are suitable for those at the top 10% who own more that’s 85% wealth, it is plain indoctrination and effect of imposed nationalism. We see similar nationalism-majoritarianism in India.
I am not saying anything negative about the US citizens. I am pointing at those who have benefited and who benefit by selling arms and who create the popular narratives that common people feed on.
It seems to be more prevalent online, where there tends to be a great deal of posturing and loud talk.
For those I know in real life, they're just trying to survive and get by. Most of their physical and mental energies are just dealing with the day-to-day issues that most people deal with - work, money, food, shelter, gas, healthcare when the kids are sick and have to go to the doctor, and many other things that become more stressful and angst-producing because the government bends over backwards to intentionally make life more difficult for people.
They become more apathetic about politics and mistrustful of government precisely because they're getting screwed and squeezed to the point where they don't know who or what to believe in anymore. These are not the kinds of things that are generally covered on CNN or in the Wall Street Journal, so those outsiders who rely solely on US media for information about America may not get an entirely clear picture on things.