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What is your belief about homosexuality?

Homosexuality is...

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Well-Known Member
Homosexuality is natural -it exists in nature -but, biblically, is described as being against the "natural use" -which means essentially that reproductive organs should not be used with the same sex. Naturally, one organ is outward and the other inward -and together can bring about reproduction. One thing obviously and logically goes with the other.

Homosexuality exists in nature, but do we really want the animal kingdom to be our example of correct behavior? Not a good argument for homosexuality -unless we're going to o.k. all the other stuff they do.

The whole "thing" with the bible is overcoming our "nature", and bringing ourselves into submission to God's law -so if one is interested in obeying the God of the bible, the "it's natural" argument is irrelevant.

As far as being "good"...... What "good" result are you trying to achieve? Do you want a naturally good result or an eternally good result?

Arguments can be made as to whether or not homosexuality has a negative effect on mankind -but we are only temporarily human. We are also only temporarily of gender -so it will later be a non-issue. Obedience to the government of God, however, will always be an issue.

If God requires obedience to the law as a prerequisite for eternal life because it assures order and absence of conflict, then obeying the law is good.

The law applies to males and females -but the nature of man can become mixed -so application of the law would be based on individual cases of intersex individuals.

Personally, I believe another person's sexuality is none of my business -unless it somehow becomes my business -so I don't let it affect how I treat people. The same applies to their spirituality.
You might want to read the end of that story.

Lot wound up in a cave boinking his daughters and drinking heavily.
From Genesis:
Lot was really gross by modern standards. But the standards of the day....

There is a better explanation for the existence of this story. The Ammonites and the Moabites were local peoples who the Israelites had put into subjection due to their superior military power. So the Israelites made up a story that made them the incestuous ******* children of a relative of Abraham. That explains to morally primitive people why they are so similar to the Israelites, but the Israelites felt entitled to oppress them with impunity.

This is incorrect.It was his daughters that got Lot drunk and took advantage of him.The daughters wanted children.Lot was innocent in this matter.Read the whole story.So, Lot was not gross by any standards.
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Well-Known Member
This is incorrect.It was his daughters that got Lot drunk and took advantage of him.The daughters thought they were the only ones who survived and wanted children.Lot was innocent in this matter.Read the whole story.So, Lot was not gross by any standards.

This didn't happen.

You do realize that Lot did this on his own and it does not state whether God or men approved or not. Just because Lot thought it was the right thing to do does not mean that it was. We don't need to look at the story of Lot as "something we all ought to do". None of the people I've studied the Bible with agree with everything that Lot did, including having incest while drunk with his daughters and having children with them. No one said Lot was an example.

Lot did not do it.His daughters did it.They got him drunk on purpose to have children.Lot was innocent.
Genesis 19:33 That night they got their father to drink wine, and the older daughter went in and slept with him. He was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up.


yawn <ignore> yawn
You do realize that Lot did this on his own and it does not state whether God or men approved or not. Just because Lot thought it was the right thing to do does not mean that it was. We don't need to look at the story of Lot as "something we all ought to do". None of the people I've studied the Bible with agree with everything that Lot did, including having incest while drunk with his daughters and having children with them. No one said Lot was an example.
You could read the whole story.

Abraham argued with God, and convinced God that He didn't know what He was talking about. God agreed to send some angels to find out what was what. They angels decided that Lot throwing his daughters to the wolves wasn't a big deal. They gave Lot a way out of the destruction God planned for everybody else in the two cities.

So Lot wound up in a cave having sex with his daughters and drinking.

At least that is what the authors of Genesis said happened. Frankly, I think the Bible is mostly fiction and I see this story as one of many that are solid evidence that it is.

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Genesis…32"Come, let us make our father drink wine, and let us lie with him that we may preserve our family through our father." 33So they made their father drink wine that night, and the firstborn went in and lay with her father; and he did not know when she lay down or when she arose.34On the following day, the firstborn said to the younger, "Behold, I lay last night with my father; let us make him drink wine tonight also; then you go in and lie with him, that we may preserve our family through our father."…
You could read the whole story.

Abraham argued with God, and convinced God that He didn't know what He was talking about. God agreed to send some angels to find out what was what. They angels decided that Lot throwing his daughters to the wolves wasn't a big deal. They gave Lot a way out of the destruction God planned for everybody else in the two cities.

So Lot wound up in a cave having sex with his daughters and drinking.

At least that is what the authors of Genesis said happened. Frankly, I think the Bible is mostly fiction and I see this story as one of many that are solid evidence that it is.


You are incorrect on everything.You just stated that Lot got drunk and did with his daughters.You said he was gross.You are wrong and do not know what it really says.Sorry....


Doubting Thomas
This is incorrect.It was his daughters that got Lot drunk and took advantage of him.The daughters thought they were the only ones who survived and wanted children.Lot was innocent in this matter.Read the whole story.So, Lot was not gross by any standards.
Always the woman's fault. I see.
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Genesis 19:33 That night they got their father to drink wine, and the older daughter went in and slept with him. He was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up.

LOL! We've had this discussion before.

If he was intoxicated to the point of "unaware" of his own daughters, he would have been too intoxicated to have an erection.



Well-Known Member
I agree. Just like I agree that most of the Quraan is wrong.
Also, no Lot is not a prophet by anybody's standards.

It is all Scripture. People make it up as they go along for whatever reason they want to. It isn't real. It is Scripture.


Are you agreeing with me that the whole Quraan is wrong :D ?

Well I hope at least you have read the Quraan before saying it is wrong.

I agree. Just like I agree that most of the Quraan is wrong.
Also, no Lot is not a prophet by anybody's standards.

It is all Scripture. People make it up as they go along for whatever reason they want to. It isn't real. It is Scripture.


You stand incorrect.You were wrong at first and you are still wrong.You should read the story so you wont be wrong again.

The Hammer

Premium Member
Is homosexuality good? Is it bad? Is it neither? Is it a sin? Is it not a sin? Is it natural?

Just curious as to what everyone's outlook is.

Fun... Does fun count as an answer. Because, fun.

I see nothing wrong with homosexuality, it is also not against my religious beliefs whom another person falls in love with, or has sex with, it's not my business. My opinion may also be heavily biased ;).


Well-Known Member

1. The story in Judges is *not* the same story recounted in Genesis about Sodom. But you will notice it follows almost exactly the same pattern. Are we to suppose that there were two events just like this, one involving angels, the other involving a Levite, right down to offering virgins to a ravenous crowd, or are we to understand it as a mythic story that is about customs, specifically those related to hospitality? Most scholars understand it to be the latter.

2. You emphasize the angelic nature of these guests. But doesn't that suggest that the issue was not homosexuality? How do you emphasize the angelic nature of the guests when convenient (i.e., when demonstrating that they would not tolerate the sacrifice of virgins) and resort to characterizing them as males when you need to draw a lesson about homosexuality?