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What religion is scientifically proven?

Everyone knows it's the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Pastafarians rule! Let us praise our saucy God, and his only son, our lord, the Heavenly pizza, Cheesus Crust.


Citizen Mod
I didn't get a chance to read through the 21 pages so maybe this was already mentioned.

How does one scientifically prove that one has been inspired by God/Allah rather than some other intelligent agency? How and what does one compare their theories and information to other scientifically unproven gods?


Complex bunch of atoms
My this has grown! (said the actress to the bishop).
Going back to

Why? Science can't tell us anything about the first, the second depends on what you mean, and the third... ok, that I'll grant you. ;)


Why? Science doesn't even touch on whether or not there are gods and goddesses. As Storm mentioned about magic it depends on your definition. As for working with crystals, stones, or anything else found in nature, since when does science have anything to say about using something from nature to feel more in touch with nature? Spirituality cannot be touched or examined by science and my spirituality is not contigent on what science does or does not reveal about geology, evolution, abiogenesis or many other things. I accept what science finds as fact without issue. Since what I believe cannot even begin to be examined by science there is no issue there either.

This is where I disagree. I take science as it comes. I don't attempt to fill in the holes with the paranormal (which inventing gods, magic (and if this means nothing less than science, then why call it magic?), and crystals with strange powers (among other things), is.

It simply doesn't follow the pattern.

dear friend..the state of islamic countries have become like this because they have stopped doing what islam tells them to do...you can search the history..when Muslims were fallowing islam truely..and how incredible things they had done...ISlamic Empire was all over the world...won several wars...Made many truely exceptional inventions...How the knowledge of muslim scientisits was ahead of the whole western world....LOOK AT THE HISTORY...AND the point about santa....SAnta is not proven to be true..ISLAM IS>>>>>>>>>>>>. You might not understand what i am trying to explain..because you are not open to understand it...your hearts won't accept the truth...

So essentially EVERY place where they claim to follow Islam has stopped doing it. Not only that, but many now are on a rampage of fear and violence and attempting to spread this virus throughout the rest of the world, taking with it civil liverties as they go. Which seems to me that not only is it mysogynist and bigoted and enslaving, but IT DOESN'T WORK.

With every single word you type, I detest Islam even more than I already do. Why should women cover themselves any more than men? Do women not feel sexual desire toward men? NO , BECAUSE VERY OFTEN THEY ARE FORCED TO UNDERGO A HORRIFIC AND BARBARIC ACT OF CIRCUMCISION at an early age.

And you can bet I have absolutely no desire to understand it any more than I do...Especially just after breakfast.

danny vee

First of all Cardero, you asked how does one scientifically prove something like that. I think that you can't because if you could, everyone would acknowledge the existence of God and there wouldn't be a way to judge truly and desicively the good from the bad. Also I personally think there is more than enough proof. My great grand-dad said he saw an angel a few days before he died. My friend's brother saw his grandma after she died. Have you ever heard of the Miracle of the Sun? Our lady of Zeitoun? You should check them out. Heard of Padre Pio? Check him out too. Also I just refuse to believe that Paul of Tarsus could lie in his letter to the Corinthians when he said that Jesus appeared to him, and converted him. And there's a lot of other places where people write they've seen it with their own eyes and heard it with their own ears. And if you don't believe in all of this what will you believe in? Science? Who created science? Why are there the laws of physics? How did the Universe come to be? Religion can in my opinion answer all that. The truth of God is in my opinion the last piece to the puzzle of life. Why is there life? How can life just start? How did the first bacteria come into being?

And secondly, frg 001, you say you detest Islam. Why? I could say I detest atheism. But I don't. Do you want people to live in peace and harmony? Do you want peace on Earth? Cuz you're not gonna get it if you condemn people for their opinions. We can only get peace when we learn to accept others the way they are. Everyone should get a chance to believe what they think is true. You can't prove God to be non-existent. So how can you prove that it isn't what He actually wants for women to cover themselves and such? If God could be scientifically proven, wouldn't you listen to what He says? If He was proven to be true, wouldn't you serve Him, if not for anything but fear alone? The world is based on probability. You can't prove anything. It's possible that this is all a dream and we'll wake up in a different galaxy when we die. You can't prove anything. And the existence of God and an afterlife just seems the most logical thing to me.


Complex bunch of atoms
First of all Cardero, you asked how does one scientifically prove something like that. I think that you can't because if you could, everyone would acknowledge the existence of God and there wouldn't be a way to judge truly and desicively the good from the bad. Also I personally think there is more than enough proof. My great grand-dad said he saw an angel a few days before he died. My friend's brother saw his grandma after she died. Have you ever heard of the Miracle of the Sun? Our lady of Zeitoun? You should check them out. Heard of Padre Pio? Check him out too. Also I just refuse to believe that Paul of Tarsus could lie in his letter to the Corinthians when he said that Jesus appeared to him, and converted him. And there's a lot of other places where people write they've seen it with their own eyes and heard it with their own ears. And if you don't believe in all of this what will you believe in? Science? Who created science? Why are there the laws of physics? How did the Universe come to be? Religion can in my opinion answer all that. The truth of God is in my opinion the last piece to the puzzle of life. Why is there life? How can life just start? How did the first bacteria come into being?

And secondly, frg 001, you say you detest Islam. Why? I could say I detest atheism. But I don't. Do you want people to live in peace and harmony? Do you want peace on Earth? Cuz you're not gonna get it if you condemn people for their opinions. We can only get peace when we learn to accept others the way they are. Everyone should get a chance to believe what they think is true. You can't prove God to be non-existent. So how can you prove that it isn't what He actually wants for women to cover themselves and such? If God could be scientifically proven, wouldn't you listen to what He says? If He was proven to be true, wouldn't you serve Him, if not for anything but fear alone? The world is based on probability. You can't prove anything. It's possible that this is all a dream and we'll wake up in a different galaxy when we die. You can't prove anything. And the existence of God and an afterlife just seems the most logical thing to me.
I detest Islam ( and certain types of christianity for that matter), because (Islam) treats women as 2nd class citizens, condemns homosexuals as non-beings and seems to create nothing but a seemingly endless stream of violent Neanderthals hellbent on the destruction of anyone who does not believe.
I know plenty of decent muslims, and have utmost respect for them personally, however the faith itself is nothing short of evil (Just like the god of the old testament).
You can't hate atheism for atheisms sake because it is NOT a religion. It is a lack of belief, not a belief system. I guess someone could decide to hate the idea of non-belief, but that would be silly.

I don't hate spirituality, I don't hate belief in a higher power, even if I don't subscribe to it, I hate the organised evil that calls itself religion. From the Pope who is singly responsible for countless deaths from AIDS because for some stupid reason still says that god doesn't like condoms, to the violent nutcases who destroy businesses because they are the same nationality as someone who made a slight at their god.

I have many friends who don't agree with my atheist standpoint, but the ones that keep their faith to themselves, and keep it simple, don't try to convert people, and don't react like a rabid pit-bull when someone says something that they disagree with, they I have utmost respect, and love for.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
This is where I disagree. I take science as it comes. I don't attempt to fill in the holes with the paranormal (which inventing gods, magic (and if this means nothing less than science, then why call it magic?), and crystals with strange powers (among other things), is.
There's a big difference between "compatible with science" and just plain "science."

Any belief system that doesn't outright contradict science is compatible with it.


Complex bunch of atoms
There's a big difference between "compatible with science" and just plain "science."

Any belief system that doesn't outright contradict science is compatible with it.
So you would agree that christianity, and islam are both incompatible with science?
ie virgin births,reanimated corpses etc, and a book written by an illiterate arab?


ThrUU the Looking Glass
So you would agree that christianity, and islam are both incompatible with science?
ie virgin births,reanimated corpses etc, and a book written by an illiterate arab?
Christianity, it depends on the interpretation. Islam, I don't know enough about to say.

YEC is certainly incompatible with science.

danny vee

Well I hope you weren't talking about me when you said the rabid pit-bull thing cuz that wasn't my point. I didn't mean to offend you I was just expressing my own personal views. That's allowed isn't it? But I think that your view of organized religion as being evil is a bit far-fetched honestly. The main point of religions like Christianity and Islam, the original point is for people to love each other and love God. People forget so easily. Throughout time, this is apparent. Did you know that there are groups saying the Holocaust never happened? People have also forgotten this main message that Jesus said, and that is the point of living.

You said that the God of the Old Testament is evil. Why? Because He punished huge amounts of people by killing them? I see it like this. There are places in the Old Testament where God says He is going to punish people, and then says that His love and mercy defeats His anger. Also, is death really a punishment? God is perfection. He is completely perfect in every way and we are His children, so He wants the best for us. People talk of Hell, personally I think this world is Hell. Our punishment is having to live here, where you can't be 100% sure of anything but you have to go on what seems to be the most probable. I think that what seems to be the most probable is that the hundreds of Christians and Jews who wrote the different parts of the Bible are not all lying. There's something there. Death is like a release out from the box of the Universe with sides painted black so we can't see what's outside. Just my personal view. Don't take this as me being a rabid pit-bull. You can't prove God isn't real. Did you ever look at any of those Zeitoun things, or the Miracle of the Sun or anything by the way?


Complex bunch of atoms
Well I hope you weren't talking about me when you said the rabid pit-bull thing cuz that wasn't my point. I didn't mean to offend you I was just expressing my own personal views. That's allowed isn't it? But I think that your view of organized religion as being evil is a bit far-fetched honestly. The main point of religions like Christianity and Islam, the original point is for people to love each other and love God. People forget so easily. Throughout time, this is apparent. Did you know that there are groups saying the Holocaust never happened? People have also forgotten this main message that Jesus said, and that is the point of living.

You said that the God of the Old Testament is evil. Why? Because He punished huge amounts of people by killing them? I see it like this. There are places in the Old Testament where God says He is going to punish people, and then says that His love and mercy defeats His anger. Also, is death really a punishment? God is perfection. He is completely perfect in every way and we are His children, so He wants the best for us. People talk of Hell, personally I think this world is Hell. Our punishment is having to live here, where you can't be 100% sure of anything but you have to go on what seems to be the most probable. I think that what seems to be the most probable is that the hundreds of Christians and Jews who wrote the different parts of the Bible are not all lying. There's something there. Death is like a release out from the box of the Universe with sides painted black so we can't see what's outside. Just my personal view. Don't take this as me being a rabid pit-bull. You can't prove God isn't real. Did you ever look at any of those Zeitoun things, or the Miracle of the Sun or anything by the way?

Sorry, the rabid pit-bull certainly wasn't aimed at you.
However, yes, if the old-testament god was a living person, and had done the things he's purported to have done, he would be rightfully tried for human rights atrocities...
And yes, I believe death is a pretty harsh punishment. I believe death is the end of our existance.
It wasn't just death though, rape, torture, mental abuse, it's all there.

And when I say religion is evil, I mean the core of most religions is evil.
Yes, thankfully many many christians, muslims, hindus etc take out the good bits, and use it as a guide, but not all...and it has caused more suffering over the ages than anything else.

As to earth being hell, if you think that way then I cannot help but pity you.
I love life. I smile every day as my son grows. I relish meeting my friends and socialising. I participate in many activities which make my life anything but 'hell' - Life, the earth, the oceans, trees, animals and people are amazing. Scientific knowledge is progressing, and I love to see new revelations, and simple things like the advance of computing, and technology. If I could choose to live for another 1000 years I would.


Complex bunch of atoms
Christianity, it depends on the interpretation. Islam, I don't know enough about to say.

YEC is certainly incompatible with science.

Well, the koran is supposed to be written by Mohammed, who was apparently visited by an angel, and was illiterate. Pretty incompatible with science eh?
Christianity...obviously I mean literal christianity. virgin birth, dead coming back to life, feeding 5000 people with a bit of bread and fish...
As for YEC... I treat that in the same vein as scientology. nuff said.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Well, the koran is supposed to be written by Mohammed, who was apparently visited by an angel, and was illiterate. Pretty incompatible with science eh?
Christianity...obviously I mean literal christianity. virgin birth, dead coming back to life, feeding 5000 people with a bit of bread and fish...
As for YEC... I treat that in the same vein as scientology. nuff said.
Well, if the supernatural exists (and I don't think it does. but I'm not sure), that means the rules can be broken. So I grant a bit more leeway than you, apparently.


Complex bunch of atoms
Well, if the supernatural exists (and I don't think it does. but I'm not sure), that means the rules can be broken. So I grant a bit more leeway than you, apparently.

Well indeed. I would regard the supernatural as pretty incompatible with science...(and I saw a ghost when I was young! - obviously I now believe it was purely imaginary)

danny vee

Sorry, the rabid pit-bull certainly wasn't aimed at you.
However, yes, if the old-testament god was a living person, and had done the things he's purported to have done, he would be rightfully tried for human rights atrocities...
And yes, I believe death is a pretty harsh punishment. I believe death is the end of our existance.
It wasn't just death though, rape, torture, mental abuse, it's all there.

And when I say religion is evil, I mean the core of most religions is evil.
Yes, thankfully many many christians, muslims, hindus etc take out the good bits, and use it as a guide, but not all...and it has caused more suffering over the ages than anything else.

As to earth being hell, if you think that way then I cannot help but pity you.
I love life. I smile every day as my son grows. I relish meeting my friends and socialising. I participate in many activities which make my life anything but 'hell' - Life, the earth, the oceans, trees, animals and people are amazing. Scientific knowledge is progressing, and I love to see new revelations, and simple things like the advance of computing, and technology. If I could choose to live for another 1000 years I would.

If you could choose would you live forever on Earth. If nothing could kill you and you wouldn't die forever. Just curious.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Well indeed. I would regard the supernatural as pretty incompatible with science...
I regard it as a nonsensical concept, myself. But the fact that I don't understand it doesn't mean it isn't there.

As for the paranormal, I believe that our reality is wider and weirder than science has yet understood. While I am not a Christian, I do believe that most of the miracles of Christ are possible, within my understanding of His nature, without need for the supernatural. Up to and including the Resurrection. I'm not convinced that everything happened as it's told, but I do believe it's possible that it did.

But I'm rambling now, sorry.

(and I saw a ghost when I was young! - obviously I now believe it was purely imaginary)
See, this kind of attitude boggles my mind. How can you deny your own perceptions without sliding into solipsism? I don't mean to be prosecutorial, it's just so alien to me.


Wonder Woman
My this has grown! (said the actress to the bishop).

This is where I disagree. I take science as it comes. I don't attempt to fill in the holes with the paranormal (which inventing gods, magic (and if this means nothing less than science, then why call it magic?), and crystals with strange powers (among other things), is.

It simply doesn't follow the pattern.

I'm not attempting to "fill in" any "holes". What I believe doesn't contradict anything determined by science at all. Nor do I believe in something merely because I find science lacking in any regard. My beliefs are totally seperate from anything science touches and therefore are completely compatible with science.

and by the way...I haven't "invented" any gods thank you.