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What religion is scientifically proven?


Complex bunch of atoms
If you could choose would you live forever on Earth. If nothing could kill you and you wouldn't die forever. Just curious.

If I could remain healthy, and not get left alone if the rest of humanity died... yes. Although I suspect man will one day leave Earth for pastures new. And of course forever would pass the time when the sun dies... Wouldn't be much fun then :)
If you were to prove a religion, it wouldn't be a religion anymore. Religions are faith based, and faith by definition, is believing in something you don't have facts to backup. So if you do have facts to back it up, then your religion must not require faith, and if it doesn't require faith, then I don't think it really qualifies as a religion anymore.

Just in case someone asks about my 'religion', Agnosticism isn't, it's what I think has to be referred to as a non-religion.

danny vee

If you were to prove a religion, it wouldn't be a religion anymore. Religions are faith based, and faith by definition, is believing in something you don't have facts to backup. So if you do have facts to back it up, then your religion must not require faith, and if it doesn't require faith, then I don't think it really qualifies as a religion anymore.

Just in case someone asks about my 'religion', Agnosticism isn't, it's what I think has to be referred to as a non-religion.

Well if there were NO facts then I don't think we would have religions in the way we do today. If there were zero facts, then I wouldn't believe. But there are facts, and I do believe.


Well-Known Member
Well if there were NO facts then I don't think we would have religions in the way we do today. If there were zero facts, then I wouldn't believe. But there are facts, and I do believe.
What would you define as facts? Many things that we used to believe were true have been found to be untrue in many things. Time has a way of showing us a new way when the old is not longer sustainable. I am not saying you should give up your faith, I am only saying that it is not wise to confuse our faith with facts.
Well if there were NO facts then I don't think we would have religions in the way we do today. If there were zero facts, then I wouldn't believe. But there are facts, and I do believe.

So if there are facts that prove your religion, you must be saying your religion does not require faith. Why do you need to believe in something if it is a fact? It should be indisputable.

Just for you in particular danny, I noticed your profile listed you as a Christian. I think claiming there are facts is a pretty tall order for a Christian in particular. This may not be the forum for it, but I'd enjoy hearing some of these things you consider to be fact:)

danny vee

So if there are facts that prove your religion, you must be saying your religion does not require faith. Why do you need to believe in something if it is a fact? It should be indisputable.

Just for you in particular danny, I noticed your profile listed you as a Christian. I think claiming there are facts is a pretty tall order for a Christian in particular. This may not be the forum for it, but I'd enjoy hearing some of these things you consider to be fact:)

Yes my profile lists me as a Christian, but that doesn't mean that I think that Muslims are wrong or something. I try to be open-minded. Why do you say Christians in particular? I've noticed not many Christians participate in open religious debates, perhaps because they get labelled quite easily. I'm not saying you labelled me, I'm just saying in general.

Perhaps fact was the wrong word. But I'm only human and humans make mistakes. Maybe better would be extremely probable. If you'd like to know some of these things I consider to be "facts" well PERSONALLY I consider the existence of God as a fact. Also I think that it is very probable that all the Virgin Mary sightings, my grandpa's dad seeing an angel before he died, Paul seeing Jesus, miracles, are not all hallucinations.


Wonder Woman
The existence of god is a matter of belief. Not fact. It cannot be definitively proven so, therefore, cannot be termed as "fact". And whether or not you think something is "probable" or not does not make for a "fact" either. It makes for a belief. That is why it takes faith to believe in such things...for they CANNOT be proven. Do I believe in a Divine presence? You betcha. Am I sure of it? Yes, absolutely. Can I prove it to anyone else beyond a shadow of a doubt? No. Therefore I cannot claim it to be a "fact". A fact is verifiable. God/Divine isn't.


Well-Known Member
The existence of god is a matter of belief. Not fact. It cannot be definitively proven so, therefore, cannot be termed as "fact". And whether or not you think something is "probable" or not does not make for a "fact" either. It makes for a belief. That is why it takes faith to believe in such things...for they CANNOT be proven. Do I believe in a Divine presence? You betcha. Am I sure of it? Yes, absolutely. Can I prove it to anyone else beyond a shadow of a doubt? No. Therefore I cannot claim it to be a "fact". A fact is verifiable. God/Divine isn't.
Yes I agree


non-existential luminary
illiterate arab this, illiterate arab that... whatever; my old sunday school teacher used to assure us that the book he held in his hands WAS the word of God because the writer of that particular English version assured that he had never read a single verse past a few in genesis and that one night, GOD just gave him all the knowledge and he had every single true in English verse memorized. "his (the writer's) family could testify to that".
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Moved on
illiterate arab this, illiterate arab that... whatever; my old sunday school teacher used to assure us that the book he held in his hands WAS the word of God because the writer of that particular English version assured that he had never read a single verse past a few in genesis and that one night, GOD just gave him all the knowledge and he had every single true in English verse memorized. "his (the writer's) family could testify to that".
Hey, I'm illiterate. I'm only capable of typing on here because god is telling me what buttons to press. Prove me wrong.


Guardian of Asgaard
illiterate arab this, illiterate arab that... whatever; my old sunday school teacher used to assure us that the book he held in his hands WAS the word of God because the writer of that particular English version assured that he had never read a single verse past a few in genesis and that one night, GOD just gave him all the knowledge and he had every single true in English verse memorized. "his (the writer's) family could testify to that".

Spreading lies to children, what a sick world we live in.


non-existential luminary
Hey, I'm illiterate. I'm only capable of typing on here because god is telling me what buttons to press. Prove me wrong.
:D: this is what i like some suttle logic. Phroobles on the way my 'frY-END'. Don't be an anarchist; be a governer. its alot easier and more self fulfilling, trust me!
If you'd like to know some of these things I consider to be "facts" well PERSONALLY I consider the existence of God as a fact. Also I think that it is very probable that all the Virgin Mary sightings, my grandpa's dad seeing an angel before he died, Paul seeing Jesus, miracles, are not all hallucinations.
As some others have mentioned here, if the existance of God is a fact, then there must be indisputable proof that you can provide that will make it undeniable. I don't know what proofs you could possibly have for this, if you did it would be truly groundbreaking, I would love to see them. Assuming you don't actually have this 'proof' for which people have been unsuccessfuly searching for 1000's of years, then I would suggest that you may believe that it is true, but that you have used faith to convince yourself of it.

As for the sightings, I read not all that long ago in the paper about a man who nearly killed himself running away from a monster and diving out a window after having consumed some illicit substances. He dived out a window because a monster was chasing him, I'm willing to guess he whole heartedly believed that the monster was real. Turns out it was just a chemical inbalance in his brain due to some bad drugs. Point is, people will 'believe' just about anything, and moreso if you are looking for it. When people are searching for patterns in random things they tend to find them. I don't mean to insinuate that your granddad is a liar, but did he actually see an angel? The evidence for hallucination is far more formidable than it is for angels.

Last thing I just have to mention, 'miracle' is a really funny way to describe the unexplained. Tell me, why is it that amputees never seem to get miraculously healed? Do people just not pray for them or does god just not care about them? ;)


Religion is, by definition, a belief in something higher than yourself. Is science anywhere near this? NO! Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that science is unimportant because it's provable, merely that it takes real faith to believe in something science can't prove.


well, scientific findings can point us to the existence of an Intelligent Designer, or they can give one cause to doubt the central tenants of a faith.

within Christian faith, God is unseen. yet evidences of His handiwork are expressed in the natural world. and He has sent Someone in His name, doing wondrous and very unscientific things, to show Himself in human flesh, speak His word, and conquer death.

science may come to one conclusion which supports faith, and another which denies it. yet i believe that science is not the end-all. that it points to the workings of the God who made us, and who wants us to come to know Him. and remember also that one persons sound reason is another's idiocy.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Hello guys.

I wonder which religion is scientifically proven, i mean are the stuff written in hindu scriptures or the things that are in bible or in any other scripture of any religion scientifically proven. i guess what i am trying to say is, would you be rather believing in something that is scientifically proven or would you rather be believing in myths and majic. :confused:..:rolleyes:

It does not matter whether religion is scientifically proven or not. Spiritual knowledge is not learned through the scientific process and scientific knowledge is not learned through the spiritual process.
Religion is, by definition, a belief in something higher than yourself. Is science anywhere near this? NO! Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that science is unimportant because it's provable, merely that it takes real faith to believe in something science can't prove.

You almost make it sound like this is a good thing... why on earth would you want to condone a belief in something that has no evidence? How is that going to get you anywhere but into trouble. It is attitudes like that that power hungry individuals have been using throughout history to commit horrible crimes in the name of some god or another. And that is really all religion is good for. So that people who know how to use it can control the people who choose to believe. Do you have any idea how many times this sort of blind faith has hindered the entire progression of the human race? Wars have been fought, scientists have been executed for heresy, even right up to today, something as simple as a condom that could save countless lives from the spread of aids, is being beaten down and banned by the catholic church. Religion once again winning out over common sense and causing so many people to die for no reason. Faith is not something you want to be seeking, if someone asks you to have faith, they are looking to control you.