im not saying what i like, im laying out historical facts....yes, that means TRUTH.
FACT. your former beloved leader was a 55 wife polygamist racist.
FACT. blacks were denied priesthood till 1978
you claim to speak from great authority when you have NONE. you have no more authority than the homeless guy jerking off under a bridge to an old play boy mag he found behind the dumpster..... you parade your BS like its the greatest thing since sliced bread.. "WAS IT NOT WRITTEN?" YES, IT WAS WRITTEN. WAS IT NOT SPOKEN? YES, IT WAS SPOKEN......... the living prophets this, the living prophets that.... reality check.... your prophets are failures. the history of your mormon faith is plagued with racism and polygamy...
im not saying what i like, im laying out historical facts....yes, that means TRUTH.
FACT. your former beloved leader was a 55 wife polygamist racist.
FACT. blacks were denied priesthood till 1978
you claim to speak from great authority when you have NONE. you have no more authority than the homeless guy jerking off under a bridge to an old play boy mag he found behind the dumpster..... you parade your BS like its the greatest thing since sliced bread.. "WAS IT NOT WRITTEN?" YES, IT WAS WRITTEN. WAS IT NOT SPOKEN? YES, IT WAS SPOKEN......... the living prophets this, the living prophets that.... reality check.... your prophets are failures. the history of your mormon faith is plagued with racism and polygamy...
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